
My eyes shone with cold ire as I shot towards the rapidly retreating swordsman. Though he was strong and quite fast, his injured state severely limited his movability and made it impossible for him to outrun me. I was just about to close in and cut his treacherous throat when suddenly I had to evade a massive wooden mace that come crushing towards me.

My eyes darted backwards, and I realized that the remaining twenty plus surviving ogres seemed confused as they stared around themselves, seemingly unaware of how they had even gotten to their current location. Then their eyes fell on me, my party members and the two fleeing adventurers and I could pretty much feel the blood lust well up within their primitive minds.

Looking for signs of the OG Maira I found him laying on the ground, apparently heavily injured by the fire magic that had been cast upon him. It seemed like he was in no state to control the ogres around him, resulting in them suddenly becoming very interested in munching on my head.

“Fuck”, I cursed as I had to evade another strike, resulting in the swordsman running away even further. Then, however he too was attacked by another huge ass Ogre, resulting in him being forced the defend himself and giving up on fleeing the scene. The mage quickly came to his help as he alone could no longer fight of the ogres.

My eyes flashed as I began to use my mana reserves, casting my only mid-tier spell and preparing a martial skill. The usual sea of flames formed around me, grinding faster and faster before turning into a tornado of fire that burned away anything within a five-meter radius of me. Mana burned and my storage was emptied at a fast rate as it created a strong gale of winds that drew anything in the surrounding area towards me.

Twigs and leaves were drawn into this abyss of fire, followed by an unfortunate sparrow that came to close and was turned into roasted meat.

The near by Ogre gave out horrifying screams of pain as he was burned into a disgusting green hill of roast beef. Then I slashed out with my sword, creating a horizontal wind sword that tore through the mana infused flames, taking part of the flaming mana with it as it tore trough the air and crashed into a group of three ogres who had been fighting with Riina and Enri and burned most of their skin.

This gave the two girls a chance to easily break through the already weak defenses of the greenish monsters, killing them with minimal effort while already darting over to their next goal. Despite this fast success and Ignatius who was facing four ogres on his own, finally unleashing his inner badass and completely wrecking them with his face paced battle style, I was very nervous and impatient as I worried about the two adventurers getting away.


“Enri, transform into a dragon and slaughter them!”, I shouted to the dragon loli that was busy dispatching two heavily wounded ogres with her giant sword. She turned around and a weird look appeared on her rosy cheeks.

“Em… that’s not possible…”, she said with a wry smile. Then she pointed at her golden choker.

“I would suffocate. That’s the reason why we got the choker in the first place right?”

I was speechless as I realized that she was right.

“Couldn’t you have casted a spell that can change the chokers size?”, Riina asked from the sidelines while elegantly dodging the attacks of a particularly fierce ogre.

“You did enchant it after all!”

Enri scratched her head and was almost crushed by a mace the size of a tree trunk. Her sword whirled around, and she decapitated another ogre.

“I didn’t think about that at that point in time. My only concern was to make it as durable and uncomfortable as possible….”, I didn’t even know whether to laugh or to cry. This perverted M really needed someone to take care of her.

“We will get that done once we get back to the town.”, shaking my head I returned my focus to killing the ogres in front of me. It took some time to dispatch them, but he upside was that I heard the repeated sound of a level up that refilled my mana storages and eased my exhaustion.

At least these stupid adventurer’s betrayal had some sort of worth to them.

Enri, Riina and Ignatius also fought with vigor, cutting down ogre after ogre while slowly encircling the pair of adventurer and mage who were still fighting their opponents, unable to overwhelm them or just flee because of their grave wounds. Despite that they put of a decent struggle against the huge monsters. After all their previous slaughter of ogres had pushed them to the brink of gold rank, somewhere around level 40 to 50. If it wasn’t for their complete exhaustion and the injuries, they would easily slaughter anyone in the forest.

To their misfortune, their high level also meant that they couldn’t hope for another level up to heal their injuries and restore their depleted energy.

Finally, we had taken care of the last remaining ogres and I had somehow fulfilled one part of the reason why we had come here in the first place. My level had risen multiple times, placing me at level 38, only a little bit further away from level forty. I wasn’t sure about Ignatius, Riina and Enri, but they also seemed quite satisfied, meaning that they should have at least gained one or more levels.

The adventurers on the other hand did not look good at all. Their injuries had worsened even more and at this point they weren’t really capable of putting up any sort of struggle. They could only coldly stare at us, nervous of what we would do to them.


“I-I know that we have betrayed your trust… but you s-should understand that it was a-about the money….”, the mage tried to justify herself. There was no remorse on her face, only the conviction that what she did was something anyone else would also do in her situation.

My rage had mostly cooled up while killing the ogres, but now I felt the anger flare up again. I could have handled it if she hated me, begged for her life or did any other thing that was common in isekai in these sorts of situations. But she had to choose the worst of all options.

“Riina, you take the swordsman, I kill the mage. That way we might catch up to Enri and Ignatius.”, I ordered coldly. To me these two humans had already been reduced to huge piles of experience, ready to be reaped for my gain.

Riina hesitated for a moment, her face somewhat unwilling. The slave seal on her chest forced her to obey any of my commands, but it didn’t take her ability to question me.

“Isn’t this too much?”, she asked with a difficult look in her eyes. Killing a defenseless person wasn’t something to be proud of after all.

I looked over to her, my expression easing a little.

“I won’t force you if you don’t want to kill them. But you should remember that I have tried to save them from death. They gave up on their lives in the moment they went against our agreement.”

She wavered for a short moment before finding her resolve and unsheathing her daggers once again.

“If my dear Master says so….”, her grin broadened.

“But I want a reward afterwards!”, it almost seemed like she wasn’t talking about killing two heavily injured people. At this moment I realized that while Riina was an adorable, petite cat girl who was mostly quiet and reserved, she also was the sometimes joking, coldhearted assassin that had killed both monsters and human soldiers like it was nothing.

I tended to forget about it since I had arrived in this world. But killing humans, or rather killing any living being isn’t something too normal for most people, especially in the world where I had come from.

I had never been a vegan or vegetarian even in my former life as normal person, but once I thought about the number of both sentient monsters and humans that I had killed ever since arriving in this world…

Everybody in my party would be considered a mass murderer if I ever took them over to my world. Even the adorable and cute Riina was a person who had more blood on her hands than most convicts who were locked away for life.

It was a startling thought…

But it was also a useless one. I wasn’t in that world anymore. This was a world of gods and conflicts that involved whole races. A world filled with monsters whose nature it was to kill or rape humans. And I was a hero.

A person destined to kill.

Any hesitation that had remained within me disappeared as I thought that, and my vision blurred as I darted towards the female mage. My sword encountered a brief resistance, followed by a shower of blood that rained over my clothes and stained my face with its red color.




Just like this I had extinguished a future gold ranked mage while raising myself to level 41. A similar scene happened next to me with smooth black hair dancing around the demonic petite figure of another mass murderer. She cleaned off her weapons and walked over to me.

“Did I do good?”, she asked me with a cute expression, clearly expecting some sort of praise.

I smiled.

“You’re the best!”, my hand petted her head and she smiled happily, purring almost like a cat.

Enri had long since cleaned herself of the remaining ogre blood and had picked up the unconscious OG who was in a terrible state. She grinned devilishly before squeezing him like a dog toy. The poor god was almost crushed and woke up only to have all the air squeezed out of his body again.

“W-wha..SQUIIII~ S-STOP I- SQUIIIII”, I had to stop the crazy dragon before she really killed the poor guy. Then I made him drink a couple potions until he was mostly restored to his former condition. Distrust mirrored in his dark eyes and he didn’t seem to be willing to listen to my words as he had already concluded that every adventurer, or rather every human, was a treacherous bastard who would easily go back on his words.

Well It’s not like I gave him any option whether he wanted to listen or not. I simply grabbed his tiny body and dragged him over to Maira who was still waiting in the scrubs some distance away. She and the priestess seemed surprised to see me appear with the tiny god in my hand and the priestess’ expression fell as she saw that her companions where nowhere to be seen.

“A-are they d-“, she began to ask with a shaky voice, but I cut her off.

“I killed them.”, my words were harsh and cold, without an ounce of sympathy towards the poor girl.

“OG Maira.”, I said and made the god look at the priestess.

“May I present. She will be your new guardian maiden.”, without waiting for an answer by the fairy like OG I turned back to the priestess.

“Would you please strip naked now?”

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