《A Mailman as a Superhero》41. The other Fragments...


Far Justice.

Far Side of the Moon.

Captain Fo'Rkon was debriefing the Strike Group Leaders.

"Strike Group Three. Strike Group Leader Ru'ue report." Barked the captain.

"Sir. The third fragment has been rendered inert. We were unable to retrieve the fragment, but with the assistance of the same Omega Party that was the contact for Strike Group One the mission is a success."

"How was the fragment rendered inert?" Asked the captain.

"They had a sub-administrator. He was the contact point for a new sentient race born from the energy that was leaking from the fragment. Strike Group Leader Ae'url was present as well. She was the sub-administrators companian. He removed the remaining energy from the fragment."

"Where is the fragment now?" Fo'Rkon asked.

"It has been given to the new quadruped race that gained sentience due to the fragments influence." Strike Group Leader Ru'ue was done.

"Unsatisfactory result. Why did you not retrieve the fragment before the malignant energy twisted the new race created?"

"There were thousands of this new race around the crash site. The humans were also present in high numbers." SGL Ru'ue defended her decision.

Captain Fo'Rkon was not happy with the Alvear Strike Group Leader. To date, the Alvear as a group was preformipe subpar. He didn't like it. It was suspicious.

He grunted and moved on to the next Strike Group.

"Strike Group Four. Your report." He snapped. Fo'Rkon realized his error and used his meditation ability to regain control.

Strike Group Leader Sa'art was the Drak'on the leader for Strike Group Five. It uncoiled its body and reported. "The fourth fragment is no more. It has dissolved into the ocean."

"Anything else to report?" Again the situation was unsatisfactory. This time the news was delivered by his progeny.

"We have discovered why this planet was the target of the renegade Administrator." Sa'art shared a visual recording of a giant being swimming peacefully in the Pacific ocean. It was the Blue Whale. The new Galactic Federation Administrator.

Captain Fo'Rkon swore. "An Acquit!" The visual evidence of the Acquit elder swimming in the water shook the Drak'on the officer. "They have withdrawn from the Galactic Federation for well over a Million cycles. How did it react to your presence?"


"The elder was very polite and respectful. It greeted respectfully as representatives of the Galactic Federation. It used the Local Xerys System."

"All this misery and atrocity that was the result of the previous usage of the prohibited technology can now be explained." The Drak'on captain hissed.

"Maybe you could explain your conclusions to the rest of us Captain Fo'Rkon." Councillor Me'peat asked.

"I would presume councilor that would be data, that someone in your position would be most familiar with?" Hisses continued to slip from Fo'Rkon due to his loss of complete control over his emotions.

"Humor my inquiry captain." Me'peat smiled.

"Long ago. Millions of years in the past the Acquit were proud members of the Galactic Federation. Something..." Captain Fo'Rkon looked in Me'peat's direction. "... poisoned the Xerys System. It exclusively attacked one race. The only race that was qualified to be the next Administrators for the Xerys System. It took a few millennia to take effect, but in the end, it did. The Acquit was forced to withdraw from the Federation or face extinction."

"A somewhat accurate rendering of the information. You also failed to mention that the Rogue Administrator was a friend of the Acquit. That from that moment on, they have been experimenting on planets with the potential to become members of the Galactic Federation in order to heal the poisoning that still affects the Acquit to this moment." Councillor Me'peat explained from his biased point of view.

"The evidence suggests that the experiment has met with some success. The Humans and the Acquit are now part of this partial system. They do not appear to have self-destructed. The Acquit would have little problem adjusting to Xerys." Captain Fo'Rkon added.

"So it would seem." Councillor Me'peat agreed.

"What is the status of the Rogue Administrator?" The captain asked the Science officer.

The Alvear began to make inquiries from the Xerys System, "The Administrator has begun the ascension process. They are no longer reachable. Xerys is broadcasting the process to the Galactic Federation."

Captain Fo'Rkon made a note to view the recording in private. "Has a new Administrator been appointed as a replacement?"

"The information is under a timed release." The Alvear reported.

"Of course it is." Fo'Rkon knew what the future would soon be like. Complete and utter Chaos.


"Strike Group Leader Sa'art, Strike Group Five Report!" Fo'Rkon ordered.

"Captain Strike Group Five was successful. The fragment crashed into the Himalayan Mountains chain. The area is desolate. No one lives in this area. We encountered no opposition during the retrieval mission." The Drak'on Strike Group Leader reported.

"Satisfactory. What is the status of the fragment?" Fo'Rkon requested.

"The fragment has been destroyed." The captain gave him a grunt to acknowledge his satisfaction.

"Strike Group Leader Zu'rean, Strike Group Six report." Fo'Rkon glowered at the Around.

"The sixth fragment fell into the Mariana Trench. This location is 11 Terran units beneath the great ocean. The dropship AI deployed force fields to deal with the pressure at the bottom of the ocean. We followed the energy trail to another Galactic Federation citizen. The fragment was in the possession of another Acquit. This one was a builder sub-species. A Kraken. It greeted the Strike Group and asked what we're doing in its home. We explained the nature of our mission and explained the dangerous nature of the fragment. The Kraken crushed the fragment and the molecular bots merged with the builder Acquit. When the merger was complete it requested we vacate its home. Since there was nothing left to retrieve the Strike Group left."

"Another unsatisfactory outcome." Fo'Rkon turned to Me'peat, "Councillor establish a communications channel with the Kraken. From the database intelligence, the Kraken was responsible for building the Acquit organic spacecraft." He then moved on to the next Strike Group. Another group led by the Alvear.

"Strike Group Seven, Strike Group Leader Go'ben report!"

The Strike Group Leader began by clearing her throat. "The seventh fragment crashed into a Japanese mountain. When the dropship reached the crash site we detected a primitive native village. The trail of energy from the fragment led to the village."

Go'ben instructed the AI to replay what happened next.

Fo'Rkon didn't like that. The Alvear wanted to make sure that the actions taken were properly presented.

"As you can see, we landed near the village. We did not detect any technology anywhere in the village. The fragment was placed on a dais in the center of the village. When we landed at the outskirts of the village, the guard on duty looked at the dropship."

"Was the dropship in stealth mode?" Fo'Rkon asked.

"Yes, Captain. It was later determined that the guard had chosen the spacial awareness ability. When the Strike Group went to retrieve the fragment, he stood in the way and bowed in greeting."

Fo'Rkon could see for himself the native bowing to the invisible troopers.

He then saw that the village square was filling up with villagers.

The villagers turned to the Strike Group and bowed together.

"As you can see, we discovered later that all the villagers had chosen some form of awareness. They alda had enough energy to choose a second Gamma ability. The elders preferred Regeneration, and the young ones had a mix between speed, Telekinesis and body adepts."

Fo'Rkon saw an elder with a long white beard wearing a white robe approach the Strike Group. He bowed to Go'ben. When he stood up, the elder used the Xerys System to communicate with the Troopers. "What was the result of the discussion?" He asked.

"Captain they were willing to return the fragment for a consideration," Go'ben replied.

"What is the consideration?" Usually, primitives demanded. These humans, however, had too many behavioral patterns that matched the Alvear.

"He asked that we place a trading post in the village when the planet becomes eligible to receive a trading post."

"You agreed," Fo'Rkon asked.

"I agreed. The elder returned the fragment without any other demand. The fragment was properly destroyed." Go'ben bowed at the end of her report.

"Satisfactory." It was satisfactory. He could not find fault with the Alvear's actions. "Strike Group Eight, Strike Group Leader La'ku report!"

The Around Strike Leader acknowledged the order and reported, "the last fragment crashed into the Gobi desert. There was no one close to the mission area. The fragment was successfully retrieved and destroyed."

"Satisfactory. Strike Group Leaders you are dismissed." Captain Fo'Rkon left the debriefing chamber and made his way to the bridge. This entire operation left a bad taste. He knew that the report he would make to the sector chief would not be happy nor would it be a satisfactory one.

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