《The Immortal Dragon And Dragon Girl》Chapter - 11
Huh, I’ve been staying at this village for a whole month now.
And I gotta say
It has been very
Don’t get me wrong.
It has been fun. But you know
Rat people are very
Different, let’s just say that.
For example.
Just the other day, when I was going to the loo, one rat man followed me the entire way.
Trying to sniff my butt
Even after getting kicked in the face multiple times.
And another time, I was swarmed by a group of rats, late in the night and they kinda
Took me around everywhere
Not even asking if I wanted too, just taking me around the village
Force feeding me stuff.
Most were good, luckily.
And even as I blacked out from too much drinking
They still brought my limp body everywhere.
I woke up with the weirdest headache.
And, on top of a pile of rats.
That was fun
But anyway, my point is
I have noticed that these rats are very social.
To the point that it's becoming a bit too much, even for me.
For god’s sake I have not even pissed without seeing a pair of beady eyes staring at me from some hidden corner.
I think the only one who’s even close to respecting my privacy, is that rat woman.
The one with the dress.
She is very nice, but kinda, erm
Awkard around me.
I think she still feels awkard about the whole
“I thought you would slaughter the whole village.”
“I’m sorry I kidnapped you”
Hehe, don't be, is all water under the bridge!
But, on the lucky side
They are all very open about their feelings.
Just like, saying whatever is on their mind without really bothering if it’s offensive or not
For example.
When they noticed I was not a threat, they quickly told me how scary I was when I first came.
Hehe, feels kinda nice. To be a little scary.
On the downside, they ask the most mean questions,
I mean, why does everyone have to know when I’m on my period?
That's you know, private.
Anyway, ever since they started trusting me, I’ve never walked alone
Always having two to three rats following behind me
Chattering away in their language.
To be honest, I think it’s time for me to go.
It has been very pleasant
But I don't even know where mister dragon is.
I have not seen him since I got kidnapped.
I should probably go look for him.
Yes, I’ll go do that.
But first, I should tell the nice rat woman and those weird elder rats that I’m going.
They have all been so nice to me, I can’t just,
Sneak away.
Or, I mean, I totally could do that, I’m not a master at stealth for nothing.
But I won’t.
It would be a total douche move.
And I’m not a douche. I’m like, totally cool bro.
Anyway, let’s head for the central building, those elders and miss rat woman are almost always staying there.
I think it’s something about their political mumbo jumbo system that requires them to talk all day
Sounds very boring to me.
I would rather bomb lizards again than have to listen to hours and hours of those rats talking.
They talk way too fast.
And thinking about it, my legs have not fully healed yet either
I can walk without limping now, but when I try running I kinda, stumble around.
It’s as if someone has put jello instead of muscles for my legs. Every step I take feels heavy.
Maybe they won't heal without a proper healer?
I should probably head to a human town, they always have an apothecary at the ready.
Although they usually demand absurd amounts of money…
Maybe If I beg enough, they might heal my legs?
Don’t think about it.
I’ll think about it when I get there, for now, I’m at the hall where all the elders are gathered.
Upon hearing my wonderful voice, most of the elders turned towards me, including miss rat woman.
And if my experience in rat expressions has gotten any better, I think they look annoyed, or maybe nervous?
Before I could finish, a thunderous roar of squeaks and yells were thrashed out from the elders.
I could not understand a thing, but it seemed as if they got very agitated.
Wonder why.
Then the meeting seemed to quicken, talking got faster and louder.
It feels kinda weird to be here.
But every time I try to shuffle away, they yell at me.
I guess I’ll stay for the moment.
What's a few minutes of screaming when you got a lifetime later to not hear it?
Or does that even make sense?
Anyway, it sounds like they are speaking about me.
Maybe they want to make a goodbye party?
Ooooh, yeah totally,
That must be what they are talking about.
Ever since those elders got to this village, they’ve been talking
It’s totally about how to celebrate me.
Never thought I was that popular.
I know, I know, I am awesome.
But guys, you totally don't have to do it,
I mean, if you do I’ll totally stay
But you know, you don't have to.
Please do it anyway…
The rat woman started yelling louder. It seems she is disagreeing with them about something.
And in response, a very, ancient looking rat yelled back.
He’s so wrinkly, and even uglier than the rest
Haha, rat woman told me about him before,
Said that he’s a big pain in the ass and should just die of old age.
I’m guessing they are in a disagreement about my party.
Well, if I’m honest, I trust miss rat woman more than that wrinkled rat.
Rat woman has been nothing but kind to me.
Even showed me their poop hole.
I consider her my friend, even if she’s still very nervous around me.
I think she’s one of those rats that take time to build a good relationship with
Lucky for you miss rat, I’m totally the best at social interactions!
Before I leave, I’ll make sure you have the best memories of me.
Oooo, the hall went silent; It seems they have reached some kind of con-
Wait, the rat women's guards are moving into the hall.
And a bunch of other rat guards, I think the elders, are also moving in.
Oh, something's gone wrong.
Erm, now it’s a standstill.
All the rat guards are pointing rock spears against each other.
Forming a divide, with rat woman on one side, and rat elders on the other.
And I’m just kinda, awkwardly standing in the middle.
Let’s just shuffle a little out of the way.
Or not.
I feel a rock spear on my back, I think that guard belongs to the elders.
The elder guards seemed to outnumber the rat women's guards by at least two to one.
“Ehm, what is happening here?”
The very wrinkled rat looked at me, speaking even gurglier than miss rat woman.
“Human, you stay there, this is none of your busi-
“NO! SHE HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW! It’s her we are talking about!”
The rat woman rebuked before the wrinkled guy could finish.
I really dont understand what is happening.
But it feels like rat woman is defending me?
And it warms my heart that she calls me a she.
She used to call me “it” or “human”
I don't want a repeat of that stupid dragon in this wonderful rat woman
She is soo much more willing to talk about things.
That stupid dragon just huffs and puffs when I try asking about his past...
Or anything to be honest.
Suddenly, the yelling started up again.
Not that I could understand it, anyway.
And guards from both sides were looking more and more agitated.
I should really just sneak away.
But it’s kinda hard with a spear poking my back.
My attention was thrust towards miss rat woman as she pointed at me while yelling.
Yelling in my language so I could understand
Then, one of the elder guards moved back to throw his spear, aiming at miss rat woman.
Without thinking, I pulled out my bow, kicked the guard behind me.
And fired
Blood and brain flying in every direction
Painting the guards and elders in sparkling red
And then
With bow in hand and three arrows resting on it
I scanned everyone.
Twitching at every movement.
One rat elder puked,
One started running.
None of the guards made a move.
All staring at me
A spear shot out from behind me, trying to stab
A swift dodge
A hard stomp
And a crunch.
After, there was a loud scream of pain
The only sound coming from the hall.
Then, rat woman screamed.
Glancing over at her
I saw pleading eyes, focused and determined. Her gaze never faltering as others looked away.
I turned around and awkwardly jogged away.
A new loud yell was barked out, I could not tell from whom, met with screams of pain and wet blood splashing around.
I did not look behind me
Trusting in my abilities to stay hidden, hoping that the chaos would draw eyes away from me.
I jogged clumsily on the dirt path, away from the great hall.
I saw many rats running towards the hall.
Many branding spears, a few glancing at me.
But those few that did seemed to gather behind me.
None moving to close the distance.
But easily following behind as my jog was not nearly fast enough to run away.
They seemed scared
The news from the hall has not reached them.
But somehow they know that I am involved.
The gathering behind me slowly grew
From a measly handful
To a respectable hunting group, big enough to kill even the bigger animals of the forest
I should probably have spent a few weeks improving my stealth.
This place would have been perfect for it.
Nothing to do about that now though.
Just head forward and hope for the best
No time like the present…
Quickly glancing back, I see one of those elder rat guards gaining on the group.
That rat, in contrast with the group, held a spear with a green flag waving on top.
The group slowed down to hear what the rat had to say.
Giving me precious few seconds to gain more ground.
Something in my peripheral caught my attention.
Looking there, I saw a tight alley with a group of rats waving at me.
Changing my direction, I tried to quicken my pace.
Seeing a familiar face amongst the group, probably belonging to one of miss rat’s cohort soldiers.
Getting closer, the one at the front of the group spoke up.
“Human, you are not safe in this village anymore, our leader has given us a direct order to help you get away.”
Catching my breath for a moment, I quickly straightened up, bow ready to be drawn in a second
“What about miss rat?”
“Our leader will be with you in a moment. As it stands right now, most of the village is siding with her, most know of your good nature and are supporting you. But those from other villages does not harbour such thoughts, and they will soon be upon us, we must flee now during the chaos. ”
This is not good.
“Well, let’s go then”
“No, human you go, we are ordered to help you escape, your legs are not healed yet, you won’t be able to run far without backup.”
“Can't we stay together and fight them?”
The rat shook his head firmly, closing his beady eyes.
“I can't accept that. I know that you're a formidable warrior human. But even you can't handle the swarm when it’s on the hunt, this village is doomed, we must flee”
“Well, I can't accept that either. Why would you doom this village for an outsider?”
The guard went silent at those words, deep in thought, his focuse turning towards the still unmoving enemy group.
“I dont know human. If it where up to me, I would have sided with the elders and used you for the good of all rats. But it’s not up to me, I’ve made an oath to our leader, just as the rest of this village, so we will die for you just as we would die for her, her orders are absolute.”
This is madness.
I don't understand
They can't expect me to go along with thi-
A nod, a salute
And I was jogging again.
My brain not working at the same speed as my body did.
Glancing back, I could see that the enemy group had reached miss rat womans cohort.
Words were spewed back and forth.
Spears spewing forward
And the one who had spoken to me
Fell dead.
Looking away, I focused my vision.
Hoping that my stealth would be sufficient.
I was close to the outskirts of the village.
Hiding just in time two times, each mere meters away from finding me.
At the outskirt of the village, the houses were more spread out, giving way for a large dirt path.
Which made it harder to hide.
But fewer rats were here, presumably all gone towards the middle.
Sweat was running down my forehead.
The exit was so close now.
Rounding a nearby house
I stopped dead in my tracks.
Seeing a group of ten rats in front of me
Guarding one exit to the forest
And from the way they were pointing their spears,
And curses they were screaming
They were not friendly.
Putting my three arrows on the bow, I raised it and took aim, all in one swift movement.
The rats in return started running towards me, spears held high
But three of my arrows had already been sent loose.
Two pierced the skulls of two rats
One exploded in front of the group,
Raining gravel, stone and bones at the group
Now there were six left.
Fishing out three new arrows from my quiver, I focused on a new spell.
Whispering an enchant onto my arrows.
The group were dazed by the explosion, but quickly got their bearings and started running again.
It seems they were made of sturdier stuff than those elders from before
Maybe the elite of the rats
They were only fifteen meters away.
Plenty of time
Three new arrows flew from my bow,
Two bursting into a jet of water
Piercing two rats by the heart and splashing the rest in water
The third arrow impacted the middle rat and instantaneously froze him in solid ice.
The ice traveled from head to toe, and when it touched the water splashed on the ground, it froze it solid.
Traveling from the wet ground to the moist feet of the rats.
Two more rats froze solid
But one saw what the ice was doing just in time
Jumping up and over the spreading ice, continuing his sprint towards me
Taking out one arrow, I had no time to enchant it
Drawing the bow quickly, I let the arrow loose
Without an enchantment, the rat managed to barely dogde it, sacrificing his arm to stop its momentum.
Throwing the bow aside, I drew my dagger.
When the rat got to within three meters, he thrusted forward, far further than his arm and spear should be able to reach
Probably a skill
Anticipating something like this, I hurriedly jumped to the side.
But failing as my legs were still slow like jelly
The thrust took out a chunk of my stomach.
Blood bursting from the wound.
Falling down on one knee, the rat reposition and jumped in closer, eyes narrowed and focused, thrusting without a skill
Ducking underneath the spear, I threw my dagger low, hitting the rat perfectly in the knee.
A clenched yell escaped the rat's mouth, eyes reflexively closing from the pain.
Quickly, I pulled out an arrow, jumping awkwardly forward.
Then stabbed him underneath the chin, up through the brain and out from the top of his head.
A long second later, the rat fell.
Me, holding the arrow tight in a bloody hand, sprawled out on my stomach with the rat collapsed on top.
Catching my breath, I slowly pushed the rat away, feeling waves of hot pain from my stomach.
Looking down, I could see that the wound was bleeding profusely, probably something I could die from.
I threw my bag forwards, pulling out a health potion from it and quickly unbottling it, drinking it in four big gulps.
Standing up, I started dragging my way forward towards the gate.
Vision blurry
Mind focused
Looking for threats, bow ready to be drawn in a flash.
Three arrows tipping my fingers.
A rat rounded the corner,
Bow ready.
Arrows taut on the string.
The rat in question threw his spear to the ground, looking up to the sky, exposing his stomach.
A way for rats to show that they meant no harm
Lowering my bow, I let the rat come closer.
“I’ve been sent by our leader to guide you to the evacuation point.”
Evacuation point?
Narrowing my eyes, I stared down the rat
“Please, follow me.”
A sigh
What else can I do?
Giving him a gesture to show the way, the rat picked up his spear and started jogging.
I tried to keep pace, but quickly fell behind.
The rat looked around nervously but lessened his pace.
With two pairs of eyes looking for threat
I felt a little safe.
Eyes growing heavy
The itching from the potion slowly letting itself be known.
Bleeding still going strong, but lessening in intensity.
Steps got uneven
Ground got grassier
Trees stopped me, making me tumble backwards a few times.
Only to be helped by the rat, leaning against him in support.
Blurry, groggy, tired and slow
We made our way through the forest.
The rat scanning the surrounding, looking nervous and timid.
Eventually, we made it to the evacuation point.
Or I think we did,
We stopped, maybe the rat could not handle my weight anymore.
I don't know, and at the moment
I don't care.
As we sat down, I let my bow rest on my legs, arrows in hand
Chanting with a whisper, arrows glowing dimly
Eyes open
But I could no longer see
The rat spoke
But sounds escaped me
Thoughts turned blurry
Then someone came
I shot
A faint echo of an explosion echoed through the trees
Trees burning
Trees falling
Rats running in circles.
So this is the end?
I can't even see who's killing me
What a shame.
But it has been fun.
I think.
It took some time.
Death has been so close for so long.
Always escaped me.
It’s time.
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