《A Mailman as a Superhero》47. Assault part 3...



Ottawa, Canada

"Rene a little help?" Pierre asked as he shielded a SWAT constable from a plasma blast.

"One sec. I'm almost done." Rene had inserted another AI packet into the fifth surviving Alvear merc.

"We need to get the flyers under control. Can you do something?" Pierre didn't know if Rene could do anything to help. Lately, he was pulling one impossible solution after another; straight out of his ass. It couldn't hurt to ask.

'Hey AI what do you think? You have more time to think about it than me.' Rene checked with his AI. It had more resources to work with than he did.

[[Try threatening them.]] AI explained the plan. Rene agreed. It might even work.

"Paul follow this flight path. Pierre, I'm sending you one as well. I want to herd them over the park." Rene explained over the party chat.

"On it." Pierre took off and started to circle the field while JP did the same from the other direction.

At first, the mercs tried to break out from his direction but when he summoned the blue sword they quickly veered off.

'Scarlett wide angle, please. I don't care about the damage. I'm running a bluff.'


Rene painted every individual. Including Pierre and Paul.

'Scarlett, please broadcast.'


"You will all surrender! Or you will be vaporized! You have five seconds to decide!" Rene began a count of five.

The Mercs AI power armor assistants began to scream a warning. They displayed the energy levels the Alpha Omega was about to unleash. The unanimous recommendation was: Surrender!

All eighteen Mercs landed in front of Rene. Rene touched every merc. Every time he touched a merc he inserted an AI to take over a power armor.


"Pierre get eighteen officers ready. They're going to become power armor troopers." Rene kept pointing his the business end of the plasma cannon at the alien Mercs.

No one dared move.

"Why only eighteen? Didn't we take down twenty-one?" Pierre did a quick headcount.

"One has is a Marie android. Another is a copy of mine. Android 2.0 so to speak. The last one is a protective shell for Marie.

"Why do you need another android copy of you?" Pierre called Jack over. "I'm not buying your logic. Lose the droid."

"Make me. I'm out of Fucks! To! Give! These bastards came after me. It stops here bro." Rene let anger show. Enough was enough. Anyone trying to walk all over him is in for some pain.

"You better get some blankets for the naked elf girls." Rene walked away with Marie and Paul beside him.

"Where are we going to live now dad?" Paul asked.

"I hear there's a place available by the Rideau River." Rene turned to Marie, "wanna give me a lift babe?"

"Sure. Where are we really going, Rene?" She asked?

"I'm serious. AI can you still change into an armor?" He knew he could.

"Sure." The Android reformed into a War Machine Power Armor design. Rene walked in and the armor reformed around his body.

"Follow me." He told his family while his brother was distracted.

A flag on the mini-map appeared. "That's where we're going." It took less than a minute to reach the ship. Rene could see the projected outline.

He landed on top of the ship and inserted a few AIa as soon as touched the ship. Rene, Marie and Scarlett AIs attacked the spaceships simple AI.


He then jumped down and waited for the AIs to do their job.

"You want to live? In that?" Marie asked not believing her husband's audacity.

"Not so much live as getting even with these guys. It's staying in stealth mode, but overall think of it as a camper." Rene was trying to convince a reluctant Marie. He knew how she thought. To her this was theft.

As far as he was concerned this is war. And that ship was a spoil of war.

The airlock popped open. "In you go." He leads the way inside.

Reluctantly his family followed. As the ship closed its airlock Rene ordered it to move above his house. He could monitor the situation from the ship.

Paul was looking around everywhere. On the inside, the elf ship was full of green growing planets. The soft lights were soothing. It looked more like a picnic area than a spaceship.

"Where are we going to sleep?" Not on the grass he wasn't. The seats looked like a high-tech version of a lazy boy.

[We are reconfiguring the living quarters to your family's requirements.] Scarlett announced over the ship's speakers

"Can you rebuild my PS4?" He begged.

[The device, yes. The data, no.]

"GOD DAMN IT!" Paul was not a happy camper.

"Jean Paul. That is quite enough mon fils.” Marie gently reprimanded her son.

"Sorry maman." Paul apologized. "I'm going to pick a room."

Marie saw Paul leave to explore below the ship's decks. She stayed near Rene to keep him from getting out of control, or more out of control.

She didn't know what Rene went through today. It must have been traumatic because he was clearly becoming unhinged. "Cherie, could you please calm down? Tell me about your day, please." Marie led Rene to a two-person recliner that formed around the display showing the chaos around her neighbourhood.

RCMP officers and volunteers were keeping the neighbours indoors. Checking the damage. RCMP vehicles were picking up the naked elves and taking them somewhere. She really didn't care where? So long as it wasn't near her home.

"There's still four more unaccounted for. The ship logs show twenty-five individuals and I can only verify the locations of twenty-one." Rene was taking a deep breath to calm down his shattered nerves. If it wasn't for Marie's healing and regeneration abilities he would have been dead.

"You know, Pierre won't let us keep the ship," Marie said reasonably.

"What ship? This doesn't exist." Rene insisted.

"Don't be difficult mom amour." She hugged him and gently kissed him.

"You don't fight fair Marie. They're still not taking the camper." He gave her a wicked smile.

Marie gave up for now. He was stubborn. Like all men. Until he stopped being like that she would let him be. "Do you want to join me in exploring the 'Camper.'?" She got up and walked away. She put a heavy sway into her hips as she slowly left the top deck. Rene's eyes followed her.

'I am still not giving up my camper!' He doubled down but followed the hypnotic swaying hips. He was no one's fool. She was probably going to use sex to change his mind. It wouldn't work, but he would let her try as much as she wanted. It was only fair.

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