《Star Wars Episode 7: A Corpse Through Which the Force Speaks》Chapter 36: Your Faith in Your Friends
As soon as Regis stepped into Luke’s room, he felt the temperature drop. Chewbacca sat in the corner with his arms crossed and legs splayed out across the floor, his eyes following Regis but otherwise the Wookiee sat unmoving. Regis suddenly felt self-conscious about his officer’s uniform.
His attention was drawn to Luke, who sat cleaning up an assortment of metal pieces cluttering his desk.
“Is that something for Artoo?” said Regis.
Luke turned and looked at him. Regis forced himself not to look away from Luke’s face. His cheeks and forehead had a plastic, discolored appearance, and his eyes were still bloodshot. But what got to Regis was Luke’s expression of cold distance. Luke looked at him as if he was nothing more than a character in a dream, a figment who only popped into his head long enough to distract or annoy, but would eventually disappear. Regis wondered if Luke was completely disappointed in everyone, or if it was something much worse.
“Alright, then,” said Regis. “Guess it’s none of my business.”
“For what it’s worth, Regis, I’m glad,” said Luke.
“Really? You don’t look like it.”
“No, I am. I’m glad you found a home. You deserve it. You’re a brave man, and loyal. You shouldn’t be isolated. I think you’ve finally found your people.”
Luke’s unexpected and kind appraisal only made Regis feel self-conscious. Noticing a fine black tunic and pants lying across the bed, as well as a new cloak and boots, Regis said, “They made you a new outfit, I see. Looks like I’m not the only one who found his home.”
“What is it you guys always say? ‘The Emperor gives me everything I need.’”
Regis caught Luke’s cynical smile before he turned away. “Ahh! Come on, Luke. You’ve got it made here. These people aren’t holding grudges. And they need leaders! They might not be what they once were, but these people could use you. Even the Grand Moff set aside whatever was between you. Doesn’t that count for something?”
Regis was surprised when Luke failed to hide a pained expression. “I don’t mean to sound bitter, Regis. After what my family has done, I shouldn’t expect any warm welcomes. Much less from humans.”
Regis took a seat on the corner of Luke’s bed. Glancing at Chewbacca, he saw that the Wookiee was still watching him. Chalking it up to the general rudeness of nonhuman lifeforms, Regis turned away. “Everybody here has a history we’re not proud of, Luke. Nobody’s perfect… well, except for me, if you can believe the rumors. And the propaganda vids. But my point is…”
While Regis spoke, he could not help but notice that Luke looked as if he was staring off into space. Thinking that he was looking at Chewbacca, Regis glanced at the Wookiee, and noticed that he also looked concerned. Luke seemed to be frozen in position.
“Luke, buddy?” said Regis. “Are you…?”
Before Regis could finish, Luke suddenly fell back in his seat, his body limp, as if the spirit had been sucked out.
* * *
Luke’s room disappeared and he saw something like a hologram stretched out before him. He saw two children in hospital pajamas, a redheaded girl and a dark-haired boy. A powerful sense of familiarity pulled at his heart, and he immediately recognized his niece and nephew, despite not seeing them since they were infants.
The children cowered before some unnatural creature, a giant, wrinkled monstrosity with pendulous breasts and a belly stuffed into a golden yellow robe. In its stretched out mouth and eyes he saw what was surely the unholy mix of a human female combined with a Hutt. Even across the vast reaches of space he felt the terror of his niece and nephew crying out for help as muscular arms covered in rubbery, moist flesh reached out for them.
Unable to move, he recoiled in disgust - then the vision suddenly shifted. He saw the domed tower of the New Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant, a cinnamon-rust colored edifice lapped by dark waves among ramshackle walkways and jetties. He felt his spirit pulled inside the building, where he saw row upon row of beds, on which lay crumpled forms tied to machines. He had never seen such creatures. Frog-people, bird-people, blob-people. They tossed and turned, breathing in painful gasps as if trapped in a dream, their strange flesh coated in sweat. Passing row after row of tortured beings, he realized they were all hybrids, no longer human, but also not fully alien. Luke knew that he was surrounded by beings who no longer had any home, with new identities given form by unnatural machines, forced to give up everything if only to appease demented masters. With a terrible wrenching feeling, he realized what would soon be done to his niece and nephew.
Luke fought to pull free from the vision, but there was nowhere to run from the endless rows of mutilated beings. He closed his eyes but still heard two thin, high-pitched screams hovering just at the edge of his awareness. While the screams were like a frozen icepick sliding into his mind, far worse was the silence that followed as the cries for help were cut off.
* * *
Lando entered and immediately pushed past Birdy and Vasili.
“How long has he been out?” he said, leaning over Luke. He felt for a pulse on Luke’s neck, and watched as his chest slowly rose and fell.
“Twenty minutes,” said Regis. “I would have called for a medic, but I’ve seen him like this before. Only, he had me worried, it happened so fast.”
“I’m telling you,” said Birdy. “This is not some religious meditation thing. It’s that thing on his desk - the machine with the blinking light. It’s done something to him.”
Lando’s gaze fell on a small, round device sitting on Luke’s desk. Though it seemed inconspicuous enough among a pile of assorted bits of metal, the blue light blinking in an irregular pattern gave the device an ominous appearance.
“I don’t think so,” said Regis. “Like I said, I’ve seen Luke like this before. But… not this bad.”
Vasili shook his head. “I’m with Birdy on this one, sir. It could be some kind of psyop weapon… something an alien planted on him, maybe. I don’t know.”
“Well, we need to… oh.” Lando pulled back as Luke opened his eyes. Luke took a deep breath, then looked around at everyone in the room.
“Luke!” said Regis. “What happened?”
“Give him space,” said Lando, extending his arm.
Luke took another deep breath. “They have my niece, my nephew,” Luke managed to say. “They’re… they’re on Coruscant.”
Regis wanted to press him for details, but he could tell that Luke was doing something with the Force, breathing and finding some kind of calm focus. Regis and Chewbacca exchanged a look, and prepared to settle in and wait for Luke to respond - but the Jedi Master suddenly rose to his feet, saying, “I’m fine now. But I have to go to Coruscant. Now.”
“Coruscant?” said Lando. “Luke, you’re not walking to the other end of the room, much less going across the galaxy. We need answers first. I want to know what that thing is, the gadget with the blinking light.”
“What?” Luke turned and stared at the device, seeming as surprised as the others. Then his eyes lit up. “That’s the communications device Han gave me!” he said, reaching for it. Even after seeing Luke’s powers many times, Regis was still surprised when the object leaped out of the pile and slapped into Luke’s open hand. Though he did not remember Han handing the device to Luke, he reasoned that he must have handed it over while Viddu’s Hounds were using them for target practice.
“Comm device?” said Vasili. “Doesn’t look like one I’ve ever seen!”
“There aren’t many like it,” said Luke. “It’s a top of the line holoprojector. Han said it could send and receive clear across the galaxy, without relays.” Luke prepared to activate the device, then hesitated. The blue light continued blinking in an irregular pattern.
“That’s odd,” said Regis. “If it’s a holoprojector, then why isn’t Han projecting an image?” Regis could tell that Luke was piecing something together.
“That light - It’s a code,” said Birdy. “Isn’t it?”
Luke slowly nodded, his gaze fixed on the blinking light. “It’s an old Rebel Alliance signaling code. Do you recognize it, Lando?”
“No, sorry,” said Lando, glancing at Chewbacca. “I never read the Alliance instruction manual.”
“UwaaaaaAugh,” said Chewbacca, his embarrassment obvious even to those who did not speak Wookiee.
They sat in silence while Luke read the blinking light. The color slowly drained from his face. Regis waited for as long as he could stand it, then said, “Well, Luke? What does it say?”
Luke pulled his gaze away from the device and turned to Regis. “It’s repeating. It says… ‘children in danger’ and ‘will make hybrid’, over and over. This… this confirms my vision.”
“But you said that thing’s a holoprojector,” Regis countered. “You tellin’ me your buddy’s using a high-end comm device like some old flashlight?”
“Han must be in danger, too!”
“Maybe,” said Lando, “but Regis has a point. This doesn’t add up, Luke. The timing, it’s too perfect.”
“Perfect?” Luke frowned. Despite trying to control his emotions, Regis could tell that he was still flustered, and was not thinking clearly. “What do you mean? My vision was real!”
“I don’t doubt it, Luke,” said Regis. “But why did you have that vision at the exact moment that Han used some old Rebel code about your family being in danger? What’s the time delay on magic Force powers giving you visions halfway across the galaxy? Is it the same as the time delay for that fancy device?”
Luke gave Regis an annoyed look. “The Force isn’t limited by time, or space. So…” Even as the words left Luke’s mouth, realization slowly dawned on him.
“Anybody besides you and Han remember those old Rebel comm codes? Any old friends who also know how the Force works?”
Luke gritted his teeth, then nodded. “Leia,” he said. He gripped the holoprojector in his fist.
“I hate to say it,” said Lando, “but that makes sense. Han wouldn’t warn you about your family being in danger, but only send a cryptic repeating message with a device made for clear communication. Leia is doing this.”
“But the vision… it was real. And it makes some sick sense. After talking to Leia on Mustafar, I can imagine her…” Luke swallowed. “I can imagine her hybridizing her own children.”
Regis tried to think as the enemy would think. “The Empress, and the Stralucitor, and all the people running the New Republic - they’re crazy, but they’re not stupid. There’s no telling what the Empress has planned for her kids. But, Luke… you’re the one in danger.”
“You’re right,” said Luke, clenching his jaw. “All the same… I have to go.”
“Leia wants you dead, Luke.”
“That’s why I have to go!”
“Not without my say-so!” Regis suddenly barked. He planted his feet between Luke and the doorway. Vasili and Birdy immediately moved to stand beside him. Even as rage filled Regis at the thought that Luke would throw his life away, he had to admit to himself that he was not sure what his next move would be.
“Let’s all calm down,” said Lando. “Now, Luke, we couldn’t stop you, even if we wanted to. But we’re not going to wave goodbye while you walk into a trap.”
“UuuUwaaagh!” Chewbacca shouted in agreement.
“Luke,” Lando continued, “do you have any idea where your niece and nephew are?”
“The New Republic Medical Facility. One of the Stralucitor came for them. I saw it in my vision.”
“I don’t doubt your powers. I’ve seen them at work, many times. But, Luke… would it be possible for Leia, or one of those Stralucitor, to send you a vision?”
Luke paused, suddenly unsure of himself.
“The timing would make sense,” said Regis. “If they have powers like Luke, they could be manipulating those… Force powers, but also time it so that a comm signal sent at just the right moment would act as confirmation.”
“Agreed,” said Birdy. “If I knew a code used by someone I wanted to set a trap for, I’d certainly use it against them. That’s why we don’t see your friend’s face on that fancy communicator. The person sending the signal works for the Empress.”
Lando rubbed his chin. “Leia will be expecting you to go to Coruscant, then. The trap is set for the New Republic Medical Facility. You weren’t able to handle Leia alone on Mustafar, so if she’s got her goons with her, you’ll be done for.”
“I can handle Leia,” Luke said suddenly. Regis heard the ice in Luke’s voice, and he knew Lando must have heard it, too, for he fell silent and turned to Luke, his mouth hanging open. The silence hung heavy in the air.
As if embarrassed by his anger, Luke’s face suddenly fell, and he turned away. Regis hated to see his suffering. He knew how Luke felt, because he had felt the same way for years. The familiar sense of betrayal, when those who should have been closest to him could no longer be trusted, and everyone else was just a potential liability. Regis wanted to prove Luke wrong, to show him that there were good people willing to risk everything to make the galaxy a better place for others.
At the same time, Regis felt an intense desire to hold on to what he had. The old days of hiding his true self were over. He was surrounded by people who respected him, and cared for him. He had a good position in an organization that wanted to use his gifts to help others like him. It was all he had ever wanted.
Regis sighed. He and Luke looked eye to eye. Regis knew that it was no use; there was no way he could go back to marching around in the gleaming plastoid armor of the defenders of the human race if he was not willing to put it all on the line for one of the greatest humans he had ever met.
“Well, guys,” said Regis, “Luke knows that going to Coruscant is a trap. But only a fool would think that he’s not going anyway. I guess we’re going to have to go with him.”
“Major,” said Vasili. “You’re kidding, right?”
Regis slowly shook his head, but was unsure how to respond. He knew that it was a foolish notion, and he hated the idea of pulling Vasili away from a job where he was surrounded by admirers.
Before he could open his mouth, Birdy said, “Personally, I’d love to take a little trip to Coruscant. I’ve heard it’s quite beautiful this time of year.”
“You’re crazy!” said Vasili.
Birdy stroked his chin thoughtfully. “And if Luke is serious about facing the Empress, and a bunch of hybrid freaks swinging their glowsticks… not to mention an army of Cheka… and their air force… and the security grid they’ve got over the planet… then he’s going to need someone to run distraction.”
“Distraction?” said Vasili.
“That’s when you ruin somebody’s plan by messing up their concentration.”
“I know what a…!” said Vasili, his face turning red as Birdy gave him a smirk. “But are you going to throw away everything we’ve got, without even thinking it over?”
“Vas, we don’t have anything here. We convinced ourselves we did. Five minutes ago I would have told you I’m grateful to be here. But… come on.”
“‘Come on’? What does that even mean?!”
“If you stay here, you’ll be training boys to shoot at other boys. Humans killing humans. Yeah, our new stormtrooper friends are impressive. They’ve got some Star Destroyers. They’ve got some death troopers. But, tell me: You see any of them fighting aliens? Do you, Vas?”
Vasili turned away, his face turning red.
Lando stepped in. “Look, Vasili, you don’t have to go with us. This is dangerous, and honestly, I don’t like our chances. But we need you to promise that you won’t tell anyone where we’ve gone. Or what we’re about to do.”
“I won’t tell anyone,” said Vasili, biting off the words.
Lando exchanged a look with Regis. “Is that a promise, Vasili?”
“Why would I tell anyone about a stupid, suicidal mission to the capital of the New Republic?” Vasili turned to face the others. “I’ll be right there with you!”
“Are you sure?” said Lando.
Vasili gave him a look of supreme annoyance. Lando threw up his hands.
“Good man,” said Regis. “But we’re going to need an army. I’ve spent enough time with the Grand Moff to know that he’s not a big fan of making unscheduled moves. Especially not against the New Republic. Vasili, I need you to talk to some of the people you’ve met. Anyone who looks up to you, anyone who’s been itching for action, but isn’t getting scratched. But you need to be quiet about it.”
“Run my big mouth, but keep quiet,” said Vasili, nodding. “I just promised I wouldn’t say anything, but alright, I can talk to some people, no problem. I’ll get some badasses to meet us in the shuttle bay.”
“Give them an hour, starting now,” said Regis. “That’ll give me time to contact Sindo. We can leave as soon as she returns from her supply run.”
“One hour!?” said Lando.
“He’s right,” said Luke. “We need to leave as soon as possible. Even if it’s a trap, they very well may be planning on hybridizing the children.”
Lando did not protest, but clenched his jaw and smoothed his hair down. “Okay. Okay. Artoo’s recharging. I’ll see if I can get him to convince ship comms they need some unscheduled maintenance, so all eyes won’t be on us. Chewie, are you okay with this?”
“Okay, buddy! Just thought I’d ask!”
“RaAugh,” Chewbacca snorted, shaking his head.
“I’ll get some supplies together,” said Birdy. “If anyone asks, I’ll say the Major has us on a surprise training run.”
“Good idea,” said Regis, nodding. “Let’s meet on the Praxagora in an hour. It might have some old codes that will help us slip into Coruscant Central. Plus it has plenty of room for a bunch of pissed off jarheads who want to blow some stuff up.”
Regis glanced at Luke and saw him watching with a surprised smile. Once again, Regis knew exactly how he felt: Surprised that anyone would want to help him, but also embarrassed that others would risk their lives for so little reward. Adding to his surprise was the fact that most of the people helping him on this mission would be sworn enemies from days gone by. Regis clapped a hand on Luke’s shoulder.
“Some people,” said Regis, “they might think that your faith in your friends is a weakness. But I wouldn’t say that. I have faith in my friends, too!”
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