《A Mailman as a Superhero》39. The Third Fragment... Dallas/Fort Worth...


Northwest Dallas


The dropship landed, close to the rim of the crater. The wash from the propulsion drove everyone even the Longhorns back.

The seal team was the first to disembark. They were met with pointed guns from all corners. When the officers saw the insignia They relaxed a bit.

Lieutenant Andrew Price walked towards the Rangers command post. "Who's in charge?" He asked.

"Who's askin'?" A trim middle-aged man wearing a grey suit with a Stetson on his head, cowboy boots and a ranger shield on his chest.

"Lieutenant Andrew Price. US Navy."

"Those boys look like seals!" Another middle-aged ranger added.

"That right son? You boys seals?" The Ranger in charge asked.

The SAS were next out of the ship lead by Lady Eleanore. And right behind her came McLean with his SFs.

Yuri and Clive stayed on the dropship with Joe and Ae'url. Joe was trying to convince Ae'url to change her features. He had a video of the Black Widow and he was making a case to adopt that identity.

Yuri was all for it. Natascha Romanov was a good example of a strong Russian woman. Clive just shook his head at the foolishness.

Meanwhile, "Those don't look like no seals boss." The middle-aged Ranger Sargeant observed.

"N,o they're not." Price agreed.

"Seals, SA, and Canadian SF if I'm not mistaken?" The head ranger asked.

"You're not wrong." Price said as little as possible.

"Why are you here Lieutenant Price?" The Ranger asked.

"Before I answer that Ranger, can I please have your name?" Andy asked.

"Harlan Sinclair company commander. Now please answer the question Lieutenant." He asked firmly.

"Pleased to meet you, Commander Sinclair. We're here for the rock at the bottom of the crater." Andy explained.


Sinclair took off his Stetson and combed his hair back with his fingers. "If you take that rock will that fix the problem with the Longhorns?"

Andy hesitated, "probably."

"Probably?" The Ranger Sargeant beside Harlan Sinclair yelled.

"That's enough Jimmy." The commander's glare stopped the other Ranger from carrying on. "Get to work Lieutenant. This has been a trying day. First that Xerys System bullshit, and then the invitations to join the only operational communications system still working. I just wanna know who this Wilder feller think he is?"

"Ye,s sir." Andy walked over to McLean who stood at the lip of the crater.

"What do you think?" He asked.

McLean said, "go for me, Andy. We've got your back."

"Alright." Andrew Price activated his Camouflaged force field and jumped into the crater.

At the bottom,m he could see the center of the impact. The fragment was covered by debris.

He took out his entrenchments tool and carefully moved the debris. He had to dig around a bit, but the work was easy going. He finally found the fragment after a few minutes of digging around.

He pushed the spade under the fragment and pulled it out. The energy from the fragment was somehow less than what they recovered from Greenland.

He was still getting a small boost from the rock, but nothing like he got that morning.

His seals jumped in and covered him as he climbed out of the crater with the fragment.

At the top McLean gave him a hand up. "Nice job Andy. Now let's get it secured before ET shows up."

"Right with you. I think Joe said that they were hanging around."

He spotted Bradley as he walked over with a secure container. "Put in carefully Lt."


Andy did just that. Once the rock was secure Harlan Sinclair walked over.

"Are you gonna tell me what in the sam hill is going on now that you got that rock in this here box?" He asked.

"Would you believe Aliens?" Asked Lady Eleanore.

"Who are you?" Harlan was getting surprised by people left and right.

"How rude of me. Captain Eleanore Hastings RN." She shook Harlan's hand.

"BOSS! THEY'RE BREAKING PAST US!" shouted one of the Rangers.

They all turned to look at the commotion. "The herd had broken loose and was charging right for the group.

"MMMOOOO!!!" The herd charged right at the crater.

"NOOOO TAAAKEEE!!!" the stunned officers were flabbergasted by what they herd.

"Are the cows talking?" Lady Eleanore asked.

From the drops,p Joe and Ae'url flew out. Joe looked like a version of Iron Man while Ae'url could have been mistaken for a certain red-haired actress. In a very recognizable black uniform. Minus the insignia.

"Holy crap. I thought you people were make-believe?" Jimmy the Ranger Sargeant asked.

"What the hell are you doing Wilder?" Lieutenant Price asked.

"Helping. Hold on to that thought. Looks like we have an aggressive bunch of steers to deal with."

[[Scarlett are the cows connected to the Xerys System?]] Joe asked.

[Yes they are.] She verified.

[[Can you connect me to their network?]] He requested.

[One moment while I establish a connection.] It took Scarlett a moment to establish a connection between the different versions of the Xerys System.

"Halt!" Joe raised his armored hand to stop the Longhorns.

To everyone's surprise,e the Longhorns stopped.

[[Scarlett why are they able to connect to the system?]] Joe asked.

[Allsentimentss on the planet is part of the system. Some may not be able to take as much advantage of the system as others, but all are connected.]

"Ain't that a kick in the pant," Joe said aloud.

"What is?" Asked McLean.

"They're connected to the Xerys System just like we are. I'm trying to find out what they want."

"Mr. Iron Man sir. I'm a big fan. Can I have your autograph?" Sargeant Jimmy Rivera begged. "You too ma'am." He requested from Ae'url.

Goddammit, Jimmy! Not now!" Commander Sinclair yelled.

Meanwhile,e Joe started chatting to the Longhorns. The Xerys System helped with the translations.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"WE WANT THE CREATOR! WE WANT THE GIVER OF SELF!" The Bull in charge explained.

"Did they say what they want?" Asked Sinclair.

"Yeah, they did. They think the rock is their god. They want to stay with their creator." Joe explained.

That's when the Galactic Federation Police decided to intervene.

The second dropship came to a landing.

Ae'url recognized the members of the Third Strike Group.

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