《Star Wars Episode 7: A Corpse Through Which the Force Speaks》Chapter 21: Hunting Imps



4-LOM - This unusual protocol droid is not only fitted with an insectoid head in order to resemble its creators, but its original programming is so corrupt that it is capable of cold-blooded murder. He has caught many bounties with Dengar and Zuckuss.

Agatha Prima - A green Mirialan female. Mirialan tradition includes facial tattoos denoting accomplishment and social status, but Agatha commited the crime of falsifying her facial tattoos. Her criminal sentence included a very brutal tattoo removal surgery which left her face disfigured.

Beefhead - An albino Wookiee who owes a life-debt to Zuckuss.

Dengar - An aging bounty hunter and pilot of the Lamelar. Nine years ago, he took part in the Imperial operation to hunt down Han Solo, along with Zuckuss and 4-LOM. They were beaten by Boba Fett.

Mogo - An alleged Mandalorian. The newest member of Viddu's Hounds. Wears red and black armor.

Raptor - A bounty hunter who wears a motley assortment of armor.

Zuckuss - An aged Gand findsman and frequent partner of Dengar and 4-LOM.

* * *

As Zuckuss fired, Han fell back against his seat in a wave of smoke from the incineration of his clothes and flesh at the blast point, and Zuckuss’s hiss of supreme satisfaction was followed by a shout of blood-curdling rage from the hallway. Even the Gungan guards who sprang out of the kitchen with blasters drawn jumped in alarm at the howl of alarm coming from Luke Skywalker, whose burning gaze was fixed on his friend sliding out of his seat and falling in a heap on the floor.

The Gungans fired at the bounty hunters first, blasting cups and framed artwork as 4-LOM turned with unnatural reflexes, unholstered two sidearms, and immediately blasted a Gungan with two well-placed shots. The other guards scurried back into the kitchen or dropped behind the bar as 4-LOM continued firing, throwing broken bottles and beer and splinters skyward. Farmers and supervisors lounging in the bar dived under their tables, squawking and bellowing each in their own way. One tall Yarkora simply froze in fear, his eyes widening as he was unable to move, and could only sit and watch this unexpected waking nightmare while his friends gathered around his legs.

With a ululating cry Beefhead rose and threw his chair at Luke, then unslung his CR-1 blaster shotgun and aimed at the bar. But the Wookiee never got a chance to punish the Gungans, as the chair thrown at Luke bounced off an invisible wall, then Luke gestured at the heavy table near Beefhead and tossed it with a flick of his hand. Still struggling to rise from his seat, Zuckuss was knocked flat by the flying table, and Beefhead’s skull rang with a dull thonk as the corner of the table found his forehead.

Peering out from behind cover, the Gungan guards were confused about why the bounty hunters were suddenly wrestling with a table, but they knew an opportunity when they saw it. They fired, barely missing the Wookiee as it staggered back and forth. 4-LOM leveled his blasters just as several plasma bolts smacked into his chest. Sparks burst from the droid’s chest, and as he staggered backward he stepped on Zuckuss’s elbow, causing the aged bounty hunter to shriek pitifully and throw his legs into the air. Still the droid did not fall, but only slumped against the wall and shot at the guards, forcing the Gungans back behind cover. As 4-LOM turned one blaster toward Luke, Regis dived and caught Luke by the waist, flinging them both on the hard stone tiles at the same time blaster fire shrieked through the hallway and punched the far wall.


“They shot Han!” Luke shouted, turning on Regis as if he was the one to blame.

Regis recoiled, intimidated by his expression of red-faced rage. Again Regis was struck by the fact that he hardly knew this man. In fact, he feared him.

“We’ll get him, Luke, but right now, we need to be smart!”

Pushing away from Luke, Regis crouched beside the doorway and peered into the bar. The Gungans firing from the kitchen doorway were clearly not special forces, as they popped out of cover to fire and then took cover at the same time. Regis felt an ingrained instinct to have the Gungans disciplined for lack of basic combat tactics. Still, he was glad they were there to fire at the bounty hunters, for he was taken aback by the size of the albino Wookiee crouching over Zuckuss. Beefhead picked up his boss like a small sack of potatoes and raced toward an open window, smashing through a planter box of flowers and spilling soil as he leaped onto the wide balcony. 4-LOM followed with awkward, high steps, looking like a sleepwalking man dreaming of walking up a stairway. Though his mobility was obviously wrecked, both guns were still trained on the Gungans. 4-LOM suddenly crashed into the stone windowsill, then fell over the side as he folded in half.

Regis and Luke raced toward Han, who lay sprawled out on the floor.

* * *

Vasili flipped Regis’s mattress and grabbed the blaster rifle lying on the bed foundation.

“Sergeant’s out there unarmed,” he said, grimacing.

As Sindo finished buckling her white plastoid breastplate in place under her jacket, she said, “He’ll be fine, but not if we don’t get the ship prepped. Breaking out of this gilded cage is top priority.”

“I know that! I’m just saying, is all.” Vasili lifted the heavy backpack stuffed with the rest of their armor and hefted it onto his back, then shouted, “Artoo! Where are you, little guy?”

Artoo signaled an all-clear from the hallway. Sindo unholstered one of her blasters and took point, leading the way into the brightly lit hallway. Glancing through the windows, she saw wind tossing the purple-tinged sicasia trees, and a dark halo over the blue hills promised a gathering storm. She felt a rush of excitement from taking a weapon in hand after too many days of lying around.

They drew near a group of Gungan technicians and human laborers in coveralls, their excited chatter betraying the fact that some serious drama had come to Naboo. Sindo smiled as one Gungan’s eyes went wide at the sight of her blaster.

“Get in there and don’t come out!” said Vasili, jerking a thumb at the nearest doorway. With their jaws still hanging open, the techs and laborers rushed to be the first one out of the way.

A green-skinned woman passing through an intersection fixed her gaze on them, slowing by as she passed. Sindo wondered if Vasili would give the same warning to the Mirialan that he had given to the other group, but she suddenly noticed that the woman was not dressed like an employee. She wore rough travelling clothes with the sort of thick jacket that could easily hide a blaster. Suddenly noticing the woman’s mutilated face and purple eyes, she felt a cold tremor in her belly.

“Look out!” Sindo shouted, leveling her blaster just as Agatha the bounty hunter drew her own and fired. Both ran and fired too quickly, unable to hit one another as they raced for cover. Sindo threw herself into a supply room and Vasili lurched toward a recessed doorway as Agatha took cover at the intersection. Unable to keep up, Artoo wheeled into an empty room further back.


“West hallway, by the windows!” Agatha shouted. “I told you! Idiot!”

“Sindo!” Vasili shouted. “You gotta cover me while I run out there!”

Sindi gritted her teeth at the foolish plan, but it was either that or retreat without any decent cover. As she took a deep breath and prepared to signal to Vasili, a shadow covered the hallway and a Mandalorian in red and black armor flew in through a window. Rather than shout a warning, she simply leaned out of cover and shot in his direction, but as the Mandalorian landed he slid along the floor, evading fire with practiced ease. She pulled back just as Agatha shot at her, sending blasted splinters spraying from the open door right next to her.

Unable to enter the locked door behind him, Vasili poked the nose of his rifle out of the door jamb, only to jerk it back as Agatha and Mogo both fired from either side.

“Uh oh!” said Mogo. “Did somebody just get surrounded? Uh oh! Uh oh!”

“Would you shut up and kill ‘em already?!” Agatha shouted.

“Watch and learn, sidekick!” said Mogo, leaning out of cover with an arm extended. Fire belched forth from a wrist-mounted flamethrower fueled by a tank on his jetpack, forcing Vasili to squeeze even tighter against the recessed door jamb. Unable to get any leverage on his rifle to shoot off the heavy door’s ancient doorknob, he set to beating at it with the butt of his rifle.

“S-Sindo!” he said. “Could use a little help here!”

Sindo leaned out but immediately saw Agatha aiming for her with a look of predatory glee stretching her scarred face. She pulled back just as Agatha drilled the open door once again.

“We got two of ‘em pinned down, boss!” said Agatha. “Boss? You there, sir?”

“Let’s gift-wrap these Imps, first!” said Mogo. “I have a cool wire-shooter on my other wrist! It wraps around the target and… well, just watch, okay, Agatha?”

Mogo turned off his flamethrower, then holstered his blaster and prepared the fibercord entanglement device attached to his other wrist. He knew that once he got one Imp secure, he could use the hostage as bait to draw out the other one. He leaped out of cover - then jumped in alarm as some kind of giant monster shrieked behind him.

Agatha leaned out of cover and gasped in shock as a giant brown Wookiee raced up behind Mogo, crying out in bestial fury. Mogo stumbled but, unable to get away fast enough, the Wookiee grabbed him by his waist and threw him aside. Mogo smacked against the window casing with a sound like an aluminum can battered with a rock, then crumpled and fell through the open window. As Agatha took panic shots at the oncoming beast, the Wookiee unslung a large bowcaster and fired without aiming. Agatha flung herself back behind cover, then stumbled to get away, mumbling something between a curse and a prayer. She fell and crawled through an open doorway, then dropped her blaster and fumbled picking it up. Fortunately the Wookiee barreled through the intersection, ignoring her and only screaming in senseless rage.

“What was that thing?!” said Vasili, putting a hand to his chest as his heart hammered against his ribs.

“Somebody pissed off the wrong Wookiee,” said Sindo, leaving cover with her blaster held level. “It’s going in our direction, so we might as well follow it!”

Seeing no sign of Agatha Prima in the hallway, they ran to catch up with the raging behemoth. Artoo trilled plaintively, hoping that they would wait for him.

* * *

Regis threw a table on its side to cover them while Luke bent over Han. Regis looked at Han and sucked in air when he saw the wound - a blackened, charred depression directly in the center of Han’s unprotected belly. He was surprised when Luke placed one hand over Han’s eyes and the other over his heart.

“Luke, man,” said Regis, “I’m sorry, but he’s gone. We need to run. Now.”

Regis peered over the table just as Beefhead sent an unaimed shot from his CR-1 into the bar, sending beer spraying from kegs and eliciting curses from the Gungan guards still gathered behind the kitchen doorway. Regis ducked back behind cover, then noticed Han’s blaster still sitting holstered at his side. Necessity overcame respect for the fallen, and he reached over and unholstered the blaster. It was a heavy DL-44 the likes of which he was unfamiliar, and was even fitted with a scope. It felt good in his hand - but he nearly dropped it as Han suddenly gulped in air and arched his back.

“Relax, relax,” said Luke, patting his friend’s cheek.

“Luke!” said Han, hands shaking as he gripped them to his chest.

“I’m here, I’m here.”

Han opened his eyes and gave Luke such a look of pain, confusion, and bottled anger that Regis regretted his harsh appraisal. It hurt him to see any human endure such anguish.

“Luke… I didn’t shoot first…” said Han. “I’m not… what they said…”

“I know, Han, but rest! We’re going to get you help!”

“I couldn’t help you, but…”

As Han fought to speak, Regis bent over him. He had never seen anyone survive such a wound, with the flesh peeled back from charred innards, most likely resulting in critical organ damage. He clamped his mouth shut but glared at Luke. If one of his own men had endured such a wound, Regis would have put him out of his misery, not bring him back to a world of torment.

Still Han forced himself to speak. “But you… you have to go to…”

Luke leaned in close, then nodded as Han whispered to him. Luke suddenly reached into Han’s pocket and drew out a small, handheld holoprojector.

“That’s it,” said Han. “It’ll reach… across the galaxy… but… but you…”

“Okay, Han, I understand - now rest,” said Luke. He placed a hand close to Han’s shoulder and Han immediately went limp. His eyes rolled back as he passed into unconsciousness.

Before Regis could speak to Luke, a squat Ugnaught raced up to them and put his hands on Han’s wound.

“Hey!” Regis barked.

“I’m his doctor!” said the Ugnaught.

“Can you help him?” said Luke.

“Not here, no. Not anywhere on Naboo.”

“You don’t have any hospitals on this paradise planet?” said Regis, uncomfortable with the alien’s small, fat fingers probing at Han’s neck and eyes.

“He’ll die without extensive organ replacement,” said the Ugnaught, unphased. “We need to get him to the New Republic Medical Facility, on Coruscant.”

“That’s too far!” said Regis.

“There is a cryogenic freezer on the Millenium Falcon. If we can get him in there soon enough, there is a chance. He may live.”

Regis looked over the table and saw the white Wookiee peering back at him from the balcony just before ducking back behind cover.

“Good luck getting out of here in one piece,” said Regis, “with those bounty hunters keeping us pinned down!”

* * *

“Follow them, Agatha!” Zuckuss shouted into his comm. He sat on the hard stone tiles beneath the window with his legs splayed out, pelted by bits of pottery as the Gungans returned fire in Beefhead’s direction. “Mogo, are you there? Fly over here and give us a hand!”

“S-sure thing, boss,” Mogo said, then groaned as if in pain. “Are you okay? What… what happened?”

Zuckuss swallowed painfully. “We’re fine! Just a little… somewhat pinned down, it seems.”

“How did they know, boss?”

Zuckuss’s throat constricted at the thought of his subordinate finding out that the leader of Viddu’s Hounds had lit this powder keg by killing a defenseless bounty before the others had been gathered, thus turning the entire operation sideways. Glancing at Beefhead, he saw the Wookiee’s pink eyes turned in his direction, no doubt thinking the exact same thing.

“These things happen!” Zuckuss snapped. “Now get over here!”

As he dropped the comm, 4-LOM turned to him. “Did you t-tell him skkkzzzzt,” he said, his head twitching. “Tell him that I - I - I require - require maint… require mainten… that I require-”

“No, 4-LOM, the kid can’t do anything about that. I’ll get you patched up once we’re back aboard the Lamelar. Right now…” Zuckuss dug around in his satchel, then pulled something out. He revealed a steel sphere which he held delicately. “Right now, let’s show these fools what happens when they attack Viddu’s Hounds!”

Zuckuss primed the grenade, then threw it in the window. He was shocked when it immediately returned and fell bouncing at their feet.

“Beefhead! Get it! Get it!” Zuckuss shrieked.

Just as the Wookiee dived for it, the grenade exploded, tossing the Wookiee’s hair back in a shower of yellow dust. With his eyes clamped shut the Wookiee coughed, spraying still more dust into the air. Zuckuss’s stomach dropped at the sight of his henchman desperately trying to gulp in air but only managing to suck down toxic powder. As still more blaster fire flashed overhead, Zuckuss realized without a doubt that one of their targets must surely be a Jedi - which they were not prepared to deal with.

“Beefhead, my old friend,” said Zuckuss, “I’m sorry to say, but you are going to feel very bad, very soon.”


“Yes, well, be that as it may, we need to get you back to the Lamelar before the full effects kick in. Which means we must get off this balcony. Which means-”

Beefhead tried to cut him off, but puked in a loud, hard spray that splashed off the stone floor. Beefhead lifted his face to the sky, revealing red-rimmed eyes and soaking wet fur dripping from chin to chest.

“Which means you’re going to have to carry us both over the side.”

Beefhead turned to Zuckuss with a look of absolute loathing, drawing in pained breaths as he wobbled back and forth. The nausea was kicking in, and Zuckuss knew that the sound of blaster fire must be hammering in the Wookiee’s ears. With incredible force of will the poor Wookiee crouch-walked over to Zuckuss and 4-LOM, suppressing a groan of agony by baring his teeth, using the ancient warrior’s trick of covering pain and fear with anger. Looking almost as if he was coming in for a hug, Beefhead wrapped his arms around his teammates, then lifted them while awkwardly turning and crouch-walking over to the balcony’s stone balustrade. The miserable Wookiee belched in a long, hollow, sickening roar.

“Now, careful, Beefhead,” said Zuckuss. “It’s quite a ways down, so you’ll need to balance us both as you-”

Without hesitation, Beefhead flung himself over the side. Zuckuss felt his stomach lurch and rise into his throat as the ground rose up to meet them. He suddenly regretted ordering Mogo to come to their aid, as he would no doubt see the leader of Viddu’s Hounds in the most compromised position he had ever found himself in.

* * *

At the far end of the enclosed spaceport, Raptor sat on one knee in the shadow beneath a parked ship and propped his rifle atop the lowered boarding ramp. He had good cover and a clear view of the spaceport’s entrance and the path leading up to the Righteous, which he was glad the targets had been stupid enough to try to hide with a simple dark green paint job.

“Raptor, you still there?” said Dengar, calling from the ship’s comm.

“Mmm hm,” said Raptor.

“Boss man’s team is limping back with Mogo, and they don’t look so good.” Dengar was unable to hide the nervousness in his voice. “Looks like we might have been up against a little more than we thought. Might ought to get your ass out of there!”

“Got a clear shot,” said Raptor. “I hear them now.”

“Raptor!” Agatha suddenly cut in. “There’s a whole army coming your way. Just put a tracker on the ship and get out of there!”

“It’s tagged,” he said, placing his eye against the scope, “but I didn’t come here to chase these people all around the galaxy. I’ll put an end to this right now.”

As the distant doorway slid open, the noise of raucous shouting echoed throughout the spaceport. Raptor watched something like an army in rout or an alien parade spill through the doorway, with a lumbering Wookiee and a monk in black robes leading several humans and a gang of Gungans carrying someone in a makeshift stretcher. A short Ugnaught and an astromech droid brought up the rear.

The group divided in two, and Raptor focused on the monk - most likely their primary target. He waited for most of the Gungans to disappear as they carried the stretcher into the hold of an aged Corellian freighter. The Wookiee and astromech droid entered the Righteous with several of the humans. Luke turned for one last look at the man on the stretcher, then stumbled. Someone caught him by his elbow and helped him stand. Raptor’s breath caught in his throat. As the other man helped Luke into the Righteous, Raptor lowered his rifle.

“Everything alright, boy?” Dengar’s tinny voice sounded in his ear.

Raptor watched as both ships raised their boarding ramps. He stood and leaned against the boarding ramp he was hiding behind.

“Well, boy?” said Dengar. “You still there?”

“Come on back, Raptor,” said Zuckuss. “Let’s get out of here and regroup. We pissed off a lot of Gungans today. No sense hanging around.”

“I put a tracker on their ship, sir,” said Raptor. “We can follow them.”

“I know you did. I know you did.”

“There were… too many of them,” he muttered, slinging his rifle behind his back. As the ships fired their engines and the wide front entryway opened in a gust of raging wind, Raptor made his way toward the small service entrance. He felt sick and disoriented.

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