《A Mailman as a Superhero》44. Decisions...


Far Justice

Counselor Me'peat waited until the last Alvear entered his private suite.

As soon as Science officer De'rew sat down he started the meeting. He had a special party created for this sensitive and dangerous meeting.

The new Leader of Strike Group Two F'ouh spoke up.

Me'peat stressed every word. He wanted to make sure that every Alvear understood this crucial fact.

He saw heads nod in agreement. Even the new Strike Group Leader.

Me'peat outlined the plan they were to follow. Every Alvear had a role to play. He sent a signal to the cloaked ships in the star system to begin their part of this operation.

Some ships went to the outer-planets while others were to establish bases in the asteroid belt. One specific ship would be assigned the critical role of planetary infiltration.

Me'peat saw F'ouh gather her courage. She gave Me'peat an Alvear salute and left the counselor's chambers.

Dallas/Fort Worth


FBI agent in charge Nelson Rook drove his government SUV with the lights flashing.

He saw the tail end of the Longhorns of the Fort Worth Herd as they were led off by the Cowboys.

He parked his SUV beside the Rangers Command post. The agents opened the doors and stepped into the gifts left behind by the Herd.

Nelson swore and wiped his shoes. The other agents were careful where they placed their steps.

Sgt Jimmy Rivera hid a smile. Someone stepping into a steaming pile was funny. He saw Harlan frown. He removed his smile and put on his serious face.

"Howdy." He said

"Agent in charge Nelson Rook. I'm supposed to meet a Navy Lieutenant by the name of Price." Nelson was about to shake the ranger's hand when someone said, "Agent could you please turn off your lights?"

Nelson saw that the man who made the request was the Rangers Company Commander. "Certainly sir. Prescott."

Agent Prescott went back into the SUV and turned off the lights.


"The Lieutenant is in the crater." Harlan Sinclair waved the agent over.

"What are you doing here Nelson?" Harlan whispered.

"Hi, Harlan. Got my orders straight from the top. I'm to assist the Lieutenant with whatever he needs. Can you bring me up to speed?"

Sinclair took a minute to explain what the Seals and their guests were doing. He left out the part about the Herd. That would go into his report to the Governor.

"Thanks, Harlan. I owe you." Nelson made his way carefully through the steaming piles of cow manure. When he got to the edge he saw soldiers go in and out of a black shadowy transport. He was told to expect that there would be a spaceship at the site but seeing, or barely so, is believing.

He saw that someone was building something around the crash site. They looked like seats. With boosters.

He saw Lieutenant Price talking to an officer with a Canadian flag on the sleeve of his combat armor. 'That would be McLean.' He then saw the blonde woman between the two men. 'Hastings.' He jumped into the crater and walked over. He still marveled at the ease of how his new muscles were able to do what he considered to be movie magic.

The three officers saw his jump and stopped talking when they saw him walk over.

"Lieutenant Price I am Agent in charge Nelson." He introduced himself.

"The Liasion from the FBI?" Andy knew who the man was. Command had sent him the info through the Xerys chat.

"Yes, I'm here to make sure you won't have a problem operating on US soil. The HSD guy should be here soon to help out as well." Nelson looked around and waved at the seats in the center. "What's going on?"

"We just got word that when the flash went off it shut down the power grid."


"Yeah, the power went out in the Dallas, FBI HQ when it did. But it's back on now." Nelson told them.

"Hydro-electric, solar and wind generators are back on, but not the nuclear powerplants. They're scrambling everything to stop them from going into a critical meltdown." Andy explained.

"Holy...No wonder you were given top priority. What can I do to help?" Nelson was horrified at the prospect of every nuclear powerplant pulling a three-mile island.

"That's about the size of it. Joe over there..." Andy pointed at Joe Wilder as he redesigned the dropship seats and floor into twelve separate vehicles. Each with a couple of micro-fusion plants and an anti-gravity drive.

"Joe is getting those things ready now. We'll be dropping them all over the world. Twelve will start here in the US and the other four will go to Canada, England, Europe, and Russia. As soon as those plants are secured we're to make our way to Australia, Japan, Korea, and China. So on and so forth. Get as much coverage as possible." Andy explained the basic points of Joe's plan.

"What are those things supposed to do?" Nelson had no clue what a couple of seats were supposed to do.

The seats are just to carry the operators. The main thing here is to get the micro-fusion plants hooked up to the powerplants power grid. Just long enough to remove the nuclear rods and stop the pile from going critical. The dropship will be racing around the globe dropping and picking up those boys. It may not be enough, but there are others working to come up with another workaround."

Joe got everyone to gather around, "This is going to be brute force. All you're going to do is hooking up the micro powerplants to restore power long enough to remove the rods. That's it." Joe pointed out the connections and where to attach them. "These units are self-contained. They also come with an AI. We drop you over the target. We don't even slow down. Get down as fast as you can. AI is your guide. The ground crews have been altered and are waiting for you. Get in there. Attach the power and wait with the unit the rods are removed." Joe saw that everyone was hanging on to every word. They all knew how serious this was. "Yuri, we will be picking up your support crew from the recovery base. Their job is to smooth your way. You leave no matter what to the next site. A crew member will stay behind to run interference. These units cannot get lost in the bureaucracy. The Moment you lose control, it will explode."

"Da! Yuri understand. Boom!" Yuri mimed an explosion with his hands.

"Clive you and Captain Hastings have two units to work with." Joe saw the British scientist nod his head. "Start at Dounreay and make your way south to Winfrith. When you're done with the British Isles hop over to France and repeat. Yuri Start at Kola and make your way south to Germany. Clive coordinate with Yuri, please. I know that you two have worked before." Joe took a moment for the information to sink in. "One last item. Anyone with a Telekinetic ability is an asset. Worse come to worst. Pull the rods out telekinetically. Damage be damned. Any questions?"

It was a silly question. Of course, there were questions. Joe held up his hands. "Hold on. First, I'm available. I will be monitoring every unit with Ae'url. Every AI will be able to answer any question about the technical aspect of any hookup you encounter. Let's go. Standing room only."

The soldiers quickly loaded up the units and boarded the dropship. Like Joe said, standing room only.

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