《A Guardian's Tale》Chapter 8- First Job


Aaron was right. Aaron’s informant-Aaron told us his name was Jason- had predicted what would happen with surprising accuracy. The ‘warp’ as it was now dubbed (our name caught on) was explained by NASA and the United Nations as a worldwide phenomena which was caused by a mutation in the genetic structure of humans by an alien energy named Atomic Transmutation Energy or ‘ATE’ for short (pretty uncreative If you asked me) . Apparently, research conducted within the short time ATE entered the earth’s atmosphere showed that its effects were experienced on a subatomic level. The biggest problem that the world faced, however, was that a lot of teenagers were affected by the warp and teenagers weren’t really known for their rationality. There were already reports in some countries where warped people were causing unnecessary problems, destroying properties and bringing chaos. India had its hands full with a lot of teenagers protesting violently against the banning of some video games. The police tried and failed to contain them especially since they were trying not to use deadly force. Countries like North Korea and Afghanistan had it worse though. The newly warped teenagers had caused so much collective damage that the governments of those countries were almost removed. A group of teens announced on the internet that the leader of North Korea had a week to step down or else they’d personally take action against him the day before. The world was still thinking of what to do about that. The United States, Japan and the United Kingdom where some of the only countries to review Jason’s plan and while they hadn’t accepted it, they put him on probation to see what he could do. “Hey Evie,” I greeted as my sister stepped into the room. “Oh hey. What you writing?” she asked curiously. ”I’m documenting the events that have happened since last week for my future best-selling autobiography,” I replied, not looking back. “Since when did you become a writer? I thought you disliked it,” she inquired. “Since I realized that I would soon be famous, I thought it would be a good idea to start writing down my autobiography. Enough of that though. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, dear sister?” I asked, closing my book and turning to face her. “Don’t you already know?” she asked brows raised. “Well, yes, I do. But it is better for the messenger to deliver the message properly, super hearing or not.” I said sagely. “Okay then, Mum said Aaron called and said its time,” she said. For some strange reason, my mum wanted Aaron to let her know first before telling me. That wasn’t my problem though because finally, after a week of waiting and planning, it was time. “Tell her I’m on my way Evie.” Flying was something I’d found myself doing more in the past week. That fear of being seen seemed to have contributed to my reduced use of it. It made me realize how much I was missing. I’d actually seen s few people moving unsteadily through the air during the week. They were all unsteady and shaky, some flying too low and some flying too high. Seeing them made me nostalgic. It wasn’t easy learning to fly properly. It was worth it though. I came to a stop at a seemingly ordinary house in a relatively isolated area. Aaron had suggested that our base should be in a different location and came up with the idea of an underground bunker in an unassuming duplex. I landed directly in the compound and walked to the door which opened when it recognized me. Inside the house was a well furnished living room complete with electronic appliances. ‘For keeping up appearances’, Aaron had said. The room had a door which led to dark hallway with another room at the end of it. Turning right before the end of the hallway, I placed my hand on the wall and held it in place for a few seconds. The clicking sound it made which was too low to be picked up by normal hearing was the only sign that something happened. I took a deep breath and focused on the wall for a few minutes. I never understood the exact process but a few weeks after I recovered from the worst of the aftermath of Sophie’s kidnapping, I realized that if I focused on something living for a long time. It started to die. At first I thought I was radiating heat energy in some form but Aaron explained that it wasn’t likely as it only seemed to affect living things. Later trials and tests convinced Aaron that it wasn’t heat energy but a form of radiation. It was according to him, different from any of the known forms of radiation emitted by radioactive substances but something different. He believed with that with time I’d be able to control it to a high level potentially causing nuclear damage but that simply made me abandon the ability. Since the incident with Sophie, the phrase ‘looks could kill’ held a lot more meaning and in my life and I had no plans of making it more true than it already was. I’d been less reluctant lately though, finally realizing that it was better to have it under control than to completely suppress it which was why I didn’t immediately say no when Aaron suggested this as a security measure. The security system, which was controlled by a pretty sophisticated artificial intelligence system, finally seemed to decide that it’d had enough of my staring and the door that was built into the wall finally opened up revealing the interior of an elevator made completely out of tungsten carbide and equipped with an inbuilt ejector. Aaron’s paranoia would get to him one day. “Hey Sam. Get dressed. We’re going to Maiduguri,” was the greeting I received when got out of the elevator. “Say what?” I asked, confused. “ Aaron had a small job planned for us but there was a development in Borno state and he decided it would be better to go there. I agree with him.” Sophie replied, her voice carefree.. “Okay, what happened?” I asked trying to calm myself. “Well some students were kidnapped from a school by Boko Haram members in Maiduguri and eye witness reports mention strange things happening like being unnaturally afraid shortly before the terrorists arrived and things flying around on their own accord. Aaron moved one of his satellites over the area and has confirmed the presence of ATE concentrated in a particular area which means that there are warped persons there. Its perfect for us to start with. Think of all the people we’d help.” She said, her voice a little pleading at the end. “Okay, I know that you’ve been preparing for this for the past week and that I can probably handle whatever they bring but I can’t stand the thought of something happening to you. I thought we were going for a simple robbery busting or something but this is more than that. We’re talking about a nationwide terrorist group. You could get hurt.” I told her. “Actually,” Aaron said, walking into the room. “You don’t need to worry about that. I’ve been working to get the energy shields working properly for today. Their built into her dress. Wearing that dress, nothing short of a nuke could seriously harm her. It also has built in nerve receptors that increase her reaction speed and enough fire power to take on an army battalion and come out on top. I used neurotransmitters to teach her how to operate her gear and basic fighting skills. She might not be a pro, but she more than makes up for it in ammunition.” He finished. Of course Aaron prepared something for her. I tried to think of protests I could make but I knew none of them would win the argument for me. “You know what?” I asked, going for the truth. “I don’t want you to do this. I just can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt. You’re my best friend and I’m not okay with you throwing yourself in the line of fire. Its different with Aaron, he’s always been able to take care of himself but you, its hurts to watch you going into something knowing you might get hurt and that I might not be able to protect you.” I finished, ugly memories coming to the surface of my thoughts. “I know that ,Sam, but the thought of knowing this is happening and that i won’t be able to help sickens me. You can understand that, can’t you?” She took my hand into hers and looked at me, her eyes drilling into mine. “Please Sam, please. You can’t protect me forever. I need do this. Will you try to stop me from having this one thing?” she said and I knew at that moment that she’d stay if I said she should. My stubborn Sophie would stay if I said she should. I also knew she’d no longer be my stubborn Sophie if she stayed. She’d just be stubborn Sophie. So this was how mum felt when she allowed me to do this. “Well,” I said trying to compose myself. “what are we waiting for. Lets go save some girls from terrorists.” “Actually, we’re waiting for Aaron to prepare our transport, we also need to dress up and confirm our strategy. Aaron said we couldn’t go in guns blazing since it was a hostage situation.” Sophie answered, holding back a smile. “Okay then,” I said, sighing dramatically. “Lets take the ‘smart’ approach” I finished in mock disgust letting the smile forming on my face blossom with Sophie’s.

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