《Diaries of Nero the Halloween Cat》Chapter 28 - Night 30


NuhHHHH~ I'm still extremely tired. Oh? Looking around me, it appears as though I slightly woke several times in the night and made more clothes? There aren't a lot, so they might be aimed at level 20? There are more than the 8 that I remember making. Around four times more. I mean I'm not mad, but I'm concerned for my well being. Did I do it to try and make myself more tired, or was it my alleged second will? Well, I guess there's no point worrying about it. Assuming Human form, I began picking up the bundle of clothes and throwing them into the Throne Room. Now, I am flying to the Kitchen.

Rubbing my eyes as I arrive, I open them to find that no one else is here right now. I still smell Fish though. Checking the Dining Hall, it would appear that I'm the last one to wake. Actually, Mobbin Village Keef Sama is face down passed out at the table. Did he stay up all night? I feel how you look, sir. Taking a seat and beginning to eat, everyone else is acting as though nothing happened last night. Cetilla and Cyclozard are playing that card game, and the others are avidly watching. Trying to lighten the mood, eh? That's fine and all, but I actually think I might do something productive tonight. No games for me!

After finishing my breakfast, I went to check in on our Food supply situation. We've still got around two dozen Fish, so I should probably handle that soon. For now, I'm going to meet with the Matriarch of the Harpies. I would like to ask her about the results to our culling in the Chasms. Make sure all the monster race populations are still balanced, you know? Th*nos things. Because Cetilla and Cyclozard are currently having a card game, I think that I'll bring Budget Dragon along instead. He's recently Evolved into a Tier 5 monster, and he hails from the Chasms. He might appreciate coming along, I think. He can't ride on my Broom with me on account of his size, but he can still run the way there. I'll just fly overhead.

After telling Budget Dragon that I was heading to the Chasm to check in on the Harpies, he excitedly began wagging his tail. Oh. I should have just asked him if he wanted to come with me. My bad~ After making a gesture with my hands as if saying that it's fine, he began to follow me. Flying to the Chasms at Budget Dragon's speed of running was actually quite fast. I spent a considerable amount of MP to keep up. When we actually got to the Chasms, I remembered that Budget Dragon can't get down there. I technically have 156 STR now, so I tried lifting him with an arm as we descended into the Chasm with my Broom.

The result? I lost my grip about halfway through, and dropped Budget Dragon several hundred feet to his death. The end. Just kidding~ Crowli popped out of my Lantern and helped me save him from his impending doom near the last second. His [Aerial Assault+2] can be used to save lives just as fast as it can be used to take them. I'm mighty impressed, but I'm also dismayed that he waited so long to appear. Now that we're safely on the ground, Budget Dragon seems to be quivering. It's okay~ I promise that you're safe now! Crowli's puffing out his chest as if he's done something to be proud of. To be fair, he has. But it's his fault that Budget Dragon's life flashed before his eyes for not having appeared sooner. I will not be held accountable for this! It's not my fault!


After a few minutes of me patting Budget Dragon's back while glaring at Crowli, a couple of Harpies arrived and showed us to their Matriarch. I guess they recognized us from last time. They also probably dont see people falling from the surface very often. I'll lose if it's the latter. Being led by the Harpies caused finding the Matriarch to take around 15 minutes, what with them being so slow... But I'm not complaining! Thank you for guiding us~

"Welcome back to our home, Nero. I trust that the surface has been treating you well?" [Harpy Matriarch] greeted Nero with a smile.

"Thank you. We've been managing, but last night we had to face off against a pretty massive army of Orcs; so I could be better." [Nero] admitted while sighing.

"Hohhh? An Orc invasion? You know, they have had a long standing feud with the Lizard Tribes. There's a chance that they had originally been intending to march through the Lost Kingdom to reach them." [Harpy Matriarch] explained an opinion.

"That's possible. The Goblin Village is definitely on the way to the Lizard Tribes for them. Regardless, how have things been down here? Are all of the monster race populations still balanced?" [Nero] agreed before asking and tilting his head.

"I must say, the culling has made things much easier for us to oversee to the populations. As of yet, I don't believe that any race in particular has ascended beyond the others. My... Look at you, have you Evolved?" [Harpy Matriach] answered before asking a question towards Budget Dragon.

"That's good to know. He actually Evolved last night during the Orc invasion." [Nero] stated while smiling before explaining about Budget Dragon's increased size.

"Impressive. Do you intend to stay awhile? We can share a meal." [Harpy Matriarch] exclaimed before asking.

"Nah~ We're just going to go check in on how the other Drakes are doing. Thank you for the offer, but I actually just ate." [Nero]

"That's too bad. I'll look forward to your next visit." [Harpy Matriach]

"Thank you. I'll take my leave now, goodnight~" [Nero] said while waving and beginning to ascend on his Broom.

"Farewell, young Cat." [Harpy Matriach] replied while waving.

And with that, Budget Dragon and I took off to go see the Drakes. The Drakes like to hunt in packs of 5. Don't ask me why. Budget Dragon went off to go greet them, and seemed as though he was having a nice little visit. I tried to listen in on the conversation, but [Language Comprehension+1] doesn't seem to be able to pick up on them. I can almost make out what Budget Dragon says, but he's trying to speak like them; so it's pretty jumbled to me. I decided to spend this time making more level 20 clothes.

After around an hour or so of Budget Dragon rekindling his relationship with the other Drakes, he was finally finished. So, I made a very weak [Hallowed Gate] for us to return with. Lugging my clothes, we made our way across the alleged trick blood fountain and into the Wailing Keep. On arrival, I immediately dropped the stack of clothing and accessories before heading to the fireplace. When I arrived, a considerable portion of the gang was here. We're only missing Goblin Hunk, Cetilla, and several of my Clansmen. I'm now ready to begin a large scale investigation into the races of the Lost Kingdom. We got good results from the culling in the Chasms, so I would like to try and do the same thing here.


There are some problems with culling on the surface that we need to iron out first though. For starters, it's impractically difficult to judge the populace of each and every race on the surface. This is because all of the time, half of the Bears, Foxes, Rabbits and Deer are constantly on the hunt. What's more, the Bears and Rabbits hunt individually. The Foxes hunt in small packs, while the Deer hunt in a herde. The Caterpillars generally all stay in or near their nest until they are ready to Evolve into Butterflies. So, the Caterpillars should probably be easy to manage. On the other hand, the Butterflies go out and hunt individually. This causes the Butterflies to be impossible to calculate at all. The Snakes all stay in their den, so that should be easy. The Slimes also like to stay in their Prairie field, while the White Squirrbits all return to their Hollow at night. The Wolves return to their cave during the day. Genuinely speaking, I don't think that there are enough Swamp Slime monsters to even include them in the culling at all. This causes our problem children to be the Bears, Foxes, Rabbits, Deer, and Butterflies.

The other problem is that when we did our culling in the Chasm, we had a literal pit to throw the monsters into; forcing them to fight. I don't think there are any random pits in the ground on the surface, so forcing monsters to fight eachother might prove more difficult here. What if I had my Clansmen produce haki while surrounding the two monsters whom we force together? Would they attack eachother, or would they attack us out of fear? I don't like it. I need something more suitable.

Maybe I should just try and dig a pit manually? Wait. Why don't I just open a Hallowed Gate, and throw them inside? I can have Mr Scarecrow positioned inside of the Throne Room to ensure that the combattants don't attempt to flee into the Wailing Keep. I can also have Mrs Scarecrow positioned outside of the Hallowed Gate to ensure that the combattants don't attempt to flee back into the wild. Then, I can just stay near the alleged trick blood fountain in Halloween and oversee the battles to make sure that they kill eachother while having my other Clansmen fetch the next combattants. It may not be as foolproof as a massive pit, but it might just work. Because I lack a Tier, as long as a monster does not possess appraisal and intellectual wherewithal; then they have no reason to fear me. Yosh! Looking around, it appears as though everyone has returned.

"Alright everybody. So, I went to check in on the Harpies and learned that our culling of the monsters was a success. The ecosystem within the Chasms has remained balanced even after we took half of all the populations. We were able to successfully gain the four new Monster Knights out of the deal, so I think it's time for us to begin a massive scale investigation on the Lost Kingdom in order to ascertain the populace of the races here; and eventually perform the same operation on this much larger scale. Because the Lost Kingdom is much larger than the Chasms, I have no doubt that this will take several days before we even have a chance to begin the culling. Does anyone have any objections?" [Nero] proclaimed calculatingly before asking the others of their own opinions.

"If it went well in the Chasms, then it might work well here. But aren't you worried about outside forces ruining it after we finish? What if some random army marches through and obliterates an entire race after we weakened them? The Chasms are an enclosed space which rarely sees visitors, but the Lost Kingdom is not the same." [Mobbin Village Keef Sama]

"That's true. Be that as it may, if even one army as strong as the Orc army which marched through here just last night arrives within the next several days; we won't even stand a single chance against them. I ate most of my Candy last night, which means my Clansmen can not do that again. Let me be absolutely clear right now. We are currently in dire straits. We won't last nearly as long as we did last time. We will die. The wild races of the Lost Kingdom won't fair any better. Seeing as how we can't protect the other races during the day time at all, and seeing as how we can't even afford to meet an enemy army of the same calibre a second time back to back; it's all the more important that we attempt to improve our fighting potential now rather than when it's too late. If we can't rise to the occasion and force atleast two of every race into a much higher Evolution which has intellectual capabilty, then all of the races here might go extinct regardless of whether we perform the culling or not." [Nero] explained in a rather serious tone after removing his hat and glasses. To which, several of the nearby self proclaimed Monster Knights gave uneasy looks.

"Oh... Is it that bad?" [Mobbin Village Keef Sama] asked while seemingly dejected.

"Currently, it is. I will need 4 more nights before I can recoup the expenses of the last. As time progresses, we will regain the Candy slowly. After 4 nights, I should be able to be better prepared than last time. By far. If nothing goes wrong in 4 nights, then we might be fine. Honestly, I don't think we can finish the investigation within 4 nights. With that being said, even in 4 nights, any attack of that magnitude during the day would prove to be our downfall. We were lucky that they arrived during the night. We could not have faced an army like that during the day. We simply need more high rate monsters which are unrelated to Halloween in order to be capable of defending these lands during the day. As the one True Halloween Cat, I can grant us one hail mary to save our lives during the day. Just one. After I use it, we need to wait a full 365 nights before I can use it again. It's imperative that we don't just waste that on one army." [Nero] said without breaking eyecontact with Mobbin Village Keef Sama.

"Alright. I understand the weight of your decision now. It seems that you only work to ensure our future, no matter the costs. I must thank you for that." [Mobbin Village Keef Sama] said while bowing.

"Please stand. It's my future just as it is yours. Did you forget? I hail from the Lost Kingdom." [Nero] said in a cheerful mood to brighten up the surroundings before continuing.

"Now, if no one else has any objections; I would like to begin. Clansmen! Please, be careful and attempt to not hurt any of the monsters within the Lost Kingdom if at all possible. Try to find the dens of each monster race. Scarecrows, I designate you to finding the Bear's home. It's probably in a Cave. Crows and Crowli, I designate you to find the Deer's dwelling. I have no idea what type of place it is, but if you find any of them sleeping in a herde; that's probably it. Bats, I designate you to find the Fox's dwelling. It might be a tunnel of some sort. White Sheep Lady and Weeping Angel, I designate you to find the Rabbit's dwelling. It's probably a hole." [Nero] beckoned to which his Clansmen each immediately took off.

"That's great and all, but what can we do?" [Goblin Hunk]

"I'm getting to that. Can each of you count?" [Nero] asked before continuing, to which everyone nodded.

"Fantastic. I'm going to take each and every one of you to a monster dwelling. I'll be leaving you there, so make sure to remember the way back. When you're there, I want you to count out how many monsters there are. Cloaked Hunk #wassup and Goblin Hunk, I'm assigning you to deal with the Snakes. Budget Dragon, I'm assigning you to deal with the Wolves. Cyclozard and Cetilla, I'm assigning you to deal with the Caterpillars. I'll deal with the White Squirrbits. I think I'm going to let the Prairie Slimes exist as is. They never Evolve, and besides… Goblins and Squirrbits both hunt them." [Nero] proclaimed while dramatically pointing to each individual so that they knew their name in his mind.

"Is there a reason why I get Caterpillars?" [Cetilla] remarked exasperatedly.

"Yes. Your magic might prove useful in the event that the Caterpillars attempt to mob you both down. I wouldn't think too lowly of them. They're quite dangerous. Besides, there are undoubtably a lot of them; so you might need to work together to count. One of you protecting yourselves while the other counts, that is. Try not to kill any, though~" [Nero] explained while smiling.

"Is there a reason why we're dealing with the Snakes then?" [Goblin Hunk] asked while referring to himself and Cloaked Hunk #wassup who simply nodded.

"Yes. There are also a lot of them, but I don't think that they'll be very powerful due to constantly being the prey of Wolves. No offense, but you both might be the weakest ones here. I personally don't know the limits to Cetilla's strength, but I know very well that you are both Tier 3 monsters. Effectively speaking, the lowest Tier among us." [Nero] explained with a straight face.

"What about me?" [Budget Dragon] asked.

"That's easy. Some of the Wolves can tend to be Tier 3 monsters. You're a Tier 5 Drake, so I'm sure that you'll be fine. Now then, everyone accept their task?" [Nero] replied casually, to which everyone agreed.

And with that, I began taking the group to their designated dens for them to begin their counts. First stop was Cetilla and Cyclozard being dropped off at the Caterpillar nest. It's basically just north of the Lake. Then, I dropped off the Goblin Duo at the Snake Den. It's east of the Caterpillar nest. The last stop was Budget Dragon at the Wolf Cave near the north edge of the Lost Kingdom. It also happens to be directly north of the Caterpillar nest. After I had dropped off Budget Dragon, a decent amount of time had passed. I would say it took me around an hour to finish bringing them all to their designated locations.

Well, now all that's left is for me to figure out the numbers of the White Squirrbits. There's a reason why I decided to handle them. It's not just because they're cute. It's also because they live underneath a tree. Most of us probably could not fit to climb beneath that tree without uprooting it entirely. It's a task only I can do. Besides, with my zero haki; there's a chance that the Squirrbits wont even notice me arrive unless they look directly at me or hear me move. I'll just try to stay quiet and if things go south, I have a barrier. It's fine. They sleep at night because they can only see during the day, so I really don't have much to worry about.

Flying myself from the northern side to the southern side of the Lost Kingdom took me around 45 minutes as I was moving at a rate where I wouldn't lose MP. I'm meow outside of the White Squirrbit Hollow. After having descended to the ground via Broom, I activated [Barrier] and returned to my Cat Form. It's time for a stealth mission. I actually move very fast as a Cat. It's kind of freaky. I guess I'm just not used to it yet. I should try to be a Cat more often.

Looking around inside of the hollow, the Squirrbits actually have a pretty big home. There are a few hallways leading to other rooms, and one of them even has a little pond. I don't know how they got water down here, but there's water down here?! Hold on! Wait! Dipping my paw in, it's not even cold! I'm beginning to feel jealous. None of the Squirrbits have noticed me, because they're all asleep; but if I could let off a haki then I totally would be right now. Why didn't they share their bath with me? I'm a nice Cat, okay?

I kind of took a dip in their bath. It might have lasted an hour. I might be sopping wet, and I might feel totally clean right now. Anyways~ Looking around, I began to count the Squirrbits. Because they're kind of obvious about their Tiers, I was able to accurately figure out howmany there were of each kind. There are 3 Tier 3 Squirrbits, 11 Tier 2 Squirrbits, and 45 Tier 1 Squirrbits. Yep~ All in all, they have a 5 room home with one bath and three bedrooms. I say bedrooms, but it's just stolen Prairie grass littered everywhere. I think I'm beginning to see the reason why the Squirrbits hate the Slimes. The Slimes eat all of their precious bedding.

I've finished my mission~ It may have been the easiest mission, but only one of my small size could have succeeded it... Okay?! It wound up taking me around 15 minutes to return to the Wailing Keep at a conservative pace. Now that I've returned, I have begun aiming for new level 20 clothes while I eat Fish with Mobbin Village Keef Sama. I didn't give him a mission because he's so hellbent on staying at the Village to produce his so called haki. It works out for me who finished their mission first and now has spare time to spend with their best friend. Mobbin Village Keef Sama is the first friend I made on this world, mkay? He's the bro among bros for me right now. The one... The only... The original, Bromacho Mc Chacho!

Honestly speaking, all of the missions that I gave to the Monster Knights should be achievable in one night. The monsters that I gave to them generally stay near their homes. That being said, the missions that I gave to my Clansmen just may be be possible to finish tonight... But we'll still need to count off the populations afterwards. Those populations are more dangerous to mess with than the others, as they're in that constant mess of an ecosystem. The Wolves, Caterpillars, Snakes and Squirrbits genuinely feel more divided away from that safari. The wolves eat the Snakes, and the Caterpillars are basically like a rare treat for all of the other races. I don't see them winning any battles unless they're together in their nest. The Squirrbits just kill Slimes or go Fishing as far as I'm aware. I don't think they can even be killed by anything in this Kingdom after they reach Tier 3... Aside from us if we work extremely hard to catch them or just raid their home at night. Even at Tier 3, I dont think the Squirrbits actually have much combat ability aside from being able to take on the lesser monsters. They might be able to kill a low Tier Rabbit or a higher Tier Slime, but that's probably it. They're far too speed oriented to be of much use in battle at their current state. If they could properly communicate, they would probably be amazing scouts to help find intelligence on the Kingdom. Even at a higher Tier, I don't know if I could go so far as to classify them as Monster Knights. They're scouts through and through.

Crowli has amazing AGI, but he also has great STR to back it up. I don't see any STR coming from the White Squirrbits. Just AGI. It's like Weeping Angel who has great INT, but nothing else. Honestly, Crowli is just on another level entirely. He doesn't feel like a Tier 6 monster. He makes Weeping Angel seem like a joke. Not only does Crowli's AGI surpass Weeping Angel's INT, it doubles it; and then his STR also has the nerve to match Weeping Angel's INT. And they're both Tier 6 monsters! It's totally unbalanced! I'm glad that he's on my side, but I feel sorrow for whoever ends up needing to face him after I die. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do it. It just kind of happened! I didn't expect him to be like this, okay?! Who could have known that Crows would have amazing growth rates?!

Well, looking around; it seems as though a considerable amount of time has gone by. I've created a decent stack of clothes while sitting here by the fire with Mobbin Village Keef Sama. This upcoming shipment will no doubt be much smaller than the last one on account of me trying to make better clothing. It can't be helped, okay?! I would be much better off if I cancelled the [Wailing Keep] summon to regain the locked off 20% of my MP, but I've grown quite accustomed to the Wailing Keep. The Wailing Keep has that awesome combo ability with [Hallowed Gate], and I've been beginning to rely on it. Not to mention cooking speeds have drastically improved thanks to the modern Kitchen.

Besides, the bed is comfortable. I don't need to worry about people peeking at me while I get dressed in the morning, so I no longer need to punch holes into my clothes in attempt at putting them on quickly after changing my form. Don't even get me started on the Throne Room. It's freaking ginormous, okay?! I can throw down thousands of pieces of clothes if I wanted to, and I just freaking might if I start making level 1 clothes again. The quick rate of my MP growth is like the best thing about me. It's currently just barely above Weeping Angel's MP, which makes it pretty freaking good; okay? My MP seems to be directly connected to INT, but that's not the case with all of my Clansmen. I think their MP is a combination between their HP and their MP. It's weird.

Ah~ Budget Dragon has returned from his checkup on the Wolves. He seems somewhat tired, so he might have been forced to fight them off a little bit. After asking him, proudly he informed me that he did not kill a single Wolf. His count is 9 Tier 3 Wolves, 34 Tier 2 Wolves, and 76 Tier 1 Wolves. Wow! That's a lot more Wolves than I expected. Impressive~ Joining us in the Fish and fire, Budget Dragon sat down as I praised his fine work. We're one step closer to total knowledge of our ecosystem~ I get the feeling that Mobbin Village Keef Sama's previous intelligence network only gathered information relative to where the monsters hunt or are generally located.

After around another hour and a half, Cetilla and Cyclozard returned looking much more exhausted than Budget Dragon. Yeah. I kinda figured they would have it the worst. After asking them about it, they claimed to have only murdered 30 Caterpillars or so. I guess it can't be helped? After that, they told me that they had discovered a total of 561 Caterpillars. Woah! That's way more than I anticipated. That's not all. They met a rather strange girl while there. The girl appeared while they were counting the Caterpillars, and asked them why they had come if not to slay the Caterpillars. The girl claimed to be a Flutterfairy. Hey! They aren't extinct after all! I can't wait to meet her. The Flutterfairy let Cetilla continue to count the Caterpillars after Cetilla explained that it was all she desired, but Cetilla also explained the fact that she's not the one inciting this. The Flutterfairy wants to meet me too~ I'm going to meet her. Right now.

Setting off, I took Cetilla with me so that the Flutterfairy would know that I'm no harm. I can estimate that we have another 2 or 3 hours before Dawn, so it should be fine. I'm honestly not even bringing Candy with me, because I desperately want to befriend this Flutterfairy. I won't accept fighting her. I can't just go off killing one of the very few intellegent creatures of this land while also walking around attempting to help other creatures of this land become intelligent. I need her to join us! Even if she just stays in her little Nest, she still needs to accept the culling. It's important! 561 Caterpillars is just ridiculous! You don't need that many Caterpillars!

It took us around 3 minutes to reach the Caterpillar nest because I was quite frankly excited. I'm making sure to keep sitting on my Broom to regain my MP though. After all, you can't be too careful when you're offering to kill off half of someone's relatives to their face. Jeez. I would have brought my Candy if I knew that I would immediately get nervous upon arrival. Oh well~ I'm currently having Cetilla point me the way to where she made contact with the Flutterfairy. The nest is like a massive network of tunnels dug by Caterpillars. The tunnels are somewhat large, and there are numerous Caterpillars scattered around the floor in every direction of the tunnels. I'm beginning to understand why Cetilla and Cyclozard seemed to exhausted. Doing this without flying would be ridiculous. After a certain point, it would seem as though all of the tunnels converge into a massive area probably three times larger than my Throne Room. It's incredible.

There are paths carved into the walls as if making ramps for the Caterpillars to climb up and down from the tunnels which lead here into the large cesspit of Caterpillars below. The room is cylindrical, like a soda can but it has a huge spiral staircase along the walls to enable entry into the cesspit. I'm blown away. Now I definitely understand why they seemed so exhausted trying to count this. The number might be totally false, and it could be much higher. There are a lot of Caterpillars below. I feel like the number must be false!

Flying above the large cesspit, I begin looking around the edges of the walls in all directions to try and get a glimpse of the Flutter Fairy. I don't see her below, so where else would she be?! Jeez. I don't see her anywhere! Are you sure you weren't lying to me about the Flutterfairy, Cetilla? Eyes playing tricks on you after seeing one too many Caterpillars? Oh-Found it~ I mean her. She's approaching me pretty quickly. She's kind of fast. I bet Crowli's faster though. She has long orange hair, black eyes, and a lot of white freckles. She has two black antennas sticking out from her hair and giant monarch butterfly wings, but they're attached to a humanesque body. I say humanesque, but her skin is pitch black and has white dots spotted all over her body.

"Hello, my name is Nero. I'm a travelling Cat, and the one True Halloween Cat. I'm the one who asked Cetilla and Cyclozard to count your Caterpillars. It's nice to meet you, I had been told that the Flutterfairies went extinct." [Nero] happily greeted the Flutterfairy while removing his hat and glasses before extending a hand.

"I am Vana. I'm the only Flutterfairy, so you're not far from the truth. Why did you want to count the Caterpillars though?" [Vana] introduced herself and explained but refused to shake hands. Her voice sounded somewhat demonic.

"Well, the answer isn't so simple. It would be best to show you, but I can't really do that right now. To put it simply, I command two Tier 6 monsters, three Tier 5 monsters, one Tier 4 monster, one Tier 3 monster, five Tier 2 monsters, and three Tier 1 monsters. Besides that, I'm also aligned with two Tier 5 monsters, one Tier 4 Goblin, two Tier 3 Goblins, a couple dozen Tier 2 Goblins, several hundred Tier 1 Goblins, and I even have close ties with the Harpy tribe beneath the Chasms south of the Goblin Village. Be that as it may, we're currently working as the acting Monster Knights for the Lost Kingdom. As things currently stand, we still are not powerful enough to protect the Lost Kingdom. We need help. Awhile ago, we staged a mass culling of all the monster races beneath the Chasm in order to give birth to four new intelligent and powerful monsters of varying races. I've already mentioned them all just now, and you actually met one of them earlier. During our culling, we had roughly half of every population fight to the death amongst eachother. By killing roughly half, we were able to keep the ecosystem balanced while still gaining a handful of new comrades which could become immensely useful in the battles to come. Don't get me wrong, I don't intend for any battles to come. I do however wish for atleast two of every monster race in the Lost Kingdom to be at a level of intelligence capable of leading their respective races for at least another generation or two." [Nero] explained.

"So you want to kill half of the Caterpillars in an attempt at making another Flutterfairy?" [Vana] asked.

"That's the basis of it, yes. I might not be able to make even one every type of monster Evolve to a suitable degree in just one culling though. There were 6 races taking part in the culling in the Chasms, yet only 4 of them achieved just one monster reaching the degree of intelligence required to be capable of communication. However, the census so far has been much higher than the census within the Chasms. We might see better results on the surface than beneath." [Nero] said while looking hopeful.

"Tell you what, Nero... If you can guarantee me a new Flutterfairy to spend my life with, I will personally help you in this charade of yours." [Vana] proclaimed miscieviously.

"You have a deal. I'm still currently gathering information on the other monster races, so I'll get back to you. Can I always find you here? Or would you like to join us? Do you like Fish?" [Nero] said happily.

"Hmmmm~ I'll come along. It might be fun to meet the Goblins. Besides, I also want to see all of these so called powerful monsters you command~" [Vana] mockingly said.

"Okay. We usually sleep during the day though, so you might need to wait until tomorrow night." [Nero] replied while beginning to fly away and gesturing for Vana to follow.

And with that, we began to return to the Goblin Village. I say that, but I also quickly stopped by the Snake pit to see how the Goblin Duo was fairing. Oh. They aren't here. I guess they must have started to head back already. We must have just missed them~ The Flutterfairy was fast enough to fly back to the Goblin Village with us in under 5 minutes.

When we arrived to the fireplace, the Goblin duo had returned and were now eating near the fire alongside several of my Clansmen. I guess they finished their tasks~ Asking around, it would appear as though there are 463 Snakes. They don't know if there are multiple Tiers. The Bear Cave was found to be west of the Bandit Camp. The Fox den was found to be somewhat northeast of the Goblin Village while also somewhat west of the Lake. The Rabbit hole was found to be somewhat north of the Wailing Keep. The Deer herde apparently never sleeps or returns anywhere. What you see for them is what you get. They're probably one of the less populated races then, seeing as they have no home.

Now that we've gained sufficient news and Dawn is approaching, I decided to use [Daily Candy] and get some rest. I made sure to ask Cetilla to show Vana to a room in the Wailing Keep after she had her fill of Fish. I'll need to go Fishing tomorrow again, but I also have my deal with Rudou tomorrow. I guess this means that I'll be taking a less prominent role in the census gathering of the Lost Kingdom. It can't be helped! I have other important everyday work to get done. So, goodnight~

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