
Two shiny red horns that were shaped like beautiful corals. Vibrant crimson colored scales that appeared to be aflame as they reflected the sunlight. Claws that were so razor sharp that you could feel your soul being cut apart by just looking at them.

Ok that last one was the chunni within me coming through.

Fiery red eyes stared down onto us with contempt and superiority shining in the depts if it’s ancient pupils. It opened its mouth…

And a girly voice came out of the beautiful humanoid dragon that had barred out path to the forest.

“You shall die right here hero!”, her face radiated with cold killing intent and the confidence that only extremely powerful beings could have.

At this moment I realized something… I was still missing a dragon in my harem (that I cannot smash for moral reasons…)!

Well first I had to somehow avoid the flaming sword that was coming towards me. Sir Mellen besides me tried to activate an intermediate martial skill called rushing sword and deflect the blow in front of me, but the dragon girl was too fast and it was obviously that he wouldn’t arrive on time.

Maira was completely stunned and thick fear had overtaken her usual cocky expression. Meanwhile Ilea desperately imbued an arrow with mana and shot it towards the incoming dragon. Riina was too far away to do anything, so she desperately tried to run closer.

In a nutshell, I was screwed and would be killed by some dragon on my first trip outside the city. Let’s see, was it the Princess Lika who was responsible for it? The Nobles? Or the demon lord far in the north?

I had no idea and honestly, I had no time to ponder about this question. Instead I activated one of the martial skills I had copied from Sir Mellen. My sword began to glow with bright, white light and blinded everyone around me. Then I imbued as much mana as I could into my legs and stomped against the ground, shooting backwards. It was no real skill, I simply used the mana to temporally increase the strength of my legs. The mana expended to do this was extremely high, so few people used this trick unless they had no other choice.

While I was retreating a flaming sword slammed into the ground where I had just been standing. An angry voice resounded in my ears.

“YOU…. How dare you escape my blade?”, oh jeez, she is one of the unreasonable types…

This made things easier.

I quickly invoked the only magic incantation I knew. A bold of lightning was created in front of me and shot towards the dragon. Of course, I had no expectations that I would stop this mad dragon, but it could at least buy a few seconds.


“Maira snap out of it and attack!”, I shouted desperately.

The dragon had already deflected the stun magic like it was a mere nuisance and was once again coming for me. This time Sir Mellen managed to get in front of me and began to unleash a barrage of offensive skills in the hope to push her back.

Arrows began to rain down and the magic casted onto them caused all sort of status effects on the red-flaming dragon girl. As I thought she had a high magic resistance that lessened the effects, but she still became a little more sluggish.

A moment later however Sir Mellen was thrown through the air and spat out a mouthful of blood.

“Shit… she is definitely over level 50!”, well that sounds impressive, though I have no idea how impressive it is supposed to be!

Either way, now that Sir Mellen was out of the way the dragon came towards me and I was pretty much out of options. My mana was completely used up, a sword would not be of much use against an enemy that easily disposed of Sir Mellen and my armor was to crappy that it had begun to crack under the pressure when I had been retreating.

In other words, I was so screwed that I heard the famous line from a certain movie inside my mind.

Run forest, RUN!

Then I suddenly thought of something. She… was a dragon right?

The idea was stupid, but I thought that I might as well try it out before being deep-fried by that giant flaming sword of hers. I pulled out my moneybag and retrieved a few gold coins. My comrades were desperately shouting that I should run away or defend, but I simply took the gold and threw it towards the incoming dragon.

“Catch.”, I said with a desperate smile. If I was about to die, I at least wanted to die while smiling.

The dragon made a sudden halt and her eyes lightened up. She suddenly threw away her sword and ran after the pieces of gold like a little puppy that was going to retrieve a stick that was thrown. The sight was so ridiculous that I suddenly had an idea.

This dragon seemed pretty stupid.

“You.”, I shouted towards the dragon girl who was running around and picking up the gold coins.

“Hm?”, the gold had obviously made her much easier to deal with.

“You like gold right?”, sweat began to roll down my back as I realized what I was about to try to pull off.

“Yes.”, a bright innocent smile appeared on her face. As I thought she is a moron.

“Then… if I give you a lot of gold will you do what ever I ask you to do?”, my voice cracked a little as I was afraid that she was smarter than I thought.


But she simply narrowed her eyes.

“More gold than this?”, she showed me her open hand with four pieces of gold in them.

“All of this.”, I opened my bag and showed her the hundreds of coins inside it. “And three times that much as soon as we return to the castle.”

“I could just kill you and take the gold.”, she suddenly said, and her thick killing intent almost made me faint.

I could only smile wryly. “But then you won’t receive the gold I have hidden in the castle.”

God please let this work!

“I will do everything you want.”, she suddenly said with a bright grin. Gold really was the most powerful force of all.

“Everything?”, I asked.

“Yep!”, she replied happily.

I thought for a moment.

“Come here.”

She obediently came over to me, no sign of any enmity coming from her. As soon as she had been promised gold, she had become tame like a well-trained dog. I will be honest… my inner pervert got the better of me.

“Sit!”, I seriously ordered her like a dog.

For a moment she looked at me, not understanding what I had said. Then she truly got down to the ground and pretended to be a dog. Fuck…. This was too stimulating…

“Give pawn!”, she put her hand into my open palm.

“Good girl!”, I patted her head and she actually seemed happy about the praise.

From the sidelines Sir Mellen, Maira and the other two girls were staring in shock as I was treating the dragon who had almost killed myself a moment ago like a doggo.

I had a hard time to control myself and was struggling to keep my composure.

“Please take of your armor.”, I felt a little nervous, after all I would be screwed if this stupid dragon realized what I was planning to do. On the sidelines Maira suddenly realized what I was trying to do.

“Are you serious?”, the princess mumbled under her breath.

That dragon girl on the other hand had already stood up and was removing her armor. Turned out that her clothing beneath that armor was quite…minimal. She only wore a pair of red short-panties and a cloth around her bountiful breasts.

I had to gulp seeing her like this. After all she was truly beautiful. Taking away the two little horns on her forehead and the red scales that were scattered across the skin of her body and she seemed just like pretty human girl. Oh and you had to ignore the red ruby like crystal on her forehead, tho it did look like some sort of accessory.

“I will have to use magic on you. Just don’t resist.”, I said and was nervous that she would realize what I was going to do.

But she just obediently nodded. Either she was truly stupid, or the prospect of gold was clouding her mind. Either way she simply allowed me to put my hand on the skin above her chest and invoke the magic incantation I had learned by watching the slave merchant.

The moment the pain of the seal being burned into her skin began to spread across her body she realized what I was doing and began to struggle. As the seal began to burn into her skin, I suddenly felt a strong resistance as my mana was unable to flow properly. Then my vision began to blur and I felt a strong recoil go through my body. Before I could realize what was going on blood ran out of my nose and dripped on the floor.

I had suffered the recoil of failed magic!

“Hahaha. You idiot tried to use low level slave magic on a dragon? Did you think this sort of puny trick is able to penetrate the magic resistance of a true dragon?”, the dragon girl began to laugh, and a little bit of wrath was visible in her eyes. A mighty and overbearing aura exploded from her thin body and threatened to suffocate me.

“You dared to try and trick me…”, her eyes glistened with ire.

“W-wait.”, I felt cold fear wash over my back as I realized that I was doomed.

“W-what if I give you more money?”, fuck I sound like some generic rich antagonist who tries to safe his life with money! I swallowed down the humiliation I felt.

“Sure, give me 10 bags of gold and I will do what you want!”, came the response from the dragon girl who was suddenly smiling.


“S-so if I give you 10 bags of gold you will be my slave…?”, my poor normal brain couldn’t quite comprehend what this weirdo dragon was spouting.

She thought for a moment.


“Nah?”, now I was completely confused.

“I don’t wanna be a slave. In the first place I’m a dragon so how can I be a slave? Hm… what do you humans call them again….”, she thought for some time while I was trying to figure out a way to run away. I didn’t want to stay near this lunatic!

“Ah right, you humans call them pets! I will be your pet if you give me 10 bags of gold!”

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