《A Mailman as a Superhero》54. Arc-2. The First Month.


Ottawa, Canada.

I was driving west on the 417 and listening to the CBC radio news anchor talking about the latest problems we had to deal with.

Tom Hollis: The UN announced the formation of a new branch; Global Security. Global Security Team's from this new department will focus on global security and it will be staffed by exotic personal provided by the member states. The flagship team will consist of three Canadians, three Americans, three British, three Russians, three French and three Chinese.

We don't know the identities of the team members due to security concerns. You can see a picture of the flagship team on our web site cbc.ca/GST.

In Syria fighting has erupted again between forces belonging to the regime and their Russian allies against the rebel groups that are still resisting the Assad regime. The main difference in this latest battle between the two forces was the use of combatants displaying exotic abilities.

We go to our foreign correspondent Laura Hashim in Beirut, Lebanon...

My cell phone rang and interrupted the news broadcast. I pressed the phone button on the steering wheel.

"Hi, Marie. What's up?" I left the 'Camper' about half an hour ago?

"Rene I just got my new schedule and I won't be able to do the shopping. Can you do it?" I could hear Marie getting dressed over the phone. 'She must be really late. I wonder why they called her in so early?'

"Sure thing hon. How come you didn't ask one of the androids to do it?" I knew why.

"You know why. I'm still not comfortable dealing with our analogues. Thanks for helping out. Gotta go. Bye."

"Bye." I hanged up and got ready to take the exit from the Queensway. Traffic was light at this time of day. All I had to do was look up to see why.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who dreamt of flying. A full half of the population of the Ottawa Valley had the same dream.

After the first few weeks of chaos, the new sky lanes came into effect. A line of flyers streamed above the roads. It wasn't perfect but it did reduce the chaos.

I made my way down Merivale road. I switched the station from the CBC to listen for a bit of light comedy and banter with the Hot Tub gang. These guys always made me laugh. As usual, they didn't disappoint.

I signalled left and turned to Colonnade. The Canada Post depot was in sight. I could see quite a few figures flying into the parking lot. Another thirty seconds and I pulled into the half-full parking lot and parked close to the front doors.


I got out and pulled my kit from the trunk. I saw a quick blur head straight for me. I activated my combat skin and my friend Marc bounced off.

He hit the tarmac hard. "What the hell did you do asshole?" He quickly stood up and I saw his broken bones heal in seconds.

"You were going too fast you ass-crack. I don't heal as fast as you do. How much energy did you put into you Regeneration ability?"

"I got the Wolverine package!" He was pretty happy with that.

"And the speed?". 'I wonder what else he's got?'

Above I see Linda fly down. Her blue light wings disappear as she lands near us.

"Ça va boys?" She says with a huge smile. She sashayed into the station while Marc and I watch.

"Wow! Anyway, now that Linda isn't here to distract us, the speed ability I got at RCMP HQ. You were there. I tried to wave you over but you looked busy with your brother." Marc and I walk to the front door together. We scan and walk in.

The noise was defeating. Some guy was running around in a cape making whooshing sounds. "Was that Reggie?" I ask Marc.

"Probably he always wanted to fly." Marc walks to his frame to get a quick start on the day. I do the same.

Halfway through my sort Marc comes over, "Aren't you done yet, slowpoke?" He teases.

"Not yet. About half done though. We can't all be speedy Wolverine type assholes. You know, like you." I say innocently.

"You say that because it's true and the ugly streak of jealousy you developed since Thursday is nasty. You should work on that." He smirks proudly of his insult.

"Did it hurt when you came up with that?" He considers my words for a moment and we both burst out in laughter saying "Nahhh!”

"I'm all done. Got nothing left to do. I'm so bored I could hump the imaginary dog in the corner." He says sadly.

I know he was pulling my chain. I point at the end of the row, "Why don't you go a bug Cord? I'll be done in a few minutes."

"Good idea. He's much prettier than you are." He looks at Cord and says, "Come to think of it he's even prettier than he used to be. What's up with that?" I look over and check Cord out?

"I guess. That would explain why all the girls are hanging out at his frame." I shrug. I wasn't into guys. No matter how pretty they get. I got nothing against it. Just not my cup of tea.


"You're in luck. I'm going to hang out with Cord." He says after taking a good look.

"Can't resist all the girls hanging all over him?" My smirk was obvious.

Marc laughs, "You got it. I also want to know why he's all so charismatic all of the sudden."

"What sudden. It was probably the Flash Event. You can get some pretty weird combinations." I point at him, "like you..."

"Fuck off. I'm going to hang out with Cord." He laughs as he walks away.

I let him go without saying anything. I still had another fifteen minutes before I was done.

I grab the flat tubs full of mail and quickly sort them into the frame. I was getting the hang of this new route, or half route I guess. They still want me to check in at the Langevin Block at least once a day.

Fifteen minutes later and I was done. I walk into the washroom to wash my hands and grab a quick snack from the lunchroom.

The speakers come alive and blurt something out. I could never understand what they say.

I see my colleagues walk over to the supervisor put. I guess it was the five minutes talk.

I walk with the rest of the guys and Marc gives me a cup of Tim Horton's coffee and a donut. "What's this about?" I ask Marc.

"Blah blah blah. I'm sure there were actual words in there but..." He shrugs.

I sip my coffee and nod in agreement with him. Like he said, blah blah blah.

Dan our Superintendent walks out of the office with the supervisors, Dan, Dan, Mike and Danni.

I think only supervisors named Dan or Mike are allowed to work at Colonnade.

"Good Morning. How's everyone today?" Dan claps his hands together and smiles at us?

Everyone responds with a different reply.

"Great." He didn't care. Dan came up through the ranks. He was a good guy. He still took out the mail when we were short on bodies.

He still had a powerful build and worked out regularly. I knew he also had the Body Adept ability at least.

After giving us the latest doos and don'ts he pulls me over. I see the guys mob the donut table and talk to each other. They were digesting the latest doos and working out how to avoid the don'ts.

It was basically a bitch session and I was going to miss it.

"What's up, Dan?" I ask.

"Rene I want you to meet Nancy. She'll be riding with you today." He slaps me on the back and leaves quickly.

'Hmm. Not suspicious at all.' I think. I take a good look at Nancy. Blond, five feet ten. Could easily have been mistaken for a runway model. 'Whatever.'

I walk away and Nancy runs after me.

"Hi. Nancy Walker." She runs in front of me and extends her hand.

I give her a sideways five "Hi Nancy Walker." I keep walking to my frame. I still needed to tie-out my mail and load my Step Van.

"Mr. Wilder I get the impression you don't like me." She says with a flirtatious smile.

Now I knew something was up. "I don't know you miss Walker. I haven't had time to make a decision yet. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to ride with you." She says with big eyes twinkling and smiley teeth flashing.

"Fine. Nancy grab a cup of coffee and meet me at the docks in ten minutes, please." She left without arguing.

I grab the mail street by street and tie a rubber band around the bundle. A few minutes later the mail is in flat tubs and I roll out my rack to the dock.

Nancy was waiting for me with an extra cup of coffee. "Thank you." I take the cup and park the rack next to the other racks.

I walk to the far end of the parking lot by the fence and do a quick safety check on my Step Van. I get in and release the brake. I enter the mileage into my scanner and start the truck.

I finish the check and drive to the dock. I back up to the spot I left my rack. I unlock the cargo doors and use my telekinesis to slide the door.

Nancy was waiting by the rack. I jump out and start loading the mail. Nancy sips her coffee.

Mike walks by and laughs, "Looks like your helper has some experience." He keeps laughing at his joke.

He wasn't wrong. Nancy didn't offer to help. She was watching closely. But she didn't offer to help. Not that I need it. But why was she even here?

'Whatever.' I finish quickly and get ready to leave. Nancy was still sipping on her cup of coffee. "Coming?"

She smiles and gets into the passenger seat.

"Buckle up," I tell her as I pull out of the docks and leave the parking lot.

One thing for sure. She was no mailman.

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