《Diaries of Nero the Halloween Cat》Chapter 65 - Night 67 & Day 68


Oh wow… I feel so refreshed… It might be something to do with the Dralcohol, or my excessive bathing. Or… It might just be that I've been sleeping a lot more lately. I haven't been staying awake all the way until dawn, so it's like that. Regardless, I feel good. Tonight's a good night. I'm finally going to have a chance to take my fair peek at the Forsaken Isles, attaining a plethora of new Clansmen… Which I can use to help slay the lochness monster, making way for safer Beaches in the Lost Kingdom. Perhaps, even Mer. I feel as though this has been one of my main quests, for a very long time. I'm finally about to slam the door on this ridiculously tedious arc better left known as the 'tales of the treacherous beast which actually very rarely did anything wrong and it's undoing brought about by one deviously cute Halloween Cat and its troupe'. Nyah.

Aside from that main quest, I'm basically just left with the Cat's Costumery Clothing Brand, the Cat's Charities, and the Cat Crew's Creation. Those are all constant endeavors of mine. If I ignore those, I also have side quests for the Cat's Camping Equipment… The Lost Kingdom's Monster Knight Army Recruitment… the Halloween Bandsmen Concerts, and last; but certainly not least… The Tournament of Night! Yosh. I hath decided. I will dub my secret Tournament hosted in the Magic Colosseum within the Forest of Witches… The Tournament of Night! All the greatest Adventurers and Nobles are going to be there, competing for the glory… And riches that I'll be reaping off of simply holding the event. If you're a great Adventurer or Noble and you're NOT there, well I'm sorry to tell you… But you're cancelled. The next Hero is going to be born from the Tournament of Night. I can feel it. Because my Clansmen will technically be the Gladiators challenging the Champions… I'll also be reaping delicious experience from the whole ordeal. If my Clansmen, after the capturing of monsters from the Forsaken Isles aren't enough to slay all but one of those Champions… I'll just need to descend onto the Arena myself. It's settled. We're doing this!

My only hope is that the next Hero can be someone with an agreeable disposition. Someone worthy of ruling this continent in my absence… Or at least a portion of it. This place needs new blood, for it is a new age. I want to go off on a journey across the world, so I can't be stuck over here for my entire lifespan. The clock is ticking. This Witch has a lit candle in his soul, and it's burning through my life wax at an exponential rate. Master of Time? More like Time's Masochist. I've been done in my by own abilities. I've been utterly had. I need to treat my time as something more meaningful. I need to do everything that I possibly can. I'm the Witch of War, I might as well start a few while I'm here. It's all about the quickest possible solution. I was thinking such things as I slowly got dressed and began to make my way into the Dining Hall… Only to be stopped by a particular Dark Elf named Leoric.

He's scolding me about war. It's literally none of his business, but okay. Grabbing my two common Fish, I continued on my way to the seat that was calling me. As I entered the room, I came across Wendel who was performing. It's an original song. I kind of like it, but I hastily requested a different song. No offense, Wendel. I have a particular taste. I'm of a more sophisticated breed, dare I say. I need 'Heads Will R*ll'. Thank you~


As the Weeping Angel performed, she stomped her feet and clapped her hands to make percussion. Interesting. It's not too bad. She couldn't handle the other instruments… But to my surprise, White Beef Lady joined in with low pitched howls… Penny joined in while singing very unique sounds… Often filling in for instruments. She also joined for her original part in the song. The Corocdae helped with percussion by snapping her jaws and clapping her hands as well. Well, enjoying the sounds of their performance… I dug in. Mary never ceases to impress. This is far better than what we used to eat. If I had to say, Mary might be the most important addition of all the new faces around here. The others are fine to be around, but I'm just not feeling the usefulness. Mary comes with bonuses. Where are your bonuses, Goatman?!

I decided to spend some time talking with the new faces. I want their stories. According to them, the Goatman is a first rate Shield Breaker from the Beastkin Kingdom. He wasn't actually born in the Beastkin Kingdom, though. He happened to immigrate here when he was only around twenty. He was actually enlisted as an Adventurer in Reygid in attempts at earning some Coin… And helped several armies march through the Lost Kingdom back in his day. So, he is indeed old. I couldn't really tell before… But I guess, yeah. He's old. His reasoning for leaving was that he wanted to return to the Eastern Continent, but Reygid has ceased to operate in the Sea Travel Business for the last few decades. All of the continent has, though. He figured that my little [Hallowed Gate] might be one of his best chances to get off of this continent. Honestly? Not a bad decision. I must say that it's a good judgement on his part.

The Elderly Tigerkin Man was of a prestigious family within Reygid… His family has since lost its merit to the Monarch, and was stripped of its titles, land, and even wealth. The King totally robbed a noble family, and threw them out on the streets. Cold. According to the Tigerkin, the King didn't stop there. The King executed his entire family, except his grand daughter who he had imprisoned within his Castle. He left the Elderly Tigerkin Man to watch as it all happened, helpless and alone; wandering the streets of that City. I don't even know how to feel. I'm enraged, but I'm also already aware that the King deserves no less than immediate death. I also currently have a Dark Elf poking me constantly, as if to tell me that immediate death is not an option. It's totally an option, though.

The Mid Aged Foxman with a baby daughter was a Navigator… But after the whole Sea Travel Business fell through around the continent… He was literally stuck on the wrong side of an ocean. He quickly became impoverished, with no proper route to employment… Aside from becoming a Dungeon Navigator. He did so to gain at least some form of income, and did kind of well for himself. He met a Foxwoman in the same field as him. They worked alongside each other on a chance happening, as their two parties encountered each other in a Dungeon... The two kept doing so after their success, and eventually… The two got married. Then, they had this daughter here… But the mother died while giving birth to their daughter… Who Devolved two whole Tiers; but managed to survive. Intense. Without the help of the mother, he was not able to earn enough to feed him and his daughter properly… So he was beginning to starve, when he saw the Hallowed Gate; and heard my offer. With nothing to lose, he stepped forward into the unknown.


I had never heard of Dungeons up to this point in time, so I decided to ask about the topic. According to him, there are Dungeons all over the continent. Extremely savage monsters are often born within them… Dungeons can even overflow out into the remainder of the realm, so it's a constant struggle to keep them at bay. Sounds pretty fun. I might want to go to a Dungeon, one of these nights. If the monsters there are genuinely horrible beings, then I have no problem with slaying them for experience. It honestly sounds right up my alley. Become a Hero?! Who said that?! Ahem… Now then...

The Turtlekin Woman is a Defender, who often joined parties as an Adventurer within Reygid. She's roughly the same age as Goblin Funk. She claims to have been present in a number of immense battles against the Tides of Tragedy. I had never even heard of this term, so I decided to prod into it. As it turns out, every year… There's this special event that occurs at the Beach near Reygid. It's called the Tides of Tragedy. Every year, the tides in the Ocean become dangerously tall. On the night of the full Blue Moon, these tides will carry with them… Monsters of great number and varying strength, threatening the safety to all those within the continent. Thankfully, the Beastkin always seem to handle it by themselves… But if they weren't organized properly, it could very well be a yearly disaster. Back on topic, the Turtlekin Woman's reason for leaving Reygid was simply because she found the gates to be mesmerizing. She's got a merciless thirst for battle, wonder, and exploration. Reygid wasn't offering her that. I might have been.

The Young Hawkman Boy is a Street Fighter. The Raccoonkin Girl is a Fan Master. Cindy is a Chef. Obviously. They all wanted to explain to me their stories together. Cute. The Young Hawkman Boy and the Raccoonkin Girl were both actually friends before this all happened. They were orphans. They don't know what happened to their parents, but they grew up in the same orphanage that Milton did. They heard from some street vendor that Milton disappeared to go off on an adventure with the Witch of Night. Huh? I've been given a name?! I'm apparently called the Witch of Night. Honestly? Not too far off from the truth. I guess it's because I normally appear during the night? Is it because my hair is black? It kind of works for my Tournament of Night quest though... I'm not mad. Anyways, the Young Hawkman Boy who stepped in first… Originally gestured for his friend to follow him. She stayed back, afraid… Until I made my announcement. At that point, she ran in like a bumbling fool to chase after her friend. Sweet. Cindy came along because her mommy wanted to Cook for scary Lizards and Cats. Is that how it went? Okay~ I ended up telling the Hawkman and Raccoonkin that Milton was actually here, and that he would be back soon… But he would be a little different from before. They asked me how, and I told them that he would be like Betty. Nyah. They Raccoonkin is frightened, but the Hawkman is ecstatic. He thinks Betty is cool. Apparently, he saw her bravely fighting the lochness monster. Huh.

Well, I decided to hold a Q&A. I spent the better part of two hours answering particular questions to those present. They had a lot to ask of me, I suppose. I tried to answer them as bluntly as possible, but they just kept on shooting me with more questions! It was absolutely merciless. My six shot verbal pistol simply couldn't keep up! I kept needing to reload and everything! By the time that they were all exhausted, I took one final inhale before standing to make my announcement.

"I will now be off to explore the Forsaken Isles and save all of the Banshees, Phantasms, and Skeletons. I will save as many Potamin Crabs as I deem plausible. They will live on. Farewell~" [Nero] declared dramatically as he raised his Broom and grabbed hold of his Lantern while standing.

To which, I received various responses, but only the Crowli attempted to follow me. He's the fastest one. That's probably it. And so, Conrad and I went off; into the night. We're heading south. Far south. As we flew, I noticed some Harpies exploring the Lost Kingdom. Are they… Scouting? Are they finally helping us manage things?! I'm beside myself. Luna! Don't forget to keep an eye on that Matriarch. She can't be allowed death. If she needs it, you know what to do. I was thinking such things as we passed over the Chasms and the Mountains beyond their entrance… Gaining a clear view of the vast Jungle before me. As usual, there are torches off into the distance. Conrad and I are traveling at a pretty quick speed. We're two big and bossy Tier 6 flying monsters. We can handle this type of thing.

Flying beyond the Demon Kingdom territory and over the open sea only took us like 5 minutes. We're wasting an incredible amount of MP. Well, I am. Conrad doesn't appear to be wasting very much at all. He's actually suited for this behavior. He has no excuses for not being the first one to find this painfully obvious set of Islands. I was feeling jealous of him, and ashamed of him at the very same time before finally getting a clear view of the seven famed Islands. I decided to get a full on bird's eye view because this thing was a doozy.

Okay, so! Calling on Betty, I asked her for an explanation on all of the Islands that I was looking at. Starting with the first Island, the most northern one… This Island consists of a very large tree. It apparently was the home to the Fairies, before they fled or died off. Interesting. Each of the Islands are separated by a a River… Or a Ravine… Take your pick, they're separated by slight amounts of open Ocean water. They're probably all the same Island, but the tides are always too high to adequately show that fact.

The second Island, just south of the Fairy Tree… Is like a small Jungle. It has tall Jungle trees, very close together. Apparently; it was home to Pelicans a very long time ago. To the west of that Island, was the Human's Harbor Town. It's deserted, and looks seriously run down. It could probably be repaired, but with how Sea Travel seems to be a topic not worth mentioning for a whole lot of people… This place is doomed if it can't properly grow its own food. They had their own farms on some cleared out land… But it wasn't enough? The Harbor Town appears to be consisting of wood cut from the Pelican Jungle… And some of the wood from another Jungle just south of the Harbor Town.

Apparently, that Island was a home for Parrots. To the southeast of it, is where the real mayhem is currently going on. It's a sandy Island, home to a ton of Potamin Crabs currently bundled together; hiding in their shells while being brutally assaulted by Skeletons. In the skies above them, are Banshees and Phantasms. They're all attacking the Potamin Crabs, or each other. The final Island is very small, it's just to the west of the Potamin Crabs Beach and south of the Parrot Jungle. It's just one very wide and tall tree. It was apparently home to Parakeets. Fun. This whole place appears to have been a wondrous locale. It's totally messed up now. Descending towards the mass of flying Clansmen, I lifted my Lantern and began to make my announcement.

"Hear me Banshees, Phantasms, Skeletons, and Lich! I am called Nero! I am the one, True Halloween Cat and I will save you from hunger until the day that I die! Serve me, and represent Halloween as one of my Clansmen! Do this, and I will grant you absolute power through unification with your peers! May your souls become one under my name, may a portion of them feel rest, may your torment finally end! [Clansmen Capture]!" [Nero] beckoned loudly to those beneath him. To which, a large set of orange lights radiated from within the depths of his Lantern… Engulfing nearly all the creatures present.

About five minutes later, the light finally dissipated… To reveal that I had only succeeded in the capturing around 70 percent of the Halloween Clansmen. I attained the Lich, and that's all that truly matters… But I can't just allow these dangerous Banshees, Phantasms, and Skeletons to roam freely… Can I?! I'm sorry, but they totally just annihilated this entire ecosystem. This beautiful resort... Ruined. These guys can't be trusted, if I'm frank. I offered them a way to live in peace and harmony, but they flat out rejected it and chose torment. Ridiculous, the lot of them! Clansmen~ Show these fools what we're capable of. We need to display our power. Slay a few if you must. Thinking such things, my Clansmen appeared. Freaking Leoric is giving me a stern look, though. He's not taking part. I can't decide what the use of having a super strong Dark Elf Clansman even is, if they refuse to be helpful at literally any given time. I've finally attained a disposable Clansman. If only I knew how to get rid of him…

Well, watching the horrors… My Scarecrows were letting off [Terror Shout] while thrashing around the Skeletons which stood absolutely no chance against their [Strengthened Grass]. The Pixie was unleashing mental havoc to all the Banshees and Phantasms… It's kind of making my brain go fuzzy just from hearing it. I need to back away a little… Okay! I'm good now. I think. Conrad and the Crows were bullying the Skeletons who were too slow to even function against them. Luna, Betty, Wendel, Benji, and White Beef Lady were all performing a song in the background… As if the battle were none of their business. Christina, Mick, Andy, and Steve were simply dancing along to their tunes. I suppose that some Clansmen simply aren't as dedicated as the others. Either that, or the Pixie is just too ridiculous for anyone to desire to fight near.

For anyone with a stable mind, that is. The Scarecrows and Crowli have all been afflicted with [Soul Merge]. They aren't normal any longer. There's something slightly different about them, but I haven't quite placed my finger on it. It appears as though the effects become slightly evident in any of their race… Less so in one of a lower Tier. Mr Scarecrow wasn't always like this, okay? Mr Scarecrow would sometimes have full on conversations. He very rarely does that any longer. Something in him is different meow. I'm about to do that to my Banshees, Phantasms, and my Skeletons. I can't help but feel worried for them. I also can't help but feel as though I should never capture Rei or Milton as my Clansmen. Not if I'm permanently corrupting all of my Banshees and Phantasms for the rest of existence. It's too dangerous. I can't involve them with my dark deeds. I need these new high rate Clansmen for the Tournament of Night. I might even need them for facing the Beastkin Monarch. I don't know just what cards he'll play before I absolutely terrorize him and optimistically hope that it works out.

Thinking such things, I cast [Capture Clansmen] again on the battling Clansmen below. I managed to obtain around 30 more of them off of that, there are now only 6 remaining. Not too shabby. I suppose the rest may roam the realm, but they must leave these Islands. We're taking the whole damn populace out of this forsaken locale, one way or another. Opening a [Hallowed Gate], I called for my Clansmen to forcefully move all of the other creatures in the nearby vicinity into Halloween… Into the Wailing Keep… And then into the Lost Kingdom. Let the larger ecosystem deal with them. I'm sure that they'll do fine, those Potamin Crabs. The Banshees and Phantasms, I'm hoping will just have too much to possibly eat… And henceforth; won't actually be killing very many creatures. Their attacks are slow, so nyah. Looking at the Clansmen Roster… Wow. It's confusing to look at. It's absolutely convoluted at this point. There are 8 Tier 1 Skeletons, 24 Tier 2 Skeletons, and 41 Tier 3 Skeletons. There are 3 Tier 1 Banshees, 12 Tier 2 Banshees, and 18 Tier 3 Banshees. There are 5 Tier 1 Phantasms, 14 Tier 2 Phantasms, and 21 Tier 3 Phantasms. Each of their MP rates, and defensive rates are pointed out... So it's a huge mess. [Soul Merge]!

Moments later, what I was left with… Were 2 Tier 1 Skeletons, 2 Tier 2 Skeletons, 1 Tier 3 Skeleton, 1 Tier 4 Skeleton, 1 Tier 5 Skeleton… 1 Tier 2 Banshee, 1 Tier 3 Banshee, 2 Tier 4 Banshees, 2 Tier 5 Banshees… 2 Tier 1 Phantasms, 2 Tier 3 Phantasms, 2 Tier 4 Phantasms, and 2 Tier 5 Phantasms. Can't forget the freaking Tier 8 Lich~ None of the others attained Tier 6, though. I'm appalled. Watching them as they hustled the Crabs into the Hallowed Gate, I noticed that the Tier 5 Skeleton was abnormally large. The Tier 4 Skeleton was also visibly larger, but the Tier 5 Skeleton was no joke. That guy was massive! He had to be twice the size of my current largest form! I'm jealous. Let's look at their statuses, shall we?

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Skeleton (Halloween)

Class: Sword Master

Tier: 1

MP: 4/30, 5/30

P. DEF: 8, 8

M. DEF: 3, 3

STR: 38

INT: 1

DEX: 4

LUK: 2

AGI: 2


[Undying Sword Master], [Undead], [Severed Soul], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Sword Creation], [Sword Slice], [Brittle Bones], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Skeleton (Halloween)

Class: Sword Master

Tier: 2

MP: 10/60, 8/60

P. DEF: 16, 16

M. DEF: 6, 6

STR: 76

INT: 2

DEX: 8

LUK: 4

AGI: 4


[Undying Sword Master], [Undead], [Severed Soul], [Essence Stealer], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Sword Creation], [Sword Slice], [Brittle Bones], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Skeleton (Halloween)

Class: Sword Master

Tier: 3

MP: 26/120

P. DEF: 32

M. DEF: 12

STR: 152

INT: 4

DEX: 16

LUK: 8

AGI: 8


[Undying Sword Master+1], [Undead+1], [Severed Soul], [Essence Stealer], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Sword Creation+1], [Sword Slice], [Armor Creation], [Strengthened Bones], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Skeleton (Halloween)

Class: Sword Master

Tier: 4

MP: 48/240

P. DEF: 64

M. DEF: 24

STR: 304

INT: 8

DEX: 32

LUK: 16

AGI: 16


[Undying Sword Master+2], [Undead+2], [Severed Soul+1], [Essence Stealer+1], [Hungered], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Sword Creation+1], [Sword Slice+1], [Armor Creation], [Strengthened Bones+1], [Soul Find], [Lifesteal], [Bloodlust], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Skeleton (Halloween)

Class: Sword Master

Tier: 5

MP: 107/480

P. DEF: 128

M. DEF: 48

STR: 608

INT: 16

DEX: 64

LUK: 32

AGI: 32


[Undying Sword Master+3], [Undead+3], [Severed Soul+1], [Essence Stealer+2], [Hungered], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Sword Creation+2], [Sword Slice+1], [Armor Creation+1], [Strengthened Bones+2], [Soul Find], [Lifesteal+1], [Bloodlust], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Banshee (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 2

MP: 53/120

P. DEF: 16

M. DEF: 2

STR: 4

INT: 48

DEX: 12

LUK: 8

AGI: 16


[Wraith], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Banshee (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 3

MP: 110/240

P. DEF: 32

M. DEF: 4

STR: 8

INT: 96

DEX: 24

LUK: 16

AGI: 32


[Wraith], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon], [Terror Gust], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Banshee (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 4

MP: 218/480, 207/480

P. DEF: 64, 64

M. DEF: 8, 8

STR: 16

INT: 192

DEX: 48

LUK: 32

AGI: 64


[Wraith], [Sea Stalker], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon], [Terror Gust], [Wind Manipulation], [Gale Caller], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Banshee (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 5

MP: 632/960, 346/960

P. DEF: 128, 128

M. DEF: 16, 16

STR: 32

INT: 384

DEX: 96

LUK: 64

AGI: 128


[Wraith+1], [Sea Stalker+1], [Wraith of Wrath+1] [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon+1], [Terror Gust], [Wind Manipulation], [Gale Caller+1], [Soul Scream], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Phantasm (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 1

MP: 63/80, 54/80

P. DEF: 10, 10

M. DEF: 6, 6

STR: 4

INT: 64

DEX: 16

LUK: 8

AGI: 24


[Wraith], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Phantasm (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 3

MP: 289/320, 260/320

P. DEF: 40, 40

M. DEF: 6, 6

STR: 4

INT: 64

DEX: 16

LUK: 8

AGI: 24


[Wraith+1], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon+1], [Wind Manipulation], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Phantasm (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 4

MP: 786/640, 821/640

P. DEF: 80, 80

M. DEF: 12, 12

STR: 8

INT: 128

DEX: 32

LUK: 16

AGI: 48


[Wraith+2], [Wraith of Greed], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon+2], [Wind Manipulation+1], [Overcharge], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Phantasm (Halloween)

Class: Wraith

Tier: 5

MP: 1463/1280, 1318/1280

P. DEF: 160, 160

M. DEF: 24, 24

STR: 16

INT: 256

DEX: 64

LUK: 32

AGI: 96


[Wraith+2], [Wraith of Greed+1], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Soul Siphon+2], [Wind Manipulation+1], [Overcharge+1], [Ominous Aura], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Molag Dregora

Race: Lich (Halloween)

Class: Necromancer

Tier: 8

MP: 2539/3968

P. DEF: 768

M. DEF: 1024

STR: 128

INT: 3328

DEX: 384

LUK: 256

AGI: 512


[Undying Necromancer+4], [Undead+5], [Master of Shadows+3], [Bringer of Undying+2], [Besmircher of Souls+1], [Baron of Bones], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Reanimate Corpse+3], [Staff Creation+2], [Shadow Ball+2], [Robe Creation+2], [Strengthened Bones+3], [Shadow Manipulation+1], [Reanimate Soul+2], [Soul Split], [Bone Manipulation], [Return to Halloween]

Okay… Wow. There's almost too much information for me to even process here. Almost. Tier 1 Skeletons gain access to [Sword Creation], [Sword Slice], and [Brittle Bones]. [Sword Creation] simply allows the Tier 1 Skeleton to grant itself a Sword Weapon, which does absolutely nothing for status… But it allows the Skeleton access to casting [Sword Slice]; an attack ability. It's a short range one strike attack, it's pretty basic. It deals damage relative to the Skeleton's STR. [Brittle Bones] is actually a debuff. It becomes a buff with more proficiency, but it's a debuff. It causes the Skeleton to take 50% more damage when being attacked somewhere that hits the bones.

Tier 2 Skeletons gain access to the [Essence Stealer] title, but it doesn't actually make way for any new abilities. It's strange. Tier 3 Skeletons are where things start getting interesting, though. Tier 3 Skeletons get an increase in their [Undying Sword Master] proficiency, granting them [Sword Creation+1] which causes their Created Sword to deal an additional 50% Damage if used in tandem with [Sword Slice]. It also gave way to the [Armor Creation] ability, which is self explanatory. Be that as it may, their Armor is special. It doesn't affect status directly, but it works off of status and boosts it when necessary. The [Armor Creation] ability blocks 15% of damage if the attack lands on the created Armor… But that's the most that it can possibly do. It doesn't actually always reduce damage taken by 15%. It takes the total P./M. DEF of the Skeleton, and if the relative resistance type is high enough to surpass 15% of the damage taken… Then it blocks the 15%. The Skeletons seem reliant on their own types of Armor and Weapons. I can probably get away with giving the lesser Skeletons genuine armor… But that big Tier 5 one is a no go. The Tier 3 Skeleton also gains access to [Strengthened Bones], losing the [Brittle Bones] debuff… Probably due to [Undead] raising in proficiency. Now, the Skeletons take 25% less damage. If hit on the Bones.

Tier 4 Skeletons get another increase to [Undying Sword Master] and [Undead], but they also finally gain increases for [Severed Soul] and [Essence Stealer]. Fun. Rather than Sword Creation increasing, [Sword Slice] did. It gained an additional 50% damage multiplier if being used. [Undead] raising in proficiency granted the Skeleton an extra level in [Strengthened Bones]. It now blocks 35% less damage… If hit on the Bones. [Soul Find] is an interesting new ability, and I think it was gained through the [Severed Soul] title being enhanced. It allows the Skeleton to find a particular Banshee or Phantasm with ease. It's their other half. Their soulmate. Sadly, due to my use of [Soul Merge]... Many of them might now share a soulmate. I guess that we're all just one big, unhappy family meow. [Lifesteal+1] was probably gained through [Essence Stealer] increasing in proficiency. It allows the Skeleton to gain life back, depending on the damage that they deal. It heals them for 5% of all damage dealt. [Hungered] most likely gave the Skeleton [Bloodlust]. The Vampires all have this ability as well. It's ridiculous. It makes the Skeleton desire to drink the blood of their victims… But it also increases healing proficiency gained through doing just that. The Blood now heals their bones, recovering 10% more MP than it normally would have.

What's interesting to note, is that the Vampires are wholeheartedly forced into consuming blood; but the Skeletons simply desire to. The Skeletons are of a different breed. Moving on to Tier 5 Skeletons, it seems that [Sword Creation], [Armor Creation], [Strengthened Bones], and [Lifesteal] all gained increases to their proficiency. It's pretty self explanatory, but [Sword Creation] increased damage dealt by the created Sword to now deal up to 75% increased damage if used in tandem with [Sword Slice]... Which deals 50% increased damage. It's wild. They're literally boosting themselves through two abilities that increase in proficiency at once. Moving along, [Armor Creation] gained an increase to allow blocking of up to 25% damage taken, if the damage lands on the armor. [Strengthened Bones] now blocks 45% of all damage, if the attack lands on the bones. The Bones are now more resistant than the armor, but it's important to note that the armor can actually break. My clothing don't seem to break, as if by magic. They simply block a portion of the damage incurred. The Skeleton Armor is not the same. They can break if they take up to 10 full hits worth of damage. Also, the Skeleton Armor only works at all if the attacks being incurred are worth less than the total of the appropriate resistance… In this case, if the attack is expected to deal over 128 physical damage… Then the armor won't help at all. If it expected to deal under 128 physical damage, then 25% of it will be blocked. After that point, the attack goes straight to the bones. So, Strengthened Bones now blocks 45% of all damage landed on the bones. That's potentially a 65% damage cut off. It's not actually a 70% damage cut off, but it's 65%. Even so, the Tier 5 Skeleton seems highly capable. The dude has slightly more than 600 STR. His [Sword Slice] deals damage based on his STR… And it also deals 225% damage… So… He can probably smack down a Crowli or two in just a minute, if he can land a hit. He's got a low AGI… So that's probably his biggest downfall. That, and ranged Magic attacks.

Moving onto Banshees, it would appear that a Tier 2 Banshee only has the [Soul Siphon] ability. Unimpressive. Tier 3 Banshees gained access to the [Terror Gust] ability. Tier 4 Banshees are where things get interesting. Tier 4 is where Betty was… But Betty did not have the [Terror Gust] ability. This must be caused by the Tier 3 Banshee. I already know what [Gale Caller] does, it essentially calls upon a whole lot of natural wind to make use of… With [Wind Manipulation] and [Soul Siphon], it can be a pretty good combo. [Terror Gust] is new, though. [Terror Gust] allows the nearby wind that the Banshee is manipulating to frighten individuals who are harmed by it. I don't really understand what that means, but okay… Tier 5 Banshees are what really matter, anyways. I say that; because I have two of them meow.

The Tier 5 Banshee gained a whole lot… Like the [Wraith of Wrath] title and the immediate increase in its proficiency. I think it might be related to [Terror Gust], and [Soul Scream]. [Soul Scream] apparently allows the Banshee's screams to slowly knock the literal souls away from the bodies of those that she uses them against. Terrifying. [Soul Siphon] increasing in proficiency allowed for the Banshee to suck away the life force of the lochness monster a whole lot faster. It's meow two times faster. I would probably have been better off with the army of Tier 1 to 3 Banshees and Phantasms… I have regrets. [Gale Caller] increasing in proficiency apparently ensured that the Banshee could call on more wind. No clue how much more wind.

The Tier 1 Phantasms are a joke, so I'm skipping them. The Tier 3 Phantasms are a breath of fresh air. It would seem as though Phantasms have more MP to store than Banshees… They also have sturdier natural defenses… But they have less of everything else. Thankfully, to make up for that… The Phantasms took it upon themselves to enhance the [Wraith] proficiency sooner, making way for [Soul Siphon]'s much needed proficiency increase. They also gained access to [Wind Manipulation], which is kind of helpful. It's simply not as helpful as it is for the Banshees, but if the Phantasms and Banshees fight together… It will work out either way. They'll be a vacuum of souls.

The Tier 4 Phantasm gained another increase to [Soul Siphon], allotting for three times the speed at sucking souls away from their foes. The Banshees are still only working with a two times multiplier… Even at Tier 5. The Banshees can still increase their funnel efficiency by having higher INT to help with their [Wind Manipulation]... But the Phantasms are impressing me. Can't lie. They also increased their [Wind Manipulation], but they gained a brand new title... They gained the [Wraith of Greed] title, making way for the [Overcharge] ability. This is an interesting ability. It allows the Phantasms to consume more MP than natural. They can hold an additional 30% MP. It's amazing. Tier 5 Phantasms gained an additional level to their [Overcharge], granting up to 40% more MP to be stored. They also gained the [Ominous Aura], though. According to the menu, it allows their haki to be noticed from twice as far… And it's not a choice. They are now effectively twice as scary… And twice as difficult to conceal. Yikes.

The Tier 8 Lich, though… Molag Dregora… He has a whole lot of frightening titles. He's the Baron of Bones. He's the Bringer of Undying. He's the Besmircher of Souls. The Master of Shadows. The holder of 3328 INT, and 3968 MP. He has slightly higher INT than me, even with my Lantern and Broom added to the mix. He's still above me. Even in MP… And I'm the freaking Guzzler of Mana! Moving on to his abilities… Yikes. He's got [Reanimate Corpse+3]. It allows him to do just that. Reanimate Corpses, turning them into one of the following options. Zombies, Skeletons, or Flesh Golems. Each of the corpses that he reanimates, costs him MP. He has [Staff Creation], allowing him to create his own Staff… I think he was originally a Skeleton of a different class. Moving along~ His Staff allows his other abilities to cost him less MP. 25% less. Impressive. [Shadow Ball] allows him to create two shadow balls, which can be used to harm Light Element monsters… Or to trap his targets in shadows… Effectively, blinding them. [Robe Creation] allows him to create his own Robes. He can wear those Robes to allow him to block up to 20% of damage incurred to his robes… Which is everywhere aside from his face or hands. Bone hands.

His [Strengthened Bones] ability allows his bones to block up to 30% of all damage incurred to his bones. I find it strange how his set of resistance abilities are less impacting than the ones for the Skeletons… It might be due to class. His [Shadow Manipulation] ability allows him to freely manipulate shadows. It's not really much of an attack, but I guess it could be used to mess with people. It's just a trick ability, probably. Oh! He can hide his Shadow Balls within natural shadows, and bring them out for sneak attacks. Okay. It's starting to make sense meow… The [Reanimate Soul] ability allows the Lich to not just reanimate a corpse… But also the Soul. It allows him to create Banshees and Phantasms, without even needing the full body of a corpse. He only needs the heart. His [Soul Split] ability allows him to split the soul of one monster, into two monsters… Which is how he gained the ability to create Banshees and Phantasms while also creating Skeletons at the very same time. It's frightening. The Bringer of Undying, indeed. His [Bone Manipulation] is quite self explanatory… But he can move Bones around at will, with the cost of some MP. Theoretically, he can even fly this way. It's a cheat ability.

Welp, it's time to go home; everyone~ We've got an Elven Prince to save… And a lochness monster to slay! Also, someone please get Goddin Village Neith Sama to take a look at those Potamin Crabs. We need a male and female. We need to keep the designated pair safe from harm, and within the Wailing Keep. I won't have my first designated invasive species die out. We're keeping them. These two will become Monster Knights, and they will carry on the line of Potamin Crabs after I perish. They will be enviable to Potamin Crabs everywhere. I will settle for nothing less! I was thinking such things as I followed along behind the last few Potamin Crabs being shuffled through the Hallowed Gate. Entering Halloween, there are still a few running along within the Town; away from my Clansmen. It's somewhat of a hectic ordeal, but I find it amusing to watch as my terrifying Clansmen do their best at not being problematic while also capturing the normally docile creatures. All of the Potamin Crabs seem to utterly hate Halloween. They want out, but they don't expect that we're actually just trying to take them out. It's probably the death class giant monsters off in the distance. These ants are now frantically running all over the place as if the sky is actually falling.

Looking around at the Banshees, I called out for Betty. I was afraid that something like this might happen… And now it has. Betty is gone. Well, not really. She's claiming to be one of the Tier 5 Banshees… But she's also claiming to no longer be the same Betty that I once knew. She's different now. Now, there are several other beings within her. She may be the most predominant being left, as her soul was merged only once… But she's not alone in there. She's almost… Omniscient. Frightening. I can hear her voices. All of them, in unison. My Clansmen could very well be worshiped after this is all said and done. The Crowli, more so than others… But he's not exactly easy to like. He might be feared, instead. I'll need a name for all of them… Except Molag Dregora. He has a name. I'd like to pay homage to Betty for the Banshees, though. I'll use similar names to hers, I'll even allow her new self to keep the name Betty. She's still 33% Betty, after all. If she were a corporation, she would be the main stock holder. Nyah.

I'll handle it another time. For meow, I would like to go and save a Prince. I decided to gather all of the Wailing Keep residents. I need volunteers. I need to stir a distraction in Vanheim without it being led back to me. It's a precarious situation. I also gathered my Clansmen. They're all here, meow. In the Throne Room… Many of which kneeling. Actually… They're all kneeling. It's difficult to tell with Cyclozard. He's a Lizard. The Kitsune is just laying down. I guess it's fine. I never really asked for them to kneel, they took it upon themselves.

"I wish to save the Prince of Vanheim and bring him to Cetilla's party in the Orc Mountains. I can't allow it to be traced back to me in any way. In order to meet that requirement, I have decided to call upon the Monster Knights… I also seek council from Leoric. Leoric understands how the Elven Council thinks, so I want his insight on this matter. We need to know how best to go about doing this… So that we know who best to ask for help in achieving it. No offense, Leoric… But what the Elven Council is doing to Lemmispire is irredeemable and it must be stopped. That Prince needs power." [Nero] declared while removing his aviators and placing them in his collared shirt pocket.

"...I understand your wish. I too, do not agree with the decision to keep Lemmispire locked away." [Leoric Eldinheim] admit before continuing.

"If you want to free him from Vanheim, it would be best to act at night. Most of the Elves do not stay awake during the night, unless they are Dark Elves. You need an individual that can eliminate the guards, break open the doors, and lead the prince away without ever being noticed. Among those present… I'm the only one capable." [Leoric Eldinheim] declared.

"You have impeccable AGI, and MP. You can step through the shadows to ensure that you go unnoticed… You even have Low Presence… But is that enough to go completely unnoticed as a Tier 8 Dark Elf?" [Nero] agreed, before begging the question.

"...I can't say for certain." [Leoric Eldinheim] dejectedly replied.

"Goddin Village Neith Sama... Have you ever tried to analyze the haki being released by my Hallowed Gates?" [Nero] turned to ask the Goblin Shaman.

"...Well, yes… They seem to emit a very low haki when they have lower MP…" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] confessed while averting eye contact.

"Wonderful. Okay, so Leoric; I want you to waste as much MP as you can, in as quick a time period as you possibly can. Don't worry about it. I want you to limit yourself to the point that you believe will be absolutely necessary if you're to successfully retrieve the Prince. We don't want any excess MP. I believe that you may now work the same way as I do, as you're now one of my Clansmen. I too, will waste as much MP as I possibly can. I'll fly to Vanheim, and will enter along the western border of the city. I will then conjure a Hallowed Gate for the lowest possible cost, and be expecting you to have been keeping your MP at the required amount. At that point in time, I expect you to enter through the gate and go off to the triple capped Golden Mushroom home to save Lemmispire. He should be in the tallest cap. After you retrieve him, return him to the Hallowed Gate and it's a job well done." [Nero] happily informed the Dark Elf of his new plan before grabbing his Broom and obtaining his Lantern.

Okay~ So, I have about 1300 MP to spend… I'll just go ahead and get some pieces while aiming for level 100. I made three, and threw them to the crowd at random. Enjoy~ I've got a gate to conjure! Getting on my Broom, I set off to my destination. I caught a quick glance of my companions waving me off, while a certain Dark Elf was recklessly throwing [Shadow Dagger] after [Shadow Dagger] up in the air as he used [Double Step] and [Shadow Step] in unison. Talk about a workout… I decided to grab one common Fish from the fridge before I set off. Nyah.

Eating my Fish, I flew as quickly as I could, until I ran out of MP. I was heading northwest. As I flew, I eventually just kept flying above the border of the Elven territory and the Beastkin Kingdom. It was a fun time. I felt as though I were traveling along a railroad. Eventually, the split came that warned me of Witches… So I decided to trail off to my right. Hard right. Hard right! Okay~ I'm meow descending to the ground of the western side of Vanheim. If it's from this angle, one might say that the Witches did it… Or the Beastkin. Who said it's the Halloween Cat?! It wasn't! Well, I cast my [Hallowed Gate] before I stepped through it, and watched as the Dark Elf sprinted around the fountain while still casting shadow step. It's frightening because I only saw him for a split moment. He seemed determined. He had that face. The one that seems to be trying too hard but also not capable of keeping up with himself? That one. Oh, Vanheim… It was silly of you to send me that Dark Elf. He just might be your undoing…

I decided to sit atop my Broom, which was floating atop the fountain. I wanted to watch for any intruders. This little town circle of mine is kind of my greatest vulnerability. Anyone could walk through it, into the other gate, turn around, walk into my Treasure Room… Take a right, and destroy the Wailing Keep heart. I would be left homeless for 24 hours. If I were in Halloween the moment that it happened, I have no idea what might happen to me. On second thought, Scarecrows; you stand guard here. Vampires, Bats, and Crowli; you help them. Everyone inside the Halloween Town except for me and Leoric. Nyah.

I'll be in the Treasure Room… Guarding my loot. After around 10 minutes, I heard someone step through the Hallowed Gate; and it was... My Dark Elf! He came baring a Prince! Ahhh~ My Champion… Saving the Prince from the tallest Cap of that Golden Mushroom Tower! Did he let down his hair?! I simply must know all the details~ [Hallowed Gate]!

"So, welcome back!" [Nero] exclaimed with a smile as he skipped out of his Treasure Room, before leaping on to his Throne.

"...Thank you." [Lemmispire] said solemnly.

"Awww, now don't be like that~ I did this for your own good and I did it at my own possible detriment. Be that as it may, you're going to the... Orc Mountains~ Show some excitement!" [Nero] replied with a grin as he got up from his chair and threw his arm around the Elf's shoulder only to begin making hand gestures as he referenced the Orc Mountains before continuing to lead the Elf through the Throne Room.

"The Orc Mountains?!" [Lemmispire] gasped out of terror.

"Yes! Five of my friends are currently in a party adventuring in the Orc Mountains while training. You, my friend… Are going to join them in their quest to conquer those very Mountains~" [Nero] exclaimed excitedly as he continued to walk the Elf further through the Throne Room.

"...Who?" [Lemmispire] asked as if astonished.

"Well, there's Cetilla Vellisroi; the first member to my Cat Crew. She's a first rate Sorceress from Reygid and of noble birth. I believe you've met. She's leading the party. With her, are Goblin Funk… A Tier 3 Goblin Warrior and trusted retainer to Goddin Village Neith Sama, who I believe you've also met. Budget Dragon joined them, but I don't know if you know him. Budget Dragon is a Tier 5 Drake. Ben, the Tier 4 Bear joined along. Rita, the Tier 5 Rifaleesi did as well." [Nero] replied with a smile before going off to add…

"Cetilla's definitely the strongest among them, so she'd probably appreciate your help." [Nero] finished while he brought the Elf into the Kitchen and began to prepare three common Fish on a pan.

"But I'm not that strong, either?! I think you should send more help!" [Lemmispire] exclaimed as if exasperated.

"...Eh? Okay~ I can send more help. Conrad, take Leoric with you to the Orc Mountains. You two can spend each night supporting the others in the Mountains, but always return before dawn. Go there alongside Lemmispire. I'm sure that Conrad can carry both of you. He can easily find Cetilla as well. Leoric should be fine to keep up on foot, but he may need help climbing the Mountains. I would like for it to be clear… You two are not to be trying to get every single kill that the party comes across. You are there in the event that the party gets overwhelmed… Or in the event that they decide to sleep while you are present. You can keep them safe as they rest." [Nero] declared while raising his Lantern.

And so, the Crowli and Dark Elf appeared. After I finished cooking the Fish, I handed them to Lemmispire; who was then being carried away by the Crowli. Leoric ran along after them. They're off. I just sent off two of my strongest of Clansmen. I still have Molag Dregora… But those two were seriously strong. If I had to say, I would definitely go with the Lich, the Crowli, and the Dark Elf being my strongest Clansmen. In that order, potentially. It's difficult to say. The Crowli has immense war potential. The Lich is genuinely just high stats, and a particular affinity that isn't very useful in a vast majority of scenarios. He's a support that can be devastating if he's on the right team. Him and I share that aspect. I can't help but place him above Conrad. It's Conrad's fault that we didn't find the Forsaken Isles sooner. He's still not off the hook for that one. Banshees and Phantasms! Go help Betty slay the lochness monster! She will lead the way!

It's hard to lead an army of monsters. I'm meow going to the waterfall and placing a Hallowed Gate. After doing so, my lesser Scarecrows instinctively appeared. They're a blessing! I'll never merge your souls, I swear! You guys are just too precious~ NOTHING like those dastardly Phantasms and Banshees! Betty was fine, though. She's still here… I can't help but feel upset about the entire ordeal. I don't want some variant of Betty! I want THE Betty, Hunky Beefcake! There needs to be a [Soul Preference] ability or something. [Selective Soul Merge]. Yes. We need that. Get on that, Hunky Beefcake. We need [True Halloween Cat v2.0] Update released stat! Pronto!

When I think to my followers, they hear my thoughts. I'm like the ultimate clairvoyant or something. If it's like that, then obviously… When I think to a God… They too, would hear me… Correct? Hunky Beefcake? Am I prophet, yet? Sir? Excuse me~ I'm talking to you! If only you would deliver some divine message to tell this one… Explaining what they should be doing with their empire building class role that you so recklessly allowed to be picked? Excuse me, but let's just… Tally this all up here, Mr Hunky Beefcake Sama… Creation, Time, Space, and Clairvoyance Magic wrapped up in a nice little bundle of Fire and Shadow Elements… Coupled with Tamer and Witch Classes?! The heck?! This needs a hard nerf or something… Oh, wait… The hard nerf is that freaking Time Magic is my suicidal element. Yeah, let's just make one of their abilities cause an exponential death rate. Sounds good. Sounds balanced.

Moments later, I swear… On Hunky Beefcake… I heard someone say;

"Hah~" [Guy Voice]

Turning around, there was no one there. It's ominous. It's beyond ominous. It's literally proving everything that I was just thinking about! He's watching me on that damned television which was previously just static. Probably eating cups of noodles or something, basking in my torment. Ugh… Returning to the Throne Room, I asked for Molag Dregora. I'm meow facing the dead bodies of Rei and Milton. It's time to see the light, my friends. Turning to the Lich, I decided to ask him about the risks... The rewards. I need all the details.

"So, what's going to happen if you try to reanimate their souls without reanimating their corpses? Also, just what the hell are Flesh Golems!?" [Nero] let out, as he gestured to the two rotting Catkin.

"...Well, if I only reanimated their souls… They would probably be a little stronger… But they've been sitting here like this for a long while… A lot of their original soul power has already departed, so they won't be very powerful. They would require more time to be born with new soul power harnessed from their surroundings. Flesh Golems are just like any other Golems… But they consist of Flesh. Oftentimes, they consist of more than one individual… They consume more Flesh, and it becomes one with them. It is how they deal with rotting." [Molag Dregora] explained with a professional attitude.

"I don't care if they're revived as Tier 1 Banshees or Phantasms, what I need to know is if it's going to work… Do you believe that they would prefer to leave behind their corpses or stay with them?" [Nero] asked, with growing impatience.

"Skeletons tend to enjoy being alongside their respective soul. The Skeleton may even be born with a higher Tier than the Banshee or Phantasm… So it may be for the best if they are both resurrected, no?" [Molag Dregora] replied, also growing somewhat impatient.

"Resurrect their souls. Ask them before doing the same for their corpses." [Nero] replied bluntly as he turned to the two dead Catkin.

"[Reanimate Soul]!" [Molag Dregora] declared as he raised a Staff out to face the two corpses.

Moments later, an orange flame exploded from the tip of his Staff, and engulfed the area ahead of him. It was… Hellfire. We were in the corner of the room, but I can only imagine what it might have looked like if used on a larger area. Moments later, a Banshee and a Phantasm appeared from within the depths of those eruptive flames. They are… Unmistakably… Two Catkin. It's strange how Banshees and Phantasms don't seem to have races included in their description… Considering how Vampires do… It's a brutal glitch, Hunky Beefcake. Fix it. Don't just say that it's because Vampirism is technically a curse… While this is not. Don't tell me that. How is this not a curse?! Haaah?!?

"Welcome back to the land of the living~ You're both undead. Do you want to have Skeletons accompany you through life?" [Nero] greeted the two misplaced creatures before begging the question.

"U-u-uhhh…" [Milton] stuttered, looking between the Lich, Nero, and Rei who all seemed to be at peace with the situation.

"I'm fine either way. What do you think, Milton? Do you want to get Skeleton pets?" [Rei] sighed before going off to ask Milton nonchalantly.

"...No?" [Milton] replied after a short minute, with a pained expression.

"Okay~ Guess not, then." [Rei] declared to the Halloween Cat with a shrug.

"Right. Milton, I believe that you're in need of a further explanation. After you died, I gave Rei two choices… To put you to rest, or to resurrect you as a Phantasm. Rei decided that rather than resurrect you as a Phantasm, she would also become a Banshee and be resurrected at the same time as you." [Nero] explained as he began to lead the two along through the Throne Room.

"Okay… But… Why?" [Milton] turned to ask the Banshee.

"I... Wouldn't want you to be undead alone…?" [Rei] answered slowly.

"But I wouldn't have asked you to lay down your life for me!" [Milton] barked back furiously.

"M-Milton…" [Rei] mumbled for a moment while looking at the Phantasm.

"What you did was beyond reckless..." [Milton] declared before continuing.

"Agreed." [Nero] casually chimed in from a distance.

"...But because you did it for me, I'm going to accept it." [Milton] concluded before beginning to catch back up with the Lich and Halloween Cat who were now considerably far ahead of them… While gesturing for the Banshee to follow him.

"Finally made up, huh?" [Nero] mocked the two newly born Wraiths.

"So… Who is this guy?" [Milton] ignored the remark and began to gesture toward the Lich.

"I am named Molag Dregora. I am a Lich." [Molag Dregora] introduced himself with a terrifying tone of voice.

"Okay~ But where's Cetilla?" [Rei] asked with glee.

"She's off on an adventure in the Orc Mountains right now..." [Nero] replied casually before continuing.

"By the way, Milton and Rei... I want you both to be spending your time near the Delhn Lake. Please try to deal as much damage as you can to the lochness monster. I want that to be your first kill as Wraiths. You'll find Betty and a bunch of others there fighting it right now." [Nero] remembered the task at hand and made sure to inform the two deceased Catkin with a smile.

"Good thinking~ Let's go, Milton!" [Rei] replied happily before beginning to depart as she called after Milton.

"Coming! Nero?" [Milton] called back before turning to the Witch of War.

"Yeah?" [Nero] replied as he began to eat a piece of Fish that he did not have three minutes ago.

"...Thanks." [Milton] thanked him before setting off toward the east.

"So, what shall we do next?" [Molag Dregora] begged the question.

"I want a Flesh Golem." [Nero] replied bluntly as he began to guide the Lich back into the Wailing Keep, ignoring the companions all gathered around the fireplace.

"A Flesh Golem?! I'm getting excited just thinking about it… How large are we setting our sights?!" [Molag Dregora] remarked in a peculiarly jovial mood.

"Nothing too fancy, but there are 5 dead Elven corpses on the other side of the Throne Room that I've been looking to get rid of. I was thinking that it might be a good idea to not have them be Banshees or Phantasms… Or Skeletons, for that matter." [Nero] replied with a laugh as he guided the Lich toward the corpses.

"Oh… Yes, I see… Well, Elven Flesh is durable… So it may work well for Flesh Golems… But I find it to be best when there's only one Flesh Golem, who devours the other corpses." [Molag Dregora] muttered before offering the solution with a happy tone of voice.

"Alright, sounds fair enough." [Nero] declared as he sat down and watched as the Lich performed his magic.

Ahhh… The abilities that the Lich uses are very appealing to the eye. I'm impressed. It's a spectacle just having the chance to watch. Cetilla should have been here for this. That Catkin always knows how to have a good time~ After the flames dissipated, we peacefully watched as the Flesh Golem brutally devoured his former Companions. As the Flesh Golem ripped them apart, it ate all of the skin and organs. I believe I may have even watched it lick the blood from the floor. It was ferocious. It was definitely a killing machine. It appeared Human, but it would randomly display all of way too much Flesh while extending its arms or its mouth… Or any part of its body. The disgusting gory displays that it made, reminded me of Lily… But Lily is a Mananagirl or something. She's different. This thing… This thing is just ridiculous. It spontaneously lost its clothing very quickly into its life, on account of it spontaneously combusting in size whenever it unleashed an attack against the literal corpses which were not going anywhere. I don't think this thing has reason. It lacks all those things that make a competent ally.

I've devised a questionable idea. If I'm frank, I don't think it's going to do very much… But I'm doing it. I'm carrying the monstrosity which is constantly trying to devour me through my barrier… And I'm dropping it into the Reygid Castle Courtyard. The King can deal with this one. I don't want it. It was a mistake. If I turn this thing into a Clansmen and it fails to learn to not try and destroy me… I'll be finished. It will be the end of me. There's no way that I can constantly deal with smacking this thing down every single night. It would be ridiculous. I can already see it, interrupting me at every freaking turn I take. No. I won't be having it, Hunky Beefcake. That's what I was thinking as I dropped it. Moments later, I heard some Woman let out a scream as if she were about to die… Only to have the scream fade away almost as soon as it rang out. As I flew away slowly… I was able to hear that same thing occur several times, until I finally stopped to turn around. I couldn't ignore it any longer, when it had finally reached kill number 10.

What have I done?! This is already far too out of hand! Can I… Not take the blame for this?! It's literally a massacre and all that I did was drop a freaking Tier 2 rarity into the mix! I didn't even bestow it with anything! It's not even being fed Candy! By the time that I heard the 30th person die, my left eye was sporadically twitching and I decided to leave. I'm sure that they'll figure it out. They simply must… If they can't handle that thing, then I'm sorry… But they can't be a Kingdom. I'm going to sleep. I deserve an early night again. I've been falling in love with my early night sleeping schedule. I was thinking such things as I returned to the Wailing Keep.

Ignoring all of the Companions spending time together near the fireplace, I continued on my way into the Throne Room and towards the Treasure Room. As I traveled, I asked Connor to wake me up around dawn. I also asked Con to convince Goddin Village Neith Sama to keep an eye on the status of the lochness monster. We need to know when that thing is going to die, so that we can make sure to include Chartreuse, Prussian, Goddin Village Neith Sama, Goblin Funk, Cetilla, Rei, Milton, and a couple of Potamin Crabs. I want that thing to be brought down by a whole lot of individuals. It's a big deal. Getting undressed, I returned to my smallest form and leapt on into bed. Good morning~


"CAWWW! CAWWW!" [Connor] squawked earnestly.

"...[Daily Candy]! Mmm… [Hallowed Gate]!" [Nero] slowly screamed out.

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