《Return of the Margravine》Looking for a Dragon Stone (3): Entering the Dragon Cemetery


The next day Violant and her companions mounted the holy hill. On its top they found ruins of what once seemed to have been the encircling wall of a holy place. Within its boundaries, the fluctuations of magical energy indicated an entry to the other march nearby.

In front of an overgrown old sacrificial altar, Violant and Eibhlin dismounted their steeds. Huwcyn and Cuilennain protested against this but without success.

“Our destination is no good territory for horses to traverse.” the elven magician explained.

“Fine.” the ceffyl dwr backed down before turning to the night-raven “I’ll leave Violant in your care, Hraban. Inform me immediately when anything should happen.”

The big black bird cawed to signal his affirmation.

“Now let’s go. The earlier we find what we are looking for the earlier we can return.” the red-haired girl declared and turned around to step into the other march, closely followed by her elven tutor and the night-raven.

The water horse and the each-sith stayed behind, eagerly awaiting the return of their riders.

Crossing over into the other march was like crossing into another world entirely. The scenery of green grassy hills and gentle warm winds carrying the scent of summer was replaced by black, hot volcanic rocks almost bare of any plant life, rugged lava-spitting peaks rising into a sky completely covered with black smoke, a seething heat in the air and a pervasive smell of sulfur all around.

The expedition of three stood on a rocky ridge void of any vegetation and looked down into a deep crevice broad enough to be called a valley that was surrounded by volcanoes all around. This valley was littered corpses and bones of all dragons imaginable.

“That’s the dragon cemetery.” informed Eibhlin “The hard part is climbing down there and coming up again. If we manage to avoid the cockatrices, basilisks and other reptilian critters galore down there feeding on their more majestic relatives, we might have a good chance to bring this undertaking to a good end.”

Violant didn’t say anything. She walked the talk instead and began to descend into the valley. Thanks to her being a magician she didn’t need to resort to arduous climbing at glowing hot and sharp rock walls. She lowered herself down using wind magic instead, especially since her spear doubtlessly had gotten in her way otherwise. That was still torturing enough because the air she moved for this was as hot as an oven and was more similar to a foehn wind than anything else.

Eibhlin, after a moment of surprise and stupor, copied her student’s example. Hraban just flew normally.

After reaching the ground, the young lady thought to close in to the next dragon skeleton. Given the extremely hostile environment she sought to take the first available dragon stone as long as its shape and color met her approval, but it wasn’t as easy.

As soon as Violant approached the dragon skeleton closest to her – judging from its size it must have been rather middle-sized for a dragon but bigger than a wyvern nonetheless – she inadvertently drew the attention of several creatures. Luckily for her it were neither cockatrices nor basilisks, both famed for their deadly gaze and poisonous breath. Slaying a cockatrice had once founded the fame of the house of Avallach but its latest scion didn’t believe she could repeat the feat.


Luckily it was just some kind of two-legged wingless lizard-dragon with snakelike long and thin tail and neck. Its upperpart was scaled quite darkly, its underbelly lighter instead. Actual colors were difficult to identify in the twilight of smoke, fire and molten lava. This kind of small and inferior dragon inhabited the dragon cemetery as a scavenger. It was neither poisonous nor could it breathe fire although it would hurt terribly when someone was bitten by its small sharp teeth. All in all the lizard-dragon was not really dangerous – unless you find yourself surrounded by dozens of them.

As it was the case for Violant. She soon was swarmed by carrion-feeding lizard-dragons all around. The scavengers didn’t despise feeding on fresh meat in the slightest. It was just hard to come by if you lived in the life-hostile dragon cemetery and belonged to the bottom of the food chain.

“Get lost!” she shouted, at the same time dispersing the reptiles by using a blast wave of fire. Witnessing this, the lizard-dragons surely were willing enough to make off again. When Eibhlin and Hraban joined the redhead at the bottom of the crevice, none of the scavengers could be seen far and wide and the scorched ground caused by Violant’s magic didn’t stand out in any way.

“Eibhlin, I’ll leave retrieving the dragon stone to you while I keep a lookout for any possible approaching danger.” the young lady instructed, her throat parched from the hot and dry air. Her eyes teared because of the ash particles floating all around.

The elf agreed with a nod and turned to the closest dragon skeleton. It was also her who was carrying the back filled with the tools provided by Hanarr. She climbed up the skull and secured her position in the middle of its forehead by magically generating wooden vines sprouting from the dragon bones for binding her legs so that she couldn’t lose her footing.

Then Eibhlin used the tools looking strikingly similar to a hammer and chisel – what in fact they were – to break open the dragon’s frontal bone. That wasn’t an easy feat in the least since the material was even harder than granite. Normal iron tools wouldn’t leave even as much as a scratch. Luckily they used dwarven tools though. Although still arduous, Eibhlin managed to release the dragon stone from the skull it was embedded in. All the while she was curiously observed by night-raven Hraban who had taken a seat on one of the dragon’s horns which were winding around the skull like ram horns.

“Lady Violant, look! Isn’t it just gorgeous?” Eibhlin asked while presenting the results of her labor. The dragon stone was an oval object of about the size of a quail egg. It was slightly flattened on both sides and as smooth as if it already had been cut by a jeweler. A mysterious inner light constantly emitted from the stone allowed Violant and Eibhlin to assess its colors. The base color was a gentle green, not unlike the typical eye color of the Avallach family, but it was also interspersed with pretty silver spots. At the same time this beautiful gem consisting of crystallized magic was one of the hardest materials ever heard of. What luck that it wasn’t necessary to cut it anymore.


“Well done.” the red-haired girl praised “It really is gorgeous and fitting nonetheless. I am in your debt, Eibhlin. But let’s talk about this later, after our safe return. I don’t want to stay even a moment longer in this piping hot place hostile to any kind of life.”

Huwcyn and Cuilennain couldn’t help but stare with wide eyes. The two women and the bird who had left them behind some hours before were hardly recognizable, so grey they had become from the volcanic ashes covering their every surface.

“The first thing I’ll need upon my return is a good scrubbing and a hot bath.” Violant declared.

“Definitely.” the ceffyl dwr consented “You are almost as grey as me now.”

Meanwhile, the elf got apprehensively examined by the each-sith making sure of her wellbeing while admonishing her recklessness with a litany in elven language at the same time. That didn’t change the fact of Eibhlin being quite pleased with herself in the least though.

“So this is a dragon stone!” Prince Edric exclaimed full of fascination while studying the object in front of him.

Violant and her companions had already freshened up in the meantime and looked presentable again.

“Truly marvelous!” the second prince continued voicing his excitement “What did you say you wanted to use it for, Lady Violant?”

“She wants to use it as a gemstone for the necklace she will wear during the debut ball, elder brother.” Prince Wynkin answered the question instead “You know, the specification demanded of the debutantes.”

Violant looked quite surprised. She never had mentioned her reason but the youngest prince had found out nonetheless.

“Quite obvious, now that you say it.” Edric agreed “A dragon stone as a gem might be somewhat flamboyant but it surely meets the requirements. I believe you will look gorgeous, Lady Violant, especially as the gem’s colors are eminently suited to complement the colors of your hair and eyes.”

“Well, thank you, Your Highness.” the young lady replied, visibly overwhelmed by the sudden honest compliment. It was quite rare meeting a shrewd and prudent man like the second prince wearing his heart on his sleeve but it couldn’t be denied that he also was somewhat unworldly and definitely more trusting than what was good for someone of standing.

Prince Wynkin just sat back, observing the unfolding scene with a nearly unnoticeable ambiguous smile on his face. At the same time he was bothered by something but couldn’t quite pin down what it was exactly.

“I’ve brought the finished product.” Hanarr informed while stepping into the margrave’s study. The dwarven smith carried a wooden box containing the necklace “Must say I’m quite pleased with myself. The gem was already o’ a good quality though. One o’ the best I’ve ever seen, I tell ya!”

Orderic, Mortimer, and Violant waited excitedly for the unveiling of the piece of jewelry that would be the central focus of Violant’s debut outfit. Eibhlin was also present out of consideration, given her involvement in choosing and acquiring the gem.

“Now, don’t keep us in suspense any longer, Hanarr.” the margrave said with a smile “Come on, show us what you have created with your skillful hands.”

The dwarf set down the wooden box on a slant-top desk, opened its hinge-attached lid and presented them the necklace on a cushion from red velvet. It was nothing else but numerous silver chain links stringed together but each and every chain link was so small and filigreed that it was a marvel to see. The quail egg-sized dragon stone was set in a simple frame of lustrous silver delicately adorned with a pattern of vines and flowers.

All people present were speechless when faced with the beauty and elegance of the piece of jewelry which – despite all is splendor – still had a subtle appearance. It was guaranteed to catch eyes everywhere.

Mortimer was the first to recover his voice.

“A tremendous work!” he praised “No piece of jewelry might be more suitable to represent what my sister and the margraviate stand for. You have outdone yourself yet again, Hanarr.”

Violant wanted to join in but then she saw that her uncle, normally a man of strong character, suddenly began to tear up.

“I can’t quite believe this.” he said with a sob “My little dear Violant has grown up so fast. Before you know it she is already an adult. But it is my responsibility as her father to give her the best start possible in society. Violant, wearing this necklace you will look as beautiful and ethereal as Evelyn did at her debut, your mother, my dearest sister. That is my true belief. Seeing as the little girl of once has managed to grow up into a young lady as beautiful as a lily, albeit sometimes a little headstrong. I don’t appear to have made any grave mistakes raising you in my sister’s place.”

Nobody had expected Orderic to suddenly be overcome with tears of emotion. Especially the dwarf and elf felt strongly to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. It was just too awkward seeing your lord crying all of a sudden, devoid of any semblance of his usual authority. Therefore both quickly excused themselves and retreated from the room. Hanarr would return for his payment another time.

Violant and Mortimer stayed back trying to comfort their father. The most important thing for the girl’s debut was ready. Now they still had until October to prepare for the rest.

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