《Yin Yang Saint of Athena》Two Gold Saints Defeated! The Arrival of Garuda and The Aid of Gemini Integra. Awaken, 7th Sense!


“Garuda FLAP!!!” exclaimed Judge Garuda Aiacos, who had just arrived after the exchange of blows from Aldebaran, Kiki, Kill and Myst-Vearn. (Minos, Aiacos and Radamanthys were revived by Dark Lord Soma using the powers of the Dark Lord and Hades’ cosmos with the help of Vearn)

This skill caused the Crystal Wall of Kiki to get destroyed instantly (the Underworld Judges are higher in power ranking than the Gold Saints in general, even if the battlefield is in the Sanctuary, probably because Athena Sapphire is using the powers of the Sanctuary to suppress the Dark Lord’s Army in Europe). This caused both Aldebaran and Kiki to throw out numerous mouthfuls of blood. Both Gold Saints lost consciousness because of the well-timed attack of Aiacos.

Notifications rang on both Kiki and Aldebaran’s minds.

“HP down to 1. Losing consciousness.”


Also, numerous notifications rang in the minds of all of the Saints of Athena in the vicinity.

“To All Saints, Aries Kiki and Taurus Aldebaran are in a near death state.”

“Even a single weak attack can end their lives!”

“Immediately rescue them and restore some of their HP to avoid death!”

Kill-Vearn, intending to dispose of the two Gold Saints in a swift manner, found himself and Myst-Vearn facing a very strong attack.

“Galaxian Explosion!” shouted Integra, the successor of the Gemini Gold Cloth.

Unknown to the intruders, Integra was also waiting for the opportunity of a well-timed attacked (same as Aiacos) and the attack capable of incinerating Galaxies caused Kill-Vearn half of his body and Myst-Vearn (still with his eyes closed) to crash into the nearby mountain range. Due to his immortal body, Myst-Vearn took no damage, but the time that Vearn can preserved his body has shortened due to the massive damage received from Integra’s attack.


Due to Integra’s attack, both Myst-Vearn and Kill-Vearn also received notifications in their minds.

“Duration for Vearn’s True Body Seal down by 6 months.”

“Years left, 99 years and 6 months.”

“No deduction to HP.”

“Myst-Vearn Body Condition: Dazed”

“Robotic body half destroyed.”

“HP Down to 20%.”

“Kill-Vearn Body Condition: Robotic functions have ceased.”

“It looks like we have overstayed our welcome” said Garuda Aiacos.

Faster than the speed of light, Garuda Aiacos quickly swept over the half-destroyed Kill-Vearn and the staggering Myst-Vearn in order to quickly escape. Integra did not stop them, and went to check on the conditions of both Kiki and Aldebaran. After a few breaths, Julius, Genya, Avan and the rest arrived at the scene of the battle.

Integra was currently feeding HP Potions to both Kiki and Aldebaran. Yoko, upon seeing the defeat of the two Gold Saints, immediately rushed and executed a wide ranged Healing Spell.

"HP Potion used."

"HP + 30."

"HP + 30."

“Wide Range Heal!”

Notifications rang in the minds of those within the scope of the Heal Spell.


“Wide Range Heal Effect: +300 to HP within 3 seconds”

“+100 to HP.”

“+100 to HP.”

“+100 to HP.”

The 300 HP heal was sufficient to rouse the defeated Gold Saints. Kiki tightly clenched his fists and the desire to grow strong burned in his eyes.

“I am still too weak. I must reach the initial stage of the 8th Sense as soon as possible.”

Suddenly, a light pillar arose where Genya stood and a voice drifted from within it.

“So this is a well-planned attacked. Soma and Vearn separated their forces long before Athena Sapphire invoked the barrier” cursed Genya, whose hair had already returned to gold.


A notification rang inside Genya’s mind once again.

“Unsealing at 100%!”

“Unsealing complete!”

“Vampire Powers completely unsealed. Chaos powers also unsealed.”

The unsealing caused Genya’s prowess to multiply a thousand fold. He was completely able to unseal his powers in order to don the name of Alucard, the Prince of Darkness, once more.

Julius, who was pondering something on one corner, suddenly became talkative unlike his usual self.

“Looks like our enemies comprise of the Dark Lord Soma, Hades and Vearn together with their minions” he indicated.

“This is such a bad time, with Seiya still unconscious and Saori and the others still missing, and the successors of the bronze cloths are still unable to invoke the 7th sense” exclaimed Integra.

A voice suddenly reached everyone and the it uttered “Please make your way up to Athena’s Colossus. We will try to help Koga, Yuna, Souma, Ryuho, Hayato and Eden awaken their 7th sense and invoke their Awakened Bronze Cloths” said Sapphire, the successor of Athena in this generation.

The successors of the Bronze Saints have already awakened their 6th sense but this is not enough to confront the forces of Hades, Vearn and the Dark Lord. They laid in a meditative pose in front of Athena’s Colossus, and on the sides the Gold Saints can be seen in the same pose as well. Upon arrival, Genya, Julius and the others respectively took their places in the same pose and closed their eyes. They could faintly see a silhouette of Sapphire beside the Libra Gold Saint Genyu, who had her eyes closed. She could not be physically present since she is channelling all of the Sanctuary’s power in order to strengthen the barrier around Europe.

“Let us begin” exclaimed Genbu.

“Channel your powers into this sphere of light in my hand.”

After a hundred breaths of time, the power of all of the heroes present (Gold Saints, Vampire Killer, Vampire, Hero) converged in front of Libra Genyu, and he suddenly opened his eyes. He held the ball of power using both hands and he directed his will to it. Several rays of light emitted from the ball of combined power, and it was directed to the bronze saints who were meditating in front of Athena’s Colossus. After a time it takes for half an incense to burn, all of the cloths of the bronze saints emitted a terrifying white light, which blinded everyone except Genya, Avan and Sapphire.

Overflowing with tremendous power, Koga and the others could feel the awakening of their 7th senses and the changes of their bronze cloth stones to awakened bronze cloth stones. All of their cloths grew feather like wings that indicate a divine power stronger than before! Their cosmos also reached the peak of the 7th sense, which allowed them to deploy attacks at the speed of light. Thus, they can be considered pseudo-Gold Saints, equal to Newbie Gold Saints.

Numerous notifications rang in the minds of those present in the ritual.

“Bronze Cloth Stones Awakened!”

“7th sense attained.”

“Pegasus Cloth Stone, unsealed.”

“Lionnet Cloth Stone, unsealed.”

“Aquila Cloth Stone, unsealed.”

“Orion Cloth Stone, unsealed.”

“Dragon Cloth Stone, unsealed.”

“Wolf Cloth Stone, unsealed.”

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