《Re: Heroes' Mount》Chapter 4: The Small Patch of Hell



Okay, so some people have been asking me about whether or not Anwar will get laid/have a mate or something. Orignally, the romance tag was for side characters, but since some people asked, I'll give you an option to choose whether or not he should have a romantic side, too.

Also, suggestions on who it is will be good, too. It'll get my thinking juices going if I have some examples (I'm never good at this...)


Chapter 4: The Small Patch of Hell

After a few days or so, with Anwar’s steady pace, he managed to concentrate his mana for a whopping 10 seconds. It made him feel proud. Elwood, on the other hand, expected a more exponential growth. However, at least he could concentrate it.

Now, the newest problem was channeling it and willing it to obey him. Once he learned this, he’ll receive his first gift.

“In order to channel the mana, image it spreading throughout your chest - where your mana core is,” Elwood explained.

“That’s easy,” Anwar scoffed, “just tell me how to will it.”

“Concentrate a ball of mana forming on top of your hand. Imagine it as anything you want it to be, however, do remember, that this is how your mana will look like every time you materialize it,” Elwood warned him. “Don’t do anything you would regret.”

“Wait, you can’t change it?” Anwar asked nervously, what if he messed up?

“Well, it should be fairly easy, whatever you think of that exact moment, it’ll transfer over to shape your mana,” Elwood said.

“Hm.. alright,” Anwar let out a breath of nervousness. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his mana forming in front of him. Images of his past world filled his mind as he fed more and more mana to materialize it.

Finally, his mind rested on one image. It was a long, hard, and sharp - sword. The hilt was made out of gold and had a ruby encrusted in the center of it. On the blade itself, three small rubies were built onto it, going vertical.

Anwar opened his eyes, to find a shortened version of the sword. As in, everything was the same, except for the fact that the blade was around 4 inches long.

(A/N: Just imagine it’s rounder on the sides…)

Elwood sputtered out, “i-is that a… peni-”

“No! It’s a sword!” Anwar immediately intervened. It’ll grow bigger, right?


“It’s quite… small,” Elwood choked out, her body trembling and her face turning red.

“It’ll grow bigger… right?” Anwar asked, depressed.

Elwood coughed, masking her small laughter, “every Time you level up, the materialized mana changes, too.” A new determination burned in Anwar’s eyes. “In order to level up, it’s faster to gain experience in… defeating things,” Elwood slyly said, noticing Anwar’s new confidence.

“ELWOOD, LET’S GO KILL SOME MONSTERS,” Anwar suddenly yelled, a fierce look in his eyes. However, his stomach grumbled, and his mother trotted inside of the barn, as if she knew. Her eyes giving him a challenging look, as if she dared him to reject her nursing.

“...After I eat…”

“Pfft- HAHAHA-”

“Shut up.”

“ALRIGHT, LET’S GO KILL SOME MONSTERS,” Anwar roared (neighed) ferociously. He jumped over the fence and into the dark forest, Elwood following behind him. The two quickly race down and into the forest - running nonstop.

“Slow down,” Elwood yawned. “First things first, find a small opponent. Try not to go for the large ones-”

“Like that?” Anwar gestured to the large creature looming nearby, he eyed Anwar as if he were pancakes on a Sunday morning.

The monster had a large head, similar to humans, yet its ears were pointed and its nose crooked downwards. Its teeth were long, sharp, and awkwardly thin - it resembled its nails. The monster’s body was scrawny and had a long tail and wings. Its skin was pale, and on some parts, translucent.

“Ugh,” Anwar held in a mini-barf as he eyed the creature with disgust. “What is that?”

“A mongrel,” Elwood replied with distaste. “It’s a creature comprised of other race physically - an abomination of nature itself. I don’t know who would do this to the poor souls.”

“Physically? As in someone pasted together parts of other races to create this thing?” Anwar asked for confirmation, staring at the large creature with pity.

“Yes,” Elwood muttered, gritting her teeth and clenching her fists.

“So.. how do we defeat it?” asked Anwar. “I’m pretty sure it won’t let me leave.” The creature slowly hobbled over to the two, who backed away.

“Well, you see… you have to find its heart.”

“Oh? That’s it-?”

“Heart as in weak spot. Mongrels don’t own hearts, they’re spurred to live on by a constant force of mana feeding them. Each Mongrel has a different weak point,” Elwood clarified.




“So, is there any way I can escap-”

“GRAAAAH!” The Mongrel roared and proceeded to chest-thump. Yes, chest-thump. He charged forward at Anwar, who narrowly dodged his punch.

“WAAAH. WHAT DO I DO?” Anwar yelled, running circles around the beast.

“Well, I suggest you stop doing that and run properly,” Elwood snorted.

“CAN’T YOU DO SOMETHING?!” Anwar ran straight towards the fence, which was quite a distance away.

“Hm.. it took quite a lot of mana for me to.. well, awake yours. So, physically, no - I cannot help you,” Elwood shook her head.

“WHAT KIND OF GODDESS ARE YOU- WAH!” Another narrow dodge to the Mongrel’s rash and random attacks. The Mongrel twirled around, raising both of his arms, trying to hit something - anything.

“Tch, I can’t think. The damn Mongrel is pissing me off, the more I look at it…” Elwood glared at the Mongrel, who proceeded to chest-thump again. She placed a finger on her chin and began to think of possible situations. Meanwhile, the Mongrel and Anwar ran around her.

“Oh! I know!” Elwood shouted in revelation. She pounded the bottom side of her fist onto her palm.

“What-” pant “-is it?” Anwar asked, gasping for air, as he soon began to tire out.

“I can analyze its body and tell you where its heart is,” Elwood grinned. “Unfortunately it’ll take me ten more minutes, so hang in there~!”

“Anything! Just do anything!”

Elwood smiled and let out a small giggle. She closed her eyes and small plants popped out of the ground, they formed a field of clover in the midst of the dark dirt that surrounded it. The clovers turned a light blue color and a small flame-like essence surrounded it.

“Alright, I need you to push him into this,” Elwood gestured to the small patch of hell.

“A-and how do I do that…?” Anwar slowed down since the past ten minutes, but so did the Mongrel, who still spun around stupidly.

“Kind of what you did with that elf- the male one.”

“K-kick him?” Anwar eyed the Mongrel, who licked its lips and growled at him. “Yeah, alright.” Anwar ran towards the small patch, the Mongrel trailing behind him.

Everything went well, Anwar ran towards the patch, the Mongrel chased him. However, Anwar made a mistake and well… tripped. He fell into the small patch of hell.


“Idiot, stop. It won’t work until I activate it, so hurry up and move over before I do so on purpose,” Elwood scoffed.


However, it was too late, a large shadow loomed over Anwar’s body. The Mongrel was in arms-distance range to Anwar and it knew it. He.. or she… licked its lips and leaned forward to attack Anwar.

OH, GOD. Anwar rolled over in fear and kicked the Mongrel into the patch of grass.

Without skipping a beat, Elwood snapped her fingers and the patch of hell burst into flames and consumed the Mongrel - killing it slowly. Anwar twitched as he heard its small yells of pain.

“Wait. Hang on a second… You said that you were only able to analyze- ...Did you lie?”

“Oops. I got caught,” Elwood winked uncharacteristically.

“...Satan’s spawn.”

“How rude!” Elwood pouted - again - uncharacteristically.

“No, just…” Anwar let out a breath of air, “why do you still breathe?”

“It’s a bodily func-”

“WHOA!” Anwar yelled out in surprise, a small blue screen (of death) appeared in front of him.

Metamagic (Beginner) Learned!

“What is this?” Anwar asked, showing Elwood the screen.

“Ah… that’s your first gift,” Elwood clapped. “Good job,” she said dryly.

How do I find out what it does? Anwar thought, frowning at the screen. He tried stomping on it with his hoof, but it created a small crinkle before fixing itself again - within two seconds.

“Status!” he yelled, but nothing happened.

“Pfft- this isn’t some novel,” Elwood snorted. “Try thinking ‘info,’ instead.”

“Oh…” Anwar’s face turned a slight pink, “info!”

Can adjust or change properties of magic and items to a certain (minimal)* amount.

*Color, name, etc.

Anwar frowned. Nothing much, he noted. It was cool he could change or adjust magic or item properties, however, as it stated, it was only to a minimal amount.

“Right now, it’ll be useless,” Elwood said. “However, it has the potential to be something great.”

“R-really?” Anwar looked hopeful.

“HAHA, what do I look like to you? The God of Future?” Elwood laughed. “Hell if I know!”

“...Why are you even alive.”


Stellar's Box

Another small chapter, apologies! Howeeeeverrrrr, FIRST GIFT OMG WHAT. NOWAY.

Tell me what you think about it! Is it a good idea/bad idea? What are the potentials of it, etc. ;)

Also, side note, didn't want to make MC too OP during his early stages - he's SUUUUPERRR nerfed. Super.

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