《A Mailman as a Superhero》51. The Chase continues...


Northern New York State.

Bobby and Jolene had to fly higher to keep track of the target.

At this point, they could only track it on the map. It had picked up speed about a minute ago.

Bobby added the F35 pilot to the party.

Commander Bennington saw a mini-map popup on his mental HUD. There was a fast-moving dot flying in his direction.

Michael Benning shared the target information with the rest of his squadron.

"Here we go my fine young bucks. Contact in 30 seconds." He got himself ready for another fight.

This morning they mixed it up with a bunch of terrorist yahoos over Greenland and boy was that a surprise.

He got a few good abilities from that one. The Body Adept was amazing. It pushed your physicals to the human maximum of 50. Hell, every single person around the attack perimeter for about a hundred miles got that one for free.

He also picked up Flight level Alpha and Life Support Force Field Gamma Level. That just made sense to him.

When he got back to the Assault ship he checked with the rest of his squadron and they all picked up some type of flight ability.

The rest of the abilities were a mix and match of Telekinesis, Plasma projection or other types of energy projection abilities.

The less aggressive pilots got regeneration, spatial awareness or some kind of a sensor package.

He didn't want to water down his flight ability. Instead of going for quantity he min-maxed and chose quality.

"Alright, everyone the boggie is in stealth mode. No missile fire. Use your guns only." Commander Benning didn't think that there was anything man-sized that could survive the GUA-22 Gatling four-barrel 25 mm gun.

The only thing he was worried about were civilian casualties. They were lucky that this was rural Northern NY state. Lots of fighting room, true but this was still fighting over American soil.


"Hawk you have the Sensor ability. I want you to go first." Hawk acknowledged the order.

"You got it Skip." Hawk replied.

"Everyone try to shoot where he's shooting or if you see something or by some miracle, you can detect something do your best." Michael Benning heard Hawk begin his attack run.

"Guns. Guns. Guns!” Hawk began the attack.

'Good Luck to all of us!’ Michael thought as he followed after Hawk.

Strike Leader F'ouh POV

F'ouh detected the primitive fighters before they were in the range of firing their weapons.

She decided to change direction and head south towards the large cities that the local Xerys System recommended.

The primitive war machines used by the barbarians were surprisingly fast. They were also able to track her.

She suspected that someone was still on her tail. She couldn't detect them, but she was sure that the Omega level class individual she managed to evade was responsible.

'Looks like they are about to attack.' she smiled at their audacity. 'Bring it.' she thought.

The first flying machine began its attack run followed by the rest of the primitive war machines.

The insane rain of 25 mm streamed at her with at over 3000 kinetic slugs a minute.

Her power armor's force field held but the kinetic energy transfer punished her slim form. She was slammed into the ground until the first fighter passed.

Before she could recover she was hit again by the second fighter. 'I need to move now! Another pass and they will breach the force field.' she evaded the next fighter and began to evade the rest of the primitive yet highly dangerous fighters.

'Had this Alvear kin been using modern ammunition they would have had me.' she decided then and there that these warriors were worthy.


She started to run on the ground. She relied on her training to evade and her speed to see her through. Behind her, a plume of snow marked her passage.

The fighters were quick to take advantage. They harassed her at every turn.

'I need to thin out their numbers. If I don't I will not survive this encounter.'

The next fighter that got in range of her plasma cannon was blasted out of the sky. She saw the pilot eject and instead of falling down he was hovering over the crash site.

She used her suit's AI to intercept their communications.

*Who was that Hawk?*

*It's Remi Skip. He doesn't look too bad. He's just hovering over his ride.*

*Shit just got serious boys and girls. Time to get professional on its ass. Light her up!*

'Oh No, You Don't!'

No one's lighting this girl's ass. Whatever that was it didn't sound good. She decided to cut and run as fast as she could. She sent a mini-missile spread their way.

'Time to see what Alpha level speed feels like.' F'ouh ran as fast as she could. Behind her three more explosions lit up the sky.

She didn't need to look back the power armor could track that for her. She would analyze the recording later.

*Take it out! I don't care if you need to fire your entire spread.*

*I don't think we can catch her Skip. Its hit, Mach 3 and still accelerating. We can't match that.* Hawk was still able to track the boggie with his sensor ability, but he knew that soon it would be out if range.

*God Damn it! Jones! Anderson! Try to keep up. I want a direction. Don't like this sonova bitch!*

F'ouh saw three more figures eject from the fighters and one of them gave chase. 'Oh great! Another Alpha! How many Alphas are in this world. And why are they all after me?'

She didn't care. She found a straight stretch of road and pored on the speed. She left the primitive fighters behind and the only one left was the Alpha Flyer.

He was on his own. She could handle a single flyer in her sleep.

Low Earth Orbit.

Pierre saw the fight. His sensor ability was powerful enough to keep track of the fast-moving individuals.

He kept tracking the alien and he also kept an eye on the lone Alpha ability pilot that was still trying to track the target.

'I hope they let us in on this soon. I have a feeling that if we don't catch this one, it will be bringing in lots of trouble.'

Pierre stayed above the speeding pair. He would not lose them.

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