《The Cheater》Chapter 6: The Dragon Cheater
The moon was still high up shining it's light on the entire forest, all the beast are now either asleep or hunting quietly as the night awoke the hunters in the woods. The pale moonlight shone on the lone hunter that was stalking a prey bigger than he was, the light revealed his white hair than was complimented by the night sky and his grin that could make a grown man quiver in fear.
Edward went through the forest to find the dragon and stumbled upon a huge cave that the further you go in the bigger it gets, one would normally come with a huge party to enter the new area but Edward strolled inside sticking to the walls as he scanned the area carefully before moving on. Like any dragon cave the ground was littered with skeleton remains of those that tried to enter the area but miserably died, he walked carefully but with a quick pace as he suddenly stopped as he heard clacking of bones behind him and saw the skeleton bones littered on the ground reform into dozens of skeletons. He scanned the skeletons with minds eye and smiled as the information came.
Skeletal Brigade
The cursed remains of adventures that met their demise at the hands of the dragon,they wander these cavern until they are slain by someone and return to kill the intruder. Killing the dragon will remove the curse from the beings and let them find eternal rest.
Skeleton soldiers, skeleton knights, skeleton mages, skeletal archers and many more the levels vary between 20-30 and they have decent equipment and despite their looks which was only a skeleton equipped with varying armors they can move like a normal human, and once again he just shrugged the explanation as magic. The skeletons lined up and there were about 20 of them and according to the info he got they wouldn't die no matter what...but he had a way to permanently kill them, the skeletons had a formation the melee were in front along with the tanks and the range skeletons were in the back and provided cover for the front.
The skeletons charged some of them circled around him but before they got near the man, dark violet flames sprouted from his arm and surrounded the 8 melee skeletons that charged at him, seeing this the archers and mages bombarded him with spells and arrows and as they soared near him he didn't move an inch but dark energy covered his body and changed his clothes into a full plate of dark armor as violet lines run around it pulsing with dark energy making the armor look like a living being, as the arrows collided with the armor it just fell to the ground after colliding with the dark armor without leaving a scratch and the spells that flew were absorbed by the dark mist that the armor exuded around it and when it absorbed the fireballs it returned the favor by sending out a chaos fireball back at the mages, they tried to erect a barrier but the ball of chaos just went through it and collided with 3 mages burning them to a crisp not even leaving bone specks.
"Hmmm physical attack get nullified while magical ones get absorbed and returned while adding some chaos energy, still it works for weak attacks I need to fight something stronger to see where the breaking point is....guess I'll clean up here and move on"
He said as he dashed towards the remaining range skeletons as the ones that charged was reduced to nothing, he then headed straight towards the mages first as they shot pillars of ice towards him but cracked as soon as it collided with the chaos armor. He decided not to use his knife and go bare handed against the mages he wanted to test out how much damage the armor can nullify while checking his increased strength, within 10 seconds he managed to close in on the mages as he then gave a right straight towards the nearest skeletal mage and was surprised at the result. Bones were obliterated at his attack the skeleton remains was throw with much force that the shards left went through the other skeletons, he then charged towards another mage jumping in the air and this time giving it an axe kick the result was just as devastating as his punch as the ground cracked from his heel and the skeleton that erected a barrier to stop his attack was mercilessly crushed repeated the process of punching the skeletons and after seeing his overall battle capacity he smiled. But no matter how he crushed the skeletons the ones he fought without chaos energy, kept coming back to attack him.
He finished his warm up already and decided to finish off the rest as he took off the chaos armor and stretched out his hand, a malignant energy exuded from his palm and kept swirling around in the air the dark fog kept increasing and increasing as he willed it to go forward, towards the remaining skeletons as the chaos fog engulfed the skeletons and as soon as all the skeletons where inside it he closed his palms and cracking could be heard after 30 seconds the fog slowly disappeared and the skeletons that was remaining couldn't be seen anymore. He gave a smirk at his work but then felt sudden nausea as he staggered and had to support himself as he leaned on the wall. The mark on his neck started to pulse and throb in pain so he decided to rest for a bit, he overused the power of chaos by forming the armor and then using that skill he would normally feel fine but while donning the armor it took too much of his mental strength and he remembered the discussion he and Chaos had.
"Hmm...this isn't hard, time consuming but not hard....it feels slightly wrong......like something’s missing"
Edward said as he finally made the chaos smoke that obeyed his command yet he felt somewhat off as he was finally heading somewhere he could sense there was supposed to be a backlash but it didn't come. And to his curious words someone enlightened him.
"Well that's because you're inside your head"
The bewitching woman said as she floated around him and slid her fingers across his neck and stopped as she pointed at his mark. Just then he felt it throb as soon as it did he felt fatigued and staggered but was supported by Chaos. He sweated as he felt his head get dizzy, it was as if he was under a psychic attack which felt like something moving inside his head which was weird since he was inside his head and his heard hurting inside his head which hurt inside his head. As he thought of this he felt a bigger headache
"I've made it so that you wont feel the stress of using that power, but I should have let it as is because if you keep using the power without knowing your limits, using small amounts of chaos continuously is no problem as you gather chaos from around you and only use what's inside of you as a reserve but using large amounts of it and tapping into the pure chaos inside your body.....without proper control....well"
She bit her lip and then stared at him as she pulled him close and whispered into his ear.
"It will con-su-me you~"
She said playfully as she pulled away, but despite her playful tone he could feel the seriousness of what she said even though he didn't show it he was worried, with great power he harnessed it would come at a prize if he didn't control it and if he overstepped his limit the power might go out of control and eat him. He shook his head as he tried to relax and he continued to practice which made the woman pout.
"You should stop for now....and I'll help you relax~"
"Why stop me? if I mess up you'll get to control me, meaning you'll have your way with me, isn't that what you want?"
he said not looking at her direction as he assumed a meditating position and started to relax as he breathed in and out, as he did the chaos around him started to swirl but not disorderly, as it surrounded him slowly closing in and moving out as he breathed.
As he did this the girl smirked and floated in front of him and spoke
"Because~ I like you just the way you are~ ofcourse I could do what I want when I have you under my thumb....but that was before I felt your dominance...so I'll let you stay like that it's more convenient for me"
She said as she licked his neck as he continued to meditate, yet he just closed his eyes but a small smile formed on his face as he continued to focus making the chaotic energy inside and outside his body move as one, he knew he could reach his limit and once he finds it break through and it wouldn't be a problem thanks to his skill, he had to do this carefully but fast as he needed more power for his goal. As he meditated the mark on his neck glowed and same marks appeared on his arms and face it glowed a dark violet and pulsed, the dark only further enhanced the lighting coming from him and the woman stared at the sight and licked her lips as she mumbled.
"You truly excite me~ I cannot wait for you to grow...."
He gave out a sigh as he stood up after resting for about 10 minutes he finally regained enough energy and continued on, some monsters were inside aswell like small goblins that were hiding in holes around the walls that they used to ambush him but was met with a knife to the face, more and more of them came but he quickly disposed of them by using his knife and sending out a wave of chaos killing hordes of them quickly. As he ventured further inside he spotted large amounts of weapons on the ground varying in kinds.
From swords to axes and staffs some other treasures could be found aswell like gold but compared to the amounts of items it was only a little bit but it was gold! He shook his head and remembered his goal he could tell the gold was trapped looking at the indentions on the floor which may be a pit fall he decided to ignore for now and focus on his task first, which was, getting more meat. After walking through the large cave he finally spotted his prey. He entered a large room but as he did he heard the snoring of the beast but was nowhere to be found as he entered a cliff he peered down the cavern cliff and spotted the large green dragon who was sleeping below, he stared at the beast and a familiar smile appeared on his face as he then took a large wooden pitcher from his inventory filled with red liquid and poured it on himself, dousing himself with the pungent smelling liquid and then storing the now empty pitcher back.
He then moved from his position silently and carefully as he scanned the room, the dragon was down in the pit covered with skulls and bones of different creatures it was sleeping and didn't realize it had a visitor with bad intentions. The ceiling of the cavern had sharp spikes and several stalagmites protruding from it, the cliff was very steep and if one were to climb out it would be impossible without a rope or if he could fly, but there were several rocks and indentions for someone nimble enough to climb up or down. He nodded to himself as he finally had a plan and silently went down towards the sleeping beast.
He used its own blood as a camouflage for its nose seeing the stumped tail of the beast he almost broke into a laughter but held it in as it was an idiotic way to give his position, after a minute of careful jumping downwards he finally arrived at the bottom and the beast was right in front of him sleeping soundly but now he had to be careful not to make a sound which was slightly difficult as he was standing on the lone area without piles of bones, he had a plan but it could wake the beast up yet he didn't have another option than to traverse the bony road and eventually wake the sleeping lizard.
He was at the very edge of the floor and he was leaning against the wall, he pressed his palms directly on the wall as he gathered all his strength on it and after a while he strongly pushed against using the force as increased momentum as he only had five steps to take before he could jump. He never thought he would make it but he actually did he could jump so high which made him drop his jaw, as he soared past the dragon.....but he soon cursed in his mind as he didn't realize that he just passed his landing spot as he was going to crash into a wall but before he could land face first he extended his feet just in time and kicked himself back this time with proper strength as he sailed towards the dragon and did a back flip as he landed like a gymnast during an olympic battle.
He smiled as he was now on top of the sleeping behemoth he then moved towards the middle of its backs where it's wings was located at and a small weak spot which he knew all too well, he extended both of his hands towards each wings and gathered energy this time using the one from inside him, dark pulsating energy covered his palms and started to swirl around his arms as he gathered more of it he then willed it to form into flames and it burst into dark flames that covered his arm up to his shoulders as he did this, the dragon started to move as it felt dangerous energy growing behind it. But as it started to move Edward finished his preparations and shot both of the pulsating flames into each wing simultaneously and he stomped on the flesh he mistakenly stepped on before with full force, as he did the beast arced it's back sending him flying toward the wall which he planned but he crashed into it more forceful than he expected but he didn't have time to relax as he heard the pained roars of the beast.
He climbed up and glanced behind him as he saw the dark flames eating the wings of the beast as it ran around crashing against the walls and rolling on the ground as it tried to put it out but the flames kept growing and growing eating both of its wings. Edward smirked at the sight of the lizard that had holes in is wings but the smile soon disappeared as he saw large fireballs headed straight to him, he quickly dodged the first two that crashed below him as he jumped from the walls upward but he couldn't dodge the last ball of flame as it was directed to where he was going to land. He gritted his teeth as he formed the chaos armor yet again and crossed his arms and legs as the ball came into contact with him, the collision resulted in a large explosion that sent him flying across the cavern and straight into ceiling.
"Ahhh....shit.....guess it can't handle dragon balls....heh....ouch..."
The chaos plate armor he donned helped to protect him and without it he would have been burned to ashes or have his body exploding in different directions
he mumbled as he tried to move but had difficulty in doing that as he saw his right arm twisted backwards being dislocated but he didn't have time to feel the pain as he fell out of the hole in the wall and was going to fall directly into the pit where the beast was waiting for him. He extended his left arm which was in terrible shape as he could see a bone protruding from his skin, yet he fought through the pain and gritted his teeth and extended his hand out as dark tendrils shot out from his hand and coiled around a stalagmite he used the fall as force to swing himself towards the ledge as he couldn't move his arm anymore the dragon was about to blast him yet again as he swung but as it opened its mouth it got a mouth full of rocks as it fell from the crevice Edward left in the ceiling. He cut the tendrils and shot diagonally straight to a edge of the cliff as he rolled around and crashed into the wall which made his pain even greater yet he survived.
"Ah....note to self.....do this again when you see a dragon....kuh.! ahh.....now time for some medicine....."
he pushed himself to lay on his back which was quite harder to do with two broken arms he then opened his inventory and took out a pitcher filled with crystal clear water, he poured half of its content on his body and drank the other half as the wounds he got were healing slowly and could hear the bones on his right hand make noises as it reformed. He then focused and made his inner aura flow throughout his body making the marks on his arms appear and enhancing the healing effect, his arms bones cracked as it was quickly put back in place but he winced a little in pain at the speed of the healing.
I don't want to try this when I have a severed hand....it returns my state to the original but the effect is costly... it's powerful but has limited usage*sigh* who am I kidding knowing the shit I'll go through I'll be lucky to lose a limb or two
The process ended in just a minute as the aura surrounding him dispersed and left him fully clothed and healed but he was still not in a condition to move as his mental strength was weak right now. But he rolled himself and crawled towards the edge to peek at the dragon that seemed to quiet down and was smiled at the sight.
It's wings that were majestic was now full of several holes as the burns also appeared on its back but ended there, it was roaring madly at the ceiling and tried to climb up but the steep walls prevented the giant beast from leaving his bed. Edward gave a sigh of relief and sat straight up and assumed a meditating pose as he did his chaos focusing training, A couple of hours passed not peacefully as his relaxation time as the dragon kept banging on the walls and sending out fireballs above but was silenced when rocks kept coming down. He was now more or less back to a good condition so he stared at the beast that was littered in rocks he shot towards the ceiling with his dark tendrils and hanged above it as he stared back at the beast, he gathered a black chaos fire ball in his hand and shot it straight to the face of the lizard which made it roar out in anger as it stared back at him.
"I'm not moving you freaky lizard~ so why not end me~ come on! or are you too stupid not to target a non moving prey?"
Like magic his words were somewhat understood by the dragon as it gathered energy towards its mouth as the air was being sucked in by the beast, a miniature ball of sun was forming and slowly growing in front of the dragons mouth as it continued he felt some sweat falling on his back. Get hit by that and it's game over he thought as he gathered some energy towards his palms and let out continues blast at the beast which it took head on as it focused on the growing energy bomb, after reaching its maximum capacity the whole cavern felt the really hot like they were inside a living volcano as the red orb pulsed and was being aimed straight at him after a few seconds that felt like an action movie the orb flew straight to him and he swung away using the black tendrils that he used and pulled himself away from the large moving sun that headed for his direction, he got what he wanted, he baited the dragon to attack the ceiling and to cave itself in but he didn't expect the beast to send out a large exploding sun towards him. And the result was more than he expected, he landed from where he once entered and stared at the sight.
The sun attack melted through the ceiling and shot straight through the ceiling where he once was hanging, and it kept going upward to the peak of the mountain where the cave was located at he stared at the sight slack jawed in awe at the terrifying power of the attack but he didn't have time to watch and relax as what could follow would end him. He stations himself far from the cliff and gathered the chaos around him as he then formed a small dome made out of chaos energy that could fit him as he sat crossed legs he kept the focus on the barrier and waited for something to happen. And as he waited the dark dome was kept from growing or shrinking and he just increased the strength of his barrier, as the whole cavern suddenly shook wildly as the hole where the large sun went through kept pouring out large amounts of rocks that headed downwards to the dragon making it roar as the debris fell on it, but that wasn't all when the entire ceiling cracked and started to come down large sharp rocks fell towards him but the barrier he erected kept them from harming him, the shaking of the mountain stopped after 10 minutes and the falling of rocks with it. He then opened his eyes and saw nothing but dirt and rocks covering his entire view around the dome.
"Well atleast it held up, now then let's see the damage"
he said as he made the barrier wider pushing away the chunks of rocks around it as he pushed it upward, after a few minutes he finally got out of the rabble and saw the entire ceiling collapsed leaving only small amounts of rocks on it and saw the area which he fought the dragon with littered with rocks and the dragons head was the only thing sticking out, he thought it was dead but the movement of the green head said otherwise.
He jumped down towards the rubble and landed not so lightly at the dragons head at it whimpered at the large impact he made to its dome, he smiled at the beast and it could only stare back at him as it felt its demise coming soon. As the dark aura he held within slowly enveloped him and was moving towards his arm he gathered a large amount of it as it started to grow wildly on his palm. He then moved to the dragons back and lifted some rocks from a specific spot with his aura and revealed a small fleshy spot he came to know and hate, he smirked at the beast as it could only watch at what the man was planning to do as the ominous energy it felt kept growing and growing and formed into a dark serpent. It coiled around his body and seemed to have a life of its own and he opened his palm the chaotic serpent quickly moved to it he patted it's head like an adoring per and then he kneeled and placed it on top of the revealed flesh.
"Now....make sure to spread evenly and control it so I don't get eaten okay, little one?" he said towards the serpent and then it dived into the wound which made the dragon roar out in pain as it felt something entering it. The dragon felt a dark aura moving inside of him and tried to struggle out of the rocks crushing it but he couldn't, it tried to open its mouth to release flames once again but it was prevented with by a thick dark rope around its head that closed its mouth tight.
"Fun fact: reptiles such as alligators have tremendous power when closing their mouths but have the complete opposite strength when opening it"
He said chuckling lightly as he saw the dragon struggle to open its mouth, after minutes of struggling the dragon finally quieted down it glared at him with immense hatred but then the look of hatred soon turned into fear as a smile floated across his face.
"I would have loved killing you....honestly I might get something out of it one being lot's of xp.....but no I wont do that, instead I'll keep you for my personal meat bag for a while until I gather enough amounts of your blood, you see I need a small power boost and you're flesh will help me but don't worry after I gather enough blood to finish off all your meat and something else probably potions I'll end you, but you'll probably beg to be killed after all the meat I'll eat out of you~"
The man let out a large killing intent as he licked his lips imagining the taste of the meat once again as the dragon could only stare at this small being that shouldn't be a problem for it to kill but now he felt so inferior to him. His thoughts where suddenly stopped when he heard a familiar chime he saw the window that appeared and gave out a small sigh at the
Anyone can make a one or two people fear them but it's takes true skill to make a legendary beast such a dragon feel nothing but fear and despair at the one in front of it.
-Cause the despair de-buff onto several targets, the effect varies on the targets fear of the user,if the said target is weak beyond measure they will take their lives in a a frenzy and has a chance to attack their allies in order to gain favor from the user.
A loud whistle escaped his lips at his newly acquired skill, he knew how to invoke fear but what he gained today was something way above the norm and he happily welcomed it, make the opponent feel despair and maybe they'll kill eachother was something very useful if he was going against numerous opponents. as they will likely to end eachother lives when he invokes the skill. He then dismissed the window and focused on clearing the debris covering the dragon.
It took a lot longer to free the dragon from the rocks as it was more numerous than heavy, he finally finished after 2 hours of what he called excavation and unearthed the legendary dragon still in one piece. The dragon tried to move as it was freed from the large amount of rocks burying it, but it couldn't move an inch and stared back at Edward who had a grin on his face.
"Now lower you head...:"
He said towards the beast as he pointed at the ground, the dragon as infuriated but suddenly his head as now on the ground just as he commanded, it couldn't understand why he had control over him but it remembered the dark serpent that was inside of it and could feel it's entire presence within it, as it was faint but it was in every corner of its body.
Edward then stomped on its head as it walked towards it's back and then formed dark thick ropes to bind the beast just in case as he then enveloped the entire dragon in his aura, it took a while to fully clad the beast in the aura but as he did the dragon started to float in the air and he was riding the beast as it floated. towards the cliff. He then soared at a moderate pace towards the exit but he stopped as he took the treasures around the area, he couldn't take it all and had to take a few trips back but he took all the gold which made his inventory quite full.
The two exited the cavern and the moon was still up in the sky but not for long as the night will soon end and dawn will break through the return was quite uneventful as he passed the time by poking the vulnerable spots of the beast which made it squirm a little bit. After a few more hours dawn came and he finally got back to the clearing.
He jumped off the floating beast and then stretched out his body as he dispersed the aura making the beast float and made it drop to the ground taking almost all of the space the clearing had. The dragon growled as it fell but couldn't fight the one restraining him, he then created more ropes and bound the beast to several trees to elevate it from the ground as he then dug a wide and deep hole beneath the beast and covered it with stones to make a well, after that he took his knife and used the chaos energy to lengthen the edge and stab it right above the where the well was under. He stabbed it deeply and opened up a large enough wound soon blood poured from it towards the well.
The pain made the dragon growl and tried to wiggle free from the restraints but failed as it got tighter and some of the rope started to bind it tighter, he could only smile at the beast as he stared at the waterfall of blood, he made a few more wells and connected them to one another so that it wouldn't overflow. He then carved out a large chunk from the hind legs of the beast which got a quite reaction from the dragon. He removed the scales and prepared the meat and cooked it, he would have gotten tired of the taste and the way he cooked but the dragons meat was something he could never get tired of no matter how many days he would have eaten it he would still love the flavor.
The sun rose as he was feasting on the meat as he felt his skin tingle again but this time the pain was more like an irritation rather than destructive to him, he drank some of the dragon blood but he mixed it with some berries and herbs he found, that gave it a sour yet intriguing taste which was a lot better than the blood he drank, the herbs also increased his regeneration and helped remove fatigue which was a good bonus. He didn't have any problems finding useful and dangerous herbs from the forest because of his skill.
He enjoyed the taste of the meal and relaxed a little bit as he stared at the sunrise.
"Guess getting stuck in the forest wasn't that bad, I'll still punch Merrick in the face the next time we meet though...well need to catch some shut eye as I'll be doing a lot of things today~"
He said as he stared at the bound beast and headed towards his hut and went to sleep just as soon as he laid on the leafy bed.
A couple of days passed without any exciting thing to happen, he resumed his normal daily routine which he made that consist of running around the forest until he completes 20 laps as he ran, he would have slain anything that comes in his way without stopping. After that he started his chaos meditation further strengthening his control over the energy within him, he found out a few things from chaos, first the reason his chaos energy isn't shown but rather had question marks is because besides the fact that he has pure chaos energy within his body he absorbs the chaos energy around him, and he can use either one as fuel for his attacks but the pure energy he had within is much more powerful and much harder to control. He had been unconsciously letting out pure chaos when he attacked mixed with the chaos energy he gathers from the surrounding, that’s why his attacks were quite volatile.
And second if he uses the chaos from inside him too much it will cause him to have a very shitty migraine the reason being the energy inside him is too pure for him to feely control, he can use about half of it before experiencing pain but going over it is risky. But he could increase the amount of pure chaos inside of him by increasing his overall capacity by absorbing chaos around him and converting it inside slowly expanding the his overall capacity of him it's slow yet safe or find another empty vessel and pour chaos energy inside of it, the only problem is finding said vessel that can contain true, pure chaos.
After chaos meditation he practiced normal magic, yes just plain magic without chaos which was slightly difficult but thanks to some tomes and grimoires he got from the dragons cave and a wandering merchant that was passing through the forest he had only a few troubles learning some spells. The merchant he saved was just by accident when he was doing his laps around the forest, he saw the little man along with his men getting chased by a group of orcs. He would have normally just let them be, but he saw that the merchant had a few kids inside his carts which cried out at the sight of the monsters, he cursed himself as he suddenly realized he was dashing towards the group of 15 orcs riding on some sort of wild boar.
"*sigh* well guess I still have that part of me that can't help but save kids.....it will probably kill me in the end but...I can't let go of my humanity..."
he mumbled as he quickly caught up to the running boars, the orcs still hadn't noticed him and by the time they did he was already destroying the backlines. It ended so quickly that the ones he rescued couldn't believe the sight of a lone man killing all the orcs and the beast they rode, he stared at the corpses for awhile and then headed straight towards the merchant.
The guards that were running away suddenly was blocking his way but he just smiled at them and let out a small amount of bloodlust but it would be too much for the guards to handle as they shook in fear at the man and he just casually walked by them and stood in front of the bald man. The merchant wore extravagant clothes which showed his position adding to that carts worth of much gold and filled with valuable items, but the man was shaking desperately at the sight of the white haired man in front of him.
"I'd like compensation for saving you....and also I'd like to see your wares if that's fine?"
as he said this he stopped the flow of bloodlust and stared at the man with a calm smile like nothing happened.
"Ye..yes of course! I would be happy to award my savior!"
The bald man whose name was Clark said merrily towards him, he didn't pay him any attention as he glanced at the children aboard one of the carriage's they seemed to be well clothed and not in chains, which made him shake his head mentally as he was concerned for a stranger. The man then showed him his whole inventory.
Edwards eye's calmly analyzed the merchandise and was a little bit surprised to find a lot of rare stuff, as he stared at the ware's the man besides him was fidgeting seeming to worry about something when he asked why he chuckled a little bit as he was worrying about giving his wares for free, despite being in the presence of an overwhelming being the merchant still had his head in the game.
"I hope gold will suffice?"
Edward said as he dropped a bag full of gold on the ground which spilled it's content, the act made the man perk up and stare at the bag and back at him the nervous demeanor he had earlier was long gone and now went into full merchant mode as he saw the man. His eyes sparkled at the thought of making more money and he found a good client.
They had a lot of wares ranging from battle equipment to daily necessities, buying weapons and armors is not advised as he doesn't need them after looting the dragon cave so he decided to buy skills and spell books to practice on along with some many more miscellaneous stuff. Despite buying a lot he didn't feel the decrease in the gold he had, and that was shocking because he bought all of the tomes and grimoires the merchant had even the one he was reluctant to part with.
After that he escorted the merchant to a safer route and said their goodbyes but not before the merchant gave him his card, if he needed anything and he was near a some cities the card would help him quite well, not one to throw away a good gift he accepted it while giving the man a pitcher of spring water and after explaining its properties the man happily accepted.
After buying the skill books he learned them fairly quickly the ones he focused on was alchemy and tailoring, he had an assortment of ingredients for alchemy so he bought an alchemy kit from the man aswell. He started to make some small potions and was quite happy after making a few mistakes he made batches of weak potions, after that he trained his tailoring skill and practiced making some clothing from the fur of the shadow hare he had, it was difficult at first because of the skill requirement using certain ingredients had and if he had a lower skill rating the process of making something would result in a failure. He practiced on some wolf pelt he gathered from dire wolves around the area, he spent half of his day increasing the proficiency of his skill.
After practicing for a couple of days and eating precious meat he opened his status window and smiled at the amazing stats he had.
Edward Dreyer
Merrick The Chaotic
The Champion of Chaos, The Cheater, Chaos Lover, Dragon Devourer
Magic Resistance:
Chaos Energy:
Fire 60%, Water 40%, Wind 47%, Earth 39%, Light 23%, Darkness 100%, Chaos 99%
– "High Gods Blessing"
Bestows Limit Breaker, Fast Learner, Skill Collector, Armory Master and Gods Envoy
- "Merrick's Faithful Servant" - +100% exp gain from Chaotic quest
- "Jura's favor" - the forest guides and strengthens you +20% regeneration
Status Effects:
"Fast Learner" - 10x Exp gain
"Limit Breaker" - Unlocks limit for growth
"Skill Collector" - Able to learn any skill 5x the speed
"Armory Master" - No restriction on item use
"Gods Envoy" - Able to cast miracles but needs permission when using on someone
Remaining Miracles : 2/2
"Dragon Devourer" - Increases overall stats by consuming dangerous dragon meat, increased 50% damage against dragon type enemies and bonus increase when eating dragon meat.
Chaos Manipulation (Master)
True Sight
Language Comprehension
Tailoring (Master)
Alchemy (Master)
All elemental manipulation (Expert)
He gave a small smile at what he saw, his overall stats are very high for someone his level, and after binge eating the dragon meat for a while even if he wasn't hungry he snacked on it just for the fun of seeing the beast squirm. But he couldn't feel too proud at his status, he knew he was still lacking but there was still more dragon meat to eat so he didn't worry too much but he needed to find another way to increase his stats and after eating all of its tail and 1/4 of its lower body he had tremendous growth, still he can't quite point his finger at it feeling he was still weak compared to the other champions.
They had a lot of years ahead of him and it's not hard to say that they are all powerful even if the lowest of the 9 was weak to them comparing the years and quest they had undertaken under their respective deity they should be powerful not to mention they might have followers further increasing their strength. He shook his head and focused on himself.
One new thing he got was a title, Dragon Devourer, he was excited to have a new title but was a little disappointed not to have dragon slayer instead but he understood it after not killing the beast but using it as meat instead caused him to have a different title. It would prove useful against other dragons and also the further bonus in his stats is welcomed, another new thing he got was a new blessing he received it just after he captured the dragon, it seems like the beast was a bane in the god that governed this forest and after I stopped it she blessed him, Yes the god is a she, when he was doing his laps he felt someone watching him and saw a petite emerald haired woman covered with a leaf dress, she had fair white skin and green eyes that stared at him intently she was about half his size and was very well endowed.
At first he thought she might be an enemy but after having a stare off with her that lasted about 30 minutes he resumed his training and let her keep staring at him. He ignored the woman as it seemed she didn't plan on doing anything but stare at him, despite feeling goose bumps he ignored her but she kept appearing everywhere! When he was slaying beast she hid behind a bush but her head was poking out of it, when he was tailoring and making potions inside his hut, her head could be seen from the window, and when he was cleaning himself the woman appeared beside him stark naked and getting closer and closer to him.
He isn't some dense protagonist in a weird novel so he could understand what the woman wanted, and despite not knowing who she is they shared a whole day together, and well basically they fucked for the whole day and he was surprised at the girls enthusiasm at bed despite having no experience she was quite something. So he gave the goddess what she wanted and made sure she can't feel her legs for a long while, after their little session the goddess gave him a long kiss and disappeared with a satisfied smile and leaving him with a blessing as a gift.
The books he bought from the merchant was basic to advance magic, but before he dabbled in more complex ones he decided to master the manipulations of each basic element, there are 6 basic elements that make up nature while there are many more elements in magic he focused on this first. His speed at learning the basic spells gave him each manipulation for element but after learning all six the skill merged into one.
He wanted to increase his chaos manipulation and further increase his capacity until he found a suitable vessel for pure chaos, and what better to do that than using the dragon to know his limits. He loosened the mouth of the dragon in order for it to use its breath and donned his chaos armor which was much stronger than before, and as he did the dragon didn't hesitate to breath a continuous stream of fire straight to his face and he welcomed it. After a minute of what felt like getting a tan inside a volcano the armor cracked and was slowly destroyed by the breath, before he would get burned he closed the mouth of the dragon with a sharp kick to the chin. He smiled at the result of strengthening the armor and would further do so but next was testing his strength and he untied one of the arms of the beast and directly stood underneath it.
As if the beast was told it started to crush him with all of its strength after all the torture it's been through, he met the large hand of the dragon with both of his arms and tried to fight back with his pure strength which was suicidal even for him and was proven stupid after almost being flattened to the ground. He met the pure strength of the beast and was mercilessly pushed to his knee as he tried to fight back but the ground cracked at the weight of the dragons strength. It was comparable to a steel press where a tin can was fighting to stay in shape as it was being crushed by the piston. A minute hasn't even passed before he was almost buried to the ground, he then covered his both of his arms with chaos energy and pushed the dragons hand back and leaped out of the area where it left a large dragon claw imprint on the ground.
"You really want me dead don't you bud? too bad better luck next time"
He said as he strapped the beast once again as he massaged both of his arms as they felt relatively sore but he welcome the pain, after that it was combat training once again. He lowered the beast and cracked his knuckles as this was his favorite part of the training he started to pummel the beast using his own strength but was lucky enough to cause a small dent in the scales, he switched from bare handed to knifes to using spells he learned and after all that he used chaos energy once again.
And after a hard days of training he ate a hefty amount of meat unwillingly donated by the dragon.
The days passed as he continued his ridiculous training but it was worth it seeing his growth, and even if he was stuck in the forest he didn't forget to pray to his god, but it wouldn't be called a prayer as he kept ridiculing Merrick and saying a lot of stuff, just to relieve his pent up anger at him.
"Dear Merrick, I hope you don't forget me and p.s go fuck yourself!"
"I'm doing okay here no thanks to you as I fell from the sky and almost eaten by a fucking dragon! hope you message me back and tell me what to do cause I'll fucking make an altar of you just to burn it down"
"Hey asshole how's the weather up there? p.s Chaos said a lot of things specially your fling with a giant tentacle beast after you begged it to go to bed hah! goodluck with your sexual adventures fucker"
And the prayers kept coming but it would be better to call them curses rather than prayers but he kept doing it to let his god know he was still alive and kicking and waiting to put a knife up his ass. He could leave the forest and run off but because of the dragon and good materials around he couldn't just up and leave but he would after finishing the dragon up.
The week passed as he continued to train, everything was fine and dandy as he was doing his laps he spotted a group of goblins and decided to hunt them because he still didn't face the beast and it left a sour taste as he couldn't fight them back at the trial and as he merrily hunted the green bastards, he was surprised to see a masked woman stare at him. She was covered in wounds scars and burns all over and he could sense that underneath the mask she hid something even more horrifying despite that he stared at her without a change of emotion. And as he was leaving he paused at the words of the girl.
She asked him for help, him of all people but he flatly denied the request and wanted to move on when she started to tell her story it was sad indeed and would make anyone want to help her but he decided not to despite slightly being swayed by the sob story.
He decided to scare her by letting out his bloodlust but was surprised to see her keep asking him and not only that she bowed deeply and begged him even more, he was conflicted as he then heard it was her that helped him when he went unconscious two times, true she helped her he checked with his eye if she was lying and no trace of deceit was found, still he rejected her request once again and even pulled her knife close to her neck and cut a small part of her skin but she kept her resolve to help someone else and even if she were to lose her life she would gladly give it up just to ask a stranger for help.
Damn....I hate this....I can't even kill her cause she didn't do anything...rather I even owe her still helping me twice doesn't make me
He pulled his knife away and gave up as he then tried to leave he was stopped yet again by her constant begging.
"I'll say this once again for the last time, I will not help you! There has to be a good reason for me to even, for a second consider help-!? huh!?"
he stopped as a window appeared right in front of him
Help the girl rescue her friend from a terrible faith, why? because your God commands it and also it's a quest to expand his influnce.
New follower/s
50,000 experience points
Thumbs up from Merrick
He was surprised at the sudden window but only one thing was clear, he was deeply pissed.
"Fuck you Merrick! first you fucking throw me into a portal making me fall from the fucking atmosphere and then I get stranded in this fucking jungle which is slightly a good farming area for exp but second I get fucking chased by a giant lizard and almost got burned to death....still I survived and returned the favor and that lizard helped me grow....still after you completely ignore me for the whole month you fucking give me an order!? screw you!"
He yelled out as his aura started to seep out from him but he only got
Do it, come on you saved a passing merchant because of those kids why not do this as the one you'll have to save is a kid aswell,still not a healthy habit you pedo, do it for your old pal Merrick? Plus you'll get some massive bonuses~
"Why should I do that? I had my reasons, and as sad as it is, me falling from the atmosphere is sadder than that.I would see no benefit for me.....hah! that's rich you telling me to save someone rather than kill....well that's too bad because that's your current image you asshole"
The woman stared at him silently as he yelled out to the sky ,completely oblivious to the words the champion and god exchanged.
Don't test me Edie boy, do it or I'll get angry and you wont like me when I'm angry......(o_o)
"Oh yeah!? and what will you do? kill me I fucking dare you! come on do you worst there isn't a thing you could do to me that would make me change my mi..."
He stopped suddenly and then shivered as he felt something missing from him, a part of him that was very dear to a man. He stripped his pants off not caring about the woman in front of him as he stared at his crotch that suddenly became smooth.
no..no no!!!!! it's gone!!!!!
He screamed so loud that even the dragon twitched at his roar.
"How could you!?"
He asked seemingly teary eyed as he wore his pants back.
"this is low even for the god of chaos!! who would dare hold that as a hostage!?"
He yelled out as tears fell from his eyes, he thought Merrick would just add a bitter reward he would then accept but this, this is something he didn't expect.
I would, and if you want your lit....big friend here back you better do the quest,but on a side not this thing is like a freaking meat bus! no homo,but damn man did you take enhancers? cause damn....here let me send a pic no, homo
"You fucker! how could you take something as precious as that from a man! have you no shame!? and no, it's all natural you prick!"
Edward shouted at the sky as he then received an image of dick of a god posing with his dick, making him feel even more pissed.
After throwing several insults back to the god he finally relented and gave up, as the only way to rescue his friend was to rescue the girls friend.
And that's how he got in this dickless predicament.
It was a little passed noon as the two travelled towards the city, it took them 15 minutes to arrive at the walls of the city as Edward stood and eyed the walls.
'Well scaling it isn't impossible but, guessing from how you came out with just a knife you halve a way in?"
he asked the girl who was standing beside him waiting for his instruction, she didn't wear her helmet as they left it behind and needed to hide as it would only give her identity away.
"Yes...there’s a secret passage that illegal merchants, some shady people use.....follow me"
She then showed him the passage she used to escape but before she could activate it Edward went forward and pushed a brick activating the mechanism and making a hole in the wall. The girl widened her eye as to how he learned it but he just shrugged and moved inside she followed before the wall closed up.
The two walked and Edward smiled at the sight of the inside of the city it was bustling with lots of people going along with their own business. He glanced towards the peddlers and shoppers as business was blooming. But he shook his head and resumed what he came to do, it wasn't time for sightseeing but time for rescuing. The girl led her towards the alleys and the slums towards the large mansion on a hill overlooking the area.
Several guards were patrolling the streets so they had to take a different route, some also went to the alleys where they walked thorough but they hid efficiently and the guards couldn't find them thanks to their skills.
They then arrived at the gate where several guards were stationed, but they were lax and some were half asleep to this Edward smirked.
"This will be easy.....*sigh* pathetic guards......well let's go lead the way to your room and quick, I can't say your friend is safe after the time passed...."
he said with a blank expression as the girl clenched her fist as she stared at the mansion, she nodded and moved through the blind spots of the guards which she practiced for so many times and headed down the grate leading to the sewers. Once in, no one spoke a word not even Edward despite his expression change as he smelled the surrounding stench, yet he kept calm and moved on,she lead them straight to the room where she was but saw that the hole there was now sealed by something heavy.
"Move...starting here you follow my commands, do what I say and follow my moves if you can't, you'll get hurt or worse....and unfortunately no killing...."
He said he stretched out his hand and dark energy flowed from it, the object used to seal the hole was nothing more than a huge boulder that a normal person couldn't move but with a little chaos in his side he flipped it aside with ease. He then squeezed through the tight hole and arrived at the dimly lighted room he walked towards the big door and placed his finger on the lock letting in some aura flow inside it and after a few clicks the lock was bypassed.
He peered through the lock first before moving and saw that no one was there he moved out and stared at the ceiling he then looked towards the girl and pointed above the beams, seeing this she tilted her head and after a glare from him she nodded and used him as a spring board to reach the beams, she grabbed on with both arms and slowly lifted herself up she was then going to extend her hand to pull him up but he was already beside her which made her gasp in shock.
"Quiet....quick and careful, don't fall"
He said slightly irritated at the girl and then moved using the beams as a walkway, they had to jump from one beam to another to get further and further it was tiring for the girl but she didn't stop and followed what the man was doing. After 5 minutes they arrived at the middle of the mansion where the master of the house was located at. They dropped down from the beams seeing that no one was patrolling the area it was safe to continue on the ground, but they encountered a slight problem she couldn't get down from the beam, as it was too high for her to drop down.
"Are you serious? you're afraid of heights? get down here!"
he whispered loudly enough for her to hear but she couldn't let go it was atleast a drop from a second floor of a building which would probably brake her legs if she fell wrong.
"It's too high! I'll fall to my death!"
She retorted as she hugged the beam and stared back at him, she was acting like a complete child! seeing that getting mad was going to do nothing he sighed and then extended his hand to catch her.
"Drop and I'll catch you"
"Will you actually do it?"
"I won’t say it again....and quit being a coward, need I remind you that your friends life is on the line?"
After hearing those words she then dropped towards him and he careful caught her in his arms to which the girl was slightly surprised.
"You did catch me....thank yo-!? ocuh!"
She said as he let her go and landed on her butt, which made her pout and glared at him but quickly stood up and then moved towards the central room. Beyond the door the sound of whimpering a girl could be heard along with a maniacal laughter of a man.
The man was disrobing and was down to his undergarments as his head was bandaged covering up the wound he received and holding out a whip which he used towards the small child that was tied to the wall. Aya was whimpering as she was covered with scratches and wounds as she wore a revealing lingerie, she was crying as she was chained to the wall and crawled into a ball as she awaited the man that would hurt her.
Sister....is safe, she keeps protecting me....now I'll save her.....
the girl thought as she cried she then let out a pained yelp as she felt the whip smack her legs, seeing this the man smiled wider and laughed at her.
"That scarred bitch might have gotten away but you won’t! I'll make sure to thoroughly have my way with you and make you into a fine woman~ hahaha I could already taste it"
he said as he gripped her neck and licked her cheeks to which she trembled as she could do nothing to stop the man.
Sister...I'm scared....ah....the stories she told...I missed it..
She then played the story once again in her mind to escape the fate she was heading into, the man ripped the lingerie of her and she winced as her body was revealed to him, seeing her trembling reaction further excited the mad man.
"hehehe that's it tremble as later you'll be trembling a lot more~"
he then started to move his hands towards her lower region when suddenly a voice came from out of nowhere.
"I'm not one to judge for taste but....you really are fucked up....seriously a kid? why can't get a chick with your limp dick that you target a poor child......seriously that's too sad...."
a voice full of ridicule came from a white haired man but despite his blank face his words held a certain emotion in them, anger.
"hah!? who the hell are you?"
Charles stared at the sight of a man appearing from the shadows he suddenly fell on his back as he backed away from him he was then going to shout but suddenly couldn't as he felt something crush his neck and saw a hand grabbing him. It was the white haired man that spoke! He was across him and he suddenly appeared to grab him by the neck so fast he couldn't see.
"really.....so pathetic...."
He said as he stared deep into Charles eyes, he could feel the mans strength just by looking into his eyes and felt so inferior like a demon holding him down, he had so many questions how did he get in, who is he and why is he doing this....but only one thing popped into his mind at the time, I'll be killed...
"Ahfu...don't kill.....me kuh....I'm! guh!?"
As he tried to speak and plead towards the man something cracked within his neck and he couldn't utter a sound anymore as pain surge from his neck to his whole body as he was thrown towards a rack of whips and torture devices.
Edward said as he stared at the man who was writing in pain, first part of the plan was now finished as he then glanced towards the tied up child as she flinched as he walked towards her. She closed her eyes as he moved closer and pulled out his knife but was shocked as she heard the breaking of chains.
The little girl opened her eyes and saw a familiar face coming towards her crying, it was the same person she helped escape.
"Aya! aya!!!!"
The elf cried out as she ran towards the little girl and she ran towards the her aswell, Aya jumped towards the running woman and she caught her as the two fell backwards hugging eachother and crying.
"I'm so sorry...Aya...I'm sorry I was so late.....please forgive me....."
She said out crying as the little girl shook her head and cried into her chest as if saying it's not her fault, the two hugged eachother and shared a touching moment seeing this Edward gave out a sigh and then stared at the limping man that was heading towards the door.
Edward casually walked towards the limping man and pulled on his shoulder, the man shivered as he turned his head to see the devil smiling widely at him.
"Where do you think you're going?~ we'll play for a while here~"
he said as he gave a wide smile that further made the man shiver as he pulled at a dagger and tried to stab him Edward caught the knife with his teeth and broke it in two spitting the blade towards the ground and staring at him this time with a frown.
"now....why would you do that? that's not very nice......now come here..."
he then gave him an elbow to the stomach making the man kneel as he tied him with some chains around the neck and pulled him towards the middle of the room where chains and locks could be located to bind someone, as he walked towards it he glanced at the two that seemed to stop crying and now was watching him with full attention.
He grabbed the man’s head and bashed it to the ground making him squeal in pain as his wound started to bleed once again, he then bound his arms and legs to the chains which he tightened fully making his whole body stretch as he whimpered in pain.
"Wow...ironic isn't it? you'll be in this position after the years of torture you did.....well life's a bitch mate and I'm here to make your life hell....."
He said as he took out some charcoal from the fire place and spread it below him, the heated coal was still steaming as it glowed red and placed numerous amounts of it underneath the man. He could feel the heat of the coals underneath him as Charles squirmed at the pain it was causing his skin, but his squirm further made the torturer smile.
"What's that? you want to feel the coal closer? okay~"
He then stomped on the guys chest making him squeal in pain as the coal embers directly touched his bare skin all over his back, he pressed on different parts in a random order as he then stopped after a minute.
The man let out a sigh as he stopped but then shivered as he saw the knife in his hands.
Edward shook his head at the sight of a grown ass man shivering like a baby in his underwear, he planned to just kill the bastard but seeing something like a kid almost get raped he used him as a way to relieve his stress at losing his friend to Merrick.
He then stared at the two which was watching him intently and could see various emotions on their faces. He shook his head at the sight and almost went full torturer on the man and forgot his main mission. He then gave a quick punch towards the bastard that knocked him out cold and walked towards them, making the child hide behind the elf.
"Well......I have nothing to say in order to depend myself.....but you have to admit that bastard deserved a lot more, right?"
He asked the girl and remembered her scars and even the face she used to have adding to the fact at what he almost did to the child.
The girl was silent but had eyes that he knew all too well, eyes that wanted vengeance to this he smirked and headed towards the door.
"you need to practice using your new weapon...and what better way than to practice on something live~ enjoy and let her wear the clothes you brought"
As if he was reading her mind she stared at him as he walked away and leaving the two girls and the one that inflicted them so much pain at her mercy. It was quite poetic, someone who mistreated her now was at her mercy and she could do anything.....anything....she then stared at Aya and her wounds, she took out the potions she had and let her drink it healing her wounds fully which made her blink at the surprise.
Aya held her hand and then stroked her face to which she gave a warm smile and then hugged the child as she then extended her hand towards Aya's face and a violet fog covered her.
"You've been through a lot.....you can rest now...."
She said towards Aya who looked at her with a puzzling expression but then suddenly felt tired as she fell forwards and then was carried by her towards the bed in the far side of the room.
She then brushed her hair aside and walked back towards the man who was strapped to the ground unconscious, the one who caused her so much suffering for so long, now she will finally have her revenge, she walked towards the man with a think smile on her face as she took the Corpsemaker from her side.
"I see.....so they're smuggling slaves, illegal goods and also kidnap several people here......very informative. Now, is there anything else you'd like to tell me?"
Edward asked as she pinned a middle aged woman to the bed ,he had his one of his hands on her chin as he spoke, he whispered to the head maids ear as he gave her a seductive smile while his free hand caressed her legs which made her blush.
He was searching through the mansions house for incriminating evidence to destroy the household by setting letting it's deep dark secrets know towards the public, as he was searching he was lucky enough to find the head maid who was alone in the chambers of the Head of the house taking a look at the files and mails they received as she shook her head.
"....*sigh* this is terrible.....it would be enough to destroy the household....but what should I do?....."
The head maid knew of all the dark deeds the family was doing, she knew yet she couldn’t do a thing. Even the beatings done to the elf was known, but if she went out of line and helped the others she would fall aswell.
She sighed as the bespectacled woman closed the mail and set it on the table just then she perked up as she heard a voice from the side of the room
"Well that would be easy.....tell the truth and make a fortune out of it~"
The white haired man said and that's how the situation turned into this.
"Will you truly help those that work here?.....some know about the crimes but others are innocent....they work here to sustain their families lives...so if you could uh!ahhh~"
She spoke but was caught off as he blew into her ear and followed with sweet words.
"I will make sure this household falls, follow my plan and everyone here that I deem innocent will leave without worry and have enough to make them wealthy"
he said as he leaned close to her face she then reached out to kiss him but he pulled away with a playful wink.
"I'll be taking this letters and you've been very helpful....if I had my friend here I would have very much showed you my appreciation"
He then walked away towards the door and disappeared from the sight of the head maid as she bit her thumb towards his words.
Hmmm guess this will be the downfall of Euclare family.....well bad luck to them, but the head isn't here and only the heir....but according to her, he is at an important meeting....wouldn't be bad to be arrested while being in the presence of several nobles?
He thought as he scanned the area of the hallway and then opened the room to the treasury. It was protected by a barrier of magic but was simply cut through by him with his chaotic aura. The guards weren't even a problem as a chop to the neck quickly silenced them.
He opened the vault and whistled sweetly at the sight
"Guess illegal business really pays, well it will go to the people might aswell take somethings~"
He planned to give the gold away to the town robin hood style, but not before he had his pick, the family was quite wealthy having a large room made of gold filled with gold aswell.
He scanned the area with his true sight and spotted several good items he ignored the gold because he already had a lot of it comparing it from the gold he got at the dragons cave it was inferior, one of the things he got his eye on was a black ring with a magical marking engraved on it, it would appear like a normal ring to anyone else but he smiled seeing the description of the item.
Interspatial Ring
A ring imbued with spatial magic that connects to a pocket dimension allowing the user to store large amounts of items and or beings if they tame it.
Items that are of the same stack together. Space is relative to the amount of magic power of the user.
Amount of space left 5000/5000
He greedily took the ring and wore it and then smiled at the treasure he had. He already had an inventory that he was give but having a separate storage device was welcome as his personal inventory would only keep valuable items, if an emergency happened and his ring would be taken he could use his personal inventory as a good surprise.
He also found several skill books and grimoires which he also took the rest was gold and jewels which he had plenty, looking at the left over treasures everyone in the household that worked would be wealthy for a given time and it would help those in need at the slums.
He then exited the room and spotted the head maid rushing towards different areas, she would serve her purpose and she wouldn't betray his expectations even if she wanted she couldn't as he was under his spell the spell of charm.
After watching the others and deeming those that are to fall with the household and those that are worthy he returned to the room where he left the two. He could torture the man himself but he decided to leave it to the masked woman as she had a grudge she had to settle. He expected to see a gory scene but he was still surprised at the sight.
Blood...red blood everywhere was the first thing that was seen, as he saw a figure sitting near the now dead man strapped to the ground, crying could be heard from the figure as she was also covered with blood as she covered her face as she wept. He walked closer to the middle of the room and he noticed the child was sleeping on the bed away and completely oblivious to what had transfired, as he got closer the gory scene was much more brutal than what he expected, large gashes all across the body of the man could be seen, all of it was formed by a long elongated blade which was whip like, one arm and one leg was severed and several burn marks cut be scene at the severed part.
She cauterized the wound to prolong the suffering….
He plainly thought as he saw the head of the corpse, one of its eyes had a burnt mark that was even visible on the eye ball a red bull like mark, several gashes was there and also his whole face was beaten really badly, it couldn't even be compared to his earlier looks. Edward then turned his gaze towards the weeping woman and he was slightly shocked.
The sight of a man brutally tortured and killed wasn't enough to faze him but the sight of the crying woman as she had a face that was in ecstasy was something even he could be surprised at. She continued to cry as she smiled and he could tell she was burying all of her past with this act, she broke through the chains that bounded her and now was starting new, he just stared at her as she continued and then shrouded the entire corpse with pulsating dark smoke covered the corpse and after a few seconds crunching could be heard and the smoke faded along with the corpse nowhere to be seen.
The girl continued to cry and stopped after 5 minutes he then kneeled down and stared at her now calm face, her eyes filled with several emotions, guilt, pride, sadness, yet something more, something that was gone but now revived, a will to live. He could see it in her eyes and couldn't help but smile at her, this made the girl slightly blush but continued to stare at him. The rays of the sun were dimmed by the long drapes of the room covering the windows and made the scene look slightly kike a portrait.
"What is your name?"
"I don't have one....."
"Hmmm really?"
"yes, once we become a slave they erase our names....and for elves being a slave is the highest dishonor....I cannot use my previous name anymore..."
she said as he looked at him but despite saying that she didn't feel sad rather she wanted something from him and he sighed as he knew what it was.
"Fine, your name shall be Lilac..."
He said casually as he brushed her hair
"Li....lac? what does it mean?"
"It's a type of flower from my world, you remind me of it because of your hair, as for the meaning it means the harbinger of spring, because I feel the springs beauty when I see you, it also has several meaning but telling you that would cause a misunderstanding"
She blushed but he could feel her gratitude at the name she was given
He said as he then placed his hand on her chin and made her flinch
"You now belong to me....your body, your soul, your everything..I care not about your past as your present and future will be tied to mine, I will tell you now that my path will be treacherous ,everywhere I go there will be death and I am tasked with something impossible yet I will accomplish this and you will be by my side sharing everything from joy to sadness, pleasure and pain. If I tell you to fight you will fight and if I were to tell you to die you will die, but if you follow me I will guard you with my life"
He spoke as if reading through a script which he actually did as he saw a follower creed he had speak in order for him to make her into his follower
Merrick.....well I gotta hand it to him he knows what to do....still a prick though
"As my name is Lilac I declare thee my master, I will follow you, Master Edward"
"As my name is Edward Dreyer I declare thee my follower, I will look forward to the future, Lilac"
With those simple words the pact is set, was what he thought but there was an additional requirement which he knew Merrick added just for the kick of it.
he stared at the window and gave it a glare but his eyes softened and then focused on the woman in front of him
He then pulled her close and stared into her eyes while smiling and then gave her a deep kiss, little did he know that the kiss was the womans first.
With this the champion of chaos finally had his first follower.
- In Serial232 Chapters
The Snake Report
All Hail the Tiny Snake God!When life ends, many believe a soul is judged. Warriors might go to Valhalla, saints might go to heaven, and evil-doers go to hell... but what about someone who doesn't fall into any of those categories?Well, some of them end up like... this.------From the online web-serial, comes a story of reincarnation, comedy, and the winding path towards existential redemption.The Snake Report: All Hail the Tiny Snake God. ------ (The First book is now available on Amazon!) (Cover art is by labirynt - check out her work here)
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8 188 - In Serial25 Chapters
Plague Born
Babies are found amidst the aftermath of natural disasters: tsunamis, avalanches, wild fires, destructive lightning storms. These 'Storm Born' grow up with powers based on the disasters that birthed them. Jaded, broken, and burdened with alcoholism, Sammy -- ex Storm Guard -- just wants to be left alone until the day death comes calling his name. But someone, or something, is hunting down and killing Storms. Even for Sammy, that's a sobering thought. Some mysteries can't be solved with raw power. Can Sammy figure out what is happening to Storm Borns, and can he prevent the world from falling back into atomic war?
8 114 - In Serial25 Chapters
Magai Story: The First Encounter
All the right conditions are met for Carlos to discover a world that embraces him and his friends. They develop amazing abilities and begin to learn to use them, only to have the whole process disrupted by Ipsiota, a girl who claims to seek revenge against Carlos. The visions presented to her-real or false-inevitably lead to conflict no one wanted.Version 7.0///edited, revised for continuity///35.8k words
8 199 - In Serial20 Chapters
Break my Heart
[Jack Dylan Grazer X Reader][Complete]❝ Well then, what's wrong? ❞❝ I'm completely in love with you but you're too blind to see that. ❞-·☾·-[full respect to Ellie who is probably a wonderful human being][Jack isn't a man whore but I wanted to make it into a story like this. Just making the fact noticed]Inspiration from [fake - jack dylan grazer] by @veronicawnderKeyY/n - your nameM/n - mom's nameE/c - eye colorL/n - last nameY/n/n - your nickname Y/u/n - your username
8 134