《A Mailman as a Superhero》23. The Second Fragment...Part 5...


LEO Second Strike Group Dropship...

The Second Strike Group was on its way to Ottawa, Canada.

Strike group leader Ae'url was studying the chat notes sent from the First Strike Group leader Ja'ssie. What the Mechanoid officer found disturbing was the presence of four Omega class natives. The fifth native was a high Alpha.

No one in her Strike Group was higher than a Beta. The Mechanoid cyborg was close to breaking through to the Alpha stage. The rest of the squad had far to go before they reach anywhere near the Alpha stage.

"Ship, stealth mode please." She ordered the ship's AI to start screening its presence from this point on.

"Stealth mode active." Confirmed the AI.

"Strike Leader?" The Alvear questioned the decision. The Alvear always questioned her decisions. Until the Alvear broke through to the Alpha stage before her, she was no threat.

"Yes, trooper F'ouh?" She waited patiently for the Alvear to complain.

"Why are we going into stealth mode? This is a primitive planet." She inquired politely. The Alvear always Inquire politely.

"Please read this report." Ae'url sent a copy of the report to the strike group info-dump. "Everyone please read this report." She waited patiently until the strike group familiarized itself with the mission report.

"This information...is correct?" The Alvear Inquired.

Trooper B'oxq looked at slim Alvear with a frown. If you were a Sour or a Mechanoid, you can recognize the obvious Sour facial expressions. However, Alvear Who was not part of the diplomatic service did not study other races facial expressions. "Do you not believe what the First Strike Group Leader Ja'ssie had to report. The holographic evidence, coupled with the Dropship readings would indicate that this report is true and unaltered."

The Alvear bowed her head politely. She knew that the Sour trooper almost worshipped Strike Group Leader Ja'ssie. "I believe the report. However, the report itself is unbelievable." She explained further, "A normal planet anywhere else in the galaxy produces a dozen Omega class individuals everyone generation. The first contact between a Strike Group and a native unit, with four, confirmed Omega class individuals and a High Alpha to low Omega class fifth member of the same unit is...worrying."

"It is. Which proves that our Strike Group Leader is wise to approach the planet cautiously." Strike trooper L'ese said in support of the Strike Group Leader. L'ese was going to bite the Alvear if kept this insubordinate trooper did not clean up its act.

Strike trooper F'ouh dropped the matter. She did not feel like getting bit, again, by the Drak' on.


The Dropship had reached the destination during the discussion.

The crash site of the fragment of prohibited technology was easy to locate.

The sensors were able to detect the exotic energy flooding the area. The entire city was flooded with exotic energy. The concentration of energy below them was ten times higher.

"Make sure that your armor is fully operational. Set your protection fields to the highest setting." As a Mechanoid, the exotic energy held little fear. She did not have enough organics in her body to matter.

"Trooper F'ouh please set the defense for the dropship." Strike leader Ae'url ordered as she exited the dropship. The rest of the Strike Group behind her.

She hovered above the crater. The rest took up defensive positions. She fired her weapon on a setting that would only vaporize the water. At first, she did not find evidence of the fragment.

She increased the energy to the sensors. At the highest magnification available to her power armor she began to trace the dissolved molecular particles of the fragment.

"My scanner indicated that the fragment melted and merged with the water table." The Mechanoid leader waited until each member finished their assigned survey.

The Sour was the first to report. The vegetation is contaminated.

The Drak' on was next. There are no large wild lifeforms detected on the ground. How cold does this planet get?" Trooper L'ese asked. It did not think life could survive at these temperature extremes, but the high-density housing surrounding this undeveloped area of land disputed his beliefs. He turned the scanner towards the tall vegetation and was rewarded with a couple of return signals. He flew towards the contact.

Strike trooper D'ux finished his assignment. He rose higher into the sky. As an Around D'ux felt more comfortable in the sky. It was his race's edge.

Strike leader Ae'url sent trooper D'ux another assignment. She wanted to track down as much of the dispersed molecular particles as possible. There was not a thing that could be done about this contaminated area other than to lay down an orbital bombardment to cleanse the entire city.

She sent her preliminary report to the Far Justice. She would let the high command make the decision.

She noticed that trooper L'ese was chasing a pair of small animals. She scanned the contaminated animals and was surprised at the high concentration of exotic radiation leaking from the small lifeforms. 'They must have drunk the contaminated water.' she concluded.

Trooper L'ese was not able to catch the agile pair. The Drak' on doubled its speed in an effort to catch the small black furred creatures.


Again they eluded capture. Ae'url was intrigued. The Drak' on began to use its speed ability, and yet it kept coming up short.

The creatures were able to sense the invisible trooper and were fast enough to avoid capture.

This went on for some time. The rest of the troopers had concluded their investigations and with the final results, she sent a comprehensive report to the Far Justice.

She was about to order the trooper to let the creatures be when one of the tiny lifeforms jumped from the tree it was using to avoid capture and attacked trooper L'ese.

Ae'url could see tiny energy blades cover the claws of the black animal. The database identified the species as a Squirrel. The rodent were known for their speed and agility. What they were not known for was the energy manipulation ability displayed before her.

The damage was superficial, but over time it could damage the power armor. What she was witnessing was easily Alpha level, if not a low-level Omega.

If not for the size of the creature she would have classed it as a low-level Omega.

Trooper L'ese shook the creature off the power armor. It climbed higher than the tiny lifeform could follow.

The armor repaired the damage quickly. The light began to wane and since no other direction was sent from the Far Justice, she told the troopers to wrap up.

Ae'url detected three vehicles rolling to a stop on the western edge of the undeveloped land.

Two vehicles matched vehicles assigned to the Law Enforcement organization known as RCMP.

The officers began to exit the vehicles and were walking towards the crater. Ae'url concluded that they were assigned to investigate the area, the same as the Second Strike Group.

The dropship sent an alert. "Two low Omega class individuals detected. The dropship identified the Omegas. "Two Gamma class individuals detected." Those other individuals were identified as well.

"One non-scannable individual detected." The last one worried about the Mechanoid. He was an unknown that even the powerful sensors on the dropship were unable to penetrate.

The party had reached the edge of the crater and Ae'url was not certain how they were conducting the investigation. They may have other senses. Omega class individuals were powerful in many ways.

The mysterious individual was acting strangely. He was looking repeatedly at the dropship's position. The others on the ground detected the dropship as well. Before she could order a retreat the dropship attacked the local law enforcement. This was the worst outcome possible. She was about to order a retreat when one of the Omega class activated a powerful Electrokinesis ability and an electrokinetic shell surrounded the earthling. Another ability was activated and the Omega flew towards the dropship.

The troopers of the Second Strike Group attacked the local law enforcement unit on the ground.

The Electrokine was hit by the dropship's energy weapons. As Ae'url observed the fall the second Omega sprang to action. He flew fast enough to catch the first individual before he crashed into the ground.

A furious battle was fought between the two units. Her Strike Group did not fare well in the encounter.

The earthlings were not proficient in the use of their abilities, but the difference in power levels was massive.

The biggest surprise was the non-scannable individual. When he activated a high-level Telekinetic Combat Shell she was thankful it wasn't an Omega grade ability.

When trooper L'ese was defeated she thought that was the worst that cycle happen. She was constantly revising the worst outcome in rapid succession.

Again the non-scannable individual performed another ability. She concluded that it was a high-level Telemechanics, to remove the power armor from trooper L'ese.

The duel in the sky between the flyer and trooper D'ux ended with a loss to the trooper. It wasn't a serious loss a bit of effort would have freed the trapped Around.

She was able to keep the speedster off balance until the Electrokinetic came to his side.

While trooper F'ouh was double-teamed by the flyer and the Telekinetic on the ground.

She ordered a retreat. The troopers aside from the Drak' on were about to return to the dropship when the reliable AI that controlled the dropship began to fire every weapon it controlled at the earthlings.

She was about to enter the dropship when her sensors blared an urgent warning to get away from the ship.

Again the non-scannable individual began to emit a very high Omega level ability.

She ordered the Second Strike Group troopers to get away from the dropship. They obeyed. Even the Alvear.

The Plasma Projection fired at the dropship completely vaporized the ship. The output was of such ridiculous magnitude that the energy projectile exited the planet's atmosphere.

To make matters worse another Omega class unit arrived at the scene. Ae'url recognized the unit from Ja'ssie's report.

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