《Diaries of Nero the Halloween Cat》Chapter 63 - Night 65


NNNnNNYUH!~ I'm awake. I don't feel overly tired, but I have a whole lot on my mind. There's too much to do! I just want to crawl back in the bed and say no! It's a desperate desire… But I have no choice. These people need me. Lemmispire, especially. He's too pure. He genuinely needs my assistance. As soon as possible. The slaves of Reygid. They need me to save them from that King and those pesky nobles. A noble cause, indeed. I'm so utterly ashamed of myself for letting it go on as long as I have. I promise, I'm making moves to save you. I genuinely am. Reygid's strength, for the most part… Is the nobles and adventurers that live within it. Facing those nobles and telling them to give up their slaves is quite dangerous. I needed time to gain power, and now I'm at a point where I can say that I might have gained it. Not even just them, but what about the Goblins?! Guys! The Goblins need help! I've taken on too much! My paws are absolutely full! That's what I was thinking as I got dressed after returning to my Human form.

After flying through the Throne Room and entering the Dining Hall, the gang has assembled~ The night crew. Oh! You know what I just thought of? Lily. Strange. I know, but I've been having dreams about it. Ever since Lily escaped that cage of freaking light magic, I just can't avoid the thought of exactly what her race is. Lily totally spent several nights outside this fine keep by the fireplace. One of the three Goblins simply must have appraised her. I'm an idiot. An absolute idiot. I should have put two and two together, that they might be able to shed some freaking light on this scenario. Yes. Grabbing my two common Fish, I took my seat before begging the question.

"Goddin Village Neith Sama, what the freaking hell was Lily?!" [Nero] spat hysterically moments after taking his seat.

"...A certainly troubled young girl?" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] replied while twisting his head to the side.

"No! Tell me her race!" [Nero] shot back before ferociously devouring a Fish.

"Oh… Lily was a Manananggal. You didn't know?" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. To which, he received a painful glare from the Witch of War.

Figures he would say that. He's always trying to rub it in our faces that he possesses [Appraisal]. He's too snide, that guy. He's fake nice. I can't believe I was tricked, all this time... I'm only meow seeing the true colors of this Goblin Shaman. The thing is, I'm already in too deep. I already promised to save his Village. I can't pull out any longer... Also, I totally promised Elliot that I would rescue his Prince, and I even promised Roy that I would abolish slavery within Reygid. I make too many promises. I need to learn to lie… Or just not promise anything. I don't know. This is too much for me. What even is a Manananggal?! Seriously?! Talk about a long name! I'm starting to understand why Lily is pretentious. That name is ridiculous. It literally says Mana in the name. Mana is essentially power. Her race name is practically Powerwerwergal?! She's the power girl of freaking Demons, bro! What the heck?!

"How strong is she?" [Nero] sighed after losing his hateful glare. To which, the Goblin Shaman returned his glance for several moments with eyes wide before suddenly declaring...


"...Tier 9." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] confessed.

Woah. Hold on. Hold on! Lily is like… Way too strong! I can't even comprehend how much damage she can deal! Wait… Lily has a father. Oh, Hunky Beefcake… Have mercy upon this one's soul. I can't avoid Lily again. If she shows up, I need to befriend her. I can't afford to ignore such power. She could literally turn my entire life into a nightmare if I give her the cold shoulder one too many times. All of my companions, or a very good chunk of them could easily perish if faced against her. My Clansmen alone, could never defeat that. I wouldn't be able to eat Candy fast enough for them to deal any real damage to her. I'm genuinely outmatched against Lily. I don't want my friends to die…

As a tear fell from my cheek, I finished my Fish. Tonight's feast didn't feel as special to me, perhaps on account of my mind being preoccupied. I should enter the feast with a clear slate of mind. Perhaps… Meditation is what I need. An inner zen? I suppose it can't hurt... I'll try it. One of these nights. I'm far too busy to spend time doing that on this night~ Clansmen! Gather all of the Wailing Keep residents and yourselves into the Dining Hall! I'll just go and wash my hair first. If the residents are all being gathered here, then there's no one to watch my latest guilty pleasure. Turning on the tap, taking off my cap and aviators before putting them on a counter… I began to wash my hair. Nyaaaa~ Absolutely… This is the best feeling that I hath felt since coming to this world. It's warm, it's clean… It's my freaking sink shower hack! I'm in love. I was thinking such things as I ran my hands through my hair as it soaked.

I probably spent 20 minutes with my head in the sink… I may or may not have also went to the waterfall and conjured a new Hallowed Gate there. I may or may not have left it alone, as well... But who doesn't love to call everyone together only to be fashionably late yourself?! I'm an important Kitty. One can't mess with my whims. Returning to my seat, well… Standing in front of it… I decided to make an explanation. These people need to know just what the heck I've been up to as of late. I already told some of them about some of the details, but not a single one of them understands the whole scenario of what's happening right at this instant. They deserve to know... This Wailing Keep is kind of a flight risk. It's do or die time, ladies and gentlemen.

"Hello everyone~" [Nero] greeted the motley which held extremely varied expressions and appearances.

"Took you long enough." [Ben] growled.

"Hi Nero~" [Rita] happily jumped from her chair as she called

"Master!" [Benji] clamored before bowing. To which, the other Bats shrieked.

"I've gathered you all here to discuss what I've been doing lately. There's a turning point coming for this continent, and I've initiated the countdown. I've declared war against the Monarchy and Nobility of Reygid… As well as any who dare stand in my way while doing so. My reasoning, is that I want to abolish slavery within Reygid. I gave the wealthy and prosperous of Reygid 60 days to abolish it on their own, or I would come and do it for them; while taking their lives. I intend to turn all of those who stood against me within Reygid into Banshees and Phantasms. I then intend to capture or slay them, before merging their souls together to the utmost minimum possibility. For that to happen, I require the Lich on the Forsaken Isles more so than ever before. We need to find it, as quickly as possible. I told them, that if they tried to make moves against me before the 60 days were up; that I would execute their King. Not even 3 days later, and I already have reason to believe that their King has decided to keep slavery around and stop me. Because we have not found the Forsaken Isles, I'm hesitant to jump right in and slay him. Also, if I slay him and leave the rest to the Nobility… They still might decide not to abolish slavery. So, I've decided to send a message to the King by executing one of his heirs first. If he continues to act against me, I will continue to execute his family… Until he is the last one, at which point; I will kill him instead. I doubt that he will continue his efforts long enough for it to come to that, as he has two heirs and a wife as well. One heir should do." [Nero] declared boldly to the group of now silent monsters before continuing.


"That is not the only thing that I have come to discuss. I mentioned this continent. Not just one Kingdom. The Elven City of Vanheim is my next topic of discussion. Their information network is vast. It would appear that every large endeavor that I make, their Council learns of it. They always appear, asking me for my reasons. Always. If I slay a large number of individuals, they know about it. I don't know just how poorly they think of me, but I do know that they have an issue. Their Prince, Lemmispire who had came here as an envoy once… He's a good Prince, and it would be in all of Vanheim's best interest if he were to take the Throne. Currently, it would appear that the Council is running Vanheim; and they would not like to see Lemmispire rise to power. They are trapping their Prince in confinement, probably to further demoralize their Prince to his people. They most likely want to take his Throne for themselves, and change the proper line of Monarchy. In order to stop that, I have decided to discretely rescue the trapped Prince before bringing him to the Orc Mountains to train. I've been thinking it over, and I want some of you to go to the Orc Mountains to train yourselves alongside him. I don't care which of you go, but I know that some of you must. We need power as well, so that we can deal with the Beastkin should they attempt to march an army against us. After we find the Lich, we can begin with slaying the lochness monster at the bottom of the Delhn lake; which should also help on that front." [Nero] exclaimed, to which he received many determined and fearful expressions.

"This is the time for you all to decide amidst yourselves, whether you choose to stay and fight or to run and hide. I'll be creating new pieces of clothing for all of you who choose to fight, which should help you stand a far better chance against any attacks that we incur. I'll be requesting that the Harpies of the Chasms help us in finding the Forsaken Isles, as they can all fly. I'll be saving the current Meglacommon in the freezer until we are victorious on both saving the Prince and freeing the slaves. We will not hold another festival until that time. What do you have to say for yourselves?" [Nero] declared to the crowd, finally finished with his explanation.

"Why can't we have festivals?" [Wendel] asked, in a rude tone of voice as she stopped singing.

"They're expensive. I need to save my Coins right now. On the other hand, I procured more decks of cards; and dice to play with. We can still hold Safari Card Game Tournaments just fine." [Nero] explained with a serious tone of voice before adding with a smile.

"We live to serve you." [Benji] proclaimed, to which the other Bats shrieked with joy as they began to fly around the table.

"Who's going to get the chance to save the Prince?" [Cetilla] asked with a smile.

"It must be someone with a low presence." [Nero] replied with a grin while meeting the Sorceress' gaze.

"I humbly accept the task!" [Robert] chimed in while flying up to bow in front of Nero, near his plate.

"Your one task, is to not allow this to be led back to me in any way. Got that?" [Nero] said dramatically as he pointed a finger to the Tier 1 Bat who later squealed happily.

"I want to train in the Orc Mountains!" [Goblin Funk] declared while standing, after watching the Bat take his seat atop Nero's chair.

"Wonderful!" [Nero] sang with a thumb held high.

"I'll be helping Grenda train here." [Cloaked Monk] said determinedly.

"I will obviously fight." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] promised.

"Yeah." [Mr Scarecrow] said bluntly. To which, Mrs Scarecrow nodded.

"We will too~" [Fred & Daphne] sang in unison.

"I want to help!" [Cosmo] chimed in, while waving a stalk of hay.

"We can guard the gate!" [Wanda] added while taking a stand.

"I'll fly as fast as I can." [Conrad] remarked, with a terrifying tone. To which, the Crows cawwed.

"Can I stay here and suck away at the Lochness monster's life… Just incase we don't find the Forsaken Isles?" [Betty] groaned.

"...Yeah. Please do~" [Nero] replied in surprise.

"We sssshall protect the Losssst Kingdom." [Lora] hissssed.

"I think that I want to get stronger, too." [Ben] grumbled while raising a paw.

"Mommy~ I'm scared…" [Cindy] cried as she ran to hug her mother.

"It's going to be okay, honey… These people are strong, nothing's going to happen to you…" [Mary] reassured her daughter as she pat her back.

"I'll work to keep the children safe at all costs." [Rustle] said quickly before running up next to the young Catkin and rubbing his nose on her shoulder.

"I believe that King deserves whatever punishment you give him." [Goatman] stated boldly.

"If my daughter rests safe within these walls, then I will fight to protect these walls. I have yet to decide on a better place to be." [Mid Aged Foxman] explained his standpoint.

"I wish to train in the Orc Mountains." [Budget Dragon] declared

"We have decided to fight as your Clansmen." [Christina & Penny] said in unison before giving each other a proud look.

"Fighting for the Lost Kingdom is a dream come true." [Lisa] added.

"Where the White Wolf Lady goes, I shall follow." [Wilson] declared dramatically. To which, the White Beef Lady swooned.

"If I don't survive… Promise to protect my herd." [Lillian] dejectedly informed the table.

"Nothing's going to happen to you, idiot." [Kendra] snarled.

"Can we drink the blood of those that fall?" [Luna] asked, while tilting her head. To which, the other three Vampires as well as the Bats all seemed to have peaked interests.

"Yes." [Nero] replied while lowering his aviators and placing them on the table.

"If I fight, then can Vana stay out of it?" [Hugo] offered bravely.

"As if I'll stay out of it." [Vana] ruthlessly swatted the option down.

"Yes, my Queen." [Hugo] shot back with a sigh.

"...I haven't decided to stay or not yet." [Turtlekin Woman] said while lowering her head.

"I need weapons." [Jon] chimed in with a flat tone of voice.

"Let me go to the Orc Mountains!" [Rita] happily jumped up on the table and shouted.

"If I could get safe passage into the Dragon Mountains, I would appreciate it." [Komotokin Dragon Woman] said nonchalantly.

"I'll fight…" [Frank] groaned.

"...I'll help to protect this place." [Cyclozard] said timidly.

"Alright~ Now that everyone has decided… Robert! There is a triple capped Golden Mushroom house in the City of Vanheim. It should be the only one. Within the highest cap, Lemmispire is said to be trapped. I'm going to prepare a high grade outfit, and when I do; I would like you to find that house and bring it to him. Tell him to hide it, and wait for my signal." [Nero] turned to the Tier 1 Bat before giving the order.

"I won't fail you!" [Robert] yelled.

"Anyone that chooses to stay and protect the Lost Kingdom, I want you all to split up and keep eyes on every portion of it. We need to know if things are happening within this territory. Rotate on the work as you will, take breaks when necessary. Try to balance your sleeping schedules so that half of you are awake during the day, while the other half are awake during the night. White Beef Lady, Mr and Mrs Scarecrow should be included in that balance. They're always awake during the night, and will be capable of scouting the lands as well. Fred, Daphne, Cosmo, and Wanda will be in charge of protecting the Hallowed Gate and bringing Fish in from Halloween to the Fridges." [Nero] exclaimed while looking at the crowd which nodded before continuing.

"Cetilla. I need you to keep an eye on the Orc Mountains group. You're likely one of, if not the strongest among them. You will need to keep them all alive. I'm counting on you. Anyone going to the Orc Mountains may leave as soon as they wish. In fact, you may all bring the Meglacommon to use as your source of food while there. When Lemmispire is rescued, I will send him off to you. You will all need to wait for your return to gain the new clothing." [Nero] said with a serious expression as he turned to Cetilla.

"Sounds like fun." [Cetilla] laughed sadistically.

"And to the Komotokin Dragon, I will help you return home. Children, I want you all to keep close to Rustle, Mary, or Wendel. They're going to make sure that nothing bad ever happens to you, okay?" [Nero] explained to the Dragon before he turned his attention to the three young children.

"Okay…" [Raccoonkin Girl] said with a fearful expression.

"..." [Hawkman Boy]

"..." [Cindy]

"Now then~ Robert, come with me." [Nero] called on the Tier 1 Bat as he began to make his way out of the Throne Room.

We're off to make some fresh duds. I'm a Crafting Cat, meow. I was going to wait a few nights to get all this stuff started, but Cetilla forced my paw. She's not the type to sit around and wait for the enemy to come knocking at our doorstep. After we had finally reached the Throne, I asked Robert to bring me some Candy. He's just going to keep bringing me new buckets as I make clothes. We're going hard, tonight. I want all my people dressed and prepared for war. I'm making big pieces. Level 99 pieces each cost 396 MP. I'll start there.

I ended up being able to make 6 of them before Robert started returning with Candy. It was at that point in time, that I realized I should help carry buckets. He can only do one at a time, and he struggles. Poor guy. And so, we procured a total of 40 buckets of Candy. It took us around 10 minutes. I'm serious about tonight. I'm seriously eating a lot of my Candy. Wish me luck. I probably ended up wasting an hour or two while creating clothes with Robert. We were talking about a ton of different things, so I didn't really mind. He asked me about my plan for signalling Lemmispire, and so I confessed to not actually getting that far into the plan… And so we ended up coagulating our own plan. Together. We're going to bring the clothes to Lemmispire, walk to the eastern side of the Forest of Elves... And manifest a 'Hallowed Howl'. In the meanwhile, Robert will hide in Lemmispire's new fashionable cape that I just picked out... And direct him on the way out of the mess while all of the other Elves are distracted. Before the Elves can actually figure out what's causing the immense haki off in the distance, I'll conjure a Hallowed Gate and we'll all disappear. As we'll be in the east, Lemmispire will flee to the south. He's been to Reygid before. He said so himself.

After talking about the plan and coming to terms with it, we went off to talk about the drunken challenge games. He wants to do them again. Duels, at the very least. I'm honestly not too against it, but the last time we did duels was so utterly unfair that I'm frightful. After explaining my own distaste for the duels, we happened to devise a slightly different plan… Together. What if we held a Tournament? No, not a Safari Card Game Tournament. I'm talking about a genuine Tournament. To the death. I could use my Clansmen as the gladiators awaiting to be challenged. I could charge a fee for spectators, and offer a reward to whichever challenger prevails victorious. I could allow challengers to drop out at any time, given that they survive their nightly challenge. Otherwise, they can rest up in the Wailing Keep as they recuperate to be ready for their next match. I could have Vana and Hugo help with healing the wounded in between their matches, but I'd likely need some more individuals of the Valentines Clan. They're supposedly the best at healing magic. Vana and Hugo are second rate.

As the Tournament goes on and the number of challengers dwindles, I can begin to start renting out rooms within the Wailing Keep to spectators. I can even sell Fish and Alcohol for people to enjoy in the Dining Hall. I'll need to keep the Treasure Room safe at all costs, though. I can't allow anyone to enter there. This entire plan… It's brilliant. I can theoretically accumulate experience points from the more thriving races... The Human, Lizardmen, Beastkin, and Elves without starting any wars. I can literally hand pick a Hero by rewarding the final challenger standing. A Hero that will forevermore, be indebted to me. Hopefully. I'd like to think that I don't spell my undoing out of a whim on this scale. We decided to host it in the Forest of Witches. They have the Magic Coliseum, so nyah. It's the perfect locale. Only the strong or stupid will challenge the Tournament, and I'll riddle out the stupid in the first few nights. I'll then move onto the strong, by having them face up against several of the higher Tier Clansmen at once. The longer that I wait to start this, the better off that I'll be. I can't allow there to be more than two challengers capable of slaying all of my Clansmen in one go. I'd be left without options. I need the Banshees and Phantasms now, more than ever.

Having Robert around has been a blast. I meow have yet another plan. I owe it all to him. The Tier 1 Bat that could! It might end up as a pain to convince the Witches to allow me access to their Coliseum, but I'm optimistic. I'm a Witch, after all. You can't just ignore the Witch of War for too long, sisters. I'm a force to be reckoned with meow! I can feel it. I'm still more than a little queasy about the freaking Tier 9 Manapowpow girl, though. That's ridiculous. What am I going to do if Victor is Tiers above her?! I'll never be able to face the Demon Kingdom at this rate! They're freaking impenetrable! I need a game changing moment if I'm to ascend to those heights. Even then… Doing so will probably be the death of me. The more that I Evolve, the faster that I die. I need to be able to kill them with as low of a Tier as possible if I'm to outlive this suicidal Time Magic plot. Freaking Hunky Beefcake, I blame you! You didn't properly state anything! It was all just so simplistic in your explanation! Ugh…

Finally finished, I hath consumed great a amount of Candy. It's a wonder where it all goes. I'm truly a Mongerer, huh? Looking at the pile… I can probably count this. It's depressing. As it turns out, there are 61 pieces here. 61 pieces of potentially level 99 clothing. Looking at the pieces, I devised an outfit for the Elven Prince. I don't know what the levels are, but he'll make do. We're aiming at fashion, and versatility. He's going to be living in the warm Orc Mountains for a little while, so I'll be giving him some lighter things. He's got black swim trunks, a black fur cape, a black tie, a white tee shirt, and some white flip flops. Good luck, sir. Passing all of the clothing to the Bat, I quickly realized that he alone would not be enough. We need more. We need Con. Con! Come to me! Help Robert in his mission!

Moments later, Con; the Tier 1 Crow appeared and began to help the struggling Robert. They're off now… I believe in them. If anyone can do it, it's those two. Don't let me be caught! Moving along, I should probably arrange this pile now~ I'll take it into my Treasure Room. It's possible in there without needing Wendel's help. And so, around half an hour later; my room is now a complete mess. It's a hassle, but about half of these items are above level 30. I'll be giving those to the residents. The rest can go to Clive. So, nyah. After checking, there are 26 pieces waiting for the residents. Fun. I kind of want some of my own, but I'll wait my turn. I can just grant myself good clothes with 10 Minute Makeover anyway. It doesn't matter. It doesn't bother me! Ju-just… Get them out of my sight, Mr Scarecrow!~ Give them to the people defending this Keep! I was thinking such things as I hid my head beneath some blankets. I stayed that way for a few minutes before peeking out from the covers. They're gone. The clothes are gone. Okay… Wait! He took the freaking level 1 to 30 ones, too! That guy…

Well… I've started it. I've started to make war preparations. I sent out some of my most favored people in search of vast power for themselves… Vast power so that they might help me more through these trying times. These trying times that I caused. Oh, Hunky Beefcake… Why do I feel like I'm about to regret something yet again? Something that I can't make right?! I suppose there's no use thinking about it until it does or doesn't happen… But I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Something's not right here. Something is amiss, my friends and foes. I can't quite put my finger on it, yet. I'll get there. I'm sure. Making big decisions like this really takes it out of me. I should go and tell the Harpies. Grabbing my Broom, I began to fly there. Out of the Wailing Keep, and into the night. I'm heading south. To the Chasms. Reaching the Chasms and flying through it to find the Harpy Den only ended up taking me around 20 minutes. It wasn't a big deal. I was saving MP.

Finding the Harpy Matriarch took some extra time, however. She's not always the most obvious, I suppose. It might also have something to do with her appearing as though she's on her freaking deathbed. Yo, old lady! This is bad... She's not looking too good. Is it... Old age? Looking around, I caught a glance of her youngest daughter... Fusciazure. She's sobbing off to the side lines. It seems as though this has been going on for days. Why have I not been informed? This is certainly a problem that deserves to be shared, people! Connor, please. Send word to Vana and Hugo. Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon needs healing. If anything, we can grant her that. I don't know what type of treat Harpies need. The only option is magic. Looking to Fusciazure, I made very clear to her that if something like this were to ever happen; they should definitely send word to us. She's still sobbing, but she's nodding. Good.

Moving along, I picked up the Matriarch and began to carry her. While doing so, I informed the Harpies that gathered of the trying times which were coming... And that I would desperately be in need of their help in order to prepare. Many of them seem willing enough, so that's good. I asked them to go off in separate directions across this continent and find a set of 7 islands all fairly close together. I told them that the islands would likely be infested with Banshees, Phantasms, and Skeletons... And to be careful. If they think they find it, they need to return immediately and lead us back in the way they went. We should find it a whole lot faster if we crowd source it. I'm counting on them. They're my trump card. My secret trump card. Go forth~ My flying aces in the hole!

Around 10 minutes later, Vana and Hugo arrived at the scene. Fusciazure stayed back, but most of the other Harpies present left. The others must be off scouting the nearby lands within the Chasm. They're far more dedicated to their monster population intel gathering than we are. I should start having the Monster Knights do that more often. Keep them on their toes. As they do it, that's like free scouting jobs for the Kingdom. Very few things will ever go wrong while doing such a task, because tasks like that demand I have eyes everywhere. Yosh!

I was thinking such things as I watched the Flutterfairies do their job. They impress me, those two. Their Healing Magic is nice. According to them, they told Lillian to arrive as well. Oh... I forgot that she could heal. The Flutterfairies use some kind of green light beam ability to heal. It's fancy. Around 5 minutes later, the freaking Leshi appeared while rolling along the ground as a ball shaped bundle of roots. As soon as she arrived, she stopped using that form and became her more usual Humanoid Deer type thing. She's frightening, that Leshi. She might be on her way into becoming a Halloween Clansmen. I love it. If Lillian becomes a Halloween Clansmen, well... I think that might just make my year. She has a chance to Evolve from the highly probable battle against Reygid... So, nyah. We shall see. The Leshi's healing magic is literally her binding her roots around the individual, before they sprout flowers. Those flowers seem to be emitting an aura of green light... So that's probably it. The Leshi might lose this ability when becoming a Halloween Clansmen... Or, it might become twisted; like with Luna's. Luna can heal, but it probably isn't very effective for others not disposed to the Halloween Clan. It's literally called [Unholy Healing]. I can't just recklessly bestow such an ability to anyone I meet. It's probably a whole lot of bad news. On second thought... I could probably turn the Harpy Matriarch into a Vampire if she's on her deathbed and the others fail. Luna will be the backup plan. Vampirism. It's settled. Luna, get down here! If you believe that this woman is about to die, you turn her into a Vampire. Got it?! I believe in you. Thank you.

After Luna appeared, I explained to Fusciazure where this might lead after taking her off to the side. I explained that I could save her mother, if her mother accepted to be one of my Clansmen. Vampires are dangerous. They can't exactly be allowed to roam freely without having the necessary precautions already in place. They require Blood to heal themselves, so they can't fight if they don't have any Blood. What's more, they're almost constantly taking damage... They're practically forced into a frenzy like environment. That is not the kind of environment that I am hoping to bring about. If we're going to have non Clansmen Vampires, then we need a whole lot individuals to donate Blood. We have a lot of Goblins and Harpies, but I'm not about to demand Blood from the already starving races of the Lost Kingdom. That's insane. The Bats can thrive off Blood, but they don't need it freaking all the time or anything. They're respectable, and not very problematic. Vampires are a different story.

Leaving the others, I decided to return home. After reaching the waterfall, I took the Hallowed Gate route back. It probably only saved me about a minute, but I'm here for it. Connor, wake me when dawn approaches. I'm taking a nap. I was thinking such things as I returned to my smallest form…


"Wake the fawwwk up!" [Connor] fawwed.

Faux cawwing. This guy. Stop it! [Daily Candy]! I've had enough of your nonsense, Connor! Go back to Halloween! [Hallowed Gate]! [Disguise]! [Disguise]! [Disguise]! [Disguise]! [Disguise]! [Disguise]! Now, where were we? Oh, blankets of mine...

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