《A Mailman as a Superhero》52. Going to ground...


Boston, Massachusetts.

F'ouh made it to a major city, finally. She could hide here. She found an abandoned building on the waterfront.

'Lots of places to hide here. I need to change my appearance.' She had grabbed a flyer plastered to a wall while she was running. It was a sunny beach with frolicking semi-clad females.

She used her minor ability to change her appearance. She didn't need to alter much. Rounded ears, a little bit around the eyes and fuller lips. 'There. That should help me pass for a human. Not that much different really.'

She looked at the flyer again. The models weren't wearing much. A string bikini. She knew that she would stand out if she programmed that appearance into the suit.

’Xerys do you have examples of female winter closing?' she asked the only information outlet she had access to.

{I have a large database on the subject. The population of this planet has access to a large variety in their choices for winter clothing.}

'Let's see what I have to work with?' she requested.

Xerys complied with her request and displayed the data according to the set preferences provided by User F'ouh.

'Lots and lots of choices. Too many in fact.' she sent a request to narrow the choices to the current region.

The choices only shrank by 25%. 'Still, this many. Is this all they do on this planet? Design and make clothes?' she found an outfit she liked and scanned it into the suit's memory. She then changed the power armour's outer appearance to match.

'Good enough. I need to find a proper dwelling.' she decided to wait until the inhabitants began to access the streets outside before she would venture forth.

Until then she decided to contact Me'peat. She needed a pickup. He was the only one with access to the necessary resources.


She sent a message to the Alvear councillor. She wanted to avoid using the Xerys System. He didn't need to know that she had switched to the local system.

She had a valid excuse ready if he asked why she used the backup communications net.

With the new Galactic System Administrator living on this planet, any message from the planet to anyone else outside the orbit can be intercepted.

The message detailed the failure of the assault. Her current status, and her need for a pickup.

She didn't want to spend the rest of her very long life stuck on this frozen mudball. She needed a pickup as soon as possible.

She couldn't stress how badly she needed to leave this savage world. She really needed a FUCKIN' PICKUP!!!

Far Justice

Far Side of the Moon


Councillor Me'peat's face popped up on the Armor's communications HUD.

*We were unprepared for the casual level of violence they bring to every confrontation. Instead of dying quietly they fight even harder. When you surprise them. They become vicious. Their response to a small display of force was absolutely out of proportion to the threat they faced. These are not reasonable people.* she reported angrily.

*Watch your tone Strike Leader.* the threat was meant to cow her.

Instead, she bared her teeth ready to rip out his throat. *You. Watch. Your. Tone. Councillor!*

'Bastard! This is all your fault for running blind with your panicked reactions. Had you better control over your own fear, we or I would not be in this position. Hiding from rabid primitives.' She hated this weak example of her proud race.

Me'peat was taken aback at her extreme reactions. 'Why is she this hostile? Has she been infected?' Instead of confronting her he tried to change the subject. *You have been given leave from your post. For 'Medical Reasons' due to the exposure from dealing with humans. Your service equipment and uniform have been returned and the medical officer has authorized your leave from active duty until you are recovered.* this was mostly to cover his tracks, not hers.


*I no longer care for such trivialities. Me'peat you have mishandled this minor problem badly. I don't wish to be a part of your panicked solutions. Get. Me. The. Fuck! Off. This Rock!!!* she screamed at the annoying pimple of ineptitude.

Me'peat was about to disconnect the communication channel. But F'ouh's angry glare promised retribution most dire if he did something that stupid.

He cleared his throat and coughed to hide his fear. He couldn't ignore her, nor could he get rid of her. She belonged to a powerful clan and everything was recorded. He would not be able to get away with it. Too much evidence has been documented. *Ah-ah-ah,* he paused and drank something to clear his suddenly dry throat. *A Sp'ydr ship will be picking you up shortly.* he promised and disconnected before she could threaten him some more.

He was not happy with this day at all. Every action he took has been correct. Yet due to incomplete intelligence, it has had unforeseen and disastrous consequences.

He was the highest ranking Alvear official present. His actions would not be judged fairly. Results counted. Results Mattered. His results have been to date abysmal.

He contacted the Sp'ydr Queen. Her fleet had cleared the system gate. It would not be long before she reached the planet.

'I unleash upon you the very tools you left behind.' He thought viciously. He picked up a glass of wine and saluted the unknown Aqit System Administrator. 'May your very tools destroy you!' He cursed.

The Sp'ydr race was a creation of the Aqit. They were all that was left behind when they escaped to this world.

After millions of years, they had evolved to be acknowledged as a race of the Galactic Federation separate from their creators.

F'ouh's POV

'It's clear. I cannot depend on this incompetent fool. If I am to survive in this world I must blend in.' She thought bitterly.

To survive she would need information. She needed to raid their data centers. Unlike the incompetent Me'peat, she would gather information before she acted.

'It's time to disappear.' She thought. It was better to lose a decade or two living among savages than to die young because stupid 'Leaders' were in charge.

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