《A Mailman as a Superhero》28. First Recruit...


Bertona Park

Ottawa, Canada

Strike Leader Ae'url was helpless. She was caught in a web designed by the Xerys System. It had the same feel as the System, but not.

[[Greetings Strike Leader.]]

*Who are you?* Ae'url has never felt this light. *What is this place, why is it so...so light?*

[[Light?]] AI-Rene was puzzled by her statement for a minute. He went over the last few seconds again.

First, the pulled her out of the communication system she was connected to. Into this private sub-system. Only the Mechanoid anthem were the users here. And a stripped down version of the Xerys System.

The system he pulled her out of was really slow. It felt like he was swimming, upstream through thick molasses.

The Galactic Xerys System was chocking on its own bloatware. Targeted commercials specific to every galactic citizen.

The Earth-based Xerys System in comparison was like taking a dip in a crystal clear Lake with a fast-moving current that flowed in the direction you wanted to go.

[[Are you referring to the lack of bloatware in our Xerys System?]] He asked.

For Ae'ur,l this was a startling revelation. She was born into the Galactic System, and when she was removed from the constant pressure of the bloated data stream she lived with, she didn't recognize the lack. Only that something was off. *I think so. I have never lived without it.*

She relished this clean feeling for the first time in her long life. After she adjusted to this clean environment, she collected her thoughts and asked, *Why did you bring me here?*

[[I have several urgent questions.]]

Ae'url gave him permission to ask.

[[Why did you call for a bombardment that would destroy a million lives?]]

*Bombardment?* She then remembered the last order she received from the Far Justice.

She was horrified at the barbarity of this hasty decision. Her unit was only five troopers. Why would the commanders of the Far Justice decide to destroy a city for five captured officer? *I did not call for, nor did I recommend such action. Nor would I judge such an action to be just.* Her sincerity convinced AI-Rene. Her words rung true.


[[Then why did your superiors make such a decision?]] He was baffled. If the officers on the ground did not make this decision, then what prompted those above to decide that it was just to destroy a city? For what reason?

Ae'url laughed bitterly. *I am now under quarantine. Until the bombardment destroys us all.*

[[Why? Why are we under quarantine?]] The avatar in the power armor continued the interrogation.

*The Galactic Federation is afraid of the Earth-based Xerys System. Until a galactic system administrator gives you earthlings a clean bill of health for your Xerys System, you and any sentient connected to the system will be quarantined.* She explained.

[[I am sorry Ae'url for forcing you into this position. I did not know.]] He thought for a moment, for some way to make it up to her. After a deep scan. He found a way.

*I am content. The quarantine will not last long for us.* She smiled.

[[Oh. Why do you say that?]]

*The bombardment.* She clarified.

[[I see. I would like to repay you for what I have done. I note that you are ready to level up to an Alpha state. You have enough energy. Why have you not done so?]]

*It is true. I have the required energy to do that. What blocks me from making the attempt is the energy it takes to break through what you call the bloatware.*

[[I see. Then here take this gift to help you break through that wall.]] AI-Rene sent a large energy packet into Ae'url. Since he was the sys-admin for this closed system he could help her out.

Before Ae'url could stop him, a large energy spike was absorbed into her very soul. She wanted to tell the avatar that there was no need for such a gift. This system had no bloatware.

Ae'url reached the Alpha stage and easily broke through. No bloatware to stop her. The rest of the energy flowed back to her captor. And again the cycle repeated. Her captor was still feeding her energy. Each cycle she went through made her stronger. It also connected her essence with the essence of her captor. This Rene intelligence was caught by surprise as well.


She guided the growing connection as best as she could. She did not feel that she was ready for such a deep commitment. She was still young enough to relish her individuality. She also knew that this merger was something she wanted to experience later in life. When she was ready to choose a mate.

She laughed. Her mate laughed with her. She felt joy. He felt her joy and was happy for her and with her.

If she was about to be destroyed by the bombardment, at least she would not be alone.

The energy ran out and stopped circulating between them. The channels were open and until they were no more a different, more gentle bond would keep them connected until the end.

[[Is this what I think it is?]]

Ae'url laughed, *Yes. You proposed. I accepted. We are mated until we are destroyed by the bombardment.*

Rene laughed

That was not a reaction she could have predicted, *Why are you laughing?*

[[My dear Ae'url we will not be destroyed.]]

*You cannot deny the power of a galactic warship such as the Far Justice.*

[[I don't deny it. However my progenitor. The one who molded my Artificial Intelligence from his memory and personality has the power to stop such a bombardment.]]

Ae'url could not believe this statement. She needed to witness this phenomenon for herself. *Only a high-level Omega could withstand such destructive power. I need to see this.*

[[And you shall. Join me.]] He extended his virtual hand and she took it.

A moment later they were looking at each other in the real world.

With a quick look to check on her squad, she saw the state they were in. Three captives. the electrokinetic held trooper F'ouh captive. She did not struggle. Trooper D'ux was still trapped and under guard. He would survive. Trooper B'oxq was under guard and resigned to meet his end when the bombardment began.

Lastly trooper L'ese. Was shivering in the snow. It was without the power armor needed to keep it alive.

The Drak'on had three sexes. The young were sexless. Until they reached maturity after 250 cycles. After that,t they became either male or female. Like Captain Fo'Rkon the male Drak 'on in charge of the ship.

She looked at her mate and asked. "Could you please make a protective shield for trooper L'ese? Before it expires from the cold." she requested hopefully.

AI-Rene agreed. A small portion of the power armor that made up his new bio-mechanical body solid off and wrapped the shivering Drak'on in its protective embrace.

[[Scarlett is there a way to replenish the mass I just split off?]]

[You can collect the molecular bots that housed the Xerys artifact.]

[[Please start the process.]]

[I will send a signal to recall all the bits in rage to merge with your new frame.]

[[Thank you.]]

The world went white when the energy bombardment began.

When Ae'url saw that the Planetary Force Field held under the hellish energy unleashed by the Far Justice, Ae'url knew that from this moment on she was under quarantine.

She also knew that she was an Alpha and she was not alone.

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