《Diaries of Nero the Halloween Cat》BONUS CHAPTER: CLANSMEN LIST (SPOILERS)


(Clansmen Type List of all monsters ever encountered by Nero up to this point, explaining which Clan they would naturally belong to)

WARNING DISCLAIMER: You do NOT need to read this. It's something Nero himself does not currently know about yet (some of this content, he might never even learn), so it could be regarded as a massive spoiler. Please read at your own risk.

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PLEASE NOTE: Individuals within a race may be born with a different Element which is not the norm for their race. Be that as it may, many races may have different variants resulting in higher chances for Elements to be displaced. Elemental displacement can cause an individual to be disposed to a different Clan. For example, the two Flutterfairies and the two Lamias are each their own variant of Flutterfairies/Lamias. The same goes for many of the Harpies and Snakes located in the Lost Kingdom, as well as some of the races of Beastkin in Reygid. Catkin are a prime example for the Beastkin in Reygid which make up many different variants. There are 8 Clans. One of which has no monsters currently having been witnessed by Nero up to this point. 4 Great Clans, 4 not so great but still relevant. I would also like it to be known that Elements are not the only characteristic which may impact the Clan that an individual belongs to. Be that as it may, I have no intention of displaying THAT much of a spoiler right now ^~^


Slime (Patricks)

Slimmeuck (Patricks)

Goblin (Easter)

Fish (all kinds so far except Goldfish, (Easter))

Goldfish (Patricks)

Black Bear (Easter)

Demon (Patricks)

????? (Nero did not know their races, referencing several citizens in Demon Kingdom capital Orpia)

Crab (Easter)

????? (Nero did not take the time to figure out their races, referencing several bird species in the Demon Kingdom)

Crowl (Halloween)

Fox (Easter)

Deer (Easter)

White Rabbit (Easter)

Caterpillar (Easter)

Butterfly (Easter)

Brown Wolf (Easter)

Human (Valentines)

Snake (Easter)

Python (Easter)

????? AKA Lochness monster (Patricks)

Werewolf (Halloween)

Bluejay (Thanksgiving)

Raven (Thanksgiving)

Scarecrowl (Halloween)

Foxwoman (Easter)

Catkin (Easter)

Turtlemen (Easter)

Meglacommon (Christmas)

Mousekin (Easter)

Koalakin (Easter)

Sea Serpent (Christmas)

Komoto Dragonkin (Valentines)

Raccoonkin (Easter)

Armadillkin (Easter)

Minotaur (Valentines)

Hawkman (Thanksgiving)

Crowli (Halloween)

Harpy (Thanksgiving)

Slug (Easter)

Bat (Halloween)

Drake (Valentines)

Golems (Groundhogs)

One Eyed Lizard (Groundhogs)

Spider (Easter)

Weeping Angel(Halloween)

Flutterfairy (Easter)

Rifa (Easter)

Rifaleesi (Easter)

Lamia (Valentines)

Leshi (Easter)

Wolfenrine (Easter)

Kitsune (Easter)

Elf (Valentines)

Mandrill (Easter)

Turtle (Easter)

Raccoon (Easter)

Snail (Easter)

Enjoy ^~^

(Please let me know if I missed any critters encountered by Nero, I'll add them to the list. I did not add details to specific individuals IE: Miu, Gretel, Rosina, Witch Council members, Lily, Victor, Celine, etc. Rei and Milton are both of the Easter Clan, and none of the other Wailing Keep residents aside from Cetilla have a strange Clan caused by variant elemental displacement)

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