《A Mailman as a Superhero》50. The Chased...


Moira, NY.

The United States of America.

Strike Leader F'ouh ran as hard she could. The speedster that was chasing her had stopped suddenly. She wasn't sure why and she didn't care. This was the second time she matched up against this foe.

She could clearly see the improvement over the first encounter. She concluded that he had moved up in ability level. He was her match.

As she ran she noticed that the signs on the road were different. She knew that this world was different. They barely had the skeleton of a world government.

'Could it be that he stopped chasing me due to jurisdiction?' That was the only logical conclusion she could think of.

Another sign was coming up. This one said, Malone. She slowed down and let the power armor take over. As she regained her stamina she noticed an alert.

She mentally tapped the icon. {New system user detected...The user belongs to a different Xerys System...The user has the option to switch to the local Xerys System. Do you wish to proceed?}

'What's this? Switch over to a quarantined system? How insane...If I remember correctly Ae'url was able to break through the Beta stage to the Alpha level when she switched systems. The speedster that was chasing me also gained another level in ability in less than a few cycles.' F'ouh analyzed her options. The pluses and the minuses. 'I am on my own with no support. I do have a top of the line power armor. I do not have current information about this planet. The new system will have current information.'

In the end, she had little choice. It was switch and face quarantine, or don't switch and face capture, then face the loss of position and honour and still face quarantine.


User Preferences



Transfer Successful!

New User Detected!

Local Xerys System Available!

Does User Wish To Migrate?


F'ouh mentally tapped on the 'Yes' option. 'No choice really. Do or Die.'

New Ability Level Available!

By Eluding Capture


An Omega Class User

You Have Gained the Prerequisite Energy

To Proceed to the Next Level!

Do You Wish to Proceed?


'That I did not expect so soon. No wonder this star system is under quarantine. If the rest of the galaxy knew about this the planet would be flooded with every sentient trying to access this pristine Xerys System. I think I will keep this golden information molecule to myself.'

'Xerys what is my energy balance?' F'ouh didn't want to split her attention between evading pursuit and exploring a new system.

{You have enough energy to purchase three skills.}

'Do you have the minor ability 'Body Modification'? She asked.

{This Galactic Level ability is not yet available.}

'Do you have the capability to import a copy from the main system?' F'ouh really needed access to this ability. It was crucial for her future freedom if she wished to avoid capture.

{I have the capability to do a minor transfer. The cost is equivalent to a skill or minor ability.}

'Please make the ability available.' F'ouh requested.

New Minor Ability Available!

Body Modification Minor!

Do You Wish to Access

Minor Ability?

*Body Modification*


F'ouh mentally chose yes to acquire the minor ability.

{Minor Ability *Body Modification* acquired.}

'Thank you Xerys.' F'ouh marveled at the simplicity and responsiveness of the new system.

She did not think that she would have been able to reach this level on the clogged up Galactic System.

New Objective

Evade Capture From Gamma Level Pursuit!


Do You Wish To Accept


She now had a new objective. Get to safety.

Low Earth Orbit

Pierre took a moment to admire the Earth below. This was his first time in space and he wanted to savor it.

'Magnificent!’ he thought. 'Soon, we're going out there. Nothing is going to stop us.'

Back to business. He turned his gaze back down to earth. He could see the tiny target make its way across northeast NY.

Pierre saw exactly how far back both Bobby and Jolene were behind the alien.

Bobby replied.

Jolene explained how she got some assistance from a flight of F35s.

Pierre wasn't so sure. The power armor that AI-Rene's had analyzed before reconfiguring it for RCMP use was pretty advanced.

she giggled.

Pierre knew deep down that a flight of F35s was not going to be enough.

'There's gotta be a way to help these guys out. If they could only get us permission to help out.' Pierre was feeling frustrated with the whole jurisdiction mess. These were aliens. They should have a global response team able to go anywhere to face this threat.

He soon saw with his sensing ability the F35s enter the area from the Atlantic.

Jolene may have embellished how many aliens crossed the border. Just a tiny bit.

Pierre kept playing overwatch. He shared his intel with the Baxters and they, in turn, did the same with the F35s.

The two opposing forces were on a collision course. Less than 50 miles out the alien veered directly south. It also doubled its speed.

Pierre decided that he was now high enough to be considered in space and outside the jurisdiction of any single country.

He quickly covered the distance and got into a better position over the path the alien was taking on the ground.

Now it was just a matter of time before the action began.

Pierre prayed for the pilots. They had no idea what they were getting into.

If it wasn't for Rene's gift of sharing his power with him and JP, he too would have been outclassed. 'God watch over you.' It was all he could do.

For all his power he felt helpless.

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