《Re: Heroes' Mount》Chapter 2: Anwar the Legendary Steed


Chapter 2: Anwar the Legendary Steed

A few days has passed since Seth died in the human world and reincarnated into a new one. He finds himself able to run around easily now, and live a life full of peace and love (from the strange elf and his mother, whom he can’t communicate very well with).

I wonder if there’s a horse language, Seth thought to himself, galloping around like the mighty steed he was. For a horse, he was pretty handsome. In fact, all of the female foals liked nipping and licking him. Unless they thought he was delicious, then that was a problem itself.

“[email protected]^%&!” The elf hollered, gesturing Seth to come to him. Seth huffed and ignored the elf. He still felt bitter about the incident. I mean, yeah he loves new experiences, but that was a line that shouldn’t have been crossed… ever.

Seth sighed, he knew it was going to happen someday… or in a few hours after birth. He galloped over to his caretaker, who rubbed his head affectionately.

“Don’t touch me,” Seth said, albeit it came out as a neigh.

“@*[email protected]!#$,” the elf laughed and smiled at him. Seth glared and stared at the hand that was rubbing him. Then, in a split second, he bit it.

Yep, he bit the elf’s hand.

HAHA, how do you feel about that?! Seth laughed victoriously as the elf screamed and yelled things. A female elf came running over and pulled Seth’s mouth open. She then yelled things at the male elf and rubbed Seth’s head.

Animals sure get it lucky, Seth snickered, galloping away from the two.

The animals on this farm were given a lot of freedom. They were allowed to graze and run around the field until the edge of the forest, which was pretty far from the farm. However, that was the destination Seth intended to go to.

As he neared the fences blocking him from the forest, Seth examined the forest behind it. It was dark and hauntingly scary. However, being the dare devil, he jumped the gate.

They must think we’re stupid, Seth thought, landing gracefully on the other side. Then again, I have a human mentality.


Seth walked around, still near the fences. He knew it was dangerous to stray away, but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t want to reincarnate into a world with elves stuck on a farm for the rest of his life. That wasn’t his motto.

I wonder what the forest looks like deeper inside? Seth thought, eyeing the forest. He then turned to stare at the farm, which looked like a H*rseland haven. Seth turned away from the farm and galloped into the darkness of the woods.

See? Not so bad, Seth thought to himself, growing increasingly nervous. From time to time, he could make stupid decisions that he’ll pretend to be alright about, despite regretting it. Like now.

Currently, our legendary steed is lost in the dark forest filled with magical creatures and other dangerous entities. Not only that, but he was sure he would be cannon fodder in this forest, with his white hair making him easily visible, and his weak legs being unable to carry him anywhere fast.

La, la, la, la~, Seth sang to himself, shutting his eyes closed and blindly running about in the forest. If I can’t see you, you can’t see me, he hummed even more to distract himself from his own stupidity.

He jumped in the air and felt himself glide through it, Seth opened his eyes to find himself inbetween something… or well, two somethings and a laser beam. To the right of his mighty, gliding self is a small rabbit cornered and stuck inbetween trees. To the left of him was a magical predator who just shot a beam at the rabbit, and is now heading directly for Seth.

Not again, Seth groaned.

He felt the beam hit him and slam him against the tree, just above the terrified rabbit who took this moment to run away. This bastard, Seth cursed, watching the rabbit run away. Who, seconds later, was taken by a different predator.

Good, he said smugly.

Meanwhile, the predator eyed Seth with desire and hunger evident in its eyes. Seth sighed, it looks like he about to die once again. He shut his eyes and waited for the eventual. However, moments later, he still felt nothing.

Seth opened his eyes to see the creature on the ground, dead. A beautiful lady with long, green hair tied in a loose braid, brown eyes, and milky white skin. On her right hand was a white flame - at least, that’s what it looked like.


“You,” the woman said, her voice like whispers. “Are very kind…”

Wait, I can understand her? … Wait, what is she talking abou-

“You risked your life for a creature whose life is seen to be insignificant compared to yours, it’s a pity he died in the end,” the woman sighed.

Wait, what?

“I am Elwood, Goddess of Nature,” she said. “Your kindness is much needed for in this forest and in this world. As gratitude, I grant you the ability to use mana.” She walked up to him and bent down.

Seth sighed, living a life as a virgin until he was in his young 40’s ruined his sex drive. He feels no desire to either gender, although he knows an attractive person when he sees one, he has no desire to court them.

Elwood raised her hand and blew a kiss at him, well… not a kiss. She blew a substance into him. A blue-tinted wind surrounded his body. It felt cool to touch and was nice in this hot weather. Just like mint, Seth commented. Then he began to burn all over.


“Do not fret, young one,” she interrupted, smiling as if she were actually doing something nice to him. He glared at her. “This will only hurt… for a few hours.”


Seth panted, “you-!” He yelled. “Wait, what?”

Elwood smiled, “as a divine beast, you will now be able to communicate telepathically with others. Ah, young one, be careful not to talk in front of others easily.” Then Elwood left him, alone in the forest, confused about what happened.

He laughed, “this… this world as magic? And I was granted with the ability to use it?” He laughed even harder. This was possibly the most exciting thing to ever occur to him in 43 years, not including the day he was born.

It pretty exciting knowing there was magic. D*sney can’t compare, Seth laughed, then wondered what D*sney was.

Then, how do I use it? Seth pondered, he tried to recall his past life and what he could remember about magic. Many vague thoughts filled his mind, some were about gathering mana around you, others were about meditating…

“Young one,” Elwood said, appearing in front of him once again.

He neighed out in surprise. (a/n: Yay for puns -wink wink-)

She sighed, “to use mana, you must first find it. If you sat down and concentrated on searching for this feeling-” she blasted the blue-wind rudely in front of his face. “-you’ll be able to use mana.”

“R-right,” Seth muttered, and she disappeared again.

Seth got up and began to wander around, he wondered how he would be able to get home. He wandered around for hours, as the day already passed and it was morning again. He began to feel sleepy, when suddenly a voice interrupted him.

“Anwar! There you are!” a voice yelled, Seth turned to face the source of it. It was the male elf of the farm. “I’ve been looking all over for you,” he sighed. “Let’s get you home.”

Who’s Anwar? Seth thought to himself. He deduced that it must be his name in this world. Sounds pretty cool, Seth nodded. For finding me, I’ll forgive you.

And so, from that moment on, Anwar came into existence. The name of the legendary steed that no one will know of, Anwar thought to himself. Yep, just another light novel-esque story.


Stellar's Box

Heelllloooo, thanks for reading! Remember to comment and give me feedback!

Soz for another short chappie, but once I get more into the plot, it'll -probably- get longer. Also, italics = his internal dialogue/thoughts, for those of you who don't know.

Side Note: So this morning I woke up to see a 1/2 star on my story, and then I thought, "This person must hate horses. LOL." Oops. Oh, well. Trolls will be trolls, kind of sucks now that it happened to me. (I sympathize with those that it happened to now).


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