《A Mailman as a Superhero》17. Tracking Down the First Fragment...


LEO. Galactic Federation Warship Far Justice.

Captain Fo'Rkon assigned the retrieval mission to the special operations branch. Once that was done he went over the first contact with the Planet's first user.

His first impression was too much power. He was bordering on the low end of Omega class or high-end Alpha class.

Either classification was still too much power for someone who just received the power. If he was the only one this would be a bothersome situation. If there were others like him, then this assignment needs a new danger assessment.

An alert from Medical flashed on his HUD. "Report."

The Medical officer sent the requested information, "Captain I have finished the preliminary investigation, we are clear of contamination. The Far Justice energy screen blocked the discharged exotic energy."

"Run the scans again Medical. I want an absolute confirmation that the Far Justice is fit for duty." The Captain didn't want to spend his retirement in this quarantined star system at farthest reaches of the Galactic Federation.

The dropships left the Far Justice one after the other. Each unit tasked with the retrieval or destruction of the evolutionary artifact. This planet was not the first to go through forced evolution, and until that mad creature was brought to justice it would not be the last.

UN Recovery Base.

Lady Eleanore was helping move the wounded. She had security duty during the recovery operation. The British aristocrat and naval officer became User number five. The Russian beside her was the sixth.

When the Canadian flew like a rocket into space she had said, "How would one go about becoming that?" The Xerys System made it happen.

The Russian bear beside her had said "Da."

That's all it took. She still marveled at the changes she and everything, everyone around her went through.

Her fiancee was user number nine. He was the scientist in charge of the recovery operation. He chose something completely different.


She moved him into the hospital building by herself. He didn't weigh much. Her newfound strength was invigorating. She put Clive down on a bed and sat beside him. Holding his hand, and thought about the future. Her future, their future as the medical staff ran around trying to help as best as they can. From what she could see, and the information she received from this Xerys System, everyone here would eventually recover. At different rates of recovery, certainly. Each according to the gifts given.

Outside, she saw through the ice-covered window a streak of light, she removed the film of ice and saw Richard McLean had returned. He was speaking with his Sargent. Petersen something.

She went back to her unconscious fiancee. She bent down and placed a kiss on his much too warm forehead. " I shan't be long luv."

She left the hospital and went to see what new surprises were in store for her. The day was still young after all. She could feel the adventure in the air flowing around her and around every human near her.

Base Command Building.

Colonel Allister pointed at a display on the large tactical screens. "This here crater is a part of the debris that crashed just east of the base." He pointed at the crash site.

"The drones from the USS America are keeping an eye on the crash site. Not much to see, but I want that damn rock." He was fuming mad. "All this effort and nothing to show for it. That is something! Go get it!"

McLean and the sealing officer saluted and left the building.

McLean called out to Petersen and almost ran into Lady Eleanore. "Whoops sorry, El. Didn't see you. Gotta go..."

Lady Eleanore snagged his combat harness as he tried to slide by. She easily held him aloft. "Slow down Richard."

Captain McLean hanged in the air held between El's thumb and index finger. 'Yeah, I'm not going anywhere.' Richard McLean had a crush on the beautiful aristocrat a mile long. And she knew it too. She flirted with all the men. Everyone loved her. "Yes, your royal highness?" He was doomed.


"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Andy was laughing his ass off as Petersen walked over.

"Orders cap?" Petersen ignored the strange sight in front of him. Officers were strange, to begin with. The people in front of him didn't come any stranger than this.

"Get a buggy ready. We have a retrieval mission." Eleanore put him down and gave him a mysterious smile.

"Excellent. A mission is just the thing to take my mind off poor Clive." She linked arms with Sgt. Petersen, "let's go, Sargent, adventure awaits."

"Mission." Petersen corrected her. He was married with two teenage daughters. Each a princess in her own mind. He was immune.

"Mission, adventure, same thing I say." Petersen was not a fool. He was a Sargent, she was a high-class British aristocrat officer. He walked to the nearest buggy with Lady Eleanore hanging off him like an ornament. "Henderson keep an eye out for trouble."

McLean got in the back as Petersen drove up with Eleanore in the passenger side. She looked far too comfortable in that seat. "Get in Andy, or we're leaving your laughing ass behind," McLean told Lt. Andrew Price.

The seal officer got in without saying a word. His momma didn't raise any fools.

"Wait for Yuri!" The large Russian yelled after the party. Petersen pretended he didn't hear him. Even though everyone else did.

"Yuri said wait tovarish." The Russian officer flew above the buggy. He too had a light trail behind him.

McLean could guess why. "Anyone else has anything to share?" He looked at Lady Eleanore.

"I may have felt a bit envious. When you flew off on your adventure darling." She smiled at McLean and winked.

The large Russian landed at the back of the buggy and held on to the empty weapon mount. "Is good I caught you, friends. You almost went without Yuri." Hockey. Let's go cowboys."

Lady Eleanore raised her eyebrows at the Russian's clownish act. She knew very well that he went to Oxford with Clive. The big fool was fooling no one.

Greenland Iceshelf.

The buggy pulled to the edge of the crater and everyone got out, or jumped out and flew out of the buggy. They walked up to the edge or flew above and looked down into the steaming lake.

Eleanore joined the Russian above the steaming lake. She looked at McLean and raised an eyebrow and indicated that he should join them over the lake.

McLean rose into the air next to the odd pair. "Anyone brought scuba gear?" He looked down at the steaming lake below.

Lady Eleanore laughed at his droll joke. "Richard you went up into low earth orbit. Did you take any life support equipment with you?" She laughed at his expression. The poor boy didn't even think about what he had already accomplished.

"It's not funny El." He dove down into the boiling water. Eleanore laughed as he used the navigation suite provided by the Xerys System to go straight to the artifact fragment. He picked it up by hand and didn't even think twice. Another jolt of energy went through his body. He ignored it since it didn't feel bad he could deal with it later.

He flew out with his prize in time to see the Alien dropship hovering over the buggy.

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