
As I was pushed down by Enri, who at this point had lost any remaining reason, my breathing became rugged and I gave up on suppressing the effects of the strong aphrodisiac that rampaged through my body.

My lower body reacted as Enri loosened the threats that kept her dress in place. The red fabric slipped down her slightly sweaty body and revealed the perfectly smooth, slightly tanned skin beneath. Two cute, pink nipples greeted me as the dragon girl’s twin peaks were uncovered in such a glorious fashion.

Enri’s breathing intensified as her face turned even more red and her gaze became the one of a predator looking at its helpless pray. It was the exact opposite of the usually submissive masochist that I knew.

For a moment, I enjoyed her proactiveness as she ripped my shirt apart and began to ran her hands across my skin, but soon the flames within me awakened and domineering light began to shine within my grey eyes.

Stretching out my hands, I suddenly grabbed her slim waist and heaved her into the air. She yelped in surprise, but her blazing eyes only shone even brighter as she smiled with a satisfied smile. As I thought, this was what she had wanted in the first place.

Getting up from the ground, I instantly pushed her down with her back on the ground and used my weight to fix her in place with my lower leg pushing down both of her legs and one arms pushing her upper body against the ground. She was an M after all, making this sudden switch of positions result in her lower body turning even wetter than before.

I took this as a sign to continue and my hands began to run over her body as she had done with me, gently massaging her chest before pinching the hardened nipples. Enri began to moan as the pleasure began to build up within her. It seemed like the aphrodisiac also enchanted the sensitivity of the body instead of only raising the appetite for sex.

Sure enough, the dragon girl squirted a little as my hand moved further downwards, beginning to play with her lower regions and getting wet by the various liquids that had built up there.

“g-go ahhh… o-on….”, she stuttered out between her moans as she enjoyed the stimulation while being unable to struggle against my strong grip.

My eyes narrowed and a strange grin appeared on my lips.

“Shouldn’t you address your owner a little bit more respectful?”, my voice was hard and domineering.

She almost came from that single sentence.

“Y-yes… m-Master!”, oh dear, that girl had the time of her life.

“P-please use myself as your plaything!”, I won’t lie, that sentence made me burst out with lust, my pants bulging as I almost lost all reason.

I quickly grabbed Enri’s body, turned her around and forced her into a doggy style position.

Taking hold of her hands, I pulled her upper body into the air, before using mana to burst away my pants into small bits of fabric that flew fell into the surrounding area.

“Are you sure you want this!?”, I asked, less because I cared about the answer and more because I wanted the peace of mind of having asked at all.

As expected, the answer was positive.

“Y-yes master!”, If anyone in my old world ever found out about this I would be labeled as a pervert for the rest of my life! Luckily, I’m no longer in this world.


Slowly, I inserted myself into Enri’s soaked pussy and began to thrust into her, pulling on her arms to gently push myself deep into her private parts. Something tore and a little blood dripped down onto the ground.

So, she actually had been a virgin after all…

My muddled mind managed to register this before losing itself in the rhythm of thrusts and moaning. They became more and more fierce as time continued, followed by Enri asking me to slap her ass. Taking her thin arms into one hand, I obliged filling the room with the sound of loud slaps and the ecstasy of a masochistic dragon. Then I lost track of time and my memories turned into a crazy, LSD trip.

“Wow, you really went wild didn’t you?”, the first thing I heard when I woke up was the annoying OG’s voice coming from above me. For a moment I was muddleheaded, unable to remember what sort of situation I was in, then my memories returned, and my eyes snapped open.

“y-y-YOUUUUUUU!”, my hand shot upwards and got ahold of Maira’s small fairy body, almost squeezing him to death.

“W-wait, I didn’t do anything to you o-or your party. I-I just mixed some drugs into your f-food so you f-finally got some sex!”, the fairy protested while my grip tightened around his body.

I pulled him closer looked straight into his small face.

“DO. NOT. DO. THIS. EVER. AGAIN!”, my face was livid, and I stressed every single syllable as I tightened my fist to the point that the god almost suffocated.

“o-OK! I won’t do t-this again!”, he promised while his head was turning red from the blood accumulating there.

I gave him a last sharp look before releasing him. Then I looked around, fearful of what I would see.

As I thought…. The room was a battlefield. The furniture had been smashed into pieces, food and alcohol was scattered all around the formerly beautiful and clean carpets and there were liquids of dubious sources all over the ground.

My memories from last night returned, hazy, but more so terrifying. My face paled.

“E-Enri??? Are you alright?”, I hadn’t spotted her yet.

“Sure.”, her relaxed voice came from behind me. I turned around and saw her, petite body, tied up into a package and resting on the ground. Kissmarks were scattered all across her body, as were imprints of my hands and a few other blemishes stemming from various activities that I did not want to remember.

Despite the poor state of her body, Enri seemed very satisfied as she grinned at me, her collar flashing in the light of the morning sun.

“You should untie me though. The other’s shouldn’t see me in this state right?”, a teasing smile played on her lips as she winked at me.

Relived I breathed out the tension I had felt before shaking my head. A small smile appeared on my face as I cut open the ropes that restrained the dragon girl. Then I flicked her head.

“Never allow me to go this far again.”, I said with a furious, but caring voice.

“Never again.”, I didn’t want to think back to what had happened yesterday, the crazy, almost inhumane pleasure we had gone through. It was truly like a crazy LSD trip and I didn’t like the feeling of having lost all control over my body.


Enri gave me a deep look before nodding with a carefree shrug.

“It wasn’t that crazy though, you refused to do anal….”, my expression fell, and I shut the perverted masochists mouth before she could say anymore.

Then my eyes wandered over to the OG Maira.

“You have ten minutes to clean this mess up.”, there was no room for negotiations in my words and the god knew that I would kill him if he didn’t do what I told him to do. He forced a wry smile before clapping his hands.

“You heard him.”, at his command a whole army of fairies suddenly streamed into the room, turning it into a bustling beehive of activity. Magic flashed, wings fluttered, and various items were carried into and out of the room. Only five minutes later, the room had returned to its former state, leaving me and Enri in awe of the fairies’ ability to clean up.

At this point, we had both gone and cleaned ourselves using water and some water-manipulation magic to get rid of the sweat and other liquids that stuck to our skin. A few minutes later, we had retrieved out clothes and dressed ourselves. Enri had also drunk a healing potion that helped her to get rid of most blemishes that had been left on her shin.

“No word about this.”, I warned the god, ignoring Enri who was clinging to my arm. She refused to let go of it either way and I had neither the power nor the nerve to force her.

Walking over to the bedrooms of each of my companions I opened the doors and found very angry and disturbed girls and a truly furious Ignatius. They had long since awakened and tidied up their appearances the best they could after the effects of the drugs had waned off, but the state of their rooms clearly revealed what had happened last night.

We chose to refrain from asking any questions, but from their reactions I knew that they had guessed what had happened between me and Enri. Especially Riina reacted to the sight of Enri clinging to me, her eyes flashing with a strange light before she walked over and also claimed an arm for herself.

Helpless I had to give up two of my arms to avoid a catastrophe.

Maira also realized what had happened and a weird expression overtook her face, a mix of relieve and regret mirroring within her eyes. Then she averted her eyes and proceeded to ignore me. Ignatius on the other hand was too busy berating the fairy god to care about my recent sexual experience.

At some point Melissa, the priestess from yesterday, entered the room clothed in long emerald green robes. Her complexion was rather good, and she seemed more or less amused by the sight of having her millennia old master scolded by a 28 years old knight.

“Master, you have forgotten about the gifts.”, she said with a gentle smile before signing a few fairies to carry wooden boxes into the room.

The OG Maira saw this as a chance to escape his unfavorable situation and darted over to his guardian maiden’s side. A proud expression overtook his handsome, little face as he looked down on us.

“Behold”, he said with a dramatic voice.

“The gifts this god has bestowed upon you!”, in a theatric fashion he waved his hand, signing his servants to open the boxes and carry them to their new owner.

My expression brightened as I saw a long but slim, wooden chest that was carried towards me. Its lid was opened by the fairies and a beautiful long sword presented itself to me. It was a bastard sword, just like the ones I was used to, but even while only seeing it sheathed I could tell that it was an extraordinary weapon worthy of being a god’s possession.

A large, green sapphire in the form of a leaf decorated the sword’s silver and black hilt, that ended in a emerald cross guard. The blade of the sword was hidden within a sheath made of black ebony wood and inscribed with white glowing magical inscriptions.

I carefully accepted the sword and unsheathed it, revealing a light metallic green blade. A beautiful design of interwinding vines was engraved into the shining metal seeming like it had naturally appeared on the elegant blade.

“It’s a great weapon.”, I praised with a sincere expression. My eyes were glued to the sword, incapable of parting from its beauty. God, I felt like I had fallen in love with a fucking sword!

The OG smiled gently, pleased by my reaction.

“It’s been catching dust in my basement for years. I thought you could have a use for it, since you are using a cheap sword like that”, he pointed at the ‘normal’ sword that had been made by the town’s blacksmith.

Looking over to the fairy I bowed my head in gratefulness.

“I will take good care of it.”

Then I looked over to the others, checking what they had received. It seemed like the forest god had really gone through the trouble of looking for the stuff each of us would like and need. Maira for example, received a new wand. It was a huge ass staff with some sort of magic crystal on it’s top, just carrying it seemed like a huge hassle. Despite that the princess seemed quite in awe as she stared at the countless cryptic inscriptions that were scattered all over the old wood. She had completely forgotten that she had been in a bad mood because of what had happened between me and Enri.

Riina and Ignatius also received new weapons, with Riina handling a pair of pitch black daggers that seemed to be made of obsidian while Ignatius stared at a huge broadsword that seemed too heavy for any normal person to lift. His expression was kind of skeptical as he suddenly lifted the sword and tried a few slashes in the air. To my shock he actually wielded it with just a single hand!

And as one would expect, Enri was the one person who got something out of the ordinary from the old pervert. The bells on her chains jingled as she happily jumped through the room, holding some sort of black leather rope in her hand.

I sighed in defeat as I realized that it was a god darn dog leash. What else could I expect from a perverted god and an even more pervert.

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