《Re: Heroes' Mount》Chapter 5: Fire


So, I flipped a coin to see what story I should write for and it was Heroes' Mount, so here's the chapter! Also, apologies for not posting faster - I've been taking breaks and playing games to relieve myself from the stress of health class.


Chapter 5: Fire

6 months have passed by since Anwar learned his first ability. During that time, he’s been diligently meditating and sometimes running around - or away… from a certain person. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Elwyn, despite the fact that he still watched Anwar with happy eyes and talked to him about nonsense. No, this person was a stranger - a young girl, in fact.

Around this time, Elven children at the age 14 with birthdays within the next four months are to choose their horse counterparts and train them to become mighty mounts of the battlefield. This was due to the unveiling ceremony approaching within four months, where they would officially become adults at the age 15.

However, none of the children went up to Anwar (mostly due to the young girl chasing away suitors). Anwar thought she was absolutely crazy and would run away everytime he saw her.

The young girl had long, red hair and daring, green eyes. Her every move challenged him in no ways Elwood even could. Every twitch of her finger sent him trotting away into the field like a pony. In fact, he felt like a pony. However, he knew he was a mighty stallion. So Anwar would sometimes challenge her back - by glaring. Yes, glaring. Maybe adding a little neigh, but that was it.

However, the time to choose a horse counterpart was soon coming to an end. Anwar hasn’t been chosen yet, and the girl hasn’t gone after any other horse either.

“Why don’t you let her choose you?” Elwood yawned, as she lazily floated by him. “Know for a fact, that if you’re not chosen here, then you’ll be stuck in this barn as a stud. You do know what a stud is, right?”

Anwar shivered. However, he was not the type to lose to an obvious challenge. Well, actually he was, but today of all days - he felt like a beast.

“No, I won’t lose this one. I’ve been a coward all of my life, today I will change-!” the young girl was rushing towards him at max speed, her face was hidden, but a small, evil smile could be seen.

She looked up at him, her green eyes glaring with determination.

“S-she’s coming! I repeat, she’s coming! Abandon ships!” Panicking, Anwar turned around to run away. However, he felt the small girl pounce at him, tackling him to the ground. His gravity shifted and his vision turned from what was in front of him to the green grass.

“YOU WILL BE MINE!” She roared.

“N-never!” Anwar yelled, a surprised look appeared on her face, before the world turned to darkness.


“...a baby!” A masculine voice yelled, to which Anwar identified as Elwyn.

“Uuu…. s-sorry,” a childish voice apologized. “However, he submitted first! A warrior must never do that! At least, that’s what Papa told me…”

Elwyn sighed. “What has Zander been teaching you?”

Anwar got up, his vision still hazy, however he could make out the figures and colors before him. To the right of him was the red-haired girl, to the left was Elwyn - who seemed much more mature and cooler at this time.

“Don’t do it again, got it?” Elwyn warned, glaring at her.

“G-got it!” The red-haired girl saluted Elwyn, who walked away.

Hey, hey, hey, wait a second. Hold up, you’re gonna leave me? With her? Anwar eyed the girl nervously, who glanced at him nervously.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret,” she whispered to him. “I know you can talk - you don’t have to talk back, though.” Anwar snorted, I won’t - trust me.

“Well, my name is Ayda Chava Gweluthel! However, you can just call me Ayda! From now on, we’ll be partners, okay? So… nice to meet you, Anwar,” Ayda grinned at him.

Anwar’s heart softened a bit, albeit he still held a grudge when she tackled him and knocked him out. So, Anwar nodded his head.

Ayda’s face brightened up and her small grin spread across her face into a full-blown smile. “Hehehe… let’s get along then.”

The training regimen for chosen horses were different - much different than what Anwar had expected. Of course they would train their muscles by running laps and carrying heavy objects. However, they would also train their horses to track carefully and even learn how to attack correct opponents.

This really is a magical world, Anwar thought to himself, as he listened to Ayda telling him their training regime. He couldn’t image horses on earth doing stuff like this.

“Alright, let’s go to the field, Anwar!” Ayda chirped happily, as she lead him to the field. As soon as they arrived at the field, Anwar felt something odd in the atmosphere… and it was directed towards Ayda.

Whispers circulated around the field, as children alike all glared at her with hatred and disgust. Anwar couldn’t understand why.

By the time they made it to their field, an instructor awaited them. He, like the other children, had a disgusted look on his face as he eyed Ayda.

“Late,” he said, glaring down at the small girl.

“S-sorry, sir,” she bowed. “It won’t happen again.”

Anwar frowned, as they were walking to their field, the other students were casually talking and lying about. So, why is Ayda the only one they’re strict with?

Anwar neighed at the instructor, who scoffed and muttered, “impudent, just like your master… Hurry up and start your training.”

As he left, Ayda smiled sadly at Anwar. “It’s okay, Anwar. Don’t get mad. You see, I’m a half-elf - born of human and elven blood. My mother was a human, she died giving birth to me. My father’s name is Zander, he lives by the edge of the village - he’s a warrior.”


Anwar wanted to know why elves discriminated against half-elves. Was it something to do with humans themselves? Or did they dislike hybrids in general.

“Well, let’s get started! We have a long day ahead of us!” Ayda yelled enthusiastically. “First, we’ll learn how to saddle up…”

Anwar sighed, at times like these, he wondered where Elwood was. Her constant pestering kept him somewhat entertained at moments like these…

“Forward!” Ayda yelled, as Anwar jumped over a log and moved faster - his legs burned, but he pushed forward. He could feel the muscles building already.

“Almost there, Anwar. Keep it up,” Ayda said calmly, as they shortly arrived at their destination - the end of the field.

Right now, they were doing a practice run to see if the horses were competent enough or if they had to choose a different steed. Currently, Anwar was first place. Ayda grinned happily.

“No way, she must’ve cheated somehow,” some children whispered to each other, she ignored. She ignored it like every other comment she has gotten today - which amounted to quite a lot. Maybe even more than a hundred or two hundred.

“We did it, Anwar!” She hugged him. “That must’ve showed them,” Ayda whispered.

Over the day, Anwar has learned that elves of all ages discriminated against Ayda, due to her being a half-elf. Not only that, but they also refuse to acknowledge those related to her. For example, Zander, her father, and Anwar, her horse.

For the next few hours, Anwar ran laps across the field with Ayda on his back. He dodged obstacles and jumped over some, as well as even crushing some obstacles to dust. They taught him how to attack opponents, to which they surprised on how fast he was picking things up.

Well, most of them were really simple. Some of them include his regular attacks, such as kicking with the hind legs - something he did more often than he would like.

However, as babies, they limited the amount of things they could and should do. Some of it being the amount of weight they carried, how many laps they should run, and how many things they could do.

Once their training was over, Ayda brought him to her home - where he met her father, Zander.

Zander was handsome - like all elves were. He had long, blonde hair and striking green eyes that would illuminate in the darkness.

“So, this is your horse,” Zander eyed Anwar, walking around him with analyzing eyes. He then proceeded to touch Anwar and rub him in places even Elwyn hasn’t.


Zander retreated his hands and nodded his head in approval, leaving Anwar feeling used and disgusted. “He’s a good horse. Nice pick.”

What is with elves and touching? Anwar groaned, crying to himself.

Ayda grinned, “he’s the one I’ve been telling you about - the challenging warrior one!”

“Oho,” Zander grinned, “so you managed to get him after all.. Good job.”

“Hehe,” Ayda giggled and hugged Anwar, who twitched - it was a habit he got from his pony days… which means a few hours ago in the morning.

Zander stared at Anwar a bit longer, before smiling and saying, “you better protect her well, got it? So, what’s his name?”

You should’ve asked that in the first place, Anwar glared, finding a newfound hatred in Zander - along with Elwyn.

“Anwar,” Ayda grinned. “Elwyn told me it meant luminous or bright. Apparently, as soon as he was born, Anwar resembled an intellectual animal.”

“Well, is he?”

“Is he what?”

“Is he smart, come on now, child,” Zander snorted.

“Well, today…” Ayda then proceeded to explain to Zander what happened today and how fast Anwar picked up the things they taught him. She included how surprised the instructors and other children were when they saw Anwar - they were supposedly jealous.

“Hehe, that’s my little warrior! That’s how you teach others not to cross you! And if they do?”

“Kill them!” Ayda yelled, grinning innocently. Anwar paled as he stared at the father and daughter pair.

“HAHA!” Zander laughed, “alright then. Bring Anwar to the stables, I made your favorite vegetable soup.”

“Yay!” Ayda cheered. “Come on, Anwar, let’s bring you to your stables,” Ayda led him to a comfy-looking stable filled with hay. “I spent all of my allowance just to get you this hay. Before we didn’t have any.”

Anwar laid down on the hay, nodding his head in appreciation. Well, at least she tried, Anwar thought to himself.

“Well, nighty-night, Anwar. I’ll see you tomorrow morning!” Ayda smiled before leaving.

Anwar sighed contently and snuggled up in the hay, before remembering something - or someone - important. Where’s Elwood?

“Here,” Elwood yawned. “Sorry, I’ve been doing something.”

“Like what?” Anwar asked. Elwood, who he knows to be lazy and tends to get easily bored, actually did something? Something productive even?

Elwood paused. A tense silence filled the room as she stared at him with a serious expression.

“Anwar, I have to tell you something.”


Stellar's Box

DUN DUN DUNNN! Soooo, hey. How's it going? I know I haven't been releasing much, but in the mornings I'm busy with health, and in the afternoons.... I'm playing an mmorpg lmao.

Related to story:

So, how do you feel about Ayda? Zander? Any of the new characters?

Who's your favorite character so far? Who do you dislike the most?

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