《Diaries of Nero the Halloween Cat》Chapter 68 - Night 70


Good evening~ I need to go and check up on those Apple seeds. It's been two weeks since I planted them. Also, I need to speak with that Allwessistant Dott of mine. I have questions. There are things to know, my people! I can't wait to tell Cetilla all about my newfound understanding of Halloween. She's going to love it. Also, she's definitely going to love this new form of mine. One can't simply refuse THESE chiseled pectorals~ All of a sudden, I'm almost a hunk or something. Almost. I've got the height, I've got the tight fitting clothes… I just need to get more of these muscles. They're fine as is, but I can tell that if I had just a little bit more… Then I'd be a stallion.

I also need something to tie my hair with. I'm thinking that I should just bite the bullet and get myself a whole new outfit. Newly formed, newly adorned. THAT'S what I need! I can't just go about and get myself a new level 20 set, though. I need level 50. Then, and only then… Can I begin chasing that tail! Not Cetilla's, obviously. She's too young for me meow. I need a new female Companion. No offense, Cetilla. You're just not old enough. It's been over two months since I landed here, I'm finally a grown man again… Well, I probably only appear to be a young man… But I can't help myself. I want something. I want a one night stand. Ladies, the Halloween Cat is on the prowl! Wait… There's likely to be no form of protection in this realm for that sort of endeavor. I can't just go about spreading my seed haphazardly… That could be dangerous. Imagine… Even just three half Halloween Cats multiplied by two due to the Hoen and Allwe predicament in under a year. Ridiculous. The world would be utterly doomed. It's difficult enough to procure enough experience points for just me to live a long life. I can't afford to deal with several of me. Oh~ Tonight is supposed to be the Safari Card Game Tournament. I'll grab the decks...

Finally dressed, I made my way into the Dining Hall. The feast hath not yet been served… No one is even in the Dining Hall. Perhaps, I woke up early? Mary could always just be taking the night off, I suppose. I'll go ahead and check outside near the fireplace first. Floating outside after opening those ridiculously large doors, I noticed that it's indeed… A very young night. Some of the day crew are still awake. It's Kendra, Lisa, Frank, the Goatman, Jon, and a whole lot of other faces that I don't recognize. The male Mousekin and the Pandakin woman from last night are both out here, but those are the only new faces that I know of. Looking off to the side, I noticed that Mary was standing watch for several children playing in the distance. Hunky Beefcake… They're multiplying. We're going to need a full on daycare solution or something. I definitely need to start using two gates for Fishing. We can't handle this. This is too much.

I ended up walking over to Mary, who greeted me in a rather nervous tone. She's afraid that I'm mad at her for not cooking yet or something… But I'm the one who woke early, and Rustle must be currently napping. I told her that it was fine, and that I would ensure that Wendel kept an adequate watch over them. Wendel! Keep those children safe and near the Wailing Keep. If there are so many of them, there's a high chance for some of them to stray away into the woods. Mary is right. Her help was necessary. I'll need to make an announcement during the feast, so I'll need to wake everyone when that happens. For meow, I'm setting off to the waterfall. The trip was uneventful, Cosmo and Wanda decided to guard the gate. Flying to the Demon Kingdom, I was able to notice that several Harpies seemed to be perching atop the Mountains. I think I saw Scarlet and her partner, Tuscan among them. They're all stargazing or something. Cute.


Getting a clear view of the other waterfall from the Fae Forest which leads to the Lake on the west side of the Demon Kingdom… I made my way over and placed a second Hallowed Gate before asking Fred and Daphne to guard it. We're going to have new flavors! I'm excited. Fred and Daphne are Tier 2 Scarecrows, and I find the Demon Kingdom to be more dangerous than the Lost Kingdom… So I think that they're the best options for this task. They might need help, so I also asked Connor to help fill in. Mr and Mrs Scarecrow, you're in charge of moving Fish from the Town circle to the fridges tonight. Yosh! Floating through the gate, I returned to the Wailing Keep. Heading to the Kitchen, I decided to spend some time with Mary. I honestly just came to get the first taste of the night's feast, though. I may or may not have had my share of common Fish before the platter was served. I had a reason, though. As Mary went off to go and serve the feast, I stayed behind to wash my hair.

As I let it rinse through the warm water, I was being extremely careful to not allow a single strand reach the drain. I can't have myself going through that mess again… The water? Refreshing. I still desire a full on bath, though. Perhaps… Investing in a bathtub truly is the best choice for me. I can afford it. It's not as though I genuinely need to install plumbing into this mess of Space and Creation Magic that I call a Keep, either… I can just fill the tub with warm water, and empty it when finished. I can do this. I'm getting a bathtub. Add it to my sub quest list, Hunky Beefcake! We're getting tubs! I can't just get myself a tub and then not also get the residents their own. I'll need 101 of these bad boys. One of them, will need to be incredibly better than the rest. I need the best tub, obviously. One doesn't simply procure a hundred tubs without getting a special one for their own personal bidding. I should also get towels. I'll get 202 of those, so that we can have hair towels as well as body towels. Big moves.

I feel as though the material used to make the tubs will be the most important part. It can't be something that rusts easily, or stains for that matter. Yeah. I'm not thinking about wood. I need something like stainless steel. Thankfully, Wailing Keep Sama seems to enjoy making individuals appear smaller than natural in order to allow them to properly make use of nearby furniture… But I'll still need the baths to be capable of fitting a fully grown person. I can't expect Wailing Keep Sama to be able to bring us all down to the size of a pebble. There's a funnel problem in Halloween, and Wailing Keep Sama may be heavily related. His ability to effortlessly shrink individuals is ridiculous. That's not the only threat that he poses to the energy funnel. He's genuinely a very problematic ability. Even so, he's incredibly useful.

I was thinking such things as I rinsed my hair, until I finally decided to make my way into the Dining Hall. As I walked, I fixed my now soaked hair with one hand before adjusting my aviators. With the other hand, I carried my cap alongside the Broom and Lantern. Con, Vivian, Edward, and Robert... Gather all of the residents of the Wailing Keep into the Dining Hall. Betty~ Make sure to bring Rei and Milton from the Delhn Lake as well. I want all of my Clansmen present, aside from those protecting the gates, and those protecting the Orc Mountain party.


Taking my seat, I began to look over those before me. After a few minutes, I noticed. There are individuals even sitting at the far edge of the table. It's… Kind of nice… We finally did it. We've filled an entire table in the Dining Hall. Well, it would probably be filled if we didn't have individuals missing. It's time. Taking my stand, I declared;

"Greetings, everyone! My name is Nero, and I am the One True Allwe Halloween Cat. I represent a portion of the Halloween Clan, and have decided to protect the Lost Kingdom and ensure it a bright future. A long time ago, there were a large group of powerful creatures that protected this Kingdom. They were called the Monster Knights. They have since fallen, but we here have been attempting to bring them back. We're forming a new team of Monster Knights, with at least one or two representatives for every single race existing within this Lost Kingdom. We're looking for the strongest two of each race, and we're gathering them all here within the Wailing Keep. The Wailing Keep is strategically positioned seriously close to the middle of the Lost Kingdom… Which happens to be rather near the Goblin Village. Any Monster Knights below Tier 3 are what I like to call Monster Scouts. The Monster Knights are mainly for protecting the Kingdom from armies that choose to march through it… Or parties, for that matter. The Monster Scouts are mainly for watching over the Kingdom, being able to provide knowledge of when and where those armies or parties appear. They can still fight when the time comes if they desire to, but I only recommend it for my own Clansmen. Any that choose to join us in this endeavor are free to stay here within the Wailing Keep and eat their full. On the other hand, if you seek a more docile life… There will soon be a woodcutting, a tree planting, and a mining business within the Lost Kingdom. These three businesses will be the cornerstones of the future to this Kingdom. The Monster Knights and Scouts are important, but they would be absolutely wasted if the other three businesses did not succeed. Choosing any of those paths will result in you being bestowed with a home of your own within the Goblin or Harpy settlements. Make no mistake, none of those businesses have any aim at producing Coins. Coins aren't really used often within the Lost Kingdom at the current moment, so my business with the Clothing Store in Reygid is our only form of income. These other businesses are all to be regarded as absolute charities to the Kingdom. I'll spend as many Coins as necessary to get them started, but it's going to be up to the citizens to make them progress indefinitely. There is no pay, aside from food to eat, and the promise of a beautiful home for yourself. The homes within the Lost Kingdom will all be slowly improved by the use of the wood, ore, gems, and minerals gained through those businesses, by their own hands. The people will be fed from those businesses, by their own hands. If you decide that the Lost Kingdom is not for you, feel free to think about it for as long as you need; before coming to me with a choice. I will do whatever I can to bring you wherever you desire to be, safely. Any children are not expected to defend this place, and will be protected at all costs. Also, tonight is the weekly Safari Card Game Tournament. I have procured an additional 10 decks of cards to allow more matches to take place at any given time. Any who wish to participate, please stay here to play your games." [Nero] proclaimed before taking his seat once more.

And so… Everyone that I already had known came to a decision rather quickly. They want to stay within the Wailing Keep and protect the Lost Kingdom. Mary wants to continue cooking, obviously. I was a little dumbfounded to hear the words of those who had only just been freed from the Reygid Castle Dungeon, though. Many of them wanted to gain safe passage to some place called the Lorimaki Island. It's apparently a haven, or something. Popular place, considering how many of them seemed to want to go there. The Tigerkin Earl's grand daughter was totally ready to murder the King of Reygid, but like… Luna totally already did. He's been dead, actually. Undead. Yes. I informed the table of such. They took varying responses to that, before continuing on with their decisions. It was at this point, that I was beyond dumbfounded. Several of those who previously intended to go to Lorimaki Island changed their mind and declared that they would prefer to stay and watch Reygid crumble. Yeah. It happened. Leoric facepalmed. Also, Luna seems to be revered or something now.

A young Snow Elf boy with white hair, porcelain skin, and blue eyes told me that he wanted to go back to the north. A tan Elf woman with blond hair and green eyes told me that she intended to return to Vanheim. A Chihuahuakin guy with brown hair and brown eyes said that he wanted to be a Monster Knight. Hard pass. He's pouting, now… But I want to scratch his face off. It's going to be too difficult with him around. I assigned him to scouting duty until he gets stronger. He needs to be powerful enough to take my scratches if he hopes to stand below me on the field of battle. I don't know how long I can hold off. These urges… Why are they so strong?! A young Unicornkin boy declared himself a Monster Knight, but I also needed to cancel that one. He's too young. Nope. I won't be accountable for the death of a frail Unicornkin boy. I said no! A Snow Leopardkin couple decided that they would help with the businesses when they propped up, but would help out however they could over here before an actual home were possible from the businesses. Fair enough. An Elderly Dragonkin woman told me that she wanted to return to the Dragon Mountains. Figures… But, then all of a sudden; a Lizardman declared that he wished to return to the Yellow Dragons. I guess that I'll become quite known in the Dragon Mountains area. I might even end up being some kind of a beloved guest if this keeps up. I'll never have problems with Dragons if I'm constantly rescuing their lost companions~ A Mantiskin woman declared that she would help with the woodcutting business when it began, but until then… Would act as a Monster Knight. Her daughter wanted to help, but we shot the declaration down swiftly.

The Cheetahkin woman said that she would fight. The Geckokin woman said that she wanted to return to the Orc mountains. Apparently, Geckokin also inhabit the Orc mountains. The more you know. A Ravenkin guy wanted to fight to protect his two younger siblings. Cute. Actually, I think there may be quite a few families around here. Even that Snow Leopardkin couple had children. They had two twin sons. The Ravenkin guy's younger brother, the youngest of the three wanted to fight; but we refused. The Ravenkin's younger sister didn't want her brother to fight, but nyah. She's allowed to have an opinion. I'll probably just have him be a scout, either way. Some other lady decided that she wanted to join me in my business within Reygid. I don't know what she is. She has horns, so maybe some kind of Sheepkin? I don't know. Also, there was totally a Werewolf boy among the people at the table. He had the icon and everything! I could capture him, but he's pretty young… Probably shouldn't. An Elderly Koalakin man still wants to go to Lorimaki Island, as does a Golden Retrieverkin couple and a female Pandakin… But they want to wait until Reygid falls. The male Mousekin wants to go to a place called Monastazia. No clue where that is, but apparently it's east. Also, apparently Lorimaki Island is southwest.

By the time that they had all finished making their decisions, I feel as though we had probably been talking in the Dining Hall for an hour. It literally did not end until most of them had their fill of Fish, and Mary ended up needing to come back out with a second platter. She's a godsend. Jon also pestered me about getting him his weapons, so I guess that I'll need to take care of that soon. I keep forgetting. I need that, the baths, the camping equipment and… More Candy. Obviously. Candy is a high priority around here. I can eat that stuff like it's nothing. I'm not called the Candy Mongerer for no reason. I've probably devoured more Candy than anyone else in the realm within one lifetime at this point. That's probably why I gained the title. Then again, I could be wrong. There's technically another Halloween Cat out there… But I have a feeling that the other one prefers Blood over Candy. I'm just not that kind of Halloween Cat, I suppose… I'll never be the Blood Mongerer…

But wait a second. Is there a… Mana Mongerer title?! If so, would that mean… Because I gained Mana Guzzler, that Mana Mongerer is currently taken by a different individual? Yet, due to the fact that I guzzle so much of it… The system still believed that I deserved at least some recognition? Even though someone out there hauls back more MP than I do?! It's a sobering thought, but it's quite likely. I suppose it would be foolish of me to assume that a level 149 Halloween Cat could be the Mana Mongerer, anyways. I'll live. I'm just a mere Mana Guzzler, and that's fine. The Fae Queen might be the current Mana Mongerer, given how many freaking enchanted Fish are flowing from the Fae Forest on a weekly basis. Then again, it could be someone completely irrelevant to this continent. This continent is sort of large, but I feel as though there's probably another even bigger out there. I'm excited to roam the seas.

Well, I was thinking such things as I watched the residents and many of my Clansmen begin with the tournament. Some of those present decided to call the night early, and abstained from participating, but a great many more chose to stay. I participated as well, and had a marvelous time. Almost. I was beaten more times than I won, there was absolutely no chance for me to become the Safari King… And to top it all off, the Pixie with [Oblivious] beat me. She lost nearly all of her other matches, which only made me feel worse. I was moping around about how I felt as though I might never win the tournament near the Lake… For around half an hour, until I remembered to go and speak with the Allwessistant Dott. This Kitty has questions, and concerns.

Making my way into Halloween, I hastily flew to the northern edge of the Town. Placing my hand on the orange, glowing Hallowed Orb perched atop a pedestal of bones… A menu appeared. On it, I have three options. I can release a Clansmen, enhance a Clansmen, or I can call for my Allwessistant Dott. There are two additional options, but they're grey and I can't choose them. They're the options to call Hoen, or to prestige. Nyah~ [Call Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006]! Moments later, the menu closed on its own… And nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. I ended up sitting there, on my Broom; for a whopping 53 songs. I counted. Yeah, as it turns out; Wendel had decided to teach the children how to sing. They weren't very good, but Wendel also deemed it appropriate to plug in the amp. It wasn't. It wasn't appropriate, whatsoever. I think she just did it to spite me, or something.

Thankfully, after around 30 songs… Wendel took over on singing. I think the kids probably started to get involved with the Arcade games, leaving Wendel to her highly desired practice time. Also, Molag Dregora started to spend time with me not too long after Wendel began to practice… So I wasn't alone when the terribly late Allwessistant showed up, sprinting through the Halloween Town. She was moving quickly, but like… Does she really need to run all over Halloween in order to get to her appointments? She's ridiculous. She needs to get a Broom, or something.

"You rang?" [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] asked with a grin after dramatically sliding her bare feet across the pavement, causing Blood to spill everywhere as she slid for for a whopping 20 metres.

"..." [Nero] glared, flabbergasted at the Allwessistant for several moments as she adjusted her hair.

"Right, uhm… I have some questions." [Nero] replied before continuing.

"Well, go ahead. There are only two Halloween Cats waiting behind you…" [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] shot back with a sneer.

"You said that most Allwe Halloween Cats die relatively near the same time as their designated Hoen Halloween Cats… But of those scenarios when both Cats died within a close time range… How many of them were also scenarios which both Cats were within a close proximity?" [Nero] begged the question before adjusting his aviators.

"An interesting question… 52 percent of all pairs that die within a time range of one hour, also die within a proximity of under 50 kilometres." [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] replied after a short moment of thinking.

"Okay… What is the percentage of Hoen Halloween Cats that slay their designated Allwe Halloween Cats?" [Nero] replied bluntly.

"...73." [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] replied just as bluntly.

"What are those beasts in the distance, surrounding this Town?!" [Nero] shot back, while pointing his finger at the Dott.

"They are Allwelegion Guard Bots of varying models." [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] answered coldly.

"What is their purpose?!" [Nero] slammed back hysterically.

"To protect your Halloween Town, obviously." [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] explained, while shrugging her shoulders.

"Am I allowed to explore the remainder of Halloween?" [Nero] begged the question.

"Knock yourself out." [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] yawned.

"Am I able to capture any Clansmen from within Halloween?" [Nero] asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"No. Beings already here without your help, are here because their souls have been bound to Halloween. They can't leave, and they won't serve a Halloween Cat which holds ties to a mortal realm." [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] slammed down the question ruthlessly.

"How is life in Halloween after death for a True Allwe Halloween Cat if they chose to prestige?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Don't you think that you're asking the wrong person?" [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] replied coldly.

"Oh, come on~ You're an Allwessistant Dott, you must have at least SOME knowledge on what happens to one of your clients when their souls become bound to Halloween…" [Nero] prodded the Dott.

"...Well, after having their souls bound to Halloween… Most Halloween Cats seem to feel that they no longer require my assistance… So honestly, I'm very rarely called on by them. However... there is this ONE girl named Frieda that still calls me frequently… CENTURIES after she bid farewell to her mortal realm. As it happens, she's actually now three clients ahead of you in line. I could ask her for you, and pass on the knowledge the next time that we meet?" [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] confessed while seeming pleased with herself.

"Uhm… Sure. Also, one last thing…" [Nero] agreed before asking…

"Can I get just about any race pregnant? What are my options for safe sex?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"If they are registered as your Clansmen, they will be incapable of conceiving. If they are of the undead, puppet, or spirit varieties, they will be incapable of conceiving." [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] replied with a flat tone.

"What if they were… A random animal totally unrelated to a Cat, what would the children become?" [Nero] asked while squinting his eyes and raising an eyebrow.

"If the birth mother is not a type of Cat, the child will likely be an abomination… But a descendant of Hael; no less… And will certainly still belong to the Halloween Clan. It will never be a Halloween Cat, but it will likely desire to serve under one of Allwe." [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] explained with a smile.

"...Hael?" [Nero] shot back while furrowing his eyebrows once more.

"Oh… That's right… You're not Tier 10 yet… Hurry up, already~ Anyways… The vast majority of those currently serving Allwe are descendants of Hael. You're a descendant of Hael, which is why you were capable to become a True Allwe Halloween Cat!" [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] explained with a grandiose array of hand gestures and a snide tone.

"Wait… So, who was Hael?" [Nero] asked, still dumbfounded.

"Hael is the angel of kindness." [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] enlightened the Halloween Cat.

"...Okay. Uhm… I'm a Witch of War." [Nero] enlightened the Allwessistant Dott.

"Yet you treat all of your followers with a modicum of kindness, one might even go so far as to say generosity." [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] shot back while looking off into the distance.

"...So, what about Hoen?" [Nero] begged the question with a sigh.

"True Hoen Halloween Cats are always descendants of Satan." [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] explained with a bitter look.

"..." [Nero] stared back at the Dott with eyes wide.

"You know, the demon of wrath?! They're the worst! They ruin our image, almost every single time!" [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] elaborated before stomping her feet as she screamed.

"Okay… Figure out what life is like after prestiging. I'll call you tomorrow night." [Nero] replied with a smile, while waving to the Dott.

"Finally~ See ya later!" [Allwessistant Dott 333 Dash 541 Series B006] squealed while waving as she began to sprint off at an impeccable pace.

Welp… She was a wealth of information. Apparently, I'm a descendant to an Angel that I had never even heard of before… A complete mystery angel… And my rival will be a descendant to the worst one of them all. I'm done. I'm freaking over. Most of his Clansmen will be descendants of Satan, while mine will be descendants of… Hael. Whoever THAT is! Actually, I probably already have some descendants of Satan… Given that half of all my Clansmen candidates apparently consist of one or the other.

According to my Allwessistant, Wind element types are more naturally Hoen candidates. Jeez. If Cetilla switches to Halloween without first switching her entire element over to Fire... She'll become a descendant of Satan. Also, the Banshees and Phantasms are likely descendants of Satan. Milton and Rei included. Conrad, Wendel… They too, are not of Hael. It's starting to make sense meow… Being my Clansmen, it limits them. Conrad's [Flock Storm] ability seems way too useless to be worth its cost in MP. Weeping Angel isn't very good at controlling a lot of rocks with her [Pebble Storm]. The Banshees and Phantasms are terribly slow at dealing damage. It's all because they're Wind elements, following under a Fire element Halloween Cat. It was bound to happen. We're of two different breeds. It's like there are two different gangs in the same Clan. Actually, Leoric might also fall under the other category. He doesn't have any Wind or Fire type abilities yet, so it's difficult to tell.

Well, leaving Halloween… I returned to my Throne and began making new pieces of clothing. I was aiming for level 30 pieces. They're for the new residents. I was able to make 27 of them before I ran out of MP, but I was almost close to a 28th one... So I decided to wait, and think about what the Allwessistant said. Apparently, my children will not be Halloween Cats unless I actually do the deed with another Cat. This is important information. My seed... It creates Halloween Clansmen of varying kinds. This is fantastic news. I can repopulate the Halloween Clan without waiting on the other Clansmen to find lovers. All that I need to do, is become a whore. Yikes. I doubt that I want to do that, but at the very least... I don't need to worry about one night stands. I seem to recall the Human Kingdom having some rather... Fortuitous locations for this predicament. They had Brothels, and Taverns~

Alright... So, I may or may not have decided to skip waiting for the 28th piece... In hopes of going to a Tavern and a Brothel. In that order. I made sure to grab my little bag of Coins, and I also have some pieces in my shirt; so that's nice. I'm not bringing Candy. It won't be necessary. My ears are hidden beneath my pilot cap, my eyes are behind my aviators, and my tails are beneath my clown pants. Only she who does the deed will know the truth. That's my intention, anyways. As I left the Wailing Keep, many of the residents tried to get me to stay... But they don't understand. On second thought, they totally DO understand. Goddin Village Neith Sama and Cyclozard are giving me that look. Cyclozard wants to join me. Okay... Cyclozard is joining me. Jon is also joining me. White Beef Lady is giving me a mocking look... Uhm... But... How will Cyclozard... Uhm?! According to him, there are ways that only he can pleasure a lady... And so, we're off.

I needed to assume my largest form to carry the two, but we're off. It was decided that Cyclozard would act as Jon's mount until we actually got to the establishment. While we traveled, Jon also convinced me to purchase his Weapons. Okay~ It's happening. The Swashbuckler will finally get his esteemed Weapons of choice. He wants a Curved Sword and a Pistol. Nyah. When we actually reached the Human Kingdom gates, I returned to my new favorite form... And Jon began to ride the One Eyed Lizard. On entry to the gates, we were stopped by some guards. They asked for 300 Silver Coins each, and an additional 100 Silver Coins for the mount. I gave them a Gold Coin, so it was all settled. We moved on with no troubles. I felt somewhat pleased with myself for following their customs.

Arriving at the city took us awhile, and our first stop was the slums. No offense, Jon... I'm not going to your weapon store sober. They're probably going to overcharge me regardless, so I'd prefer to go in while at least in a good mood. Pre-drinks at Georgia's, then weapon store, then post-drinks at Georgia's... And then Brothel. That is the timetable of this evening, my friends~ I explained as much, and Jon groaned... But he quickly got over it when I explained how awesome Georgia's supplies were. He could practically pick anything he wanted, and I told him as much. I really don't mind, Georgia's prices are affordable.

Opening the doors to my favorite Tavern... I was greeted by that sly woman. No one whistled for me, this time... I'm finally a man! Woot~ Georgia still recognized me, she's perceptive. I haven't changed my outfit, so that's probably it. We were able to drink in peace, even Cyclozard. A few guys tried to stop us, but we murdered them in a bar fight. Nyah~ Strangely, no one else really seemed to care. Georgia's booze are just that good. One doesn't simply leave, only because another died... They had it coming to them, and everyone else already hated them to begin with... It was like that. We stayed and talked about the finer things in life, like our plans for the evening. Georgia gave some much needed advice. According to her, there's this little known place on the northern side of the slums that has hosts of the more... Exotic breeds. Dragonkin, Elves, Beastkin, you name it... They've got it. Apparently, Georgia's quite the deviant herself. She frequents the place as well. There are male and female hosts. They serve all kinds, it would seem. It's settled. I can't imagine a better Brothel for this party. Thanking Georgia for her words of wisdom, we set out on an adventure to find a Weapon Store. I paid 1 Gold Coin for her services.

No, we didn't just ask Georgia for the location of a Weapon Store... Some things are better left found by oneself. It's an adventure. Don't ruin it for us! We were happily traveling through the city at a merry pace as we talked about what kind of races we were going to choose. Cyclozard wants something freaky. He's not sure yet, but he'll know it when he hears it. Jon wants a Beastkin. I want a Dragonkin. Dragon Halloween Clansmen! I don't know~ It sounds like a good time. I'm shamelessly going to a Brothel knowing full well that my seed is excessively potent. Is this a crime? Something to be frowned upon? I'm not so certain, but at the very least... A strange Dragon type descendant of an actual Angel of kindness is not the absolute worst thing that could happen. I want tail! It's a celebration, of re-entering into my manhood.

When we finally encountered a Weapon Store that was still open, we entered and were able to procure a fine Steel Curved Sword... But were incapable of obtaining a Pistol. The Steel Curved Sword set me back 2 Gold Coins, which I found absolutely ludicrous... But I paid for it. It was a far better price than the higher grade Curved Sword, anyways. I wasn't about to throw down 7 Gold Coins on Jon who I have never even witnessed fight. I don't know what to expect from him! Returning to Georgia's took us around half an hour, but we were eventually able to find our way and even ended up ordering a meal. It was pretty tasty, but I find Mary's cooking to be better. No offense, Georgia. We were served roasted Pork and some vegetables. It was pretty basic, I guess what one might expect from a Tavern in the slums. It's fine. Georgia's special for her alcohol, not her cooking. We ended up spending another 2 Gold Coins this way, before making our way north. I'm not taking any change, tonight. So... Yeah, no Silver Coins. It would have been cheaper if I accepted change, for sure.

Finding the highly esteemed Brothel took us a measly 20 minutes. Stepping inside, we were greeted by a Fairy. She was the one in charge of taking in the clients to meet with their hosts. She gave us a list of races, relative to whatever gender we chose to prefer. She also offered us the chance to have more than one host, which could be of varying genders or races... But it would be the host's decision of whether or not they agree, depending on what races were all expected to be participating. We could even challenge hosts together, but that would also be the host's decision. We decided to keep things casual and go solo. Cyclozard decided to go with a female Octopussycat. Spicy. Feeling brave, I switched my decision and went with an Ifrita Jinn. She's supposedly a Fire element... And rather ferocious in bed. I'm excited. Jon went with a simple Pantherkin. It's on~ The entire ordeal is going to set me back another 7 Gold Coins, but I don't mind.

(A/N: NSFW beyond this point in Chapter, but Nero blacks out towards the end regardless. You can end the Chapter here if you don't want the remainder)

Stepping into the room, I was greeted by a beautiful woman with long crimson red hair... Dark skin, and black horns. Her eyes were red, and her boobs were huge. Her smooth skin appeared to be hot, and sweaty. She wasn't wearing anything at all. She sat there, on the bed... As if she were crawling on her hands and knees toward me, with her breasts hanging down... Truly, showing off the size. Bringing one hand up, she curled one finger; gesturing for me to come forth... As she began to smirk at my reaction. I was glaring at the scene for roughly 20 seconds, taking deep and hasty breaths, before I began to get undressed. I'm going in.

Finally undressed, I ensured to keep my Coins in my clothing. The bag and all~ Turning around, I stepped on up to the bed before hopping in myself. The Ifrita was delighted to see my tails and eyes... She said something about having been afraid that she wouldn't get a chance to turn up the heat. Leaning in, I pulled her neck in closer before I brought her lips to meet mine. Forcing her mouth to open, I stuck my tongue within it... Feeling my way around hers before I sucked it into my own, gaining any saliva that she held and taking it captive as I began to caress her hair with one hand. I held her back in the other. Her skin was hot. It was very hot. I could feel myself beginning to sweat, as I brought the hand holding her back down... Grabbing hold of her ass, I grasped it for a split moment before I released her tongue. She gasped, as if she had forgotten to breath. Moving my hand along her ass, I brought it down to her thigh before lifting it up... Propping it against my chest. As I did so, I slowly brought her head down to rest on the bed before taking my other hand to lift her second leg with a grin.

I propped both thighs in the air, and brought two of my fingers up to my mouth before unloading all of the stolen, steamy saliva onto them. Bringing my two fingers down, I placed them gently over her pussy... And began to rub them over her lower lips, opening them up... Inserting my fingers, I found that her insides were even warmer than her outsides... I began to scout the scene... Feeling around, as I watched the Ifrita's pained face... Slowly turn to pleasure. I found it. She's begun to moan, and writhe in ecstasy as I rubbed her warm pussy... Each time that I flicked my fingers, she would uncontrollably squirm, causing her boobs to jump all over the place. Grabbing one breast in my left hand, I continued to play with her in my right. I did this for around 10 minutes, having the time of my life before I finally decided to slowly stick it in on account of my now half cooked hand.

Finally inside, I can't help but love the way that she feels... The heat. It's unbeatable. I began to slowly thrust back and forth, while aiming for the same spot as before. I'm on my knees, holding both of her legs to the side of me; even now. As she moaned, I slowly picked up the pace... All the way until I was at a point of slamming her into the backboard. She had been slowly moving across the bed, it seems. Heh. Without blessing her with any reprieve, I switched her over onto her back... And propped her up onto her knees... Holding a side of her huge ass in one hand, I guided my hardened dick with the other into her pussy once more. Taking hold of her ass with both hands, I began to thrust into her much harder than before. Her ass, was bouncing along to each thrust; turning me on immensely. She was now moaning much louder, and I could hear the sounds of Jon screwing his damned Pantherkin... Which only made me go even harder. I wanted to drown out his noise and compete with him to see who could make their bitch cry louder, but it also kind of turned me on? Anyways, I think that I won the contest when my Ifrita came before I did. Also, I totally heard Cyclozard moaning. It was weird, but I continued on my way at impaling the Ifrita who I now learned was called Misty... All the way until Cyclozard finally finished, and then I came around five minutes afterwards. We're meow laying down on our backs, with her head resting on my arm and her own arm resting on my chest... Trailing along my pecs. She wants me to come and meat her again. After around ten minutes, we decided to go for a second round and everything! Free of charge~ I'm having a great time.

This time, she's riding me with a face of utter delight. Her legs are spread on each side of my waist, and she's hopping up and down on that D! Her tits? Frantically swaying as she does, dripping in steamy sweat. On account of her overall warmth, I can say for certain that each jump is quite intense. It's like I'm jumping in and out of a sauna, but the sauna is actually an oven... And I'm the pizza. It's a pleasurable experience, one that only a Fire element could possibly enjoy. I almost found myself moaning from the heat at some points. I love to watch her hair sway as her steamy ass bobs up and down, massaging my third leg. The sides of my chest are incredibly warm due to her legs constantly rubbing up on them...

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