
Just as the rest of the OG’s home, our accommodation was spacious and gorgeously decorated, with furniture that could have come straight from a designer’s atelier. Surprisingly enough, the perverted fairy had even prepared a separate bedroom for each one of us, connected to a large living and dining room.

Small lamps made out of wood and glowing with a gentle, magically produced light illuminated the large living area and the massive table that stood at its center, surrounded by a few couches and other furniture. The rest of my party had already claimed a bedroom for themselves and changed their clothes, which had undoubtedly become quite greasy after the battles of the day.

Now they sat around the large table and leisurely ate the grapes that had been prepared on a beautifully decorated green, wooden plate.

I came closer and sat down on an empty chair.

“Food should come soon.”, I told them before grabbing a grape for myself.

Riina tugged at my sleeve and furrowed her brows in worry.

“Can we really trust that god? He might poison the food!”, right after that she ate another handful of the grapes.

I smiled wryly and shook my head. This girl really was kinda airheaded at times.

“Shouldn’t you have thought about that before eating any of the grapes?”

Her hand froze in midair and a horrified expression appeared in her cute, black eyes. Her black tail stood straight as she began to assume the worst. The others began to chuckle in amusement.

“I doubt he would do something like that.”, Ignatius reassured the stressed-out cat girl with a shake of his hands.

“He seems like a decent person.”

“I agree.”, though he was a dirty pervert, he did seem like someone who would value favors.

Suddenly the door leading to the hallway opened and a huge plate filled with meat and vegetables floated into the room. Actually, it didn’t really ‘float’ on itself. It was carried by a small, female fairy wearing an elegant white one-piece dress. As one would expect of the rumored fairy race, she had a beautiful face and graceful, elegant figure on top of her two gorgeous transparent wings.

I could vaguely guess why the OG Maira had chosen the fairy sized body…

The first fairy was followed by a dozen others, all similar in size and looks. The only thing that differed were the items they were carrying. Bread, more meat, various kinds of vegetables I had never seen and most importantly a shit load of alcohol was carried into the room and onto the large table.

Then another group of fairies came fluttering into the room and placed plates, cutlery and cups in front of us, before disappearing as fast as they had appeared. It was a magical sight to see this tiny female being fly effortlessly through the air while carrying items a few times their size.

The performance wasn’t over though.

A third group of fairies appeared from nowhere, numbering around 20 stunning girls and clothed in white, translucent outfits similar to the one worn by Indian dancers, only with less firm fabric and more fluttering layers that danced through the air as they moved.

My eyebrows rose as I couldn’t help but feel very interested in these alluring tiny beings. Even Ignatius, who was usually the stuck-up party killer when it came to these things, was silent for once his mouth slightly agape as he reached out for a cup of strong alcohol.


The girls seemed a little annoyed at first, giving my distracted self dark glares, but as the fairies began to dance through the air they too were captivated by the beautiful sight.

Sure enough, all of us were very hungry and the meals in front of us smelled and looked good enough to be worthy of a god. In other words, even Riina who had been skeptical at first disappeared headfirst in her plate as we ravaged the feast in front of us.

Wine and some other alcohol that I didn’t know yet, flew like water and only an hour later we had reached the point that everyone of us was quite tipsy despite having a constitution that could handle more than three hardened drunkards together.

Even Enri, a dragon with a true form that was larger than a house, had flushed cheeks as she rested her head on her hands while staring at the enchanting dance of the fairies.

“They are sooooo beautiful…”, she sighed with a dejected expression.

I grinned as I thought back to the adventurers who I had almost grilled because they had picked a fight with us and called Enri ugly.

“You do realize that you are about as pretty as them, do you?”, it was no exaggeration. Even though these fairies were easily more attractive than most supermodels of my old world, none of the girls that travelled around with me could be said to be any less pretty than them.

I was a lucky bastard who enjoyed the presence of a beautiful princes, a cute catgirl and a completely screwed up dragon girl.

“W-what are you saying!”, Enri suddenly blushed and her head in her arms.

“I-I’m not t-that pretty.”

Huh… I was really quite a sight to see Enri being embarrassed by something for once. I really never thought I would ever see her like this. For some reason she didn’t seem like the masochistic nympho that she was but instead like an actually cute girl!

“Why would you think that?”, a pretty hammered Maira asked as she wrapped her arms around Enri’s narrow shoulders. She was the one who had drunken the most and her slightly misty eyes told me that wasn’t far from being completely drunk.

Enri blushed even more and her eyes fell on her meager chest.

“I’m… very… small…”, she pressed out after some time.

My eyebrows rose as I looked around. Not taking into account the fairies, of whom some had quite the assets, every single female in the room was of the slender type, with no one exceeding b cup. Quite frankly, Enri’s breast size was pretty much in my ideal strike zone…

“Not only my chest… my whole body. For us dragons, our physical appearance is variable, with our souls being the factor that decides our appearance. Usually, the more mature a dragon’s mind, the more mature it’s human body and for females this also affects our chests…”, Enri seemed truly dejected as she touched Maira’s arms around her small frame.

“I am so small, because of my immature mind. Compared to my siblings, even the younger one’s I’m really just ugly…”

“So…”, I concurred.

“You believe yourself to be ugly because you can’t become more mature….”

She nodded with tearful eyes.


“And unless you become more mature mentally, your body won’t change from your current appearance?”, I continued to ask with shining eyes.

She confirmed my thoughts with another smile.

A wide grin spread across my face.

“Great. So you will forever stay a loli dragon! Stop being depressed over stupid stuff like this!”, I suddenly reached out with my hand and flicked her head.

“OW!”, she exclaimed and began to pout while I was feeling great.

“Just so you know”, my face blushed a little.

“I prefer smaller girls…”, for a moment my mind blanked out and I realized what I just said. Maira gave me a weird look, followed by Riina and Ignatius.


“…s-sure….”, Maira averted her eyes as if she was too ashamed to look me into the eye.

I expression fell and I flicked her head too.

“O-OW!”, she protested and now I had two girls who were pouting at me.

“I don’t wanna hear stuff like that from a calculating ero-princess who would go and sleep with any hero she meets just to escape an engagement with some random dude!”, being called a pedo really got to me and I felt like I had to strike back.

“E-ero…. Y-you indecent hero!“, Maira rapidly became more and more angry as she tried to think of insults. Sadly, the well-mannered princess was incapable of procure even just a poor excuse of one, resulting in her face turning more and more into the color of a ripe tomato.

“Who was your fiancée in the first place?”, Riina, once of the few people who wasn’t that drunk yet, asked with a curious expression.

“H-he was a prince of the Ethen-Empire to the south. The fourth or fifth in line…”, she princess pressed out with a defeated expression.

“My father wanted to get a favorable peace treaty this way. But…”, the blush disappeared from her face and was replaced by a distasteful look.

“That prince is a disgusting, useless and altogether just stupid bastard. No way I would marry an ugly failure like him!”, wow, she was quite frank…

“… I never thought you would choose your future husband according to such cold assessments…”, I admitted with a surprised grin. As expected from a scheming princess like her.

She harrumphed and folded her arms in front of her chest. It would have been more impressive if she had more than her modest mounds tho…

“No way I would be like these simpletons who chose their husbands because of romance or something as useless as love. I’m the future queen of the Haelia kingdom, my husband has to be competent enough to be a good ruler.”, she suddenly glanced at me and her cheeks became a little rosy.

“Y-you… w-would fit the bill… b-barely…”, her voice became smaller and smaller as she continued to speak. My eyes widened and I almost choked on the wine I had just drunk. A moment later my face also became red and I averted my eyes.

Honestly, I didn’t know what to respond.

After all I had been through and all I had done to this charming, overly intelligent princess… I never expected her to say words like these. And….

I had way too many girls around me. Starting a romantic relationship with any of them would turn out to be extremely messy since I was pretty sure that both Enri and Riina also had their dips on me. As for a harem… I really wasn’t sure whether I would be able to pull it off without loosing my head at some point along the line, after all some of the girls were easily strong enough to kill me! Not to mention that their mental health wasn’t something I would trust in…

Maira saw my difficult expression and her eyes suddenly turned cold. She harrumphed once again and turned away from me, a slightly hurt look I her enchantingly smart eyes.

I could only force a wry smile and turn my attention to the alcohol and the dancing fairies. Time passed and we drank more and more of the addictively tasty liquid. At this point, I was drunk to the point of seeing forty fairies were there should only by twenty, while even Riina had become sluggish and very clingy.

All of the sudden, I felt a weird heat rising up within my body and quickly overtaking my mind.

My sluggish body was invigorated, while my mind descended further into the fume of alcohol, unable to have a single proper thought. At the same time, the fairies who had been dancing all this time, suddenly changed their style and the graceful, elegant dance turned into something far more primitive, sexual and horny.

My face fell as the remaining lucid part of my brain reacted to the danger.

“F-FUCK!”, my eyes darted around, and I realized that Ignatius and the girls had odd expressions as they looked at each other, their bodies heating up just like mine. My suspicions quickly confirmed themselves as I realized that my lower body was reacting in a strange, unwanted way.

“MAIRA!!!!!”, I shouted in my anger as I jumped up from my seat and sprung into action.

Using up all the energy in my body and keeping the incredible feeling of horniness at bay, I dragged everyone off their chairs and into their rooms, before pushing all sorts of furniture in front of the entrances and sealing them off this way.

In this manner I quickly shut Maira (the princess), Riina and Ignatius into their individual rooms and made sure that they couldn’t get out of them. By this point the burning desire that had overtaken my mind almost drove me insane as I gritted my teeth and punched myself against the chest, the pain causing adrenalin to surge within my veins and slightly alleviating the effects of the drug I had taken.

Sadly, this would prove to have been useless as a small body suddenly slammed into me, pushing me against the wall.

“Finally, I gat ya…”, Enri slurred with an intoxicated expression as she pressed me onto the ground, her eyes burning with the flames of desire. I tried to struggle…

But then I just thought:

Fuck it. At least she’s cute.

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