《How Did I End Up In His Shirt!》Ch.4 Friends...Who?


Jay's Pov

Tightening his embrace around the warm pillow, hugging it in his arms. Though it's a bit hard but comforting, never the least. Nuzzling his head into his pillow, hitting against it. Attempting to soften it up.

“Mmmh…” A deep voice moans out in pain. He stops nuzzling his head into his pillow. Shocked at his warm pillow moving and groaning, loosen his embrace on it. Softy yawning, rubbing his eyes, opening them.

Noticing he’s in bed, an unfamiliar one at that. How did I end up here? Wasn’t Damon and I, downstairs watching a show together on his couch. In a daze, he rubbed the sheets beneath him . Frustrated and his hand accidentally hit a hard remote. A round hot remote...wait this isn't, right?

Gaining another loud grunting sound below him. He sees both the pain and something else in Damon’s eyes. Staring strangely at him, turn his body to him. Moving to get up, and get his shirt off the floor. “Imma, go get a shower in.” Whispering in his ear, smirking.

Standing in front of him holding his shirt over his shoulder, only wearing boxers. Tight ones at that. Putting one of his hands on his arm. Grinning at him. “ Do you need help getting out of bed?”

I bet he’s doing this to get back at me for just accidentally, mistaking his dick for a remote. I’m not that perverted, okay? All this could have been avoided if he didn’t lay innocent old me in his bed.

Nodding his head, agreeing with himself.

“Nah, man I'm good,” He said, rejecting his offer. Damon rolls his eyes and response, grinning at him. “Suit yourself, then.” Waiting for his response. Only to be met with silence, he ignores Damon’s dark eyes glaring at him, trying to murder him with his stare.

Mr. Demon is angry at me. Nah, he must be still a bit hard from me squeezing his dick. He’ll be fine after a cold shower. That he realized his big demon was covering, unconsciously staring at his upper body and strong arms. Caught by Damon's eyes, he quickly turns to look at the wall.

Observing the plain white wall, holding his chin in his hand. In an artistic manner, as if this is his art piece.

Pretending to be in his own world. Not realizing Damon weirdly staring at him, leaving the room and heading downstairs. Muttering to himself, ” The shower’s calling my name.”

The door shutting loudly behind him, he stops his acting and scoots him to the other side of the bed. Cursing that demon downstairs, at the slight pain in both his back and butt. Who told him to go so hard, last night. Good thing we didn’t go for the eleventh round or I would have been bedridden. He whispered, placing his hand on his hip and back.

Carefully getting out of Damon's bed. Coming to terms with having to limp to school, the utter embarrassment. Promising to himself to never sleep with that demon, again. Limping as he walks into the bathroom, to take a quick shower and eat something.


What a beast! He thought of washing himself. Soaking his poor bones and body in the warm water.

Five minutes later, feeling relieved he gets out of the shower and throws one of Damon's big shirts and his own pants, since Damon's six feet. Compared to his five feet and four height

Heading downstairs. Hearing Damon pouring milk into a bowl of lucky charms and placing a spoon in his bowl, at the dining table. His muscles hugging his t-shirt with panic at the disco and black jeans, cupping his b-. Never mind finishing that sentence. This demon’s got good music taste, maybe we could be friends.

Shaking his head, at his terrible thought. We’re only butt buddies at best, plus he doesn’t even like me.

“Jay...pervert, what kind of cereal do you want? I got cinnamon toast and lucky charms.”He asked, picking at me, trying to get my attention. I roll my eyes, annoyed. Hearing him chuckle, placing my bowl and spoon on the table.

“Cinnamon toast, you demon.” He glaring at Damon, who is grinning and ignoring his death stare. Fixing his cereal for him, as he should. Limping to his seat, trying to act as normal as humanly possible.

Seating across from Damon, he’s holding in his laughter and cupping his stomach. At him looking, hold his back and he seriously glares at him, offended.

“Demon, What you’re laughing at, it’s all your fault?” pointing his middle finger at the idiot, in front of him chomping down his deliciously sweet cereal and drinking his milk, licking his lips.

Damon bites his lower lip and looks at him, blushing and coughing. Almost choking on his milk and marshmallow, glancing at him. He wipes his face with a napkin, embarrassed by what occurred.

“ It’s an okay demon, we all choke sometimes.” He says comforting, he lightens up the mood. Damon looks at him red-faced and turns away briefly, “You’re such a pervert, Jay. I don’t know how you were a virgin before me.”

“Well, my mind was clean like fanfic and plus, I always studied never going out. Till my pervertedness wanted to be released.” He explained casually to him. Drinking some apple juice, he fixed him. When his phone alarm rings, alerting his school is about to start.

He glanced at Damon, who grabbed his phone and keys to his car. “Come on, pervert. Let’s head to school before we’re late.”Becking him to follow him outside to his car. Closing the door and locking his house up. Opening his door for him, telling him to sit down and put on his seat belt.

He’s such a nice demon. I meant evil, anyways. He thought, fighting his inner thoughts. Frowning at liking this handsome demon. Sighing looking out the window, Damon starts up the car and drives to their school. Good thing Damon’s place isn’t far from school. So, I don't have to be late and they call to ‘talk’ to me, more like scolding.


Thinking of his absent parents trying, act concerned when his school called his freshman year. Thank gosh, he’s graduating this year and can get out of their hair, not wanting to bother with them.

Relaxing his body as they approached their school’s entrance. Damon parks near the entrance, for seniors and teachers only. He walks over to his door and opens it for him, smiling beautifully at him. Too much handsomeness, this should be a sin. I definitely have to steer clear of this tempting demon.

He gets out of the car and thanks to Damon for the ride heading inside the school. Walking in the hallways rush to his class, only to hear Damon's voice in his ear,” I see you’re limping, maybe I can carry you to class.” he confidently says, his dark eyes smiling at him.

He rolls his eyes at the grinning demon, sticking his middle finger at him, and rushes off to his first period. Losing the demon on his trail and entering his calculus class. Sitting in the back of the class, hearing one of my peers talking about him and whispering to another person.

The boy was wearing a disgusted face and pulled the girl in the front of the class, behind him. He starts loudly talking, “ I can’t believe he tried to kiss both Kris and Mia, without their permission at the club last night.” His eyes darted to the boy speaking of my so-called ‘friends’ that left me at the club yesterday night.

Not caring about my safety, leaving me alone at the club drunk and in a crowd of strangers. Good thing Damon took him home and cared for his safety. Compared to those evil two things, he used to think of them as friends. For them to spread harmful rumors to ruin his reputation and his dignity.

I need to find out why they wanted to ruin me and my reputation. They befriend me first not the other way around, what their fucking problem. Determined to find out their reason for framing him. He’ll never let them get away with their nonsense and laid his head on his desk, resting his eyes.

When the boy resumed talking about him,” Yeah, they said he is bi and was attracted to them both. Growing obsessed with them despite their constant rejections. Taking them to a gay club to try to make them jealous and make out our Damon, throwing his glasses at him. Breaking them, running off to Damon’s arms and leaving them alone in the club, to pop his cherry.” The boy whispers the last part, as our art teacher enters the room.

When the room gets quiet, he lifts his head up frowning at the rumors he just heard. How could he be so wrong about these two? Did they ever mean anything they said or did? Maybe I'm the problem…

No, I'm not the problem, they are?! Cheering himself up, wishing that annoying demon was around. Looking at his phone, realizing he or Damon didn't give one another their numbers.

Sighing at that when the bell rings, he scurries off to the cafeteria instead of the library to ‘talk’ with his two ex-friends. He arrives at the cafeteria looking for them when he sees both of them staring in his direction biting their lip and shakily waving at him.

He steps in front of their table, to give them a piece of his mind and coughs, catching everyone’s attention. Even Damon and his friends sat in the back. Kris and Mia surprisingly look at him with worried expressions.

“Did y’all both enjoy spreading false rumors about me? Telling your new little friends lies about me liking you...not being obsessed with you. “ I glared at them when they try to calm me down and pull me outside.

He smacks their hands off him, wiping his hands and clothes, done with them. Pointing at them holds his disappointment and tears back, “ Tell me why you wanted to frame me with harassing and molesting you both. Those kinds of accusations could put me behind bars, do you hate me that much? Explain now!” he said losing his patients.

“We spread those rumors so everyone would hate and be disgusted by you. Since you friend-zoning us and rejected us after we befriended you! We regret trying to be friends with a loner and nerd. Like you!” They spat with hate in their eyes.

He grabs a bottle of water off the table, throwing it in both of their faces. Squeezing the empty water bottle crushing it, staring angrily at them, and bitterly said, “You both are the reasons why I hate interacting and trusting people. They always end up disappointing me. I hope y’all got what you wanted.” Tossing the crushed bottle at them.

Hearing both of them scream out in pain, crying telling him they’re sorry and how he should forgive them, after all, they’d been friends since freshman year. When I was in a vulnerable time in my life and they knew that, still stabbing me in the back.

He ignores them continuing to walk away, nothing they said could fix their friendship, and run out of the cafeteria feeling a familiar pair of dark eyes staring at him concerned. Leaving his uneaten lunch on the table, heading towards the library.

To get away from them, everyone and their pitiful stares at him, He doesn’t need any of their pity or concern. Entering the quiet and peaceful room, with comforting books.

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