
As I stepped closer one of the poor drunkards suddenly cried out in fear and his eyes rolled back as he fainted from fear. Seriously this was kind of worrying, should an adventurer be this weak against fear? What is he going to do if he ever encounters anything stronger than a goblin?

“Heeee, H-he is going to kill us!”, the other one shouted in his panic. The shock and fear had seemingly sobered him up. He looked around his eyes pleading for help, but all the other adventurers simply averted their eyes. In their opinion the pair had brought this upon themselves and they didn’t feel like they had any to help these poor guys.

Even the clerks simply and cold heartedly avoided eye contact while ignoring the whole issue. What else could you expect from employees of a guild that allowed public requests for murder?

Realizing that he was on his own the middle aged man’s expression fell even more and he was overcome with despair. He fell to his knee’s and began to plea.

“Please… please don’t kill us!”, he suddenly began to bang his head against the ground.

My eyes widened. In the first place I never intended to kill this idiot duo, I just wanted to give them a good trashing and have a good time. But now it was kind of uncomfortable to just admit that.

So, I stayed in my role, my eyes flashing with mad killing intent.

“You should have thought about that before insulting me.”, my voice sounded like the words of a devil that was about to reap his soul.

The poor idiot began to tremble more, then suddenly his expression changed from fear to madness and he jumped up from the ground. Though he was only a low-level adventurer that hunted in the near by forests, he had already reached level twenty and both his speed and resolve were not something a normal person could have.

Within a brief moment he had flung himself towards me, unsheathing the saber on his side while using up most of his mana to create small bolts of lightning around it.

My eye reacted and I immediately acquired a new ability.

Uses mana to create electricity around the blade. Increases damage and might stun the enemy.

The martial ability was actually quite useful, proving that the idiot wasn’t as useless as he seemed to be. At least he served as a good teacher.

Of course, even though he was incredibly fast compared to a normal human, to my he was barely a threat. I didn’t even bother to unsheathe the small dagger that was substituting for my broken sword. Instead I infused mana into my hand and grabbed the saber.


The lightning around the blade tried to break through and injure me, but an invisible coating of mana made this impossible and also blunted the edge of the weapon. To everyone else it seemed like I had stopped the weapon with my mere hands.

A bloodthirsty smile spread across my face and the insanity in my eyes increased substantially.

“Too weak!”, my disdainful voice rang through the entire guild.

Then I began to chant. In fact, I didn’t chant one spell, I was combining two separate spells into a single one. This worked fine for martial abilities and I did almost as good with magic spells. The only difficulty was to actually control my mana without suffering a rebound from losing focus.

Fire began to spread around me, accompanied by a strong gale of wind that seemed to spring up from nowhere. Terrifying heat exploded out into the surroundings and threatened to burn the surrounding adventurers. Immediately blue and yellow shields of mana sprung up all around the reception hall as every magician was trying to protect his party and himself from the rising temperatures.

Meanwhile the flames and wind had transformed into a small tornado, five meters in diameter that surrounded both myself and the stupid adventurer who’s saber was still stuck in my hand. The heat was difficult to bear to a normal person, but I used a continuous stream of mana to protect myself from burning my skin. This used up a shit-ton of mana and I wouldn’t be able to keep this sort of expenditure up for longer than a few minutes, but it kept me save from my own magic.

The adventurer on the other side…

He slowly turned into a cooked chicken.

“P-please stop!”, he began to plead, true terror mirroring in his eyes. He finally realized that he had confronted somebody he couldn’t hope to ever defeat. Even worse, if this continued for a little bit longer, he would be cooked into fried human.

My eyes glittered coldly.

“Why should I?”, I was like an unforgiving demon god who, once enraged, would only stop once the offender was dead.

As I said this, I began to control my mana and increased the intensity of the wind. Meanwhile I also began to shrink down the tornado around us. Soon it was only three meters in diameter, the heat setting the wooden ground on fire.

Furthermore, the flames had changed color, from being orange with a little bit of blue, to being transparent white. Simply chemistry showed it worth here.

I could see the middle-aged man’s skin slowly being burned black as he screamed in anguish.

“Please….. AHHHHHH…. What ever you want… j..just sta…”, his miserable cries echoed through the guild and yet no one was going to help him. Even those who felt sympathetic to the poor fool were too afraid to provoke a person who could kill in such a cruel way just because of a small offense.


Of course, I didn’t really intend to kill him.

The cold mask on my face suddenly melted away and a friendly smile appeared on my face. Meanwhile the fire tornado around us also disappeared within mere moments. It seemed like everything had just been a lie.

“Sure. Just give me all your money and I will let you go.”, my words totally did not fit my easy going expression and this only served to increase the fear of both the adventurer and the other bystanders. Even worse were my eyes that had the twisted look of a maniac in them.

“O-of course!”, the middle-aged adventurer was in a bad situation. His skin was burned, and his hair completely gone. Most of his clothes had also began to burn. Yet he did not bother to stop the fire and scrambled to gather all of his and his friend’s money before handing it to me.

I smiled satisfied.

“Thank you. I hope you will have a great day!”, I turned around and walked towards the exit. In order to make this whole presentation more effectual I had to make a cool disappearance.

“Are you coming?”, I asked my companions who were still sitting on the same bench as before.

They hurriedly nodded before coming after me. Ignatius looked like he couldn’t quite understand what had happened, why Maira looked somewhat concerned as she looked at me. Riina on the other hand had a nonchalant expression, pretending like this was something that happened every other day.

As for Enri….. her partial transformation had also partially destroyed her clothes, revealing some of her smooth white skin that shouldn’t be revealed normally. But that crazy girl didn’t even notice that and was instead blabbering something about a collar.

How the heck did I even pick up a masochistic dragon????

Anyway, badass as always, I walked out of the main entrance of the guild, leaving behind a burnt floor with an even worse burnt adventurer and a bunch of other adventurers who had trouble to stay calm. After all they had just witnessed the power of a silver ranked adventurer.

“Did you really have to go this far?”, a certain princess asked me as we headed towards the only inn of the town. The worries on her beautiful face had not disappeared.

“You think that I went overboard?”, I asked her with a wry smile.

Her eyebrows rose.

“You don’t think it’s a little much to grill a guy for making some inappropriate jokes? Especially since he was drunk.”

My smile wavered and I shrugged my shoulders.

“I wanted to make clear that we are no target they can allow themselves to offend. This way there won’t be anyone to make trouble for us.”, even I knew that this was just an excuse.

She was silent for some time and her brows ceased as she pondered about something. Finally, her faced relaxed and she looked me into the eyes.

“It’s because of what happened to Ilea, doesn’t it?”, she really asked me what I feared she would ask about. She asked me the one question that I really preferred to avoid at the moment.

The smile on my face froze and my face became a little dark.

“Of course, it is.”, I looked away and began to walk a little faster. This topic was really nothing I could bear to think about right now. Just as I didn’t want to admit the real reason why I almost killed that poor dude.

We soon arrived at the inn. It was really nothing special. Just a small two-story building with a view rooms for guests and an elderly couple who took care of their customers needs. The only perk was a somewhat proper bathroom.

Sure, it only had a barrel full of water and you had to heat it yourself, but too me who was accustomed to a modern lifestyle and hadn’t had a bath in more than a week this was the absolute salvation that saved me from dying from my own foul odor.

And no, it was no mixed bath. The girls went first, while Ignatius and I went afterwards. Honestly… I really wasn’t in the mood to even peek on them. (Like I usually did in the castle)

I went to sleep right after that. For one I was absolutely exhausted after all these days of constant struggle, on the other hand I really didn’t want to have to talk about what had happened in the guild.

At this point I had realized it myself. That drunken adventurer… I tortured him for the thrill, to have fun. To feel superior and overcome the trauma I had received when being powerless. I had become a twisted psycho who enjoyed human suffering.

“I have to get ahold of myself.”, I mumbled in the darkness of the room.

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