《A Mailman as a Superhero》48. Assault Aftermath...


Langevin Block.

Ottawa, Canada

"Are all the elves in custody Chief?" Justin Trudeau asked the Chief Superintendent.

"Yes, sir. We have documented the entire episode. Four fugitives remain on the loose. We are tracking them down." Chief Daniel Levy explained.

"Thank you. Chief Levy. Please keep my office up to date on any development." He requested.

"Yes, sir." Chief Levy signed off.

"Alright, Jeff let's see what we're dealing with." Justin played the video of the takedown and arrest of the space invaders.

"We have a power armor unit now?" Jeff pointed out the obvious as eighteen RCMP SWAT members put the Red and White War Machine style armor on.

"Looks like. Thank you, Rene Wilder. The gift that keeps on giving." Justin was happy with the outcome. First Captain McLean takes care of the Nuclear Powerplants in Eastern Canada and Rene gives Canada its first Galactic Power Armor unit.

As the video comes to a close they see Rene arguing with his brother about a spaceship.

"There's no spaceship Pierre!" They heard Rene say and repeat.

Commander Wilder wasn't buying the argument and kept pushing.

Finally, Rene gets in his brother's face. "Pierre there's no spaceship. If you see a spaceship I'll let you have it. Do you see a spaceship anywhere?"

"No, I don't see a spaceship because it's an infiltration spaceship. Give it back. You aren't allowed to keep military-grade vehicles!” Commander Wilder insisted.

"If you don't see it and the aliens cannot locate it. It doesn't exist. I'll see you later."

Rene Wilder jumped and promptly disappeared.

"And you can't keep the power armor either," Pierre shouted at the now invisible brother.

Jack Stewart walked up to Commander Wilder and reported. "Every alien is now in custody. We have three untraceable aliens who we presume are elves. And Kieran Maloney is chasing a speeder all over southern Ontario. He could use some help."


"I thought Kieran can break the sound barrier on the ground?" Pierre asked.

"He can and so can the alien," Jack answered.

"You getting used to the power armor, Jack," Pierre asked.

"Oh yeah. The Mark I AI makes this feel effortless." Jack replied with a massive smile.

"You're welcome, Jack." Answered a voice form the armor.

"That doesn't sound like Rene's voice," Pierre noted.

"That's because I am not a Rene AI. Rene thought that you only needed a simpler AI to run the suit." The Mark I AI answered.

"You're aware?" Pierre asked the AI.

"Yes, sir. All male power armor pilots have a Mark I AI and all female power armor pilots have a Marcie AI." Mark I, informed Pierre.

"Thank you, Mark," Pierre told the AI.

"You're welcome, commander." It replied.

"Neat right? Anyway, can you help Kieran out? I know you're much faster than they are and you can fly." Jack requested.

"Yeah sure. There's no point going after Rene now. Once his mind is set on something there's nothing that can change that stubborn mind of his. Take care of everything while I'm gone." Pierre Wilder flew so fast that there wasn't even an afterimage left behind.

The video came to an end. There was another video from RCMP HQ after it.

"There goes a spaceship. I don't think Mr. Wilder will be giving up on that ship anytime soon." Jeff commented.

"Unfortunately you're right. We can't even fault commander Wilder for his handling of this crisis. He tried and let's face it. No one saw a spaceship and Rene will not even admit to a spaceship in the first place. It's a lost cause. For now. We did come out ahead. A full Power Armor detachment we didn't have before." Justin wasn't too unhappy with the outcome. It would be nice to have a spaceship.


He wasn't willing to prosecute someone as useful as the Wilders. He had no doubt that Commander Wilder would support his brother if push came to shove. After studying the information about skills and abilities available to the Xerys System Justin knew just how powerful an Omega class user was, let alone three in one family. What he also witnessed from Marie Wilder was nothing short of spectacular.

With that kind of support, he didn't think that they could force them to surrender a hypothetical spaceship.

There was also no doubt in his mind that there will be other opportunities to pick up another ship. In less than a day the Earth gained two spaceships. In two days, who knew?

"Play the other video, Jeff. I need to see this part as well before I make that other call. Second alien invasion in less than twelve hours. We need to set some boundaries for our space visitors." Justin watched as the RCMP HQ video played out.

They saw how the elves were processed. First, they were given clothes. Second, they were fed and last they were put in individual cells.

The Power Armor unit stood guard over every single elf. RCMP officers weren't about to take chances with super-powered aliens.

"That can't go on for too long," Jeff commented at the precautions taken by the RCMP.

Justin agreed. "Let's try a diplomatic solution first. We do have a liaison after all."

Jeff Reardon agreed. He also had forgotten that they had a liaison in the first place. It had been that level of hectic.

Justin went to the liaison party chat and contacted Strike Leader Ae'url.

Ae'url was currently flying over Russia in a stripped down dropship. They had just picked up Yuri's team and were about to drop him off at the next Russian nuclear power plant.

"Greetings Prime Minister. How may I assist?" She asked when she accepted the chat.

"Greetings Strike Leader Ae'url. We have another invasion situation. Would you know anything about that?" The Canadian Prime Minister began.

"Invasion? I will need more information before I can make an assessment Prime Minister." Ae'url sent a request for information and Justin sent her several videos of the battle and arrest. He left out the argument between the Wilders about the spaceship.

"I will contact Captain Fo'Rkon D'Um and request an update." Ae'url concluded. She didn't have enough information. The fact that the entire assault unit was Alvear was highly suspect.

Far Justice Cruiser

Captain Fo'Rkon received an emergency alert from Strike Leader Ae'url. Since her posting as a liaison officer what the Mechanoid had to report would be of critical importance.

"Report Strike Leader!" He commanded.

"Captain there has been an assassination attempt against the Alpha Omega class user Rene Wilder." Ae'url reported.

"What evidence do you possess to support this accusation Strike Leader?" Was the gruff reply.

"I will transmit my evidence now Captain." Ae'url transmitted the videos she received from the Canadian Prime Minister.

"I will review the evidence!" Captain Fo'Rkon kept Ae'url waiting while he did the review. When he was done the conclusion he came to was dire.

"Strike Leader invite the accuser to the chat." Captain Fo'Rkon was in for an unpleasant negotiation session. He knew for certain that the Alvear was to blame. Also without a doubt, the prisoners would have to stay on the planet. For they broke quarantine. The loss of Galactic technology was troubling. For now, there was nothing he could do about it.

"Greetings Captain Fo'Rkon." Justin Trudeau began.

"Greetings Prime Minister." At least the barbarian was polite thought the Drak'on Captain.

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