《Diaries of Nero the Halloween Cat》Chapter 48 - Night 50


I'm awake. I just remembered that we totally skipped the weekly Safari Card Game Tournament on account of me storming the Castle of Reygid. It definitely wouldn't feel right to host it on account of Rei and Milton's current state, I suppose. There's no helping it. We'll just need to skip it this time. I have a festival to go coordinate and not actually take part in, anyways. Thinking such things as I got dressed, I was reminded of the jars of Candy. I should probably put those into buckets later. I also noticed that my previously ruined clothes had returned. I suppose that Goblin Funk brought them back here for me after he had finished cleansing them of Meglapollen. He's really too sweet. He didn't need to. He could have just refused and threw them back here as they originally were after I had gone and went to sleep.

Exiting the Treasure Room after getting fully dressed, I stopped to use [Time Skip] on Rei again. I'm just skipping time by a rate of 60 for her until I run out of MP. By my calculations, Milton should have originally been dead for around 24 hours longer than Rei. I've now skipped around 10 hours of time for Rei, so she should still be roughly 14 hours behind. I can already tell that this is going to be a pain. Leaving the two lovebirds, I continued on my way towards the Kitchen and found that Cetilla, Rita, and Wendel the Weeping Angel are currently preparing breakfast. Hard pass. I'm avoiding Cetilla on account of my guilt. I don't know if I can face her until Rei and Milton are back. What's more? I'm not about to have my first conversation with Cetilla occur while she has Rita and Wendel both backing her up. That's dangerous. Rita and Wendel together could probably annihilate me, even without Cetilla being present. I can already see it happening. Wendel would start out by casting [Weeping Scream], causing me to profusely bleed from any attack. Then, Rita would leap onto me and cast her weird lightning attacks. I have a feeling that each volt would count as a separate attack. It's too risky. I pulled a hard u-turn on my entry and continued on my way to the Lake.

I decided to perform the [Hallowed Gate] trick, and wait for the first catch of the night. I don't overly mind eating raw Fish, it's just not my preference. I can still muster up the courage to do it even if I've been recently pampered with the blessing magic of stove tops. It's not the end of the world. I can deal with this. Why didn't I just wait in the Dining Hall for them to finish preparing breakfast, you say?! I'm not entirely sure. Something came over me, and I felt too uncomfortable to eat there. I've never really felt like I was a villain or anything since arriving in this world, but I'm starting to feel like the antagonist. My intentions may have been pure, or whatever; but I still don't feel absolutely clean of guilt or anything. I'm like… Ashamed of myself or something... I think. I'm still processing how I feel about my actions, I suppose.

I'm processing how I feel, but I still somewhat acknowledge that I may infact have been in the wrong. I probably shouldn't have let Conrad kill Rei before first seeing how Milton felt about the entire ordeal. I wanted Rei to be the one to choose how we proceeded, but what she chose was kind of insane. I feel like maybe I should have intervened or something? Was bringing up the option to resurrect Milton the wrong idea in the first place? Should I have just simply buried him or something? Milton and Rei weren't exactly like true loves or anything. They were just starting to get to know each other. It was kind of reckless to just throw her entire life away on the whim that maybe what they had shared would have actually lasted an entire lifetime. Who knows? Now, it's probably going to need to. Milton's going to feel obligated to accept life as a Phantasm and to love Rei for that matter due to how Rei rashly gave away her own life in order to be with him. It's a whole mess and a half, and it's literally all my fault. From the freaking start, all the way into the end. At this point, I'm far worse than the Lich! I'm the genuine bad guy!


I asked a guy and a girl to come live with me in my dangerously placed Keep under the premise of it being a fine place to stay. We basically told them that it would be better for them here than Reygid. I did not really explain to them just who I was and what I had previously done. I opened a business in a risky location where I had previously committed crimes, and asked them both to help me do so. I neglected to inform them that there was any real danger involved. The two of them were beginning to fall in love under my roof, and I had full knowledge of that. In a way, I even kind of helped them get together by asking Cetilla to help it happen as well. We were caught while managing my risky business, and that caused the death of the guy. I then convinced his widowed lover to join him in death. Eventually, they're probably going to end up serving me for the remainder of my life. No matter how you put it, I'm the bad guy. I'm the freaking devil that asks you to sign. Get with me, and you might end up dead or worse... Undead, and sworn to loyalty. Yikes.

I was thinking such things as I ate a raw Fish that I had captured with my bare claws before it had the chance to fall into my foolproof fishing hack. Halloween Cats are no joke. I feel like there's a very thin line in which I should never be crossing, and that I've crossed it several times. It hasn't even been like two months since I came to this world, so I'm feeling kind of bad. It's like I totally lost my humanity before I even realized, but I'm questioning whether me being a Halloween Cat is even the problem at all. Was I always like this? Was I always so easily swayed into making highly questionable decisions? Just why did Hunky Beefcake choose a person like me to have a full list of races and abilities to choose from? Am I living up to his expectations… Or am I brutally failing to meet every single standard? As far as I can tell, Holiday Clan Leaders are essentially like the most influential of all races in this world. I had no idea that every single race would belong to a specific Clan. That's just ludicrous. I was told that there are freaking 4 great Clans. That means more or less, most of the freaking races in this world are intended to be ruled by 4 different people. That's just ridiculous, and unrealistic. Why on earth, was I of all people given the opportunity to even choose such a high spec race?! It's practically in the job description to be a ruler!

You're telling me that you want 4 or maybe a few more than 4 countries, Hunky Beefcake? For the entire world?! What?! There are like a dozen countries in this continent alone. Am I supposed to freaking claim this entire thing?! A vast majority of the inhabitants here aren't even Halloween Clansmen! I'm not supposed to be here or something! It seems unfathomable for any of this to go right unless all four great Clans have their thrones currently being held. Actually, just let all the Clans be present and accountable! Dont just summon me and expect it to be fine! We need all of the leaders to come together and claim all of their Clansmen and then just leave each other alone or something. Divvy up the world and segregate it off into different continents. There's no point in having it all mixed up like this. It's like someone grabbed the game board and just shuffled all of the pieces at random. What, you think this is a game?! This my life, damn it!


You know what I want? A Halloween Continent. I already have a Halloween Town. I don't need that. Wait! Maybe the pieces are all at random so that even if someone claims a continent, they still have leftover pieces to keep their subordinates in line after they die? It doesn't fully make sense though. Why didn't Sophia, the Easter Bunny choose to [Soul Merge] her Clansmen? There are a lot of Easter type Clansmen on this continent. Quite a good few. There are also probably a decent number of Valentine Clansmen on this continent. Not so much for the Halloween or Christmas Clans, might I add. Sophia was apparently the last known leader to be active on this continent. That was according to Goddin Village Neith Sama, though. I suppose if a leader emerged in the northern side of the continent, his intel might have been faulty. If Sophia, an Easter Bunny was active in this continent, and was actively using [Soul Merge]; then there would probably be less Easter Clansmen around. They would have lower numbers, probably; while a different Clan would have greater numbers.

When you choose to use [Soul Merge], you're choosing to thin the numbers of your own Clan in order for quick power boosts. When you choose to capture your Clansmen, you choose to effectively stop or slow the birthrate of your Clan in that area. You being present in a continent and making use of your abilities means that you are harming your Clan's immediate future in the hopes of rallying enough of them that they can successfully continue to thrive after you are gone. Using [Soul Merge] can cause more harm than good, and the same goes for capturing your Clansmen. Are all Clan Leaders like this? Are we all proficient in Time Magic? Do all Clan Leaders stop time for their Clansmen after capturing them, or is it just Halloween? Can we all use [Soul Merge] for that matter?

I was thinking such things until a wild Goblin Funk joined by a certain Drake appeared from behind me. I didn't really notice them until they had called out to me. I really must commend myself on my incapability to comprehend the haki system. Everyone else seems deathly aware of haki, while I have never even noticed it once. I suppose that's false. I've noticed my own haki causing others to approach me differently, but I haven't noticed anyone else's haki affecting me personally. I've been completely oblivious to the entire thing. Even the lochness monster and Minotaur whom both frighten me, don't actually make me sweat profusely or anything.

It's not like I can casually just sense their existence. I need to see them in order to register anything related to how I feel about them, and even then; it's just purely based on aesthetic. I suppose that sound can also play an important effect, but it's not like I'm jumping out of my boots or anything at the sound of Mr Scarecrow's screams. The Minotaur is large and beefy. Intimidating. The lochness monster is just that. It's a monster. I don't even know what its origin is at all, I just know that if I were to try and approach it; I very well might die. End of story. It's just intimidating to look at. Even the monsters in Halloween that are absolute apocalypse class monsters don't actually make me sweat or anything. I feel like more or less, I could probably manage trying to convince myself to fly in between them or above them in order to pass over. None of the other Halloween Clansmen or any monsters for that matter appear to share this feeling with me. Is this in itself a trait that only Holiday Clan Leaders can possess? The ability to be oblivious to haki?

"Hey… You missed breakfast. You feeling okay?" [Goblin Funk] greeted after calling to me and approaching alongside Budget Dragon.

"You can't miss out on the meet and feast!" [Budget Dragon] declared while nodding.

"Haaahh… I ended up just eating my Fish raw tonight. Sorry, guys. I guess I just have no motivation to do anything until we find the Lich." [Nero] sighed before explaining.

"...But about the festival?" [Goblin Funk] asked while tilting his head and squinting.

"Eh? Oh, yeah… Uhm~ I neglected to teach the Bandsmen any new songs in order to commemorate it, but I was going to make some clothes to give away to the Goblin Villagers… Also, I was thinking about skipping out on participating in the festival myself this time. I'll give an opening, but I'm going to go off and do my own thing when the festival actually begins." [Nero] explained while averting eye contact. To which, Goblin Funk simply sighed.

"Wait, what?! Does this mean that there won't be any Festivity Bathing?!" [Budget Dragon] squawked.

"Oh, uhm… You can all still go and have your splash fight in the Lake without me, you know? I can get alcohol if that's the issue… But it definitely won't be Goblin Hooch." [Nero] replied while rubbing his chin.

"But why go to all the trouble of throwing a festival if you're not even going to enjoy it yourself?" [Goblin Funk] asked with an angered tone of voice.

"...I'm paying for my sins." [Nero] admit with a cold expression.

"And what might those be?" [Goblin Funk] replied while appearing to have his interests peaked.

"Well, I kill a lot of Fish for starters. Getting more into detail… Inciting three massacres, overseeing the destruction of numerous homes, ordering the murder of an innocent sexist, performing atrocious acts against the souls of those who choose to follow me, convincing several of my victims to join me in my endeavors, allowing one of my companions to die while attempting to protect me from atoning for unexplained crimes that I had previously committed, and even convincing another of my companions to die in order to one day be resurrected and eventually commit to serve me for the remainder of my life." [Nero] replied while looking forward at the Hallowed Gate.

"So it was all your fault?" [Goblin Funk] asked timidly.

"I had my reasons, but I'm not so sure that they were adequate reasons to warrant going to such lengths." [Nero] replied honestly.

"...If you could do it all differently… Would you?" [Budget Dragon] asked as he sat down next to me.

"...My actions were the quickest means to a resolution that I could have came up with. I could instead try to take things more slowly and seek more proper solutions, but... I honestly don't know just how much time I have." [Nero] replied while looking down.

"How long does a Halloween Cat normally live?" [Goblin Funk] asked while seeming surprised at my reasoning.

"...I don't know." [Nero] answered while laughing a little.

"Then don't you think that you owe it to yourself to enjoy the festival regardless?" [Goblin Funk] asked with a smile.

"Having a short life span is hardly a reason to live vicariously." [Nero] shot back flatly.

"Alright, fine~ But you only seem to be focusing on the things that you've done wrong. Have you ever asked the others about how they feel regarding what you chose to do? Think about everything questionable that you've previously mentioned, and then remember the reasoning as to why you did it. Did you do it for you, or was it for the sake of another?" [Goblin Funk] asked calculatingly.

Woah. Wait a second… Did Goblin Funk just say something intelligent?! Like… Really intelligent?! Is he bang on or something?! Am I really not that bad?! Okay! Fine. Let's try it out. Okay. For starters, I kill Fish in order to feed myself; obviously. But then again, the only reason why I kill so many Fish is in order to feed the residents of the Wailing Keep or also kind of the Goblin Hooch Distillery workers; but that's also kind of for the residents of the Wailing Keep. I could simply just go about and only purchase Goblin Hooch for myself, and it wouldn't be nearly as impacting on our stored Fish supply. Okay, so I guess that's kind of okay; but it's not optimal, either! I'm still killing a whole damn lot of Fish. The Fish might be magically enhanced as well, and there may or may not be an infinite supply; so it might not even be that bad? I guess? It's a weak reasoning, but I can't really go about and find an adequate answer without deciding to potentially fight against the Fae Queen. She's freaking dangerous.

Moving along, I suppose that I incited two of the massacres as a way of more efficiently helping a small margin of monsters within the Lost Kingdom find their way into gaining suitable power capable of better protecting their homes. That's the root of the issue, but I also wanted to do it so that the Lost Kingdom would be strong enough on its own to put an end to my Clansmen in the event that they go mad or something after I die. Judging from how the Crows behaved while they were starving… Ravaging nearby lands, I just don't know how my Clansmen might behave in the event that they end up starving after I die. I feel shaky on the matter, and obviously it's not like I intend for my Clansmen to be slain after I die. I just don't want to leave a scenario in which the Halloween Clan will be utterly unbeatable if I disappear. The Halloween Clan was seriously outnumbered and underdeveloped in this continent before I arrived. I should leave here without them being too insanely high spec, right? There should be a balance or something, probably. Even so, a lot of monsters needed to die in order for me to feel at peace on that front. It's still depressing. We commit a slight massacre in the prairie fields south of the Goblin Village against the Slimes one time. It was on a whim because we needed space to host duels. It did help bring way to two new Tier 3 Goblins, though. I suppose it's kind of justified. I also kind of commit a slight massacre in my invasion to Reygid, but that was in attempts at saving Rei. And there may have been an additional massacre in the defense against the Orc Invasion... Making a total of 5 massacres. That last one was to defend the Goblins, though!

Overseeing the destruction of numerous homes? Well, the Scarecrows kind of just decided to do that of their own free will after I had given the order to help free them. I definitely caused the destruction, but it's not like I set out aiming for it or anything. It was an accident, I swear! The innocent sexist Witch Guard who I ordered Conrad to kill was intended for me to get a message across to the other Witch Guard. The message was loud and clear. I would not tolerate leaving there without seeing their Council of Witches. I did it on behalf of future Scarecrows everywhere, as I didn't want to see them sent off into the wild only to later be enslaved. That was truly for another. It wasn't something that I did for me.

Performing atrocious acts against the souls who follow me? Yeah, I use [Soul Merge] quite often. I haven't came across a population of Halloween Clansmen in which I did not commit to using that atrocity of an ability. My Clansmen don't level up or Evolve any other way, and I need them to be strong enough to survive protecting me. It's literally for me and nothing else. It's not really helping them, but it might be; in a really twisted way. They probably won't require as much food after I die, as there will be less of them... But they'll certainly have less pickings about potential mates. They'll also be more powerful than they were when I met them, but they won't be the same person that they once were. They could have potentially reached those same heights without me, by slaying other monsters; but they were able to do it safely by sacrificing pieces of themselves instead. There are pros and cons to it, but at the end of the night; I can't really say who I did it for. It's mutually beneficial, but it's not a con for me in any real way… So it's probably leaning in my favor.

I convinced the gladiators who had won in the cullings to join me in helping me with overseeing to future cullings. It's absolutely messed up. They should be traumatized or something, but instead they're more or less convinced to go along with my schemes due to the outcome being in their own personal favor. As rare forms of Evolved monsters, they require a mate. I openly told them that I intended to find them a mate if they helped me. I'm like dangling the most precious thing that they could possibly hope for, now that I forced them into Evolving far past their peers. Once again, I did it so that they could protect their home and potentially stand up against my Clansmen in the event that they needed to. I also just really wanted them to be able to be fine for generations to come. It's sad to think about how the Goblin Chief is only a Tier 4 monster. He was a Tier 3 monster when I met him, and that's ridiculously low. Even if I fail to solve the hunger problem in the Lost Kingdom, they at least deserved a 'pick me up' for their pack leaders to help them continue with protecting their less fortunate. I suppose I also wanted help with protecting me while I slept.

I honestly think that I can probably sweep most of that under the rug at this point. I had adequate reasons, more or less. My choice of course wasn't optimal for several of the scenarios, and I'll admit that much. But the next scenarios, I feel are where I messed up the most. Rei and Milton, man. Rei and Milton. Choosing to have a Cat Crew was something that I did on a whim alone. I got these innocent Catkin involved in my highly questionable life, and they paid the ultimate price for it. This one is directly on me. Sure, Rei chose to die with Milton; and they may or may not be coming back from the dead later on… But it was I who decided that becoming a Phantasm was even a viable option. I neglected to ask the Banshee how she felt having become a Banshee herself. I don't really know what it's like to come back from the dead... As a different form without choosing it, that is. I chose to be a Halloween Cat. I more or less understood what I was getting into, albeit admittedly... There were a fair few quirks related to my choices that seemed to be cleverly withheld from my grasp of knowledge. I feel like I was somewhat tricked on numerous fronts in regards to my choices of abilities, but that's unrelated to this.

Rei, and Milton. I just feel impeccably bad about the entire ordeal. Especially if things between the two of them don't work out. Why was Milton smiling? It's been aching at me, and it makes me feel even worse. I don't understand it, but I feel like I somehow should? Why did he smile at me? There was truly no way that it was intended for anyone aside from Mr Scarecrow or myself. After having been impaled and falling to the ground amidst the raging Tornado, he continued to smile at me. He was incapable of explaining himself due to choking on his own blood. I simply must know why. Having come to an impasse, I decided to ask the seemingly insightful Goblin Funk.

"...After he was stabbed, Milton looked up at Mr Scarecrow and I before smiling. He didn't stop smiling until he died, but he continued to look at me… Do you understand why?" [Nero] said slowly before turning to the Goblin and asking him.

"Hmmm… Maybe he decided that it would be fine to leave it in your hands?" [Goblin Funk] thought for a moment before suggesting the idea.

"To leave… Rei's protection in my hands?" [Nero] asked.

"...Maybe not just Rei... But everything else?" [Goblin Funk] replied with a slight smile.

...What, like... Fishing? Is Goblin Funk suggesting that Milton actually agreed with my ideals or something? To help the less fortunate monsters even if it meant neglecting the more prominent? That's probably way too optimistic. I feel like I never fully explained myself to any of them, but they continued to go along with it while knowing full well that they weren't fully informed. Cetilla probably knows more of my reasoning than anyone else, and I've dabbled into explanations at the Dining Hall… But should I be doing more than that?

"...I think that Milton was thanking you." [Budget Dragon] said while interrupting my train of thought.

"Eh?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head.

"Milton told me that he had a pretty rough time before coming here. He enjoyed his time here, so maybe he was smiling as a way to say that he did not mind if he died… As he was glad to have gotten a chance to live happily." [Budget Dragon] explained while puffing out his chest.

"...You say that, but he really didn't spend much time here." [Nero] replied flatly while squinting at the Drake.

"Well, you'll probably just need to ask him yourself after you find the Lich. Until then, what's the point in beating yourself up over it? Do you really think that they would want you to stop holding festivals simply because they're no longer here to currently see them?" [Goblin Funk] asked.

"Hey… Now that I think about it… What happened to you after Cetilla's tornado, Budget Dragon?" [Nero] asked while seeming extremely disturbed to have just now realized the lack of his understanding on the topic.

"Eh? I was thrown away a considerable distance from Cetilla's tornado, but I escaped back here through the gates." [Budget Dragon] tilted his head, with eyes wide as he explained as if it were the most obvious thing.

"Haaaah?! The gates that separate the border between the two territories?! The gates that are defended and built into a massive wall bordering the Kingdoms?!" [Nero] shot back while exasperated. To which, the slightly humble Drake only nodded while appearing pleased with itself.

Jeez. I'm taking these two back to the Wailing Keep and I'm starting with their damned festival's preparations. I suppose that I'll take part in it. A little. I'll go to show my support to the Bandsmen, and I'll be naming the festival in loving memory of Rei and Milton. We will dance in their stead, and bathe as though they were still here. I say that, but I don't think my heart will truly be in it. I'll probably still be a little depressed, but I'll do it regardless. They've convinced me. Calling on Fred and Daphne (Tier 2 Scarecrows), I asked them to continue to watch over the Hallowed Gate in my stead before we set off on our way back home. I say that, but we traveled by Hallowed Gates.

Arriving back at the Wailing Keep, I told those two to leave me to my devices. They seemed hesitant to leave, probably on account of now knowing full well just how I've been handling this whole ordeal… But I'm alone. I decided to spend the MP that I had saved while at the waterfall on clothes while aiming for level 2. After adding them to the small pile of clothes from my Meglapollen incident, I made my way back into Halloween. My destination? The Arcade. Yep. On arrival, it just so happened that Wendel, the Weeping Angel was already present and accounted for. She was practicing 'Z*mbie'. Wonderful, as always; but that's not why I'm here. I'm teaching Wendel a special bonus song just for her. It's going to be played at our special, last minute, popup concert that will take place tonight. Tonight, baby. We're doing it!

The song that Wendel is now learning? It's a surprise. Kidding~ It's 'Gr*veyard'. It's pop. I'm hoping that it will lighten the mood a little surrounding the festival. It has some deep meanings in the lyrics that could be tied to Rei's choice, and if this festival is to be held in their honor, then it should have something to mark that. That's this song. Obviously, not all of the lyrics perfectly tie together for them; but you can't really win in this scenario. Few songs can really do a justice to Rei and Milton. Moving on~ I wanted one additional bonus song to add to the Bandsmen's repertoire, and on account of everyone else being in at least two songs; I decided the next one to be White Beef Lady's. It was 'W*lves'. There was no reason in particular for the song choice, aside from her race. Obviously. I mean, it's a love song as well; so I guess it kind of plays in well with the festival being committed to commemorating Rei and Milton. Nyah. I told Wendel to make sure that she and White Beef Lady took turns with the Scaraoke machine so that they would both be equally as prepared for the festival. We're doing it on short notice, so they don't have the luxury of perfecting the songs. They'll just need to do their best. Sorry for springing this on you~ I say that, but she seems ecstatic. About as happy as one can appear while also visibly weeping. Genuinely.

Leaving Wendel, I vacated Halloween and continued to have Goblin Funk, Budget Dragon, Ben, and Wilson help me in the Kitchen. We're cooking a Meglacommon. It's all hands on deck. I say that, but I deliberately avoided the girls due to them starting to clique up ever since Rei's rather untimely and unfortunate demise. I'm not about to walk into that. I know that I'm in trouble, okay? I know I am! I know that I'm horrible! Okay?! Rustle and Cyclozard are casually always in their group. Rustle's usually asleep though. I don't know how they manage to be so appealing all the damn time that they're present, but I'm glad that at least some of us can properly get along with the females around here. Say good things about me!

Cooking the meal took a considerable amount of time, but we all played our part. Some, more vital than others. Wilson was on Meglacommon slicing duty. Goblin Funk was using three different stoves in order to prepare several meals at once. Ben was also using three different stoves in order to prepare several meals at once. We're going the full mile and genuinely sitting down and cooking this Fish. We're doing it. Usually, we just like to skewer it and throw it over a fire. This time, we're cooking it. It's a massive undertaking. Massive. Budget Dragon is helping by keeping an eye on pieces in the ovens. Apparently, he doesn't need oven mitts in order to remove the dishes from the hot ovens. He can just clamp down on the side of a dish with his mouth and then life it out and up from the oven. I feel like I lose brain cells whenever I watch Budget Dragon do... Just about anything. Be it combat, or everyday living.

I ditched them. I just couldn't deal with watching him turning the oven temperature dial with his head. It was too much for me. What was I doing instead? Genuinely, important things. I needed to go and procure a large amount of last minute alcohol. I've decided that this time, I'm going to be throwing the Beastkin Kingdom's Coins into the Human Kingdom's economy. Why? Because I feel like it. This is my grieving, spiteful power move. I'm not very fond of what Reygid's King made me do. I don't really understand why he even cares about the Scarecrow's disappearance, considering the Crows have also disappeared. If there were honest issues currently happening with the Farms in the Beastkin Kingdom, I feel like I would have heard something from Roy. After all, he's a Farmer too. Trying to come for us now on account of the Scarecrows disappearing even though he currently has no need for them is just nonsense. What's more, to not take refusal of our meeting in his Castle as a response and instead moving to have us killed is just wild. The impertinence! We solved his issue causing the need for enslaved Scarecrows, so we took the enslaved Scarecrows off his hands. We did it in a reverse situation, in which we handled the problems backwards; but it all worked out in the end. Is there a problem, officer? Why did he need us to come to his Castle or... Die if we refused?

I was thinking about such things as I rode my Broom into the Human Kingdom. Where, exactly? It's towards the northeast side of the Kingdom. There's a large capital city situation going on down there. It seems really basic, compared to Reygid, Orpia, or the Elven City for that matter. Everywhere else was unique, and had something special going for it. This is just basic. It's nothing special, but it's not too shabby or anything. It's meh. It reminds me more of Reygid, but the overall size of the city is larger than Reygid. Now, I know what you're thinking... How is it more basic than Reygid if it's larger than Reygid? Reygid had like vines and stuff adorning the streets. Reygid also had a lot of buildings with yellow colored roofs, and there were also flags matching that color. Even the Kingdom Knights had capes matching that color. It was visually pleasing to the eye. This is not that. This is a random assortment of slightly similar but also heavily varying buildings. There are nice areas, and there are slum areas. Nice areas tend to have more unique structures, obviously... While slum areas tend to look run down and more as though they're part of a market. A market that isn't actually run by any stores, but by peddlers. There are genuine stores, though. They're just not in the slums. There are probably some stores in the slums, but likely to be more of a shady variety, or just generally lower class. Yep. Low grade Taverns, Bakeries, tons of prostitution, slave trading, illegal item trading and the sort. Humans.

I decided to make a trip into a Tavern that I had found in the slums. Making my way inside, I was greeted by a lot of strange glances. There are a lot of roughnecks in here. I'm probably way out of my environment judging by my current apparel and physique. Even in my last life, as an adult; I would still feel out of place right about now. There's no helping it. I want cheap alcohol, and I want a lot. I'll need relations with a Tavernkeep who has connections with Distilleries. It might not end up being this particular Tavernkeep, though. She's big, muscular, a brunette, has green eyes, a wicked smile, and she's all too serious. She's trouble and a half, this one. After I walked in, some weird old guy whistled and she flat out threw a pan at him from across the room. The pan hit his face, and he actually crashed into the wall. It was highly effective. The wall is busted, he's halfway through it and there's blood everywhere. I'm mortified, but I'm also appreciative of her help. Maybe she is the right Tavernkeep for me, after all?

"Name's Georgia. What's yours?" [Georgia, the Tavernkeep] sighed before she introduced herself curtly after ripping off her head bandana and dramatically wiping the sweat from her forehead before putting another arm on her hip and taking a stance as she whipped her head to meet Nero's gaze with a smile.

Woah! Stop it! All that attitude in just four words! It's too much! Also, there's another weird guy still staring at me. Disgusting. I'm a child, sir.

"Ahem! I'm Nero~" [Nero] cleared his throat before winking as he sang with a smile and a high pitch tone of voice after assuming a pose and putting up two fingers into the peace sign as he used his other hand to whip a certain Lantern into another nearby creep's face before he met Georgia who was still assuming her pose with an expectant gaze. To which, the nearby creep joined the previous one in the now terribly broken wall.

"Good to meet you. What can I get for ya?" [Georgia the Tavernkeep] asked curtly while raising a hand to shake Nero's and ignoring the groaning scum in the background who were now groggily fumbling around in attempts at escaping their circumstances. She kept on with the air of not giving the slightest care in the world, as she laid one elbow down on the counter and held her head in one hand while twirling her hair in the other.

"Hmmmm… Lets see… I would like enough alcohol to get 17 individuals hammered and I would like it all within the next 10 minutes. Can you help me with that?" [Nero] explained with a casual tone of voice after briefly thinking as he rubbed his chin with one hand and had the other on his hip.

"Yeah, I can do that. Any heavy drinkers among 'em?" [Georgia the Tavernkeep] answered assuredly with a great, big smile as she stuck one thumb in the air and lifted her head from her other hand before she continued to ask with eyes wide and an excited tone of voice.

"Amazing! Ehm… Not particularly. I suppose we've all generally been drinking around the same quantity due to a lack of extra being to spare." [Nero] proclaimed happily before thinking. Coming up with a response, he replied while seeming somewhat embarrassed as he averted eye contact with the now completely let down Tavernkeep.

"...Lighten it up a little! You want to get you and your friends absolutely smashed, right?!" [Georgia the Tavernkeep] sighed before asking a question in an excited tone of voice with a smirk while raising one of her eyebrows as she turned her head slightly to the side and tilted it somewhat upwards.

"Well, yeah~" [Nero] answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world as he raised both of his hands up.

"Then you've got to go all out, my friend. Tell you what, I'll let you in on a little discount just this once to help you out; and if you have a good time then you promise to come back through me again. Sound like a deal?" [Georgia the Tavernkeep] explained with a laugh before getting into the details as she leaned in and spoke with a quiet voice and a large smile while raising one hand to block others from hearing what she had to say.

"Eh… Okay? How much Coin are we talking here, anyways?" [Nero] agreed to the deal before asking with a quiet voice as he squinted his eyes.

"Hmmm~ Let's say… 2 Gold Coins." [Georgia the Tavernkeep] rubbed her chin as she audibly thought before coming down to a decision with a hint of certainty as she brought one fist down to her other hand which was now open and awaiting the aforementioned fist.

"I'm in." [Nero] said with a smile before offering a hand to Georgia hand and shaking hers. A moment later, he took two Gold Coins from his collared shirt pocket and handed them to Georgia. To which, she happily accepted and began to guide Nero into a backroom.

On entry, I found that Georgia honestly kept a rather large supply of product on hand. Really. It's like I'm in a huge walk-in Wine Cellar, and all the racks are full. I feel like I'm actually in a store for purchasing alcohol. Georgia's impressive. I don't even care about her location at this point. She's a genuine, successful businesswoman. She's doing fine. With, or without my Coins.

I decided to go with good old fashioned Rum, as well as Vodka. Yeah. We got two types this time. There's slightly more Rum than there is Vodka, but it's fine. I know that I always refer to the moonshine created by the Goblin Hooch Distillery as Hooch, but it's technically a form of rather basic Wine. It's like the most ancient of all techniques. This stuff out here is way more advanced. It really can't be properly compared. It will definitely taste immensely different, and it might even get us drunk faster. Or, it might do a worse job. I'll just need to take a gamble and see for myself!

I left with 14 bottles of Vodka and 12 bottles of Rum. I generally paid around 70 to 80 Silver Coins per bottle. It's practically dirt cheap. Really, why didn't I do this sooner? I honestly doubt that we'll drink anywhere near this much if this is as strong as I think it's going to be. I ended up casting a [Hallowed Gate] in the middle of the street outside of Georgia's shop. It took the entire street of space, but that worked out fine. I was able to just walk out of her door and immediately be in Halloween. It worked out fine for I who needed to make several rather short trips towards the allegedly trick blood fountain in order to place the bottles on the edge of it. There was no risk of them falling off or even getting wet for that matter. There's a spot on the fountain that you could easily treat as a bench and never even get wet from the allegedly trick blood flowing behind you. It's a really over-sized fountain. All of the roads in the Halloween Town are as well.

I don't know just how the civilians to the Human Kingdom reacted to my massive gate magically appearing like that, because I didn't wait around for them to confront me. After securing my alcohol and bidding Georgia farewell, I left through my gate and cancelled it after returning into the Wailing Keep. Casting it once more from the Throne Room, I returned to the fountain and began procuring the goods until I remembered. I can just bring them into a special house in Halloween and guide the gang to it later. It's absolutely fine. Deciding that, I started to carry the bottles into the most southwest house in my Halloween Town. I intend to set up the fireplace here, so I can just act as though this house is a storage shed and grab the bottles from it after having gathered the registered drinkers. Yosh!

I placed all of the bottles onto a table inside of the designated storage shed. After finishing, I made my way to the Kitchen to find that the boys were nearly finished with their preparations of the Meglacommon. We can literally start to gather the Villagers now. It's fine. It will be ready by the time that I finish with the speech. I suppose I'll just go spend the remainder of my MP on clothes real quick. There's not enough of them. I should really spend two buckets of Candy, just to help it out. Making up my mind, I returned to the Throne Room and began to cast [Disguise] while aiming at level 2 pieces. I was able to bust out around 90 new pieces, but I wasn't very impressed. Grabbing the two buckets of Candy, I began to eat while I added more pieces. It took me around 15 minutes, and resulted in the pile looking a fair bit larger than it was before. There are probably around 400 pieces now in this pile. It's fine. I wish there were more, but it's fine.

I ended up asking the Scarecrows to help with moving all of the clothes from the level 1 to 2 pile into Halloween. They're bringing them to the southeast corner of Town. After asking them, I made my way to the fireplace outside and informed the others that it was the time to move it. Yeah. It's short notice, but it's happening. Cetilla, Vana, and Lora went to go wake everyone else who was currently asleep, while Hugo, Boris, and Cyclozard helped with relocating the fireplace. It makes more sense for us to have it out in Halloween so that we can enjoy the Bandsmen's music while we eat the Meglacommon. Cetilla seemed exceedingly excited. Even if the Meglacommon is being properly served this time, we still need to eat it near a fire. Don't be silly.

After the fireplace had finished being successfully moved, I made my way into the Kitchen to inform the guys that we would be starting shortly. After telling them, I went to check on how the Scarecrows were doing with moving the clothes to find that they had already finished. Wondrous. Taking the time, I went back outside and called on all of my Clansmen. The Banshee and other flying types seemed confused on account of them already having a task, but the more experienced Clansmen quickly figured out that we were holding a festival. I say quickly, because it happened as soon as I requested that they perform the 'Hallowed Howl'. The sound of them roaring in harmony was absolutely beautiful. They pulled at all the right heartstrings. I told them to make themselves sparse and to get into positions to begin with 'This is Hall*ween'. We're going to be skipping 'I Put a Sp*ll On You' this time around due to Rei's absence. We could play the song without her, due to having more females capable of singing around here now; but it wouldn't be right. I also haven't really properly taken the time to teach anyone her role, so it can't be helped. The show will go on, but it just won't be the exact same.

I ascended above the entrance to the Wailing Keep slightly as I awaited the Goblin Villagers. They came in flocks, swarming around my feet. It was a great turn out. It might be the largest turn out yet. I say that, because the Harpies from beneath the Chasms showed up. It must have been Cetilla's doing. She must have invited them. I don't know who else could have possibly fulfilled such a task without my knowing about it. I ended up having a small chat with the Harpy Matriarch as the crowds were still gathering. She was upset that I had not previously invited her flocks to the events, but I took the time to introduce her to Goddin Village Neith Sama and Vana, to which she seemed to have forgiven me greatly. Flutterfairies are a rare commodity. What's more? The three of them are total history junkies. They'll get along smashingly. After around 15 minutes, everyone had gathered and so, I cancelled my [Hallowed Gate] and began my speech.

"Good evening to any and all who gathered here on this very fine night! I would like to welcome you all to my wondrous home, the Wailing Keep. Tonight is a special night. Very recently, we here at the Wailing Keep suffered the loss of two great friends. Rei, and Milton... Two of the Catkin who chose to live alongside us in this Keep unfortunately lost their lives. It was an epic tragedy, but it was not without a silver lining. We will work to the best of our abilities to see to it that Rei and Milton come back to us... Smiling! Tonight, we will commemorate the love that they had shared, and the lives that they had lived! We will dance and sing in their stead, as our way of saying that our hearts are with them! We will feast upon yet another Meglacommon, give the gift of clothes to our friends, and dance until dawn! On this special night, we have the Harpies from beneath the Chasms joining us, and my Clansmen have prepared two new, very special songs to play in Rei and Milton's honor. Please, step forth and enter into my Halloween Town through the [Hallowed Gate] before you!" [Nero] proclaimed rather dramatically before raising his Lantern and summoning the massive gate.

Making my way in first, I entered into Halloween and found that the Clansmen were all in varying positions around the Town Circle. Wendel was standing by herself on top of the allegedly trick blood fountain. Dramatic. It suits her so well, that I can't complain. Everyone else seems ready to hop out at any moment. Epic. After around 5 minutes, I stopped seeing new guests arriving through the gate, and so I gestured for the beginning. Moments later, the music began to play as the Jack-O-Lantern Speaker monsters began to shake. Along to the beat of the song, their flames danced the night away. Mesmerizing. Around 10 or so seconds after the song began, Conrad leapt out from atop a house and began to soar through the skies as he called out, truly commencing the song.

"Boys and girls of every age... Wouldn't you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will see... This, our Town of Halloween~" [Conrad, the Crowli] called out while holding a microphone as he soared through the skies.

"This is Halloween! This is Halloween! Pumpkin scream in the dead of night!" [Mr and Mrs Scarecrow] sang as they popped out from behind two different houses.

And like that, they began the song. It was truly breathtaking to see all of their preparations involving positioning. What was most surprising for me, was that Wilson, the Wolfenrine joined the song around half way through. Not just him, but the Lamias, and the Banshee also participated as well. A true spectacle. I didn't teach them that, so it must have been something that they learned in their spare time. I had no idea that the Lamias or Wolfenrine for that matter would enjoy performing; but if that's the case... Why not just teach them some songs as official Bandsmen? Yosh! Four new Bandsmen appeared!

After they had finished, the next song on was 'I Want C*ndy' by Vana, followed by 'Sweet Dr*ams' by Conrad. I was blown away. I DEFINITELY never taught him that! While he was performing it, I was actually tossing around bottles to the Wailing Keep residents. I also gave one to the Harpy Matriarch, seeing as how she's like a VIP guest or something. I spent my time afterwards being totally captivated by Conrad's performance as I began to drink. I can't believe he just went and taught himself that! After his performance, Wendel began performing 'Z*mbie'. While it was happening, Goblin Funk came and joined me as I watched from atop a house. I don't know how he managed to get up here, but I don't see anything broken nearby. I guess it's fine. A short while after he joined me, a wild Cetilla joined by a certain Rifaleesi arrived as well. We're now all just sitting in silence together atop the house as we watch the performance.

Looking to my left, Cetilla gave me a weak smile as a tear fell from her eyes before she placed her head to rest on my shoulder. Huh... I guess she's not mad any longer. I'll take it. Rita is standing behind her with eyes sparkling as she gazes at the performance. I remembered that Rifas by nature had poor eyesight at night, so I took the time to ask her about it. Apparently, she can see somewhat at night; but I was indeed correct. She has a hard time making out all of the details, but the peculiar sky in Halloween helps immensely. Heh. Even in the dead of night around here, it's still just a vividly purple sky. Currently, the sky is actually orange as it's actually technically day time in Halloween. It's weird, but the sky in Halloween does not gradually change colors. In the event that it changes from day to night, it just starts flashing violently before it finally resettles. Looking to my right, Goblin Funk was happily cheering on Wendel.

Looking below us, I was able to catch a glimpse of Budget Dragon banging his head to the beat of the song. Cyclozard, a few Harpies and Goblins were beside him, dancing as well. It was a genuine party, and so I quickly decided to look back between the three others atop the roof. I gave them each smiles before I jumped from the roof, back to the ground. Joining the others in dancing, I began to gesture for my companions to join us as well. They did so happily, but Cetilla admittedly took a few extra seconds to make her choice. It was a wonderful time, and Wendel's song ended only to be followed by 'Freaks C*me Out at Night', played by Conrad and Mr Scarecrow. While we danced, more and more of the Wailing Keep residents joined us.

After Conrad and Mr Scarecrow finished their performance, White Beef Lady stole the show with her heartrending take on 'Sp*oky'. We still danced, regardless of the song getting a little slower. It still had a killer beat, okay?! It was fun to see how each race would dance to different songs, given their different body types. I really find Cyclozard's style quite unique. He has six legs and a long tail, so nyah. After the song had finished, Wendel took it away with 'Gr*veyard'. Admittedly, it's not really a good song to dance to. The beat repeatedly disappears throughout the course of the song, and it becomes practically impossible to do. Her voice was nice, though. It's a beautiful song, but you just can't dance to it. Rather than dance, I raised my arms into the sky and moved them like a wave. Some of the others slowly joined me, starting with the Clansmen who had realized these were the songs intended for Rei and Milton; followed by the Weeping Keep residents and finally, the Goblins and Harpies. It continued on this way, even for White Beef Lady's performance of 'W*lves'. Cetilla may or may not have cried due to the songs, but she didn't lose her smile.

To my surprise, the Banshee took it upon herself to learn an entire song all by herself. She performed it after White Beef Lady's performance. It was called 'Nightm*re'. It was a great way to bring back the mood, and I actually popped out to thank her for it during the song. I quickly stopped in at the Scaraoke machine to see who was handling the song choice duty. Cosmo and Wanda were the ones in charge. I asked them to give a little time before the next song started. After the Banshee had finished her song, I took the chance to ask her of her past life's name, and to my dismay; she didn't even have one. I guess even Humans can go without names. Before the next song had a chance to begin, I took the Banshee to the middle of the the Town Circle and made a quick announcement.

"Hello everyone~ I hope that you're enjoying yourselves, and I know that this night is dedicated to Rei and Milton; but I would also like to take a brief moment to introduce you all to my newest Clansmen. She performed wonderfully for you all, and took it upon herself to learn that song for you. Please, give a warm welcome to Betty, the Banshee!" [Nero] proclaimed with a smile before gesturing for Cosmo and Wanda, the Scarecrows on Scaraoke duty to play the next song.

The next songs were Mrs Scarecrow and Conrad performing 'Boog*e Monster', followed by 'Sc*ry Monsters (and Super Creeps)' performed by Mr and Mrs Scarecrow. The final song that I had danced to on that night, was 'Monster M*sh' performed by Mr Scarecrow. As per usual, it was a graveyard smash. It caught on in a flash. After it had finished, a large number of Wailing Keep residents gathered together and began their mess of a journey towards the Delhn Lake. We spent the time walking there while drunkenly singing the 'Monster M*sh'. Conrad, Robert (Tier 1 Bat), Mr and Mrs Scarecrow all joined us as well. White Beef Lady, Wendel, Betty, Wilson, Kendra, Goddin Village Neith Sama, Vana, the Harpy Matriarch, and Cloaked Monk are holding down the fort back home.

As we made our way to the Beach, I was actually riding on Mr Scarecrow's shoulder. When we finally made it to the Beach, I quickly realized my predicament. I had my stockings on! I can't just show these things! I ended up having my Clansmen effortlessly hide my indecency as I got changed and stuffed my stockings into the mess of my large clown pants. The splash fight was intense. Thankfully, there was no real magic being used. It was a fair fight, but I still feel as though I may have lost. It was mainly because when I dipped my head underneath the water, I made direct eye contact with that... Thing. It terrified me, and so I tried to vacate the water but was brutally splashed by everyone as I did so; and failed at escaping from their wrath.

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