《Rebirth of the undead》Chapter 6 : First day at school


I wake up full of energy. Today is my first day at school !

I began to prepare myself, putting on the uniform mother had prepared for me, eat my breakfast while mother drink her coffee. My father is still sleeping.

"Nervous ? asked my mom."

"A little, I replied with my childish little voice."

And it was truth, I was nervous. I was full of enthusiasm and optimism but I couldn’t stop myself from doubting at the same time. Will I be able to make new friend ? Will I stand too much ? How do I have to interact with everyone ? What happen when I make a mistake ? What if I scare the others with my looks ? I read that more than 70 % of the communication was non-verbal but will I be able to read these signs ? I was pretty outcast while I was a lich and my behavior and personality had been forged into something cold and I could become violent fast if I didn’t get what I wanted at that time. It’s better know with mother and this new body but I still feel the pull toward it sometimes.

Then even if all was good at the beginning, there was the question of the integration. Will I be able to integrate myself with the other ? I thought I could because I was a child myself and a part of my mind process was affected by it. Nonetheless I was a undead of more than 500 years old at the core without even mentioning my own knowledge and wisdom. All this will influence who I am and how the other perceive me.

Even so, I will do my best to make friends while staying true to myself. I was eager to depart. Mother will come with me today because it was the first day but after I will have to go and come back by myself. The school was not too far and I could go at feet without much problem. I don’t know the distance but we tried with mother one time before and we needed around fifteen-twenty minutes to get there while walking quietly. So if I pushed my speed to maximum I would need around five minute probably ? or ten if I use just enough speed to not injure myself. I was optimist to break trough to the next stage within a few months. And if nothing went wrong I will step into the Martial artist stage before my eight year. I was not too sure about the second circle but it will probably be before that ? Around seven year I suspect.


Twenty minutes later we were outside on our way to school. I was entering first year in primary school. The educational system was separated in three. Six years of primary school from six years old to twelve. Six years of secondary school to eighteen years old and finally the higher education with college. Schooling was mandatory until eighteen years old. I couldn’t understand why because you lost a lot of years into things you would not do and you could have learned better if you were taken as apprentice somewhere but I learned that there was no more apprenticeship like we had in my old world. Maybe I was biased but I really couldn’t understand why this way was better. It didn’t even provide better chance for the poor because their were difference between the level of education provided by different schools. I get that education was important but I found that they used to much time for what they call general knowledge which most adult forgot if I searched correctly… Really depressing.

Whatever… I was not here to comment or change what I found absurd in this world because if so I would probably die of old age before I succeeded… and I planned to become an immortal…

We arrived at school in advance and I began to take my surrounding. I had come before but never had I actually enter the school so everything was new. We were currently in so sort of playground crowded by many schoolchildren and theirs parents for the younger. I imagine that the one with parents were those that entered in first year like me. I began to look around, watching everyone conduct and interactions. Well… it was overwhelming and I was so glad to have mother to rely on right now. Yep for the first time I really used my mother as a pillar, me, a being at least twenty time older than her. The though made me blush but what could I do ?

A bell rang announcing it was the start of school. I looked one last time at my mother and walked with the group of first year. Looking around I saw that everyone was lined up in what seemed the year and class. Everyone except our group was in front of one teacher silently waiting instruction. Everything was so orderly.


I waited nervously with the others toddlers while one class at a time entered the school, the children still in line.

"Hello, I’m Mr. Parker and your new teacher for this year. I hope we can get along well. Now follow me and I will show you our class."

We followed calmly but with little noise. A lot of children were discussing and I wanted to join one group but I just didn’t know how. I couldn’t just walk in, could I ? Or maybe I could ? It was so frustrating ! I began to ressent a little mother for preventing me to go to preschool. Signing, I just followed the teacher within the group while at the same time feeling outcast.

After some corridor and turns, we walked in a large room with enough desk for all of us. We were not a lot, maybe 25 ? I began to count and we were in fact 22.

"Please take a seat everyone, I will explain everything now"

All of us were sitting in less than five minutes and I was strangely relieved, like I finally took place in this class.

"First I will welcome everyone of you for this first year at Silvermist School. Like I told you, I’m Mr. Parker and I’m 32 and will be your teacher this year. This classroom is where we will pass all our time except during the breaks."

"There will be one break at 10h00 of 15 minutes in the little yard you can see through the windows"

I turned my attention into the yard and it was square of concrete with some games nailed into the ground. There was also two goals on either side of the it to play football.

" One big break at 12h00 for dinner, I will escort you to the canteen to eat. You can either bring something to eat from home or buy from the school with your tag."

He then showed us some round piece of plastic. I guess that is the tag he just talked about, I probably work like a bank card but only usable at the canteen.

"We will eat for 30 minutes after everyone is seated before coming back here where you can play outside for another one hour."

"And the last break will be at 15h00 for only 10 minutes. I know that you don’t know how to read a clock yet but that will not be a problem because I will call you every time."

"For the class arrangement I will choose your seat myself."

The class began to stir and protest a little but the teacher directly lifted his arm to invoke silence.

"It is my decision but we will change seat every report so you will not stay at the same place all year."

"Finally, I will ask you everyday to bring the material of the next day, so you don’t have to take everything. I will now distribute the class diary to everyone. I will write every time if there is a homework to do so that you parents can help you check."

The first two hours passed like that, Mr. Parken explaining the rules, the tasks, etc. I didn’t know if it was really the best way to begin the year. I mean we are children, rules so strict are definitively something we are not used to and he didn’t seem too child friendly to me either. I don’t know, I had the idea that a teacher will be closer to a mentor and a friend. Right now my impression was far from that, cold and professional, like we were some kind of materials to be shaped under his tutelage. All in all my first impression was not really good.

At 10h00, he announced that the first break will begin and opened a little door leading to the yard. There was two doors in the classroom, one leading to the yard outside for our breaks, and the second was the one that lead to the rest of the school and by which we entered.

And again I didn’t know what to do. I followed the other kids who were screaming with enthusiasm and exploring this new territory. Just when I begin to wonder what I was supposed to do, I heard, "Why do you wear these glasses ?"

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