《Diaries of Nero the Halloween Cat》Chapter 56 - Night 58


Oi~ I'm feeling good tonight. I feel well rested. It's probably because I splurged almost all of my MP before going to sleep. You're welcome, Rei and Milton. It was for you. I think I'm going to stop feeding them so much time. They're even now, and that's good enough. It's way too dangerous to go off trying to increase my [Time Skip]'s proficiency on something that I'm literally going to need to skip several years in order to see any real results. I would prefer to spend my MP trying to skip time for Apple trees, thank you. Much more feasible than Banshees. I'm just a beginner [Master of Time], okay?! There's a whole lot of room to get better, even for a Master. It is what it is.

Honestly, if I'm going to get back onto the whole situation better left known as the 'Nero kills himself with Time Magic'; then I believe that I've finally come to terms with it. That's right. I'm killing myself with Time Magic slowly. Be that as it may, it's a necessary price to pay. I'm carrying this tragedy of a Kingdom back from the brink of terrible circumstances. Something needs to give if that's to be possible. For if one single individual were to come about and decide that an entire Kingdom is worth saving, and actually managed to do it; obviously something's going to go wrong. The amount of change that I'm bringing about to this particular part of the world is immense. Very few could accomplish what I have done in two months. Obviously, there's a price to pay for such immense change. Any heroine probably would have accumulated some sort of backlash from overusing their abilities to such an extent. My backlash just so happens to be Time Magic in which I can neither reverse nor slow. The more I help, the more chronic my illness becomes. I'll also become more capable of helping. If we hope to turn this sorry state of a Kingdom around, something's got to give. Someone was going to become the martyr, whether it was I or someone else. It's probably best if it was me, considering that I'm the one who has already died once before. I'm the reincarnated person. I'm the one being given a second chance here. I'm lucky to even be here. It's the least that I can do, to try and save these people; even at the cost of my own life. I'm doing it for the sake of the people. Even if my Time Magic abilities continue to enhance, shortening my life expectancy even further... I'm probably fine with that. I just need to make every second count. I'm a candlelit flame that must burn bright.

I was thinking such things as I got dressed. Moving into the Throne Room, I decided. This time, I'm making clothes. After making that decision, I was able to make 51 pieces while aiming for level 10 clothes. Not too shabby. I suppose that I'll just continue on my way to the Dining Hall. Tonight, I would like to venture through the Lizardmen Tribes, and past them; towards the Dwarven Kingdom. The Dwarven Kingdom is also connected with the Human Kingdom, but Cetilla wants to see the Lizardmen Tribes. Nyah. I just want to meet some moderately trained Dwarven Smelters to perhaps open an ore refining deal with them in the event that my Chasm Mining business starts soon. I honestly had no inclination towards rushing this operation, but Cetilla did. I also need some good pickaxes to start that aforementioned business; so I might as well try and procure some this way. I was originally just going to ask Vigi to have some made, but whatever…


It's a good thing for me to bring Coins from the Beastkin Kingdom out of it. Their economy, should it thrive; is almost guaranteed to end with Beastkin armies marching through the Lost Kingdom. The Dwarven Kingdom is one of the few territories on this continent that is NOT directly connected to the Lost Kingdom. The Forest of Witches shares that similarity. With that in mind, it's the best possible outcome if I can drive commerce away from the Beastkin and towards the Dwarves or Witches. They're the right candidates for the job. I can do as much with the Human Kingdom, Orc Mountains, and the Lizardmen Tribes as well. Honestly, though? Those other areas are going to be a greater challenge for me.

Call me racist, but I just don't think the Orcs are actually going to have very much going for them in the terms of commerce. I'll even go so far as to say that the Lizardmen probably also have a lower standard of living than the Human, Beastkin, and Elves. The Dragons? I just assume that Dragons are strong enough to not warrant even needing commerce. Conrad, the Crowli feels that he's powerful enough to not need clothes. The Dragons may be similar. If this were genuinely a safari continent, they would most likely be the alpha pack. They're totally fine on their own, probably. There is a low likelihood that there will be as many clothing stores in the Lizardmen Tribes or Orc Mountains as opposed to the Human or Beastkin Kingdoms.

Especially stores in which I can properly commandeer with clothing endorsements. Orcs are big, and bulky. They won't fit into the vast majority of the Cat's Costumery Clothing Brand. Lizardmen have ridiculously wide tails. I saw one during my encounter with Victor's Torture Chambers. It's not feasible for my clothes, either. The Elves are also potential candidates for me to suckle commerce away from, but I have high hopes for Lemmispire. He can't lie, and he's the heir to their throne. He's also hilariously weak. I could beat him, no problem. The Elves aren't my prime concern, though they would be if someone like Lemmispire weren't destined to lead them. I mean… Come on. A freaking self debuff condemning the user to honesty is among the abilities passed down by the nobility of the Elves?! He's got tons of great abilities passed down as well... But if he's forbidden from lying for eternity and he has a good heart, then he's really no threat.

I was thinking such things as I made my way into the Dining Hall. I feel like I've been lucky, lately. Why? I haven't had the need to prepare breakfast, that's why. Someone else, or some group of the residents here have been handling it before I wake. It's rather pleasant. I can't help but wonder if it's the same group of people every single night, or if it's just random and still based on whoever wakes first. I would ask, but I feel like this is something that I would rather learn for myself. Maybe... I can depict details on how the meals are prepared; and see if it changes rashly. If it doesn't change at all, and remains with a traditionally prepared meal plan; then I can ascertain that there is indeed a group… Or a Chef among us at the very least. If it does change nightly, then it's probably just the same as before. No big deal. If it stays the same for awhile and then changes abruptly, then all of a sudden; I'll have reason to bring it up. I can just go about and say 'Oh, the meal seems different tonight… Who has taken it upon themselves to prepare our meal on this fine night?'. Or something like that. The goal is to make someone else feel compelled to inform me of whoever, if anyone is currently making the meals regularly. Whoever confesses to preparing the meal on the night that I make my questioning, is likely to reply with something along these lines: 'Oh, I decided to make the meal tonight, because ______ and ______ were still asleep. I was trying my best to keep it the same as usual, too! I guess I just couldn't fool the Fish Mongerer…'. Or something like that. Real sly. I'm going to dub this, the 'Catch a Chef!' mission.


And so, I entered the Dining Hall and procured myself two Fish. While doing so, I ensured to take a close look at the platter. I'm taking notes. There are probably two dozen common Fish on the platter. There are also three of the pink Fish, and two of the grey and yellow ones. There is one Goldfish being served. Each of the specialty Fish are cut into pieces. Slabs. Roughly half an inch wide. They're cooked, quite well. Not under cooked, whatsoever. Almost crispy. The heads aren't included, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Budget Dragon was behind their disappearances. That guy will eat just about anything. There are a few berries and leaves set up, adorning the plates. The berries were gathered from around the Goblin Village. I know the ones. These berries are strange, by the way. Their shape and size is that of grapes, but they aren't your average berries. They're like… Blue and yellow. Spiraled. Blue and yellow spiral berries. They're surreal. It might have something to do with how absolutely smashed we get off of Goblin Hooch. Thankfully, Goblin Hooch does not cause me to black out. The berries are probably just rare, or something.

Oh well~ I was thinking such things as I carried two Fish to my seat and began to eat. I can't help but wonder if the others noticed how excessively I was inspecting the platter; only to leave it with the exact same dish that I always do. I leave the platter with 2 common Fish. Almost every single time. It's like clockwork. I never indulge in the more rare of Fish. Not lately, anyways. I suppose that I just enjoy the looks on their faces when they get to eat the more rare ones nightly. If I don't eat them, then there's more for them to enjoy. There are five tastes around here, if you neglect the berries. We have common Fish, pink Fish, grey and yellow Fish, Goldfish, and Meglacommon. Perhaps I should try to obtain different Fish tonight, while I travel through the Lizardmen Tribes to the Dwarven Kingdom. Bring back some tasty souvenirs for my companions? Sounds like a plan to me.

"Good evening, everyone. I have an announcement to make." [Nero] proclaimed after swallowing a bite of Fish and taking a stand.

"Ooooouuuhh~ This sssshould be good." [Lora the Lamia] ssssnickered.

"Silence! If Nero has something to say, we best listen…" [Ben the Bear] roared, slamming his paws into the table before grumbling as he finished his statement.

"...Tonight, I will be travelling through the Lizardmen Tribes and into the Dwarven Kingdom." [Nero] announced as he removed his sunglasses.

"The Dwarves?! We in for a go?!" [Hugo the Flutterfairy] shouted hysterically.

"...Are we off to fight another battle?" [Vana] asked with a sigh.

"I will fight!" [Benji] exclaimed, to which the other Bats echoed.

"No...? Nothing of the sort. I simply wish to make acquaintances with the Dwarves in hopes that they may help us in my goal of establishing a Mine within the Chasms." [Nero] explained.

"Ahhh, yes… The Chasm Mining project. I remember it clearly." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] mumbled, while looking off in the distance.

"...Wasn't it in hopes of helping to build even better homes within the Goblin Village than what would have been practical with the use of wood alone?" [Cetilla] asked, with a grin.

"Precisely. I began with planting the Apple seeds around the Goblin Village rather recently, but I'm awaiting on results before continuing to plant the rest of the seeds. I have a hunch that I may have planted them poorly, so I want to make sure that I have some left over in the event that they fail to sprout. If in two weeks, I see no result; then I will begin seeking guidance from Apple Farmers. Until then, our lumber supplies are going to be too low to begin the plan. If you didn't already know, I intend to open a Woodcutting business around the Goblin Village. I want to cut down the trees, and replace them with Apple trees to help combat the starvation problem within the Lost Kingdom. By doing so, we will procure a lot of wood; which we can use to build homes for the Goblins and potentially; eventually even the other races within the Kingdom. The Chasm Project, will be to help make the homes more unique and structurally sound. You can build better homes with stone AND wood, rather than just wood or stone." [Nero] explained to the group.

"...I have a question." [Rustle, the Rabbit] exclaimed nervously.

"Go on~" [Nero] replied with a smile.

"What are Apples?" [Rustle, the Rabbit] asked, while tilting his head.

"They're a type of fruit. Similar to the Berries that you can find around here, but they're much larger; and they taste different." [Nero] explained while tipping his pilot cap.

"Ah… I see. Thank you." [Rustle] thanked.

"It's no problem. Does anyone else have any questions?" [Nero] replied, before begging the question as he looked around the room.

"Nah~ I think we're all with you, Nero." [Goblin Funk] said as he held a thumb high and winked at the fashionable Catkin.

"The Halloween Cat always knows what's best!" [Con] squawked.

"His methods may sometimes be peculiar, but he gets the job done; now doesn't he?" [Budget Dragon] clamored.

"Aye." [Fred] agreed as he nodded. To which, several other Scarecrows nodded as well.

Stop it! This instant! They just keep flattering me. I don't know what to do, so I'm leaving. Yup. I grabbed Cetilla by the arm and yanked her atop my Broom. We're setting off. I already carry my Gold Coins, and my list of the top 20 most Prominent Catkin with me at all times. I also always have my Broom and Lantern. Obviously. We don't need much else, aside from maybe one bucket of Candy. I guess that we'll go grab one. Just incase. You can't be too careful, when venturing into not one; but two new Kingdoms. I say Kingdoms… But if I'm being honest, I could probably dub this entire continent into being just one Kingdom.

This continent. It's way too small to be comprised of 12 Kingdoms, if I'm going to assume that more or less; all of the Kingdoms are the same size in land. So far, they mostly have been. In my opinion, the Beastkin and the Lost Kingdom are the largest Kingdoms that I have witnessed so far. The Elven City and Demon Kingdom were small. The Forest of Witches might have been almost the same size as the Beastkin or Lost Kingdom. If not, then they were a little shy. Even then, I still believe that the Lost Kingdom is too small to be dubbed a Kingdom. I'm sorry, but I can fly past this place in literally under a minute if I tried. That's not a Kingdom, sweetie. That's a freaking city. If that. Granted, I can fly at immense speed meow thanks to my 744 AGI. Even then, at most... We could fit three Kingdoms worth mentioning on this continent. There's absolutely no need, nor space to have it as segregated as it currently is. That's just my opinion, anyways. Viva la empire. We need an empire. Give me an empire!

I was thinking such things as I procured one bucket of Candy, and continued on my way with Cetilla; towards the entrance of the Wailing Keep. While vacating the Throne Room, we were stopped. Standing before us, are two particular individuals. Both, standing far taller than either of us could have managed. Frightening. It's Goblin Funk and Budget Dragon. They want to come with us. Jeez. All of a sudden, I find myself in need of a carriage. What an absolute pain. No! I'm not going to have anything slow me down! I decided to just fly to the Lizardmen Tribes and then open a Hallowed Gate. They can teleport in, but they need to wait in the Throne Room until I get there. I'll be flying slowly, on account of having spent my MP before the nightly meet and feast. They agreed, and so we're off once more. Cetilla and I.

As we flew, we passed over the Caterpillar Colony; and even caught a glimpse of the Snake Den and the Wolf Pack. That brings back memories. Simpler times. Much, much simpler times. Oh how I wish that I could have gone about my life in this new world without catching feelings for my spawn point. There's so much in this place we call the Lost Kingdom, that I seriously could have became a catastrophe type monster if I truly tried. I could have devoured the entirety of this area, and even the Chasms about five times over by now. I could be a flying tragedy right about meow. That's why I would like to believe that I'm one of the good ones. I just so happened to have maybe chosen an antagonist race; but it's not fair to just assume that I'm going to be an antagonist simply based on my race. I want to prove the realm wrong about Halloween Cats.

I say that, but it genuinely seems like no one; or very few people on this continent are even aware of Halloween Cats. It's been a long time since we've roamed these skies, probably. Actually, even if I decided to become a catastrophe, there really wouldn't have been much of a point. Then again, is there ever a point to becoming a catastrophe? I would have probably died from Time Magic either way. How scary is that?! I could theoretically steal a whole ton of experience from this realm and then suddenly just die due to having stolen too much. Talk about an utter waste! Someone should like, kill me before I die of old age. I don't know?! Don't let this experience just fizzle out, guys! I wonder what would happen to all of the clothes that I created, if I were to die? Would they suddenly disintegrate into nothingness? I would like to hope that all of my life spent away creating those clothes would not simply evaporate the moment that I died. That would be nice? I would appreciate it, Hunky Beefcake; if you could just add meaning to my hopeless scenario. It would be a shame if all I could accomplish in the long run were new Apple Trees and Houses. It should be music, apples, houses, and clothes. Don't forget the clothes part, sir.

Really, though. Halloween Cats are kind of destined to lose as a race. The whole self implicated, unstoppable Time Magic thing is kind of insane. I suppose that some Halloween Cats could very well be born without any starter Time Magic abilities. That would no doubt, slow the progression of a Halloween Cat's untimely demise. Even then, most likely; I would have unlocked Time Magic sooner or later through the increased proficiency of my other abilities. The True Halloween Cat title would have most likely ended up bestowing me with Time Magic at one point or another. Maybe carrying the flame of being the True Halloween Cat for your realm is really the issue? It's just too much power to bare, being capable of casting [Soul Merge] and [This is Halloween]? From what I recall, those were the two abilities that I gained immediately from attaining the True Halloween Cat title. They weren't in my race description. I believe that [Wailing Keep], [Hallowed Gate], and [Clansmen Capture] were all original abilities that would have been bestowed to any Halloween Cat. Everything else, I chose from a list of abilities when I started. That list was limited, and a whole lot of the abilities seemed to be related to Halloween, Cats, Witches, or Tamers. They were almost all related to Creation, Time, Space, Fire, or Dark Elements now that I think about it. The few abilities unrelated to those Elements were related to being a Cat. That's all great, but I think that the most influential silver lining to being a Halloween Cat is Candy.

Candy is too convenient. I can theoretically not progress my Time Magic abilities if I were to purposely attain most of my MP through Candy. The largest flaw in that theory, is that Candy is expensive. I have a hard time believing that the other Holiday Clan Leaders require something as expensive as Candy to recuperate their MP. They probably also don't have any issues with Time Magic. I may have made the wrong choice, but it's far too late to regret my decisions. Halloween deserves better, that much is absolutely certain. So far, I haven't witnessed a single Halloween Clansmen living a sustainable; safe life before having encountered me. White Beef Lady was probably living the best life before I met her. There's also one more flaw, though. Aside from [Time Skip], my other Time Magic abilities are passives. Just because I'm at full MP, does it mean that my passives instinctively disable themselves? It might be hopeless.

Even then, she was kind of wreaking havoc within the Lost Kingdom due to her own haki being slightly too strong for her surroundings. She probably would have perished to the Python, sooner or later. It's like all Halloween Clansmen are in utterly precarious situations, and it may be because there are no freaking Kingdoms on this continent solely reserved for Halloween Clansmen. They have no place to call home. The Demon Kingdom might have been that place, but they're a mess. They're an absolute mess. There's no way that I'm about to bring my Clansmen down there and set up shop. Also, it's not even like the Lost Kingdom is going to be solely for Halloween Clansmen either. I hope that my Clansmen can get along with the Lost Kingdom after I'm gone, because I currently have no other options for places to send them.

The Lost Kingdom treats us well right now, but who knows if that will change after I'm dead and gone? I was dropped off in the Lost Kingdom during a time that they were struggling to even stay afloat. They kind of still are, but I have genuine intentions to help them through their struggles. I've been helping, truly. In my own, than*s kind of way; but have I done enough to warrant everlasting kindness towards Halloween? That's what we need. We need to be worshiped, or something. We need to work harder if we hope to be memorialized within the Lost Kingdom for centuries. That's how long it will take for the Halloween Clan to recoup their numbers after I so abruptly took them in and reduced their numbers in hopes of raising a few to be strong. I need to ensure safety for my Clansmen for literally centuries if I'm to make it worthwhile for them to have been following me in the first place. I'm going to need to dance with the devil himself to keep this thing of ours going after I'm dead. I was thinking such things as we flew over the Lost Kingdom and into the Lizardmen Tribes.

Looking down, the Lizardmen Tribe territory is heavily consisting of swamps. A whole lot of dead looking trees, tall dark grass, brown water, and mud. There are also some flowers, in the mix. They're mostly dark blue or pink daisies. Cute. There are numerous beasts below me, roaming those very swamps. I see Crocodiles of varying kinds, some sort of Elephants, Frogs, and even Mud Golems. The Elephants were strange. Some of them seemed more like Snakes than Elephants, but others seemed like Elephants with Snake tails. Strange. The Mud Golems seemed pretty ferocious. Nothing like the usually much more stagnant Golems that I have previously encountered. Some of the Crocodiles were green, while others were brown, and a few were black as well. They had varying sizes. The Frogs were huge. Honestly, all of the beasts that I have witnessed so far in this territory are rather large. It's kind of frightening, when compared to the safari of the Lost Kingdom. Especially considering how this territory is probably only half the size of the Lost Kingdom. The overall balance of Tiers here is probably much higher.

Around the middle of the territory, appears to be the Lizardmen Tribes. They live in a Temple of sorts. It reminds me of the Demon Kingdom's Temples in Orpia, but there's only one Temple here. It's also shaped like a freaking Pyramid. Really, it's just the fact that it's made of stone which reminds me of the Demon Kingdom Temples. That, and the fact that there are scriptures running along the exterior of the Pyramid. There's nothing else nearby, aside from around a dozen or so huts. These huts aren't like the huts in the Lost Kingdom. These remind me more of tipis. I think that they're made from the hide of nearby Frogs. Looking down, there are probably around three dozen Lizardmen outside around the Temple. Quaint. Let's keep flying. There's nowhere for me to place a Hallowed Gate down safely… So far.

Lying past the Lizardmen Tribes Pyramid, I encountered a sudden change in scenery. To the north edge of the territory, is a forest. The forest is still just a whole lot of dead looking trees, though. To the southern edge of the territory, there's a rocky clearing. It's towards the Dragon Mountains, so I guess that it makes sense. It might even be the same stone harvested to form the Pyramid. I suppose that the rocky clearing will probably be the best place for me to drop the [Hallowed Gate] down; and so I did it. It's being summoned, right meow. I've known for awhile, but I still enjoy to say the abilities out loud sometimes. That's right. I can use my abilities by just thinking of them, and imagining that they appear. It's strange. It's especially strange to imagine [Claw Fishing], as it has no visual effect. The same goes for [Time Skip]. I can't really imagine it, so I just shout it out every single time.

After summoning the Gate, a certain Goblin and Drake appeared moments later. They're absolutely awestruck by their surroundings. Yeah, it really does look different from the Lost Kingdom. They didn't get a chance to bare witness to the creatures from before, though. That's kind of sad. I cancelled the gate, and remembered that I wanted to Fish while we were here. Due to how dangerous the area is, it might be for the best if we don't summon a Hallowed Gate to Fish. Besides, swamps are not the same as rivers. It won't work the same. I'll need to rely on my own Claws, this time around. And so, we decided to walk west; along the southern edge of the territory. We can avoid the Pyramid this way, and avert attracting attention to ourselves. I don't know what to expect of the Lizardmen. I heard that the Orcs don't like them, and I know that a few of them can be found enslaved by the likes of Victor; but that's just about it.

Travelling across the southern side of the territory took us around 10 minutes. We took our time, I suppose. As soon as we reached the first pond in the swamps, I took a seat atop my Broom and began to watch the waters. I warned the others not to go off too far, as there are the monsters from before in these parts. And so, we all stuck together; but Goblin Funk and Budget Dragon still tried to take peeks at the rest of the territory from afar. It's fine. After gazing at the water for around 10 minutes, I finally noticed movement in the water; and so I pounced while screaming [Claw Fishing]. The result? I'm meow sopping wet, but I'm carrying a pretty large Fish. I think that it's an Eel. It's very dark in colors, but it's definitely a shade of green. The lower part of its body is a lighter shade, and the eyes are sheer black; reminding me of a certain Drake's eyes. After another 30 minutes, I had managed to catch an additional 2 Eels; and on account of their size… We determined that this would be enough for now. We can easily feed ourselves off of just the 3 Eels; honestly we aren't even that hungry. I don't expect the Eels to be enchanted in order to fill our stomachs more, so I admittedly don't really know what to expect. I want us to taste the Eels before we decide whether it's worthwhile for me to spend several hours procuring dozens of them. I can handle Fishing on the way back from the Dwarven Kingdom, anyways; so we're going directly back to the rocky clearing.

The others were slightly disappointed to not have gotten a better look at the western side of the territory, but it can't be helped. Our sole goal of this adventure is to make our way into the Dwarven Kingdom. We can't forget our mission. Besides, I would prefer to have Goblin Funk's help with starting a fire. I'm not good at making them. I could always ask White Beef Lady to help out, but I have a feeling that she'd prefer to spend her night with Wilson than off helping us on our adventure. I'm being considerate. White Beef Lady didn't ask to come with us, that was Goblin Funk. We now have a certified fire starter in our party. We simply must make use of each of our party member's individual talents. Properly. I was thinking such things as I summoned Mr and Mrs Scarecrow, requesting that they help us cut a few nearby dead trees down. We need firewood. I think this stuff is so dry, that it might even trump the Lost Kingdom wood.

While those two went off to gather wood, we all began scouring the rocky clearing in hopes of finding boulders to sit on. We're looking for big ones, but not too big. We also prefer them to be somewhat flat, so we that we can sit more comfortably. It turned into a contest, to see who could find the best rock first. Obviously, what you find; you get to sit on... But I made sure to tell them that we can still work together in order to move the rocks, as they'll likely be heavy. Goblin Funk and I are the most suitable for this role. No offense, Cetilla; your Wind is next gen… But Wind is weak against Earth. You can't expect a massive gust of Wind to carry a literal boulder. Sorry, honey. Weeping Angel, the Stone Type Halloween Clansmen with a main attribute of Wind can't even lift rocks the size of my head. Nyah. Budget Dragon is strong enough, sure. Even then, his body shape won't allow him to lift massive boulders. At most, he might be able to roll one. If it were round enough. And so, we split up across the rocky clearing. Each of us went our own way. I chose west. Cetilla went north, Goblin Funk chose east; and Budget Dragon went south. Figures he would go south, considering that to his south; lies his ancestral homeland. The Dragon Mountains. I can't help but wonder if he would have preferred to live there, rather than the Chasms.

After around three minutes of scouting my side, I heard Cetilla calling for help. Jeez. Coming~ On arrival, she truly did find a good rock. It's about three feet tall, four feet wide... And it's flat. Goblin Funk didn't answer the call, because he's carrying his own back right now. I guess that I'll handle it. Flexing my huge, rippling muscles… I bent down and began to lift the boulder. Okay, they're practically invisible. Fine. Whatever. As I lifted the rock, I noticed that it was actually quite heavy. I struggled, but I managed to be able to drag it back south. It left a mark on the ground. The ground here almost looks like it's consisting of shale... But it's probably too strong to be shale. I was thinking such things as I struggled to haul the massive piece fit for Christmas Catkin nobility of a certain Kingdom that I have a measly level of attachment to. As I dragged it, Cetilla whistled as she walked slowly by my side; with both arms behind her back as she did so. She's certainly in a chipper mood, tonight. I can't remember the last time that I saw Cetilla being so utterly happy. It brought a tear to my eye. Seeing the least please-able, most twisted woman in my life, the first Cat Crewoman of my party smile so wholeheartedly… It's just too much for this Cat!

After I finished dragging the rock back to the desired area with my Candy bucket marking it… I was exasperated to find that not only did Goblin Funk procure his rock and return it here, but so did Budget Dragon. He managed all on his own, but there are a couple bite marks left in the side of his rock… He did it. He dragged that rock by his mouth. This guy. I'm losing brain cells again. I need to go and find my own rock, gosh darnit! As I sprinted off, frantically trying to shake the image from my mind; I found it. There's a hole between some of the alleged shale on the ground. It's kind of deep, but I'm able to fit through; so I am. I'm going through it. It might be dangerous, but I have a good feeling about this. There's a glow coming from the hole, after all. The glow is yellow. After hopping into the hole, I fell for what seemed like thirty seconds. It was probably a pretty large leap. I might need to add this instance to my list of potentially life ending moments. I might have just lost one of my Cat lives, sustaining that fall damage. I should have 4 left. Yikes. After getting to the bottom of the tunnel, the glowing yellow light was immense. It's all that I can see. This is a Cave. It's all made of some bright yellow gem, and that gem is radiating the glow. It's certainly impressive. I've never witnessed such a huge gem cluster, even in the Chasms. The fact that it's forming a natural Cave system beneath the surface is insane. This isn't natural.

Looking around the room, there's one path aside from the entrance. I have a choice as to whether I wish to delve deeper into this madness. I might need to pass. Something isn't right here. I'm getting goosebumps. I'm actually getting goosebumps. I don't get goosebumps! I've never gotten goosebumps since arriving on this world. I think I might actually be experiencing the effects of immense haki. This has never happened to me before. I can't help but keep my eyes wide, and remain on alert as I scour the room that I'm already knee deep into. I'm looking for a piece that I can sit on, but also that I can manage to get out of here with. The hole entering here is small, so my options are limited.

After around three minutes of searching, I found a piece around the same width as me. It's almost flat, so I guess that I'll take it. Immediately after grabbing it, I heard something. Something utterly terrifying. It was a roar, and it was incredibly loud. It sounded more like a freaking horn than a roar. I'm beginning to understand why there are no monsters roaming the lands above me. Casting [Barrier], I'm meow frantically flying towards the hole and racing through it, ignoring the fact that I'm headbutting through pieces of shale as I ascend. Looking at my status, by the time that I reached the surface; I only had 600 MP remaining. I have 91 MP left to spend. Getting my barings, I caught a glimpse of my comrades and immediately began to race toward them. With a hysterical face, I sat the gem down and began to sit on it before I made my explanation.

"...So, I think that there may be a catastrophe Tier monster almost directly beneath us. I also believe that I may or may not have stolen from it. I only know that for the first time in my life, I probably experienced the effects of haki." [Nero] said after taking a deep breath, while appearing frantic.

"...Eh?" [Cetilla] let out while tilting her head.

"If it reaches the surface, I won't be able to stop it." [Nero] replied bluntly.

"...Then why did you steal from it?!" [Goblin Funk] stammered, clearly infuriated.

"It wasn't until I grabbed the gem, that I heard its roar. I panicked, so I left with it… As originally intended." [Nero] explained.

"Just how bad is it? We can most likely fight it off if we work together!" [Budget Dragon] asked, before stating proudly as he puffed out his chest.

"I don't think that we can. Let me be absolutely clear with you. I have never experienced the effects of haki until having entered that area. Not even when facing the lochness monster beneath the Delhn Lake. Not even when facing the monstrosities surrounding my Halloween Town." [Nero] explained once more, trying to stress the fact that they are not safe.

"Should we move?" [Cetilla] asked sharply as she recalled Halloween.

"Probably. Let's head north a little." [Nero] replied while sighing.

"Perhaps we can return one night, with more comrades and slay it." [Goblin Funk] declared as he began to lift his boulder, effortlessly; might I add.

And so, I asked Mr and Mrs Scarecrow who had joined us around halfway through the conversation to carry the Firewood north. They simply nodded. I never know just what's going on in their minds. The Scarecrows kind of frighten me, that way. At least Wendel is upfront about her misgivings with me. Conrad is pretty upfront, I think? He's kind of a psychopath. Benji just wants to serve me, but what happens after I die? Betty has already proven to lack good judgement when without a Halloween Cat leading her. She almost wiped out three whole settlements of races on those Forsaken Isles before deciding to venture off while ravaging the seas in search of new land. Granted, she had the help of dozens of other Phantasms, Banshees, Skeletons, and a freaking Lich… And she was one of the few to actually leave their failing scenario before turning it into an absolute tragedy. Still, her companions did not make the same decision to leave. They chose to continue assaulting the struggling races. Ugh… I'm raising monsters. It's never been as apparent to me as it is right now.

I was thinking such things as I struggled to haul not just my gem, but also Cetilla's boulder. Cetilla is carrying my Lantern, my Candy Bucket, and the Eels; but I'm riding my Broom as I drag the rock and carry the gem. I already risked my life to get this thing. I'm not leaving it behind. This is my sitting rock. Get your own! Budget Dragon is definitely pulling his rock by the mouth. I can see it. Ugh! I'm turning around and facing forward. He's slower than me. Goblin Funk is the fastest. He's already chosen a clearing near the edge of the creepy forest and has taken a seat on his boulder. I can see him in the distance, smirking. That guy… After another two minutes, I finally managed to reach the new destination and took my seat. Mr and Mrs Scarecrow began to set up the firewood for us; and then Goblin Funk started the fire. By the time that he had finished, Budget Dragon had joined us. His rock is the largest. He's like… Looking down on us all from above it. He looks so happy with himself, curling up while perching his neck out from above his rock of pride. Jeez. I still think my rock is the best, so THERE!

I thought such things as I began to roast an Eel from above the fire. We stabbed them onto sticks earlier after catching them. They're stabbed multiple times through the sticks. It's kind of barbaric, but I figured that it would be the best way to ensure that they don't droop into the fire; getting burnt. I don't want to under cook these, but I don't want them burnt to a char either. I heard that Eel could be deathly poisonous if not cooked properly. We must do it right. And so, I warned the others to ensure that the Eels were all thoroughly cooked. No raw business tonight, folks. Cetilla took heed of my warning with vigor, but the others just looked at me strangely. Apparently, they don't eat Fish raw. Not ever. That's weird…

While we cooked the Eels, we talked about stuff. Fun stuff, like what we're expecting of the Dwarven Kingdom. Apparently, none of us had ever ventured into it. Not even Cetilla, the first rate Sorceress of Reygid. Goblin Funk is expecting some large scale City, potentially underground; and protected by the surface with a Keep or Town. Budget Dragon is expecting a massive Keep, defending a mountain filled with Gold. His Dragon side is showing. Cetilla is expecting a whole ton of homes built into hills, and that each home will have a cave system mined out from beneath it; expanding the homes to create a large scale City; definitely underground. All very interesting theories. They all include massive scale Cities, though. Huh. You want to know what I think? I think that the Dwarves will live beneath the surface, in attempts at avoiding the cold environments brought about by being within one of the northern territories of the continent.

I don't expect it to be too cold, considering that it's technically just east of the Forest of Witches; but I'm expecting the winter time to be more harsh up there for them both, as well as the Human Kingdom. The Human Kingdom and Forest of Witches both have somewhat modernized homes. If the Dwarves don't have that, they will likely live underground. It's true. Even so, the Dwarves should at least be highly skilled at Mining. They can build homes, but they can't insulate stone structures without adequate firewood. That leads me to believe that rather than brave the winter, they will hibernate and work in their Mines. I think that many will probably choose to live beneath the surface, potentially even year round. I think that the Dwarves will have a low populace, due to the dangers of Mining. Cave-ins, and stuff.

We also talked about how we wished that Milton and Rei could have been here to explore these lands as well. There is a void in our party, that much is true. It will never be the same, without them. I was thinking such things as a tear fell from my right eye. We need to get them back soon. Hopefully, Betty is tackling the ordeal of scouting the seas seriously. It would be a shame if she simply haphazardly sent my Clansmen in random directions, like a gamble... Or if she just went and declared it a contest to find the Forsaken Isles first. Oh, dear Hunky Beefcake… Let me be wrong about her potential negligence!

I was thinking such things as we finally began to eat our fill of the Eel. We cut the Eels down into four pieces, and each of us had attained 3 pieces. The Eel tasted strange. I've only ever tried it once before, but I don't remember it tasting anything like this. I'm going to keep eating, because I'm kind of hungry; but I could probably take it or leave it. Looking around, the others appear to feel the same way. It's not that good. I doubt that we'll stop to take the time to Fish here on the way back. There may have been other Fish to catch in the swamps, but we know for a fact that Eel are no bueno. I should just go Fishing in the Demon Kingdom. They have good Fish. I should also try to Fish in the Beastkin Kingdom, but their Fish aren't enchanted. The Demon Kingdom Fish are enchanted, just like ours. I think that the Fae Queen might be the root of that, too. It's funny how she distributes different Fish to each of the Kingdoms surrounding her, though. It's almost as if she's trying to cover up the fact that she's the one behind it all. You can't fool me, lady. I'm a Fish Mongerer. I know things.

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