《A Mailman as a Superhero》46. Assault part 2...



Ottawa, Canada

[[Pierre someone is attacking the house with energy weapons!]]

"How? The only people with energy weapons are the aliens."

[[Aw crap. Someone just blasted the side of the house. Gotta go!"]]

"Fuckin' Hell! Jack! Is Kieran still with you?" Pierre checked the party chat and his mini-map. 'Damn this stuff is useful.'

"He is Pete. What's up?" Jack Stewart was filling out a report about the Bertona Park fight.

"Rene's place just got hit by energy blasters. Get SWAT to me us at his place my place on Donald." Pierre was already racing out of his office to the nearest exit out of the building.

"Why your place? I thought it was Rene the one in trouble?" He switched from party chat and looked at constable Maloney, "Kieran. Get SWAT to meet us at Pierre's place on Donald."

"Rene's across the street from me. If you head for my place you'll be able to see the fight on the street." Pierre made it outside and flew as high and as fast as he could towards his brother's place.

He could see JP already lighting up the sky with a huge lightning display.

[[Be careful Pierre. There's a lot of them. I'm highlighting targets.]] AI avatar warned him.

"Whoa! That's a lot. Where did they come from?"

[[Maybe? Space? Where else do you think they're from?]]

"You know for someone who's in trouble you're kinda mouthy." Pierre picked a target and went into raming speed.

He hit the target and watched as it crashed. He picked another and lined it up for another charge. He saw JP rampage all over the place.

"Wow! JP tone it down. You're about to level the neighbourhood."

"They blew up my PS4 uncle Pierre. MY SAVED GAMES! GONE! MY RANKING! GONE!" every time Paul stressed the word gone a target went down. Between Pierre and Paul, six targets were already on the ground. Some smashed. Others a smoking charred corpses.

"HEY! I SAID TONE IT DOWN NOW! Where are your parents?"

"My parents? Oh No! Mom and Dad? Where are they?" Paul started to fly like a headless chicken looking for his parents.

The Mercs tried their best to avoid the ball of lightning that was flying in the most random pattern anyone has ever seen.

"JP! Calm down! Check the mini-map." Pierre followed his own advice as he circled the combat zone.

On the map, he saw that Rene and Marie were on the football field behind the Overbrook community center.

"Got 'em. Follow me." Pierre flew in his brother's direction. He saw Marie getting smashed into the ground by the two outlined targets. A third target was used as a club to hit the targets.

Pierre lined up on one opponent and rammed it straight into the ground at full speed. He scattered the other in his wake.

He flew out of the hole in the snow in time to see Rene getting skewered by two blue energy swords. 'Oh no! He's about to blow.'

Marie raced through the snow to Rene. Pierre saw the guy Rene used as a club get up. He was lining up Rene for a shot.


"NO!” Pierre rammed the asshole at match 5. He sent him flying towards the goal posts.

When he turned towards Rene and Marie, he saw Marie use a flying kick to get one off. It left the sword behind.

JP blasted the alien before it even hit the ground. Pierre rammed the other one.

Rene grabbed the alien in mid-air with a telekinetic grip and him straight up.

Rene fired his planetary plasma cannon at the alien before it could get away. It was like using a nuclear bomb to swat a fly.

The blast lit up the entire football field. "That's a flare everyone should see for miles around."

Pierre flew towards his brother and sister-in-law. Marie's glowing hands were over Rene's sides.

Rene saw Pierre fly over. "Grab that sword." Rene was removing the other.

Pierre gripped the sword and pulled slowly. *Connection established.*

"What's going on?" Pierre kept pulling the sword out despite the odd tingles going up and down his arms.

"They...they're" Rene was struggling with the sword he was removing. He pulled it out hand over hand until it was almost out. With a final grunt, he pulled out his sword. "They're bonded swords. I used a couple of AI packets to disrupt the bonds." Rene was huffing and puffing.

Pierre could see the smoking wounds close up slowly. He also saw the glow from Marie's hands intensify.

"That, that's from Marie. She's using her regeneration ability. I also copied her ability to so you know, I don't die."

[[Would you forget about the flying crap already. It was either regeneration or death. Now you get to live with it. Asshole.]]

"Jeez, Rene you're even an asshole to yourself. Now explain the swords!" Pierre saw JP and the other RCMP fast movers get in on the action. They were keeping the rest of the aliens off their backs.

"They're bonded weapons. Science their previous owners are dead my AI in the sword took over the swords programming. Congrats bro. You've got yourself a disruptor energy sword." Rene raised the sword over his head. "Watch this!" With another deep breath, he said, "By the power of ME!" There was a large zap and the sword disappeared.

"Would you just stop with the assholery. You almost died!" Pierre was getting pissed off.

"No, I didn't." Rene winced as Marie jabbed his punctured side.

"Yes, you did. Stop playing around." She hit him again. "You scared me to death you asshole."

"It's just a flesh wound." He smiled at her.

"Quoting Monty Python isn't helping. But if you can joke it means that the worst is over. At least you stopped coughing up blood." Marie examined Rene's sides again.

"You do good work. Mrs. Wilder." He pulled her close for a hug and a kiss.

"Do you know why they're after you?" Pierre asked.

"Let's find out. There's the one you plowed into the snow. I think he's still kinda intact." Rene led the way towards R'unk's buried body.

"How do I make the sword disappear." He slugged Rene on the other shoulder, "I'm warning you. I'm not saying that crap."


"He he he." Rene laughed at his brother. "Say Marie are you the one controlling the pain? All I can feel is this euphoric feeling. It's making me high."

"Oui. C'est Moi." She kissed his cheek. "And if you don't behave I am going to stop."

"Ok. Ok. I'll stop." He giggled like a little girl.

"Wow, Marie. What kind of narcotics are you using?" Pierre asked.

"No narcotics Pierre. C'est just moi. My healing ability has a euphoric side effect. I'm worried that it could be addictive." Marie explained.

"Nice." He slugged Rene's shoulder again. "Rene! The sword!" Pierre could see that his brother needed time to recover.

"Just will it away. Hold on. It's like this." Rene sent the AI in the sword to begin the process. When it was done Pierre saw how that was done. He summoned and unsummoned the sword a couple of times. "This will come in handy. At least I can stop ramming these guys and use the sword from now on."

They reached the alien. Rene held up a hand as Jack Stewart came at a run. "Gimme a sec here Jack." Rene stopped the officer from speaking. He reached down and inserted an AI packet into the alien's power armor."This will take a minute. So what's up Jack?"

Jack ignored the none RCMP Wilder and spoke to Pierre. "Pete there's too many of these guys flying around. If it wasn't for the kid we would have been toast by now."

"Give us a minute Jack. I want to know why these guys are back? And why they're blowing up the neighbourhood?" Pierre turned to Rene, "anything yet?"

"Almost done." Rene could see the power armor melt off the alien. It was another Space Elf.

Pierre reached down and grabbed the naked elf by the neck. "Why are you here?" Pierre thanked the Xerys System for the auto-translation service. Without it, this would have been impossible.

The elf struggled and chocked in Pierre's grip for a minute before he dropped the naked shivering elf into the snow. "Talk, or freeze. I don't care." Pierre shrugged. He hoped that the elf got the message.

"H him...w we're here for hi him." The shivering elf was trembling from the fear, cold and from the hits he took.

"Pierre stop bullying him." Marie chided her brother-in-law. "Here, let me help." Marie used her healing ability on the miserable looking elf.

'As soon as the euphoric effect starts working ask him your questions again.' Marie used the party chat to communicate with Pierre.

'Ooh. You're sneaky. You're obviously the brains in the family.' Pierre smiled and waited for the euphoria to hit the elf.

'Was there any doubt. I want to know why these mechant. These wicked ones attacked my home.' She explained.

A minute later an AI Android emerged from the snow. This one looked like Marie. "Cherie. What's that?" Marie asked Rene?

"That's your AI. I backed up your memories and activated another AI to help you. You can also use it as the Iron Man power armor. Or maybe the Iron Woman?" Rene explained.

"Wear it?" Marie's eyes blazed in anger. ”Fou!” she slugged his shoulder.

"Aiiii. That hurt Marie." Rene rubbed his shoulder. He needed to remember that Marie was a lot tougher than she used to be. He decided not to piss her off until she calmed down.

Jack Stewart turned around looked at the sky and the fighting taking place around them. Anywhere but the Wilders. "Pierre." He said urgently.

"I see them, Jack." Pierre knew what was going around him. His sensory ability didn't miss much. He needed the information in this elf's head.

"Say, what's your name?" Pierre asked the naked elf. He stopped shivering.

"Oooh. It's not cold anymore." R'unk looked. Pierre asked again.

"Your name?"

"My name is R'unk!” he declared loudly.

"Why are you shouting R'unk?" Pierre asked.

"Because I am a mighty Mercenary. You wild Alvear should respect me. Now Alvear monkey!" R'unk giggled like a demented scout hopped up on sugar cookies.

"Maybe later. Why are you here Mighty R'unk?" Pierre asked casually?

"We were hired to neutralize the Alpha Omega." He pointed at Rene. "We almost did it too. My unit has never failed. Our sword mistresses could neutralize anyone. Those swords are scary." R'unk looked around, "where are the mistresses?" He couldn't see them. Or the swords.

"Was there anyone else on your target list?" Pierre wanted to know if he was the next target.

"No. Not for this location. Someone else is going after the target in the ocean. You know. If they told me there were so many Omega class powerhouses here. I wouldn't have taken the contract. No matter how much they offered." R'unk told Pierre in a whisper.

[[Rene tell me what that looks like?]] AI avatar asked.

Rene looked at the SIM map of the area. He narrowed the view to where the avatar was pointing. 'That looks bigger than the dropship. A full spaceship maybe?'

[[I think so.]]

[I concur. That looks like the outline of an Alvear infiltration ship.] Scarlett explained.

"How did you get here R'unk?" Pierre continued with the interrogation.

"We used our ship? Hey, I think I am starting to feel the cold again. Do you think I can get another buff?" He looked at Pierre with puppy eyes.

"Sure. Where did you park the ship?" Pierre asked friendly-like?

"Oh no. Get me my buff first." R'unk turned his back. This conversation was over until he got another hit of the good stuff.

Pierre sighed. He turned to Marie and asked with his eyes if she was willing.

Marie rolled her eyes but walked over and hit the elf with another does anyway. She really wanted these assholes gone.

As the warmth and euphoria hit the elf Rene shouted. "It's by the Rideau River."

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