《A Mailman as a Superhero》37. Meetings...


A Virtual Meeting...

Justin Trudeau sat across from sixteen world Leaders. The big five were China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

António Guterres the Secretary general sat between the big five and the ten non-permanent members. He tried to chair the meeting, but as usual, the American president was being as obnoxious as ever. Justin had been trying to convince the Leaders that the best strategy to try was to give their populations time to adjust.

For most of North America and Europe, winter was doing most of the work for them. Where the situation became difficult was in hot or temperate climates.

"We need to keep people off the streets for a few days. The learning curve to migrate most of the communication networks to the Xerys System. Until we get reliable power to the electric grid and get the internet back up and running." Gene Wilder and his family were recalled from the crash site. The situation in Bertona Park was contained and under control.

With the help of the Wilders. Canada was developing a backup communication system using the Xerys chat function. By morning most of the basic government infrastructure would be back up. Justin still wanted to keep his citizens off the streets over the extra long weekend.

The Leaders were listening. Justin had Rene shadow the meeting. No one else knew about the sys-admin at the table. When Justin needed to show everyone something Rene Wilder made it possible. The thorn in his side has been from The loud man with the bright orange hair.

"How can you keep talking like that Justin? The Aliens tried to blow up your city, with you in it." Potus didn't get it. The man and his family were almost atomized by 'God Damn Aliens' from outer space. These Aliens were responsible for the destruction of his artifact. It was their fault and this peacenik was trying to soft sell it as a misunderstanding.

"A point of order if I may." Theresa May the British Prime Minister tried to intervene. Her assets on the scene had painted a far different picture of the crisis than what POTUS was trying to do.

"No May! You're not gonna take his side in this. This was like a nuclear attack these Aliens aren't afraid of blowing up cities, so we shouldn't be afraid to blow up their ships.


"Mr. President this was an averted tragedy. The evidence I have been presented by both Mr. Trudeau and by my own officers at the scene verify the gross nature of this misunderstanding." Again she was interrupted.

"What officers May? You only had that flirty girl there, and what my officers told me is that she didn't do much. She probably flirted with the Aliens. I was told there were Elf babes. I don't mind those kinds of Aliens, the reset will be treated like all illegal aliens trying to take over our home." My God but these people were dense. What was it gonna take to get them off their butts and follow his lead? "Hold on I need to take a whizz."

POTUS dropped out of the chatroom and looked at the general who had saved him from sitting with those morons. "What is it General?"

"Sir we're having problems with the sys-admin" he gave POTUS the folder that had all the condensed information. POTUS took the folder and gave it to one of the secret service men


"Why don't you just summarize it for me?" He waited for the General to start talking. General Dun did not growl at the POTUS. However, the feeling of dissatisfaction of having to deal with this man child was becoming harder and harder to control every day.

General Dun pointed at the folder in the hands of the secret service agent and said, "What's in that folder boils down to in one sentence is that the Canadians aren't playing ball."

"You call that a summary. The Canadians have been upset with us for a while. What I need to know is why you pulled me out of that meeting? Not that I'm not grateful, but I still have no clue what you're talking about." POTUS waved for the man to try again.

"We requested that the Canadians transfer one of their assets to us. a sys-admin by the name of Wilder." POTUS nodded his head. He knew this Wilder guy. "The guy who made this alien internet." he continued to nod his head confirming his version of reality as he saw it.

"No, Mr. President. He didn't make the 'Alien Internet.' He's the guy who' able to manipulate the communications component of the network." General Dun waited for POTUS to confirm that he understood this important fact.


"Go on General Dun." General Dun thought, 'what the fuck? What did I ever do to deserve this?'

"The sys-admin is a Canadian who somehow got the ability to control communications on a global scale. The UN Chatroom you're in is his creation. We sent out all services built for any information about this man. We got lucky the officer in charge of the UN recovery base got a lead on this man and sent out a unit to get him." POTUS interrupted his narrative.

"So we got him. Where is he?" POTUS asked.

"We don't have him. This is where the Canadians threw a monkey wrench into the gears. The team sent to recruit the man was a UN unit led by a Canadian officer. When they requested the man's help Trudeau said sure."

"So that's good they sent him..." before he could continue General Dun said, "No."

"Again with the No. Where is this man General?" POTUS short attention span was getting a real workout.

"Greenland." General Dun Told him.

"What's he doing in Greenland?"

"That's where the UN Recovery Base is located. On an ice shelf to be exact." General Dun could almost see the smoke coming out of the man's ears. He wasn't happy.

"General Dun get this man over here as quickly as you can. That's an order." He commanded.

"Are you declaring war on Canada in the Winter during a major blizzard that has currently shut down the entire eastern seaboard?" General Dun knew he would pay for this later, but he was close to retirement. Screw him.

"What am I missing," POTUS asked.

"Trudeau sent the sys-admin, who happened to be a Canadian intelligence officer to the UN Base. With a UN unit. With orders to help out the UN effort." General dun filled in the fine details.

"I Don't see the problem here general. Tell our guy at the UN to send him over." POTUS didn't see the problem.

"The UN won't send him without the Canadians releasing him and the Canadians were able to get to don't have the authority to order the man to co-operate." General Dun saw a gleam in POTUS eye.

"You know what general, why don't we go straight to the top. Let's get Justin Trudeau to release the man to our care." POTUS smiled when he said that.

General Dun wanted to slap the man but he held back through sheer willpower. "That would be ideal sir. However, Mr. Trudeau is in a meeting and no one is able to reach him."

"What are you talking about? I was just talking to Justin when you interrupted." General Dun waited for the man to figure it out on his own. It was the 'Apocalypse God Damn it.' the least his country deserved was to have a leader who had more than two thoughts that kept missing each other in the vast wilderness of his brain. "You know what? I'm just gonna get back to the chatroom and ask him."

"Yes, Mr. President." General Dun turned around and left. The President had already left this reality for another.

"Hey, Justin what's this I hear about you sending the sys-admin to the UN and not to us as we requested?" Plus had interrupted the ongoing discussion between the British Prime Minister, the Russian President and the French President. All the Leaders were stunned at his brazen behavior.

'Really does this beast have no concept of manners.' thought May the British Prime Minister.

"Really? That's not how I remember it. On a video, HUD Justin asked Rene to upload the scanned video.

In the video, POTUS was yelling at Justin Trudeau that some people were coming to take this Wilder guy. That he was needed at the base they came from. When the call ended Jeff Reardon asked the PM what was that all about?

"It seems that POTUS wants us to help the UN unit in charge of the artifact recovery by sending one of our CSIS officers to the North Atlantic."

"I thought POTUS didn't like working with the UN," Reardon said.

"That's my impression as well. Maybe his intelligence people are on the ball. That the best place for this officer is to be placed with this UN unit. I for one am glad that POTUS is on the ball."

"That's not how I remember it." Said POTUS.

"That's a video, Mr. President. Not a memory." The British PM smiled.

"It's obviously doctored. Fake news."

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