《A Mailman as a Superhero》13. The Biggest Party of Them All...


The Biggest Party...

The Wilder's entered the cafeteria and Rene's brother led them to the front. A row of tables was set up to process the extra manpower that reported for duty.

"Wait here..." Pierre left them for a moment to talk to one of the top brass. One of the special constables sitting in a plastic cafeteria chair noticed Rene and Paul.

"You're Pierre's brother aren't you?"

"You remembered. How's it going, Jack?" Rene shook hands with Pierre's friend.

"Not bad. I remember how you're with Canada Post. I remember you saying that at Pierre's BBQ back in September." Jack smiled and pointed in Paul's direction, "That's your son J.P." Jack smiled. He had a good memory. It was a skill that served him well on the job.

"It's nice to meet you again officer Stewart. How's Lynn doing?" Paul shook hands with the man as well. He mostly remembered him because he remembered his daughter. There were five girls his age at the BBQ and Lynn was the only pretty girl, not a cousin.

"She's doing well. Pre-Med at Ottawa U. How about you lad." Jack kept the smile but gave the young man a hard look. He didn't mind the lad really. Good looking teen from a good family. His Lynn had a good head on her shoulders. If she was interested she would have let him know. Since he hadn't heard anything he assumed the lad was just being polite.

"That's nice. I guess I'll see her there in the fall." Paul dropped the man's hand. He thought he may have felt the special constable try to squeeze his hand. That may have worked before he maxed out his strength stat. He matched the man's grip and let the matter drop.

"Good grip you got there son," Jack admitted. Paul only nodded to acknowledge that why yes he did have a good grip.


Pierre came back with one of the Superintendents in charge of the National Capital Region. "Rene this is my boss. Chief Superintendent Levy. I told him about the party idea and how you created one for Jean-Paul and me." Rene waited for the other shoe to drop. He knew something like this was coming. "And..."

"And I think that maybe you can help everyone out. Everyone here that is. If we're going to come out of this crisis and still be intact as a country we need to have the ability to make it through." Pierre may as well have been waving the maple leaf in his face.

"I see where this is going, Pierre. Are you sure about this?" Rene knew that his brother was right. The cost, however, would be paid by him.

Chief Levy was about to say something, but he stopped himself. Rene saw that Pierre had poked the man to keep him quiet.

"Gimme a minute ok. This is not an easy decision to make." Rene walked away from a few steps and waved Paul back when he tried to join him.

Rene knew the consequences if he didn't do this the country may not recover in time. There were other threats out there waiting for humanity to stumble and fall.

'Yo! Avatar bro.'

[[I see you've made your decision. What do you want us to do?]]

'Can either you or Scarlett operate behind the Xerys System. Can you over-ride its actions and make it look like it made the decision?' Rene hoped that the answer was yes.

What he got was...[[Maybe? What do you have in mind?]]

'Show what the second alert is all about without opening it.'

[[Wheew. That there is a lot of experience energy. And you're still leaking exotic energy into the room.]]

'I thought so. Can you dump all the excess energy into the room so I don't have to constantly keep dealing with it for a while?'


[Yes that is something that can be done.] Scarlett confirmed. [It will slowly build up again, but your capacity to contain the energy is growing as well. It would take a week before you need to discharge the exotic build up after that.]

'Thank you, Scarlett, I appreciate that.'

[[I see what you want to do.]] And the avatar did see. They have linked after all.

'Set it up. First setup the second party and then split the experience between the Wilder Party and the bigger one they're going to insist I create.'

Scarlett and the avatar they would get it done. The Xerys System would be blamed for the mistake and it wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Rene walked back to let Pierre and his fretting boss know about his decision. Rene lowered his head in acceptance. "Alright just to confirm spell it out."

"Mister Wilder it has been brought to my attention that you have discovered the chat system and shared that discovery with the world. That you also created a Party." He turned to Pierre to confirm that was the correct term. Pierre confirmed. "You also shared this energy to help further empower this party. Correct?"

Rene let him know that he was also on the right path without interrupting.

"Good, good. Can you please create a party big enough to include everyone here and share your energy? I know that it is a great sacrifice, but it is a badly needed sacrifice." The Chief Superintendent almost begged the Letter Carrier in front of him.

"I have thought about this Chief Levy and you are right. It is a sacrifice and I am willing to make it. But there will be a price that must be paid in the future. Can I have your word sir that when the time comes to pay this price the RCMP will honor this commitment?" Rene wanted to see what the man would say. He was going to share this with his country's protectors regardless but if he could get something for his family out of this he would.

"I hereby confirm Mr. Wilder when the time comes to pay up the RCMP will honor this commitment!" Chief Levy said with utmost sincerity.

{Contact witnessed and confirmed!}

"What was that?" The Chief almost jumped out of his skin at this interruption.

"That's the system that we were forced to accept Chief. I think it just witnessed this commitment and saw it as a contract." Pierre explained.

"Pierre let's just get this over with. Quiet down the room so we can get started." Rene wasn't happy with the decision, but what choice did he have. He was only one man. No matter how powerful he could become he couldn't fight an entire galaxy that had untold eons to perfect its power.

Chief Superintendent Levy asked the room to quiet down and explained what they were about to do. He also thanked Rene for the sacrifice he was about to make on behalf of his country.


{...Creating Party...

...Party Created...

...Please add members...}

"Add everyone at this location."


After everyone was added Rene tapped the flashing alert.

{For creating the first global chat, the experience is awarded to the RCMP Party}

With half the shared experience everyone got an alert asking them to choose a level 3 ability.

With the other half, the Wilder sub-party was asked to choose a level 5 ability.

Rene was willing to sacrifice, but not to that degree. On the private family party screen, another red alert began to flash. Rene asked his avatar to mute it.

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