《Yin Yang Saint of Athena》The Large Scale Teleportation Begins – Yin Yang Corps in Trouble


Only some Steel Saints remained as the others were already gathered on Athena’s Colossus. Libra Genbu distributed the Libra Weapons to Koga and his Yin Yang Corps division, after receiving the blessings bestowed by the priests of the Church.

Avan went to see Sapphire and he uttered “The transportation spell is now ready Milady” .

“If only the ancient warship is still operational. Alas, it was half-destroyed during the last Holy War. We could have saved you the trouble Hero Avan” Sapphire softly whispered.

“But, With your spell, we’ll be able to transport Athena’s Colossus, albeit temporarily, into the heart of the Imperial Kingdom.”

“Athena’s Colossus will become the beacon of hope amidst the invasion of the forces of the Dark Lord and Demon Lord.”

“Please begin.”

Avan performed numerous hand seals at light speed while muttering some incantations. Suddenly, a light pillar can be seen enveloping everyone in the teleportation array. The light pillar enveloped everyone and it also included Athena’s Colossus.

“Let us be off!” shouted Avan who began to form hand seals for the transportation spell.

“We will be greeted by Kuro’s division, Hyunckel’s division and the other Heroes, Adventurers, Saints, Priests and Vampire Hunters who have already made their way towards the Imperial Kingdom” he solemnly said.

“We will fight to protect the whole world against the Forces of the Dark Lord and his cohorts!” shouted Libra Genbu.

“Saints, Heed my Call!”

“All of Athena’s Saints will go to war with Vearn and the Dark Lord!”

“We will use all of our power to bring peace to the world once more!”

Avan also looked towards the world heroes gathered by the Heroes Guilds and muttered “Heroes of the world, heed my call!”

“We will vanquish Vearn, Soma and their cohorts!”


Genya also looked towards the Vampire Hunters and forces of the church and muttered “Vampire Hunters! Forces of the Church! Heed my Call!”

“In the name of my Mother, we will defeat the Dark Lord and the Demon Lord once and for all!”

Transport!!!” Avan softly uttered.

After a half a dozen breaths of time, all of the Army of Athena standing on the grounds of Athena’s Colossus disappeared. They were transported to the heart of the Imperial Kingdom where the Homing Beacon for the teleportation spell was placed. Athena’s Colossus, as if it had a mind of its own, gently floated above the heart of the Imperial Castle, just above the beacon. It then emitted a blinding light that further strengthened the Imperial Barrier protecting the Imperial Castle.

A startling sight could be seen as numerous fights have broken out in the vicinity of the Imperial Castle. Amongst the forces lead by the 1st and 2nd Yin Yang Corps Divisions, only a couple of hundred Heroes, Adventurers, Priests, Steel Saints and Vampire Hunters remain. Kuro and his YYSC could be seen bathed in blood. Numerous cracks and injuries could be seen on his Cloth and on his skin. Hyunckel was not doing any better as he had a deep slash starting from his right shoulder up to his waist. Dai had both of his knuckles draping in fresh blood and Leona was attending to him as well as the other two. Ryuho was still unconscious on one side, but his recovery was fast as waves of Omega (8th Sense) continued to emanate from his body.

Maam, Pop and Souma were still fighting against Flazzard and Zaboera. Raimi and Cube both have already been defeated and killed, but new Specters have appeared to take their place. Joining the attacking army were Earthly Magic Star Papillion Mew, Earthly Darkness Star Deep Niobe, Earthly Strange Star Frog Zelos and Heavenly Imprisoning Star Minotauros Gordon. Mew and Niobe were already taken out of the equation as they were both riddled with injuries, seemingly caused by Kuro, Hyunckel and Dai, but the latter three had to pay the price as well.


Maam had already ran out of bullets, and she was only hanging on due to her firm foundation from Brokeena’s training. Pop was panting heavily as he had casted thousands of different spells the past few days which caused him to level up and grow stronger, but the mental fatigue that accumulated can no longer be suppressed by him. Souma, on the other hand, was now relying only on his newly awakened Cloth and his willpower, as he too was tired after days of continuous fighting.

“Brokeena, Matoriv, Avan, please finish the preparations. It will take 200 breaths before Athena’s Colossus will be fully transferred here.” [Sapphire]

“Now, to aid Ryuho, I will use my Saint Heal on him, and I will need around 60 breaths of time to finish my spell.” [Sapphire]

“Koga, please lead your 3rd Division of Yin Yang Corps to help Kuro and Hyunckel’s Divisions.” [Sapphire]

“Genya, Yoko, Julius, please prepare your massive spells, we’ll try to eliminate all of the undead in one fell swoop.” [Sapphire]

“Yes Milady!” [Avan] [Genya] [Julius] [Matoriv] [Brokeena] [Yoko]

Sapphire was now preparing his heal spell to cure Ryuho of his mental and physical injuries and give him a rise in his cultivation of the Omega (8th Sense).

“Begin Channeling of Saint Heal!”

“Ignite, my Cosmos!” [Sapphire]

“Athena’s Staff! Saint Heal!” [Sapphire]

Avan, Brokeena and Matoriv provided the needed Mana in finishing the large scale teleportation spell that will fully transfer Athena’s Colossus towards the battlefield. Genya is now charging his ultimate Soul Steal spell, while Yoko and Julius were doing the same. Yoko and Julius will be using the combo of Holy Rain and Holy Frost Storm that can eradicate a huge number of Undead, while Genya’s soul steal will eliminate the souls of the Undead so that they cannot rise again afterwards.

“Koga, we’ll need at least a hundred and twenty breaths for our mass spell.” [Genya]

“It’s up to you and your 3rd Division to try and hold them at bay.” [Julius]

“Go and help Kuro and Hyunckel and hold on as long as you can, kid!” [Yoko]

With a firm determination, Koga, Yuna, Haruto and Eden charged towards the battlefield in order to assist Maam, Pop and Souma.

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