《A Mailman as a Superhero》14. Into the Storm...


Time to face the public...

Rene followed Pierre to the parking lot. They were already in a party. Pierre told Rene that he was already assigned a mission.

"What did you choose J.P.?" Pierre pressed the remote on his keychain to auto-start his pick up. In Canada, an auto-starter is a must. Not a luxury.

"I upgraded Electrokinesis to the level 5 alpha ability." Paul stepped away from his father and uncle to demonstrate. His body was sheathed in an electric field and rose into the air. He landed and dismissed the lightning field that covered his body. "Free flight and force fields." He grinned.

"That's neat. I did the same and got the level 5 flight package. It comes with force fields too. I think you can reach space with a level 5. I can't wait to try it out." He was about to ask Rene what he got, and instead asked, "why the grumpy face?"

"I got ripped off." Rene was not happy.

"Why? Because you gave up all that power? You weren't cheated. Everyone thinks you're a stand-up guy for sharing." Pierre opened the F-150 and got into the driver seat.

While he inserted the key into the ignition Rene told him the reason for his grumpiness. "No, not that. That's actually a good decision, to tell the truth. No, what got me so upset is this system..."

"What happened?" Pierre put the pick-up in drive and pulled out of his parking spot. The 4 wheeled drive made it out of the snowed in the parking lot without a problem.

With a huff, Rene explained. "I asked for a list of ability options, like you I wanted to upgrade Telekinesis. It's a kick-ass ability. It started the list and it had an option to buy a planetary defense base. How cool is that." Pierre and Paul agreed that was a cool option. "That's what I said coolly. The Stu..." Rene calmed down and changed his word choice. Because making a sentient galactic system that gives out powers an enemy was not a good idea. No matter how dumb it was.


"It gave you a planetary defense base? How bad can that be?" Pierre didn't see the problem here.

"I wish. No. Like I said I wanted to upgrade Telekinesis. But it jumped the gun and tried to give me the defense base."

"So you got the defense base." Pierre waved to the security officer at the gate and drove up to the Queensway ramp going west. The HQ building was adjacent to the highway and Pierre merged with the traffic that was slowly making its way through rush hour in a snowstorm.

"No. And stop interrupting. Like I said it tried to give me the base..." Rene glared at his brother daring him to interrupt. Pierre smirked but held his peace. "Looks like we're under quarantine. A full star system quarantine. So it couldn't give me the ability I didn't want and it was too stubborn to give me another choice."

"The hell did you get Rene." Pierre wanted his brother to cut to the chase already.

Rene took a deep breath and said, "Planetary Plasma Projection and Force Fields. Looks like it throws in force fields with everything." Rene was too grumpy for words.

"That's good right?" Pierre asked.

"How is that good Pierre. I have the power I can't really use. I fire a Planetary Plasma beam at anything and I am taking out parts of the planet. If I wanted to become a supervillain great. Fire away and damn the consequences. But since I would like to keep a social life for my family it means I have a power I can't really use."

"Yeah, but you can still use the force fields right?" Pierre kept an eye on traffic and another on his brother.

"Maybe?" Rene was still in a sullen mood.

"How maybe?" Pierre had to break since traffic came to a stop.

"I can use the force fields when I fire. I have to develop two different skills to use either ability separately. So in a situation like this. Not such a great thing. If there's a planetary invasion, I'm your man. In all other cases not so much."

Pierre laughed. Paul joined him. It was funny.

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