《Magic Monsters Money》Chapter 12 Part 2: Before Departure 2
To be honest, I really hate surprises, especially when the surprise is directed to me.
“It’s Petal. I sensed something odd from her just a while ago.”
“Something odd?”
Currently, Matt’s been giving off a serious aura. Though I couldn’t figure it out what it is.
“Please explain, I don’t quite understand.”
Matt first looked around the hallway to see if there are people around. Since there’s no one, she exhaled in relief.
What is she going to tell me anyway?
“I think Petal has a lover.”
Before talking, Matt’s expressions turned into a worried one from her usual calmness.
“I’ve noticed this for the past few days. Not only I feel some magical surge from her, but it seems that she’s also restless for another reason.”
“I understand the magic surge part, but ‘her’ feeling restless? That’s impossible.”
“Yeah, it’s impossible, because she’s not human.”
At that moment, Matt’s expression turned blank. I think she didn’t expect that one.
“She’s not human?”
“I thought you already noticed that. Can’t you tell just by her atmosphere?”
Matt then put her hand on her chin and gave it a deep thought. However, I can just let her continue that later since—
“Key! So this is where you’ve been. I’ve been looking all over the mansion for you.”
--Since Pauline is already at the hallway. I sensed her presence a while ago so I’m not surprised.
“Pauline, can’t you refrain from yelling in the hall? You’re so noisy.”
“Sorry ‘bout that. I was actually looking for the kitchen… Who’s this girl?”
Pauline ran towards me with light steps, when she noticed Matt standing in front of me, she immediately stopped and gave a blank stare. On the other hand, Matt’s also giving her a puzzled look since Pauline’s talking in English.
Because of the problem with the communication, I first gave my [Translation Earing] to Pauline to fix it.
“Matt, I would like you to meet my best and childhood friend, Pauline Dekker. She’s one of the important people that I’m supposed to introduce to you later.” (Marzenthurian)
After saying so, Pauline froze when she heard me talking in Marzenthurian Language. Come to think of it, what do they call Marzenthurian language?
“M-my name is Pauline, I’m pleased to be acquainted with you.” (Translated)
“I’m Matilda Balerishk, Granddaughter of Viscount Vrethar Balerishk. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
--It is just me, or there’s tension in the air?
For some reason, the usual loud and dense Pauline I know suddenly became polite. Moreover, she bowed to Matt as if she’s addressing some superior.
“Okay, now that’s finished, let’s go to where everyone is at.”
Since the tension in the air is somewhat, chocking, I immediately dispersed it by distracting the two. Girls are very mysterious and scary.
When we started walking, I leaned towards Matt and whispered, “Let’s just discuss it after this.” But then she suddenly covered her ear and blushed.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m ticklish.”
-This isn’t the appropriate time for that...
After walking for several minutes, we finally arrived at the living room.
We didn’t use the parlor since I’m renovating it.
When I opened the door, there, mom and Louise are standing and… shocked? Also, Cherry and Ghena are already here.
“Mom, are you alright?”
Like a trigger being pulled, mom and Louise turned their heads to me. Then after that, mom rushed towards me then suddenly grabbed my shirt.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Tell you what?”
“That you already have a fiancée!”
-Maybe I should’ve told them while we’re inside the carriage…
“Don’t roll your eyes on your mother!”
After calming mom down, we then went to the sofas and sat down. By the way, our position is like this; Me, Matt on my left, Cherry on my right, and on the other side; Mom in the center, Louise in the right, and Pauline on the left.
“Key, as far as I can remember, the original plan was to let you attend Half Moon Academy. How the hell did you end up having fiancées?”
Right now, mom’s giving me a scary—no dreadful look like I’m a cheating man.
Who does she think I am, Dad?
“It’s a long story. But before that, I’d like to introduce them first.”
While I introduced them, Cherry and Matt bowed to mom while showing respect. However, every time I say their house names, her jaw drops.
“G-Goldenbloom… Ba-Balerishk… I must be dreaming am I?”
“M-mom, what’s happening to you?!”
“Aunt Crystal, hang in there!”
It looks like mom couldn’t take the shock that her soul is starting to come out of her mouth. Was it really that bad?
“K-Key, you’re kidding right? Viceroy Vrethar Balerishk the Grand Magus and the Earl Shlyac Goldenbloom the Golden Knight. Both of them gave their permission to you to marry them!? I must be dreaming.”
It looks like mom’s going to pass out any moment now. Seriously mom, you’re the reason why I’m in this mess in the first place.
While mom was being mentally supported by Louise and Pauline, Matt made a gesture that she’s going to talk.
“Miss—no, mother—”
--So you want to call her mom already huh?
“—though the engagement is very sudden for you, rest assured, the situation wasn’t forced on me. I, personally, am interested in Key.”
After talking, she then leaned on me and grabbed by arm. She looked at me then smiled.
Why did you have to lie?
Mom was slightly taken aback with her words, though it was all lies, mom seems to be convinced. On the other hand, Pauline and Louise are looking at me with thumbs up. I don’t know how to react to that.
“I-I see. Then I don’t have any qualms with that, but what about you Miss Goldenbloom? Though you told me already that your father has given his consent, I still can’t believe that that man would give away one of his daughters to a noble with very low peerage.”
Since Matt’s explanation is done, Mom shifted the topic to Cherry who’s fidgeting for some reason. She’s also holding my other arm so I’m feeling slightly blissful.
“My engagement with Key is the result of an accident a few weeks ago. During that time, I was still feeling some animosity towards him. But after seeing him as a good man, I totally regretted the way I think about him back then.”
Since Cherry’s talking like a love-struck girl, mom and the rest blushed as they listen to her. But I think her cuteness was the reason why they blush.
“Also, at this point, no one can cancel the wedding.”
Then, Cherry slowly peeled off her left white glove while showing it to the gang. Then after that, mom’s jaw dropped again when she saw the infinity ring tattoo on Cherry’s ring finger. You know, one day, that jaw’s going to get locked if you keep opening it, mom.
“T-t-that! Isn’t that the mark of [Golden Soul Union]?”
Now there’s something I haven’t heard in a while.
“Indeed it is. I got it when Key and I accidentally kissed during our duel.”
-Hey, Hey, Hey, HEY! You got that after kissing me the second time!
While mother’s massaging her head because of stress, Pauline is making a hand gesture that says, “You’re so smooth.” Also, I’m going to ignore the fact that my little sister is muttering “my sisters-in-law are beauties” while admiring Cherry and Matt. Her eyes are sparkling.
“Now that you already heard everything mom, do you have any more questions?”
After saying that, mom turned her head towards me while giving me an ‘answer me truthfully’ look.
“What’s the real reason why they’re engaged to you?”
“I mean, a granddaughter of the Headmaster, and a daughter of the Goldenbloom household. If you think about it, those two powerhouses easily turn down even nobles from higher peerage, so there’s probably a valid reason why they’d accept you.”
--Mom’s really sharp as ever.
I was already thinking about it before they even arrived here. Though I thought that them not knowing my situation would be good for them, but they are still family so they have the right to know. Now that mom confronted me about it, I don’t have any more reason not to tell.
“It’s because, I have the power, comparable to the Gods.”
--That’s it, I finally said it. It feels wrong in many ways, but since I can’t lie to mom, I don’t have a choice.
I was expecting some shocked reaction from mom. However, she didn’t make one. More like, she looks like she expected this.
“I’m sorry.”
Mom’s shoulder suddenly drooped when she apologized out of nowhere. Pauline and Louise suddenly stood up, reading the mood and left the room. Same goes for Cherry and Matt. When they finally left, mom and I talked in private.
“I should’ve told you before I sent you here. But since you weren’t showing any signs of increase in magic powers, I became careless.”
“So you knew all along?”
“No, but I had my suspicions. I always check on you every day, but there was no sign or anything happening to you. I thought that you’d be the same as I am; a normal magician.”
--I have a slight idea why mom couldn’t feel the power of [Infinity] from me. But I need to ask mom about it.
“Mom, before Grandfather disappeared, did you meet him?”
When I ask her that, mom’s eyes got suddenly filled with surprise. After that, she gave it a deep thought before answering my question.
“I-I don’t actually remember. Thinking back, I can’t even remember Father’s face.”
She didn’t remember. I can say that it’s normal, but since mom looks very shocked in not remembering Grandpa’s face, I think that magic was involved in this.
“Actually mom, during my ceremony, I found out that there are seals placed on me. The seals were hiding the power of [Infinity] and have been keeping it dormant. But when it got damaged, we had no choice but to remove it since it was dangerous for me. Now the question is who placed the seals on me in the first place?”
I can’t say that the one who placed the seals was Grandpa because he disappeared before I was even born. So the biggest question is; who is powerful enough to place the seals on me… Fuck wait. Didn’t the Headmaster say that the seals were made by Grandpa himself!?
When I suddenly called out to mom who is thinking deeply about something, her shoulder’s suddenly shook. Sorry…
“I think Grandpa IS the one who placed the seals.”
Mom tilted her head in puzzlement. I guess she’s confused with what I said.
“When we we’re removing the seals, the Headmaster mentioned that the seals we’re made by Grandpa himself. So that means that you and I must’ve met him before.”
“I don’t remember meeting your grandfather while I was still pregnant of you. But since you mentioned that the headmaster knew something about this, we must meet him right away.”
“That’s a gr—”
“What’s wrong?”
“The headmaster is out of town. He’ll be back after 3 months.”
Both mom and I fell into despair while thinking about it.
Just when we we’re about to talk again, the door to the hallway suddenly slammed open. There, Jane’s standing there while huffing and puffing like she was running the whole time.
“Sir! Something’s happening to Miss Petal!”
““Say what!?””
Both mom and I said the same thing at the same time. Of course we’ll be shocked, it’s Petal we’re talking about here. If something happened to Petal, it’s probably something very serious about the barrier.
Without further ado, Mom and I immediately stood up and followed Jane to where Petal currently is.
“W-what the hell is happening here?”
When we arrived at the room where Petal is, everyone was already here. The only exception is Gen. Everyone is looking anxious while looking at Petal, who’s currently lying down the bed while sweating heavily (I didn’t think she can actually sweat). Moreover, she’s curved down her body while holding her stomach. She looks like she’s in deep pain.
Right now; I can totally say that there’s something has happened to Petal.
“What happened to Petal?”
“S-she was already like this when we found her in the hallway so we don’t know.”
I’m in a panic, but Mom’s overshadowed mine. It made everyone in the room panic more.
Then out of nowhere, I suddenly sensed a strong magical pulse from Petal. It looks like Cherry, Matt, Mom, Louise, and Pauline felt it too.
“What was that?”
“I felt it too.”
Unknown to the sudden sensation, Louise and Pauline panicked while holding each other.
“Let’s take her to the hospital!”
“Hospitals don’t exist here. Moreover, she can’t come out of the villa even if she wanted to.”
Just when I suggested that, mom immediately shot it down like it was nothing.
“Then what do you suggest we do?”
Everyone became quiet while looking at Petal who’s in agony. Looking at her now, I also became anxious of what to do. This is the second time something bad has happened to Petal so it can’t be helped if I panic.
Suddenly, Matt came rushing towards me.
“Do you remember what I was about to tell you a while ago?”
While saying that, Matt then looked at Petal.
“Although it’s just a theory, I think Petal is pregnant.”
Matt’s misunderstanding is funny, and I want to laugh. But since it’s the wrong time to do it, I won’t.
“I’m really sorry to burst your bubble Matt, but Petal is not human.”
Then, Matt’s expression became blank as she stared at me, same as everyone in the room aside from mom, and Louise and Pauline who are clueless of the situation.
I snap my fingers and signaled everyone to get out, everyone aside from Cherry, Matt, Mom, and me.
When everybody’s out, I then went to Petal and grabbed her hand.
[Rune Reading]
There, the script in Petal’s core became exposed to everyone… I’m not quite sure if they can see it like me though.
“What’s that!?”
--Oh, mom can see it.
“I’ll explain later. For now, I’ll do what I can to help Petal.”
Now, I’m scrolling down the script of Petal’s core. On the other hand, Mom and the girls are looking quite anxious at Petal’s situation.
“Hey Matt, how did the idea of Petal being pregnant came to you?”
I got curious of that fact. So I inadvertently asked her while I’m working.
“Well, you see. She was giving out signs that are something similar to my maid back at my Grandfather’s mansion, so I thought that she’s also the same.”
“What signs are you talking about?”
“Well, first; I saw her in the kitchen suddenly throwing up. She looked very sick at that time.”
--I think I noticed that one this morning.
“The second one was; she looked very restless every day for a week.”
--I also noticed that.
“I saw her one time, creeping into the kitchen on a night and ate a lot of pickles.”
--So she actually eats huh. I didn’t see that one.
“All in all, it looks like a sign of pregnancy to me.”
Just when she finished explaining, I also found the anomaly within Petal.
The script in her core looks like it’s about to separate. I don’t really know the reason, but there’s a difference between the two.
The first script is blue colored like the one from before. This one is Petal’s. And the second one is orange colored, which is the anomaly. Aside from the color, there’s also one part of the script that differentiates the two scripts. And that part is the [Regeneration] rune that is attached to the orange script. In other words, I found a tumor in Petal’s body.
“Young M-master, what are you doing?”
It looks like the pain subsided a little bit, allowing Petal to converse with me for a moment.
“Don’t say anything for now, Petal. I’m going to help you.”
I activated >. This is probably not the best time to test a new spell, but since Petal’s life is on the line, heck!
[Non-Element Row: Arcane & Soul, Effect: Etherialization, Target: Right Arm, Soul Effect: Dematerialization, Arcane Effect: Separation, Mana Consumption: 200%]
After invoking it in my mind, my right hand became semi-transparent green glass-like. It feels slightly surreal turning my hand into spirit form.
Since I can’t touch the core of Petal, I need to make my hand go through her body to directly touch and modify it. If things go exactly as planned, I can remove that script inside her body.
“Here I go.”
And just like that, my hand slipped into Petal’s chest. She didn’t make a reaction when my hand entered her body, which also made me feel disappointed for some reason. Lewd heart, be silent.
As I move my hand inside her, I can feel various parts.
I said before that she’s an android, but her insides feel… mushy. So that image is slowly crumbling by the second.
And after a few seconds, I can finally feel a flow of magic inside Petal. It feels similar to the mansion [Core] so I can tell.
“Hey, are all cores… spheres?”
Because I touched something odd, I again, inadvertently ask something dumbly.
“As far as I know, cores are all Sphere.” (Cherry)
“Same here, all books said that all variety of cores is Sphere in shape.” (Matt)
“What make you ask that?” (Mom)
As I kept on feeling the core, I gave them the idea of what I’m touching now.
“I can’t exactly say if there’s a bulge, or there are two cores inside Petal.”
Leaving the shocked Cherry and Matt, Mom’s surprise has a different meaning.
“I don’t remember father putting two cores inside Petal.”
“I see.”
--I guess this is the anomaly.
I applied the Etherialization to the tumor on the core. When I felt that it was the same as my arm, I prepared myself to pull it out, forcibly.
“Petal, this might hurt a lot. Please brace yourself.”
Without letting Petal reply, I immediately pulled it out without hesitation. Okay, okay. I hesitated actually.
After pulling it out, Petal let out a loud scream that’s enough to compare to a mother giving birth. Because of that, I got startled and accidentally let the tumor slip from my hand and it rolled under the bed. I can say that it’s the same because I heard it before.
Petal fell unconscious after her scream. Cherry and Matt checked if she’s okay. Mom then walked towards me while looking my hand that’s losing the spell’s effect and slowly regaining the original color.
“What did you take away?”
“I’m not exactly sure.”
Suddenly, the two of us noticed some bright light under the bed where the tumor rolled under. Slowly, I crouched to see what it was.
And there, out of nowhere, a four limbed, cute faced, long brown haired, about a year old child on all fours, is directly looking straight into my eyes.
“What the--!”
-End of Chapter-
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