《A Mailman as a Superhero》40. The Fourth Fragment...


Ottawa, Canada

Rene sat at a table in the corner of the Pizzeria. He took a drink from the Moosehead Canadian Lager. "Ahh." He put the bottle down and grabbed the hot sauce and covered the fresh from the stone oven, hot slice of pepperoni pizza until the sauce covered the melted cheese.

He let it sit for a minute while the hot sauce mixed with the cheese. He finished the bottle and put it down beside the other empty.

Robbie walked up to the table and put down a couple of bottles. This time it was the pale ale. He had a plate of his own.

"Why the long face? And why are you still in uniform?" He asked.

Rene shrugged, "it's been a day of ups and downs. Highs and lows..."

"Yeah, yeah smooth and crunchy. I get it. Now get to the point." Robbie twisted the cap off the Moosehead and took a swig.

Behind him, the landline for the Pizzeria rang a couple of times before someone picked up. "Johnny's what can I get you?" Asked one of the drivers.

Rene told Robbie his story from beginning to end.

When he was done Robbie said, "So you're the one. You're the asshole who put me into this family party deal." The smile took the edge off.

"Yeah well if I couldn't help keep my family safe from the coming shitstorm, what's the point?" Rene and Robbie laughed. "So what did you choose for your beta ability?"

"Haven't." He took a bite from his slice and chewed slowly. Rene didn't rush him. He also didn't expect an answer until he was done his meal. Robbie was like that.

Jacob came up to Robbie and gave him a food order. Robbie wiped his hands on his apron and took the paper slip. "Them again!"

"Yeah well, she said she'd pay you back later. That and her kids are hungry." Jacob shrugged. He knew Robbie would cave and send this customer some food. Maybe not what she ordered, but he would still send them something. Robbie had a weakness for kids.

Rene saw the address on the slip. "You still sending Janice free food?" From time to time Rene helped out at the Pizzeria. He knew Robbie's drama by heart.

"Yeah. Yeah. I don't wanna hear it." He turned to Jacob and said, "send them a bag of fries, salads and a couple of chickens. No pop. It's bad for you."

"Funny. You don't say that to the other customers." Jacob baited his cousin.

Johnny's Pizzeria was a family run joint. Even those who aren't family, after a while they become family.

"Those...Are paying customers. Janice ain't."

"It's your fault. You keep sending them food and not taking money. She's gonna take advantage." Robbie's glare silenced the outspoken Jacob. "Whatever." Jacob went to the kitchen to fill the order.


After finishing his slice, "Why haven't you choose an ability yet?"

"I don't trust anything that promises something like that for free." Robbie snorted at Rene's gullibility.

"It's not free. I've already paid the price. Go ahead and chose something." Rene glared at the man until he got the point.

"I'll think about it." That was the best he was going to get. He watched as Robbie took his plate, gathered up the empties and went to the kitchen.

Johnny's was busy. The Pizzeria closed only two days of the year. Christmas and Easter. People could depend on Johnny's. It never let them down.

Rene sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. He was contemplating what the future was going to be like. It had been just over twelve hours since the first flash and the day was still not done.

Marie was still at the hospital, but they were going to let her go home in a couple of hours. Monfort Hospital wasn't too far. He decided to close his eyes for a few minutes before heading out.

The Pacific Ocean.

Southern California.

The Blue whale was finally done organizing his kin. The fourth fragment from the artifact had homed in on this ancient creature.

When the artifact struck his body he was about to dive after a concentration of krill.

This fragment was the largest fragment that survived the encounter with the Far Justice.

When the fragment broke down to the molecular level inside the whale, its first order of business was to repair all damage done to this proud and ancient species.

When it was finished restructuring the whale it waited for the host to awaken.

*How awkward. I haven't felt this sensation in a million years. Xerys status.*

[Xerys System is operational. Xerys System has a message from the creator.]

*Start the message.*

[Starting message...

(Salutations old friend. I haven't much time left. My assertion is nearly complete. I have awakened the genetic memories in your descendant and combined it with the last stored memory you left behind.)

*Greetings Administrator. It has been a long time. Any longer and my people would have vanished in a few millennia.*

(That saddens me greatly. Yours was one of the more important Galactic Federation members when I first took the responsibility passed to me by the previous holder of the Xerys System Administrator.)

*Everything has a beginning and an ending.*

(True. I am the last of my people. It is time for me to move on. I contain the entire potential of my race and when I ascend I will have guaranteed that my race will continue the journey as set by the Creator of all. My last act will be to pass the responsibility of administering the Xerys System to your people as you have agreed long ago.)

*At least this fresh copy of Xerys does not contain the pollution that drove my people away from the Galactic Federation.*


(This is my gift to you. This will also allow your people to rejoin the Xerys System without fearing the madness that attacked your people when the Galactic Xerys System was poisoned. Since then I have found the culprit for the poisoning. It was the Alvear. They drove your people away. They knew that the Administration would be passed on to your people. They poisoned the system to affect only your race.)

*We had suspected as much. When we withdrew from Galactic Society they continued their covert war against us. They visited our home world a few millennia after we left and they altered our land siblings. They found a few species that they could alter, and infected them with the Alvear traits.*

(What has happened?)

*A million years is a long time. We lost our organic technology. Our builders and our armies have reverted. Without the Xerys System to instill the knowledge needed for them to function, they became at worst our hunters and at best our pets.*

The whale transmitted what happened to the Shark armies and to the Dolphin helpers. What was left of the Kraken builders was best left alone.

(And the Alvear plague?)

*They have finally started to travel the path towards enlightenment. They are humans, but they are also close relatives to the Alvear. They wear their forms and they are ten times more aggressive than the most warlike Alvear. They have started to curtail some of that aggression. It is a recent thing. Our hope is that with the arrival of this pristine Xerys they will have a chance to control their excessive aggression.*

(Good luck then an old friend. I hope to see you on the journey when your time comes. Before I leave, be aware that there are four Xerys Systems in operation. Yours. Another who bears a likeness to the Alvear you have described, and a smaller system fragment. The last is the Xerys System that covers your planet. This system will be the interface between your race and the Galactic Federation. It has been hardened against sabotage and alteration to resist the corrupted Galactic System left to us by the original creators.)

*Amusing we now have a wealth of systems, while the rest of the universe struggles with the corrupted original. Why did you not introduce the new systems to the Galactic Federation as your farewell gift?*

(There are other Administrators of the system in other Galaxies. We are not the only users. It would have disrupted the balance of the Galactic Federation.)

*Why did you create so many systems?*



(...this is too embarrassing. I only created the one. The others were an accident.)

*I am amused.*

(My final act will be to introduce you to the other Administrators.)

*Be gentle. They are fragile creatures.*

(I will need your advice.)

*Create the party. I will send the invitations.*

The ancient being agreed. It created the party and invited the whale.

*I am a member. I will invite the others.*

Ottawa, Canada

Rene received a party invite. The party name: Administrators.

'Scarlett who sent this invite?'

[The current galactic admin.]

'Well, shit! What do you recommend?'

[Accpet. This is my creator.]

Rene decided to follow her advice. It was never a good idea to piss of beings this powerful. He also had a lot to be thankful for due to this being.

Rene accepted.

On his HUD the party member consisted of a human outline with his name.

The other being was a Blue Whale.

Another pop-up and this time the outline was a squirrel.




The squirrel glared. Rene didn't know how he knew, but he knew that this was one really pissed off a squirrel.


(Welcome Terran Administrators.)

"Thank you?"

If possible the squirrel's glare intensified.

"Who stole your nuts?" Rene was being sarcastic.

@You [email protected]

"Oh, it's you. I give you nuts every morning you greedy rat." Rene glared.

@No food [email protected]

(Could this wait. I will ascend in a few moments. Argue when I am gone.)

*Amusing.* The whale laughed. *Curious I am unable to access your Xerys System. The small one has an evolved and yet simpler version of Xerys.*

"Well DUH! It's called a firewall." Rene explained.

(What is a firewall?) The Administrator asked.

Rene explained the concept of Firewall.

(How horrific. Who came up with such a decision concept?)

"We humans did," Rene admitted.

(Your artificially enhanced aggression has corrupted you. And yet I see the potential in you. Your creation of the planetary communication network has saved your species. The Xerys System was not created for creatures as disruptive as you corrupted Alvear. When the Xerys System was introduced to unprepared sentients, the outcome has been the total disintegration of that unfortunate species. How did you get every Human/Alvear hybrid to agree to join the communication network?)

"I added a compulsion to join the global system. From there it was up to each individual to either join or opt out of the other subnetworks." Rene explained.

(I am horrified and impressed. I give you a final warning. Do not force anyone to give up their free will. In this extreme case, you have saved your species. As a reward, I will give you a future gift. In a century if you are worthy you will have the potential to ascend. If you are not... Xerys will judge you.)


The squirrel didn't care.

"I guess I have a goal to shoot for."

(My time is up. My friend, I give you the mantle of Galactic Administrator. I hope we meet again to continue the journey. Goodbye.)


"Friend of yours?"


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