《How Did I End Up In His Shirt!》Ch. 5 Demon’s Not Too Bad?


Jay’s Pov

Strolling through the bookcases, gloomily glancing over the books, sighing to himself and reaching his hand out, and grabbing a depressing book off the shelf. Striding towards the back of the room, his bag thrown over his shoulder and slouching down in the cold chair. Opening the book, putting his elbows on the table, letting out a frustrated sigh before glancing at the empty library. I guess I'm finally alone.

His eyes reading the cover, Her Betrayal about the jerky husband accusing his wife of betraying him, and her hiding her pregnancy. But she is a retired donna of a notorious mafia family and returns home heartbroken and pregnant. Knowing this book is definitely in his mood, flicking through the pages as time passed by, his stomach grumbled. His hand rubs his stomach and licks his red lips.

The smell of pizza wafting up into his nose and he wondered if he’s dreaming. From starving, not eating his lunch early, when Damon’s tall, muscular figure appeared in his vision. What’s he doing here? And isn’t food not allowed? Damon sat beside him, placing the box of pizza on the table and two plates with a can of soda. He leads over whispering in his ear, “Is my little pervert hungry?” Scrunching his face, “Who's your little pervert?”

His ocean blue eyes, glaring at the demon next to him. His pale face turned red in embarrassment. Damon’s annoying face laughs at him, holding his stomach in pain. Tears coming out of forest green eyes, grinning. Smacking the back of this demon’s head, “Why did you bring freaking food into the library? Are you insane?”

“I figured my pervert was hungry. I can't let you go hungry, can I.” He rolls his eyes and grabs a slice of cheese pizza, stuffing it into his mouth. Munching hungrily on his slice of pizza, when Damon takes a bite and slouches back into his seat. Chewing his food, smiling to himself, and rubbing his firm stomach. Did this demon just steal my food? Is he trying to send me to prison?

“I’ve never seen such a greedy person, in my life!” Gritting his teeth, eying his demon. No, he’s not my demon. I don’t claim this monster. Feeling his death stare, Damon peeks over at him mischievously, mouth arcing up and scooting closer to him. Wiggling his eyebrows, nearly crushing him with his body, “So, I’m the greedy one, huh?” clearly mocking him. This demon’s never getting a taste of him again!

Ignoring his snarky comment, folding his arms. Skimming over where he left off in his book until someone snatched the book and held it hostage. That demon really wants him to commit murder, huh? Snatching his book back, only to be captured by this sneak rat. Struggling around in Damon's brawny arms, hitting his back and trying to escape. “Let me go, you demon!” Pulling at his dark curls, he grunts out in pain. Tightening his arm around his waist, unfazed by his actions. Is this pervert enjoying this? Slapping his perfect chest, accidentally feeling on his chiseled abs. Damn it, why did my hand's touch there. Maybe he didn’t realize what happened.


“I see someone’s having fun.” His green eyes humorously glancing at him. Placing him on his right leg, holding his waist wiggling his eyebrows. Playfully curling his kissable, he meant punchable plump lips.

“Shut up, Demon.'' His mouth twitched, annoyance flash in his blue eyes. Rubbing his temples, glaring at him. He places his finger on Damon's toned chest, pinching his hard nipple. Satisfied, he glances smiling, in the demon’s face. His face not annoyed, no! This pervert was seductively biting his lips, intensely staring into his soul. His body shivered, at the handsome man beneath him and dark green eyes.

“You know that only turns me on, babe” Leaning down to his level, whispering in a deep voice. His hot breath against his ear, lips touching, grazing them. Tingles running through his body, his face going red.

“Babe, who's that ghost over there?” His mouth curved into a smile. He taps Damon's arm, pointing over to the janitor's room, which was out of order and had one lightbulb blinking on and off. Nervously, biting his lower lip.

“I see my pervert’s feeling better. Cuz, a frown doesn’t suit your handsome face.” He says, rolling his eyes. Arcing his lip, glancing at his face. Checking him out, eyeing his precious body up and down. Winking seductively at him. Why’s this idiot trying to seduce me? Doesn’t he know I don't do repeats? Okay, multiple repeats. He thought to himself, glaring at Damon's beautiful green eyes.

“Stop teasing me, Damon!” Grinding his teeth, smacking him on his arm. Catching Damon's mouth, curving up at his words. Damn it, maybe he shouldn't have said that! Now, he's gonna think I'm crazy about him. Or something in his delusional mind. Quietly eying that seductive demon under him.

"So, you finally called me by name.'' He wanted to jump out the window at this embarrassing moment. Hearing his deep teasing voice, words ringing into his ears. He really can’t compete with this demon. He better explain or this guy, annoys him to death.

“That was an accident!” Shouting out, embarrassed. Why does he have to be such a pervert? Should he help or something? Maybe he cursed this demon in their past life, and this is his punishment.

“Like when I accidentally thrus-” covers his mouth, blushing. Feeling him lick his palm, making him yelp. His blue eyes shook at his words. This pervert is really bolder than he thought. He really wanted to smack his book across this madman’s enormous head.

“Close that mouth of yours’s or I'll smack you!” angrily glaring, twitching his lower lip, irritated. Lightly tugging on his dark curls, a loud moan came out of Damon's mouth. How did I sleep with someone like him? I must’ve been out of my mind. Gritting his teeth, taking his hand out of his hair.

“You know I like that, babe.” His green eyes winked at him, ruffling his fingers through his curls. Intensely staring him up and down. Pushing closet to him.


“Ugh, how did you meet a pervert like you?” He said, glancing down at the sexy man beneath him. Tugging at his short brown hair, biting his lower lip. Dang, why’s he attracted to this demon. Is being a pervert a sin?

“I guess perverts attract other perverts.” Damon’s eyebrows wiggling suggestively at him. Hugging his arms around him, gently voicing out. He stopped, glancing down at him, staring at the library’s door. Ignoring the demon trapping him.

“You’re so annoying, ya know.” Damon’s thick fingers tickled his stomach, breaking his silence. Holding in his laughter, glancing back at him. Biting his lower lip, glaring at him.

“Only to you, babe.” Winking at him, blowing a kiss. He swatted his kiss away, wiping his hand onto his shirt. Ignoring his pouting face, pitifully glancing at him. Begging for attention, like a puppy. He couldn't believe he compared him to a dog. Oh well, he can’t hear his thoughts, anyway.

“I wanna strangle you so badly!” He exclaimed, irked by this demon. Unfazed, his upper lip curled into a sly smile. Green eyes glancing up at him and grabbing his hand, placing them on his neck, tilting his neck. So, he can give him more access.

“Do it then. Let's get comfortable.” He sighs, defeated, lifting his hands up in the air, surrendering. Damon smiles up at him, ruffling his short hair.

“I don't have time for your games, Damon!” Shaking his hands off him. Galled at the nerves of this idiot. Noticing his annoyance, he gently voices out. Smiling in his green eyes. Maybe this demon’s not too bad?

“I’ll let you down. If you kiss me?” He takes back what he said before. This demon really wants to take advantage of me. He really wants to get under his skin so badly.

“Okay, awaking out his option, he agrees. This may be the only way to escape this demon. So, what if he brought me delicious pizza and improved my day? He’ll just sacrifice himself this one time. Wrapping his arms around Damon's neck. Balancing his weight on him.

“Seriously, babe.” Shock spotted his green eyes eying him. Seeing if he’s for real or not. He glanced down at him, brushing his dark curl out of Damon's face.

“Y-yes and I'm not your babe!” Pulling his body closer against his, stuttering out in slight embarrassment. Why does he have to repeat himself? He seriously regretted falling into his trap again.

“We’ll see about that.” Damon’s upper lip arched slyly. Tightening his grip on his waist, grabbing his ass. A moan slipped out of his mouth. Feeling Damon's intense eyes on him, he whispered in his ears.

“Whatever, close your eyes.” He ordered him, glancing back at him. Softly biting his lower lip. Briefly gazing at the door to him.

“Oh, let me sit back and enjoy.''Closing his eyelids, relaxing his body, still gripping his ass. This pervert really enjoys grabbing my ass.

“I’m ready, babe.” he rolls his eyes, he leans down. Softly tugging at his dark curls. Hearing his deep groan in his ears. He gently bites Damon's lower lip. He lets out a moan. Firmly gripping his ass, he slips his tongue into his hot mouth. His hand pinching his nipple, their tongues clash against one another. The school’s intercom interrupted their passionate moment when an older lady announced loudly.

“Jay Smith, you’re needed in the principal office. Wherever you are, now!” Hearing his name, he sighed, relieved. He can’t believe he almost fucked Damon with his tongue. Now, how is he's gonna get rid of this demon? Making eye contact with his frustrated green eyes.

“Well, demon, I have to go. Duties call me.” He patted his arm, pitifully glancing at him. Holding back his excitement at his clenched jaw and Damon's arms loosen from around his waist. Gently placing him down on his feet. Taking one more glance at Damon's plump lips. And the hickie on his neck. When did he give him those turning on his feet? Striding to the exit, Damon's deep voice made him glance at him.

“Let me take you there.” He said, pouting his plump lips out. Is he really trying to act all cute? He told himself not to fall into this demon’s trap again. Or else he must have some feelings for him.

“I don’t need a babysitter, Damon.” Opening the library door, throwing the empty pizza box away. Ignoring his pestering voice, Damon jumped in front of him. Stopping him, gaining his full attention.

“Well, I wasn’t asking.” Damon softly said, grabbing his hand. Intertwining the two, dragging him to his destination. He rolls his eyes, glancing down at their linked hands. He must be insane for letting this demon boss him around.

“Just do what you want, as I care!” Obediently striding behind him, eying his firm ass. He better stop checking this boy out or he’ll flirt his head off. Glancing back forward, continuing his journey.

“I’ll make you care, soon.” Briefly glancing back at him, arcing his upper lip, and winking at him. Guiding him to where he’s going.

“Ugh, you’re driving me mad!” He blurted out, covering his mouth. Hoping that pervert didn’t hear him. Damon’s voice arrogantly rang out.

“It’s my pleasure, babe.” It wasn’t a compliment to you, demon. His heartbeat faster as he walked beside him. He can't be falling for this demon, could he? He silently thought to himself. Staring at their intertwined hands.

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