《Re: Heroes' Mount》Chapter 1: Life as a... What?


Chapter 1: Life as a… What?

Like any other middle-aged man, Seth Butler worked. A lot. In fact, he barely had time for himself, except for a few secret pleasures he kept hidden in his desk at work. Yes, at work. He probably never leaves work until they tell him to leave (which is mostly midnight). Why, you ask? It was simple.

Seth Butler was a middle-aged, balding, slightly chubby man who was indefinitely single. He had no one to return to at home, except for several action figurines he bought when he was younger, more fit - still ugly, though.

However, his outward appearance has never stopped him from trying online dating sites or finding his soulmate - which he now doubts is alive… or ever lived, for that matter. His hypothesis was that God allowed him to be born single in order to become a priest - an opportunity or job he never felt inclined to. An odd hypothesis.

Then again, many churches are lifting their ban on priests marrying. He highly doubted he would get married then.

If he thought hard about it, he realized he didn’t need a woman in his life. He could cook for himself, pay the bills, and have an entire house (that was spacious) to himself. Also, he wouldn’t have to worry about having kids.

In the first place, if he did have a child, he was sure his aesthetically pleasing face would overwrite his wife’s genes. Did you catch the sarcasm? Sometimes he joked to himself that he would donate his seed, just to see what the child would look like.

Anyway, back on track.

After they tell him to leave work already, Seth would walk home - his mother told him to. She grounded him from his car until he lost weight. He didn’t understand how she had such an influence on his life, even after living by himself, yet he still followed her orders. His co-workers often teased him for being a “mommy’s boy.” But he couldn’t help it. Who doesn’t love their own mother?

She did go through a hell of a lot just to give birth to him, and he wouldn’t give an attitude about it.


“Hmm, hmm,” Seth hummed to himself, skipping home - the fat on his stomach highlighted by the moonlight, it bounced up and down. He skipped down the road and onto the crosswalk only to land on his foot wrong, a stabbing pain was felt. “Oof,” Seth grunted, as he fell face-forward to the ground.

He frowned, sitting up, I might’ve sprained it. He rolled his ankle around and stopped when he felt a sharp pain. He sighed and thought of how far he had to go. I might as well call a taxi, he sighed again.

Seth cursed and got up, limping to the other side of the crosswalk.

“I swear,” he muttered. From now on, I’ll just drive home and tell mom I’ll workout at the gym, which he doubted he’ll actually do. He’ll probably walk in and hide in the locker rooms for a certain amount of time - if they’ll even let him do that.

He slowly staggered to the other side of the crosswalk, not even halfway there yet. Unfortunately for Seth, at nights, he tends to become careless and stops sweating the small details, this includes reports, conversations, and… well, traffic lights.


A light blinded Seth’s vision, he frowned and turned to where the source was coming from, uttering out his last words, “is it morning?”


Seth opened his eyes, only to be surrounded by pure darkness. He couldn’t see, hear, or feel anything.

Did the world just end? He wondered to himself, sitting around for who knows how long.

Then, like a vacuum, he felt something pull him towards a light - a small force pushing him forward. The light became brighter, and brighter, and brighter, and brighter, and finally he stopped. Awkwardly.

He felt the tip of his nose emerge from something, as he could feel the wind brush it, then, slowly, he felt the same push - his head and the top his body emerging into the brightness. Then it stopped again.

Around him, he saw a farm-like setting. Although he couldn’t see very quickly, as a blanket-like substance was covering his view. Seth tried moving around, but his body felt weak and barely moved. He noticed he couldn’t feel certain parts of his body, like his hands.


What is going on? He wondered, trying to look down. He felt the same push and finally the rest of his body emerged - slowly.

“@!%^*,” a voice said, Seth looked towards the voice and saw another human. Wait, no. That wasn’t a human. A humanoid grinned at him, his blonde hair was long and he wore a brown, leather vest, brown trousers, and black boots.

Also, Seth noticed this humanoid had strange ears - pointed ears, to be exact.

What kind of dream is this?! Seth gaped at the elf’s ears. Elves really are beautiful. I could go gay for this guy!

“Where am I?” Seth wanted to ask, but when he opened his mouth, he realized he couldn’t speak very well. He frowned.

He then felt something nipping and licking at him, he turned to see who it was. A horse. A freaking horse.

“What is this? Get off of me!” He tried yelling, but to no avail - it only sounded like small yelps. The strong, white horse continued to lick at him. Finally, he saw something shiny that caught his eye.

Behind the man was a small mirror. Seth noticed another horse - a horse he didn’t see around him. Seth tried to turn around and see where it was, but saw no one.

It can’t be… can it? Seth turned to face the mirror nervously. He tilted his head to the right, only to have the white foal follow him. He tilted his head to the left, once again, the horse tilted his head to mirror him.

He noticed, after a while, that he could feel his surroundings. The rough hay beneath him, the ticklish tongue licking and nipping at him, as well as the morning air breezing through the barn - gently touching his skin.

Did I die? He paused. Was that bright light a car? It was all fairly possible. At night, he becomes very careless and tends not to sweat the small stuff, whether it’s reports to a traffic light. He groaned and then remembered something very important.

Seth’s mind flooded with thoughts about his mother, father, his older brother, and his two younger siblings. However, oddly enough, he couldn’t recall their names, faces, ages, or any other details about them. He only knew they existed.

He recalled that he loved comic books, anime, and manga, yet he couldn’t remember what he read or what they looked like or any of his favorite quotes that he knew he had.

Oh, God… Seth whimpered, crying - albeit no tears fell, as it was scientifically impossible for them to. His new mother noticed something wrong and started licking his face.

“[email protected]$?” The elf said, frowning. Seth then realized that as a foal, he should start standing up. At least that’s what he thought.

While mourning for his own death, Seth struggled to stand up - falling quite a few times. He didn’t know how much time has passed until he could finally stand up, legs trembling.

The elf smiled proudly, saying a few words. Then he sat down, watching Seth with anticipation.

What now? He thought to himself. What do horses do after standing up?

His stomach grumbling answered his question. Oh, no… he thought, staring at his mother who was readying herself to nurse him.


Seth cursed, glaring at the elf, I’ll get you back for this.

And so, Seth was nursed consciously for the very first time… by a horse.


Stellar's Box

Hellooooo, this is a side story to my main story Spirit. HOWEVER, FRET NOT, I WILL UPDATE THIS REGULARLY, TOO.

Please comment/give me your feedback. Also, I'm looking for any suggestions for the name - sooooo do that too. :) Yep, thanks

ALSO, sorry for the short chappie, but since it's the first chapter I kind of thought it'd be a-okay to do this. I'll try to make them longer, but no promises.

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