
Genesis initiated the events that henceforth take place in this account of the tales of a man who gave everything he could in order to preserve himself and the way of life around him. The machinations of the world sought to burn away the identity of those featured in this story, but they could not burn what was already smoldering with an internal flame that scorched ever brighter than the fires on the outside. This story has been retold many times in more than one way, but what you behold is the truest and most faithful account.

We harken to the days before time. Upon Genesis, mankind was created, and God generated it in his image. The Angels sought out the advice of God, who wanted his creation to encompass his image. This sat distastefully with the elite spirits, who saw humanity for what it was; a divine mistake to them. An error to be blotted. Humanity did not cherish life nor the divine purpose brought upon them by the highest and most holy of lords. This one day sparked a civil war among the loyal and the seemingly unrighteous. The outcast and dark angels were dashed to the Earth below upon their defeat - otherwise known by all as demons.

One faithful day would come, according to these “outcasts”. Prophecy foretold that angels and demons would, as time marches, become as one; if not in the first instance of their binding, it shall come before the last. One to end the civil war; and be it their ruination or their victory, peace will be delivered, either with humanity standing or piled high, a mountain of corpses as a monument to sin.

This prophetical entity, both preserving the divinity of the Angels and the outcast humanity-bound energies of sin would become known by all as Seraph. The firstborn of their kind mothered the ancient ones, and on thusly. Millenia passed, and as the demon wars reached a fevered pitch, a daemon war lady encountered and brought to ruination the Archangel of Defense, humanity's then-guardian.


Fire and passion beyond the whim of the cosmos and the normalcy of nature itself could not forbid their marriage. Their love was stronger than their fear of death and their duty to destroy each other, and so, the first of an Arch-Seraph that day born, named Nathaniel for the human translation of Netzach, Leader of the Principalities. A decision was made in favor of humanity on that day; the child would be brought up to fight and fulfill the prophecy. Humanity’s guardian, the father, forged from the metal spokes of Yahweh's chariot and divine lumber of the trees of the Garden of Eden a sword, and delivered it to the boy. Training commenced in the cosmos as boyhood passed for Nathaniel till it was discovered by Yahweh their existence…

Enraged, Yahweh tore from them the child and cast them aside as heathens from his realm. The resulting period a human would refer to as “adolescence” was little more than slavery for the young Seraph. Unsure of himself and subject to the whims of a seeming increasingly senile old god, Nathaniel did battle at his behest, fighting choir and horde and human alike. Time gave strength to him mental and physical - both the power of body and the resolve to continue, miserable as he was, till the fateful day that the invincibility was shattered. Nathaniel was sent back in time through the cosmos to strike the firstborn Seraph Empress down. Mutilated and humiliated by the originating and old Empress Seraph, the task failed, and to account for the failure of the future acts of the Empress, Yahweh sought to give an alternative task to the proto-angelic creature.

He was to be reborn throughout time to account for the failure of allowing the Empress Seraph to steer the Demon Wars in the losing direction for Yahweh’s intentions. Humanity had to pay the price, as did the demons. And so, Yahweh had Nathaniel reborn in a human avatar once roughly every few years, living out his lives and expiring with his final breath belonging to him. Many times his parents sought him out to save their beloved son from their torment; their many attempts were met with repeat injury. They knew if they could free their son, it could give them the briefest chance of overthrowing the LORD. They could only bide their time…


Time brought them to the modern day. The Second World War came and went, and entrapped in the body of a supposedly human soldier, Nathaniel aimlessly wandered the world in search of a new home, unbeknownst to him who he truly was or what he was to accomplish...

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