《How Did I End Up In His Shirt!》Ch.2 Coffee and truth


Jay’s Pov

Still standing with the blanket wrapped around himself, drinking coffee, he takes the time to look at the strange dude’s body...I mean Damon’s physique. Okay, that's still just as bad, let me close my mouth.

Feeling someone staring at him, knocking him out of his daze and coughing, too. Putting his coffee on the table. That sounds a little chipmunk. Turning head in the direction of the person coughing and low and behold, it’s Damon smiling down at him. Look at me like I'm stealing a cookie or something. I’m not a pervert, okay. I only read and watch ‘Wholesome’ content, okay.

Sure...Jay we all say that.

Shut up, I’m not a pervert. I only checked him out for educational purposes.

Okay, that’s what you said when your dad caught you watching ‘wholesome content’, where two hot dudes were an...

Okay, I'm a bit of a pervert.

Now you admit it.

Shut up...whatever. Why am I talking to myself? Am I going crazy? Nah, I was always a little crazy. Hearing Damon’s annoying hot laughter, behind him. I meant ugly laughter...ugh.

Embarrassed by his laughter, that was definitely when he turned around facing Damon’s six feet muscular, tan skin curled up laughing hard. Dark curls untamed, cover over his cute...I mean ugly face. Hold his stomach, trying not to die of a laughing overdose. Stupid demon...go on rollover die from laughter, so I don’t have to walk this walk of shame.

Huh...when did we start giving ‘ugly ‘guys nicknames?

I don't give hot guys nicknames...okay just five guys. But they were my friends years ago and don’t friends give nicknames too,

Sure...but it's only given to you’re attractive guy friends, that you hadn’t to drool...i mean appreciate their body.’ Physique’ i mean. That's why we ended up friends with idiots. After the hottest got girlfriends. I know you cr…

Shut up demons arent, cute.

Offend are we...your fics on your phone, says the opposite.

Unaware of his eyes wander down Damon's body, catching himself from staring longer. Hopefully, that demon didn’t see me, staring. It’s not like he’s hot. Ugh...okay, he’s a little hot. Causing his eyes to stare directly at Damon’s face. Seeing him blush slightly...maybe I'm wrong.

“Um...hum” Damon stares at him, with a smirk. Approach him closely till his big strong hands gently pull him down on his plush couch. Damn ...what a soft couch, it would be nice to lay down on and watch tv on it. Not that I want to do that with that demon. My hole is still sore, I'm surprised I can walk. Accidentally face onto Damon’s lap, almost hitting his dick

. As Damon sat down beside him. I’m a pervert, I admit it. Still staring at Damon’s dick, realizing Damon's still naked. That would have murdered him potentially.

Feeling eyes on him he stares back at Damon’s, seeing his red face. Maybe he didn’t see me staring at his dick...i mean i could’ve been staring at the floor for all he knows. Right? I’m dead, let lie down in my casket. Rip Jay, yep.


“Were you checking me out?... Again? I mean there is nothing wrong with that. I just thought you were disgusted by me and all. “ Causing him to blush, Dang what’s wrong with me today, it’s all Kris and Mia’s fault, leaving me at that club. Not like I remember what happened after, leading me to this point. I wish I knew what happened, maybe I'll remember. Nah, I'll just ask Damon.

Wearing a straight face, he coughs slightly catching that sly demon checking him out.

Huh, so I am not the only pervert. Ha...I'm not alone. Back to serious business.

Nothing to be proud of.

Whatever. Rolling his eyes. Sincerely looking at Damon. With a serious look on his pale face.

“De...Damon, I'm sorry for staring at you accidentally once or twice, I was trying to look at the floor. Making my eyes glance at your crotch by accident. And you weren’t wearing any pants, s..soo. Let’s call a truce, alright? Not that I'm a pervert or anything. Anyways let’s discuss what happened after leading up to our situation.” He says calmly, clenching the blanket lightly.

To see De...Damon smiling down at him. What so funny, idiot. He pouts slightly blushing.

“What are you laughing at, Demon?''...I meant Damon. Whatever!’ Scoffing at him, irritated.

Smirking at him, Damon looks at him with laughter in his cute eyes. Blushing hard from being laughed at and stared at.

“It’s just you changed the subject so fast. Not saying you weren’t trying to look at the floor,” Air quoting you weren’t and continued speaking.”...and my hot body caused you to stray from looking “straight” at the floor. I’ll let you have that one. But what about the very first time you stared hungrily at my body, I felt like ...I was about to be devoured whole. Care to explain,” Moving his hands in his direction.” Mr. Jay.” Damon says with a pout, quickly covering the crotch.

Like I'm gonna pounce on him. I’m a bit of a pervert but...I’m innocent...okay, half-innocent.

Grunting he started to speak, looking at Damon seriously and determined to prove his case. Unclench his hands, wrapping the cover tighter around him. Why is it so hot here? Directly facing Damon, with his head held high.”Um ...Well, I was just studying your figure and everything. Not in a weird way or anything.``Pausing to look at Damon, that face to him ‘please continue. “I may be per...a person that makes mistakes, I should've asked you for your consent. I was wrong ...I'm sorry.” Cute pouting at Damon.

Maybe he’ll ...forgive me with this cute face of mine. It always works charmingly. With a smug look on his cute face. Not realizing Damon’s wearing that exact same look like him, except only smug. Only looking at him. Covering his crotch with a pillow, resting his hands on it. Relaxing his body, grunting a little. Snapping him out of his daze.

Staring back at Damon, concern. “Are you okay, Damon?” he questioned. Staring at his red face. Dang...ain't he tan why is so red as me. I hope he’s okay...not that I care.


“I’m serious Damon...I'm sorry for staring at your crotch…” Accidentally staring at his crotch, only to see a pillow over his lap. When did he cover his b... never mind. Damon smirks back at him, catching him off guard, Giving up looking at him with red ears.

“I’m really sorry, extra sorry.'' staring sadly at Damon.``I'll do anything ... I mean anything, to make things right. I'm not some pervert.”Being extra, causing Damon to scoot closer to him. With his breath near his ear.”Wh..at are you doing, you demon.”

“Oh, so I'm a demon, I guess you’re a pervert. What a great match, we are? Yep, hashtag couple goals.”Damon says, with a smile.

“Whatever, I'm not a pervert .” He smoothly denies, lying through his teeth.

“So, you’re not gonna take responsibility for me. Meaning you were faking your apology, all talk and no doing.”Damon dramatically says, falling on my crotch.”Shit!.” he hisses silently, catching Damon's ears.

“What’s wrong...I think you have a little situation there…” getting up to point at his crotch and stare at him with, a stupid smirk.” I ‘Mean’ i could help you solve your problem. Cuz I have a similar problem after someone looked at ‘it’. Awaking ‘him’, if you get my meaning.”

“Wh..y do I have to help a demon like you? It’s your problem..I'm not like you, pervert. instead, it should be you helping me instead.” Scooting closer to Damon, smirking.

“Well, I saw your hard-on earlier and thought I should help. You know, I'm such a good person and all. Not wanting to, embarrassing you.” Damon smiles innocently at him, shrugging his shoulders.

Hot, he confesses, staring intensely at Damon. “ So what if I'm a pervert, you're more of a pervert than me.” Shocking Damon, getting up from the couch facing him.

Snapping his finger,” Demon, cat got your tough?... Are you gonna let me shower first? while you go wash off, too?” Looking irritated at Damon.

“Feisty are we? I already showered but I could cook up something for us to eat ...later. If you want?” Damon says smiling at him. Too hot, damn I need to shower asap. And prepare me.

Rolling his eyes looking at him.” Whatever, I'll eat anything...as long as it’s tasty.” Causing Damon to choke. Laughing he continues on.” Anyways, do you have anything for me to wear? “

“Yeah, on my bed I have a clean shirt, but all my pants are dirty and are being washed,” Damon says slyly.

“ Okay, but we aren’t having sex again...just gonna use our hands to help each other.’ He says confidently.

“Sure, I was thinking that too. But that’s what you said last time “ Damon says, shrugging his shoulders again.

“Whatever,” he says embarrassed. Throwing the blanket off himself, onto the couch ‘accidentally' hitting Damon's body. Almost knocking him off, catching himself with good reflexes.

“I'll get your ass back, Jay one day! And not figuratively, I mean it.” Damon says grunting, heading to his room, to take care of his situation. Not before caught a peek at his round perky ass, “shit, I don’t need to get harder.” Damon hisses, going up to his room.

In the shower

“Ugh… can’t believe I did that...I know I'm a pervert and all. Damn, m hard again, it’s all his fault.” he grunts, continuing to jack off and still hard.

“What the fuck, why can’t the gods let me cum. Am I too much of a pervert to be granted this wish? Shit.” he complains, to himself. Preparing to make himself released or he’ll end up going insane.

“Maybe if I stick my fingers up my hole and jack myself off, like that video I watch. I could finally come. Yeah, I'm not a quitter.” he excitedly yells, not hearing the bedroom door open.

Outside the bathroom

Damon enters the room naked to find something to wear. Only to overhear Jay’s grunts and yelling. Pausing slightly, getting another hard-on, looking at the door with dark eyes, and turning around continue his mission.

Finding his boxers, only he grunts and puts them on. To hear Jay’s screams of pleasure, causing him to blush and hold in his pain. Running out the door silently closing the door.

In the bathroom

“Ah..that was so intense, good that the pervert didn’t hear me. Let shower real quick,” he says, grabbing his rag and washing it off.

3 minutes later...he heads downstairs ready to eat, before getting his ‘dessert’. What I’m not a pervert he offered himself up. Stomping down the stairs in Damon’s big shirt, that smells like him. It smells good.I mean the shirt to that, demon.

Only to see Damon on the couch under the cover grunting and the food covered, on the dining table. Um..it smells so good, I wonder what it is. Licking his plump lips

Causing Damon to glare at him, frustrated” Can you help me out since, you’ve helped yourself, already.” Making him blush, nodding his head. Walking toward Damon, licking lips, slightly.

Biting his lower lips, Damon intensely checks him out. “ Words, babe” he grunts, throwing the covers off him.

“Yes, Demon.” He says smirking, with a proud look. Not realizing his body being picked up and pushed roughly to the couch. Clinging to Damon’s body, while he kisses his shoulders sucking lightly on them moving to his nipples and working his way to his mouth.

Gently biting his lower lip, making him moan lowly and his body heats up, his pulses racing. Pulling at Damon’s hair, opening his mouth, smoothly sliding his tongue in. Grasping Damon takes back control, pinch his nipples, and grabbing his head, clashing their tongues together.

Hard breathing, loud grunts, and moans could be heard that night.

To be continued…

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