《Rebirth of the undead》Chapter 4 : Cultivating for the first time


I didn’t really understand why we had to celebrate my birthday. I mean, I was literally one years older and that’s it. We didn’t even live in a dangerous zone to be happy to live one more year no we were just happy because one year passed, same thing with their strange party of the new year. But it’s not because I didn’t understand that I couldn’t enjoy it. So I passed the day with my family, laughing and smiling all day. We had extra activities, played more games than usual. I think they wanted to do the same at my first birthday anniversary but couldn’t because I was too little. I didn’t even walk at that time after all, hard to come by with something interesting when the main character can’t move or speak…

Finally, after several hours of entertainment, I was put to sleep after a little story about some house made of sugars and candies which I though pretty dumb. It was not the least bit tough enough to survive the weather, even more so if it rained… I get it that it was for the moral and everything but couldn’t they came up with something at least a bit realistic ? I mean who in their right mind would try something like that to attract kids, scratch that, what kid in the world would adventure by themselves in the middle of a forest and think it would be a good idea to enter a strange and creepy house made of sugar ?

But even so the story was entertaining, even if I only listened to it to know what absurd idea the author would come up next. And if i’m honest, I also enjoyed it because I could cuddle happily in my mother arms.

After the story ended, my mother left my room to let me sleep like usual. But tonight will not be like usual because I will start cultivating and slowly accumulate mana in my body to form the second circle. Normally speaking, one would need to form the first before the second but because I managed to link the both of them, the heavenly circuit of cultivation was equivalent to the first mage circle, so when I would have unlocked it, I will immediately became a first circle mage.

So the first circle will be easy to get but I knew that the following one will not. I would need to form a complete new heavenly circuit parallel to the first one and when I formed it, I would need to open it like the first one to use it and if i’m not wrong this step will became harder and harder every time. I kinda was hoping to stumble on some rare pills or herb to help me pass those bottleneck.


So I started to cultivate on my bed with my legs crossed and I discovered a little problem. With a frown, I paid attention to the mana and primordial qi of Heaven and Earth for the first time since my arrival. I sensed them before so I paid no attention to them because I had no use of them. I knew they where there so it was sufficient for me. But I didn’t even though of the possibility that both of them would be so scarce. The concentration of either of them was dozens if not hundreds of time stronger on my previous world !

Well… that explained why I didn’t cross any mage or cultivator the rare time I saw someone. I was not stupid enough to think that there would not be any of them here but I was pretty sure that they hide themselves. I wasn’t sure if I preferred that. At least if I knew who these people were, I would know their level and who to avoid but now I will have to guess and be careful. I don’t think that there would be someone stronger than a Five circle mage or a Nascent soul cultivator, maybe someone would be able to cross the next stage with extraordinary background and several fortune encounter. I guess that is good for me because even if I have the same problem at finding ressources for both the mana and qi cultivation, I would have way more experience than them in everything.

I tried to circulate the qi and mana using the my cultivation technique, rapidly freeing my heavenly circuit. The processus was more painful than I imagined. I was a stranger to the pain, even if I had a strong mental. I didn’t hurt myself to much until know because I had a pretty good control over my body because even if controlling muscle was not the same as controlling a dead body, both were pretty close fundamentally, the latter probably more complicated than the first.

I knew that I had to push trough and that it was normal so I just stubbornly continued. After a few hours, in the middle of the night, I succeed in unlocking and circulating for the first time a complete circle. I could feel my body becoming stronger and the mana more easier to manipulate. I was elated !


After a few minutes of rejoicing, I started cultivating again. Directing the flow to strengthen my blood vessel and arteries without forgetting the other body fluid like the lymph. I could feel myself energized as if my blood was more efficient. I had chosen the type of cultivation that mainly focus on the body because I already had magic for the rest so my effort in cultivation were especially strong. I didn’t know if it was because of the cultivation method or because of the breakthrough but I was not the least bit tired even if I was pretty sure that it was the breakthrough.

The night passed quietly and I was eager to test a little of this brand new power. But I couldn’t do that when my parents were awake and I will have to be quiet to not attract attention so I was not allowed to really try. Fortunately, I had already though a few test I could do in my room that wouldn’t make too much noise. Nothing extravagant or precise, just enough to give me a general idea.

About one hour before my mother wake up to drink her coffee, I stood from my bed and get up. I then grabbed my bed made of wood and tried to lift it up. I could feel all my body protest and was sure that if I continued I would cause some minor damage if I continued, I had yet to strengthen every part of my body and just unlocked the possibility to use more power without carrying for the consequences.

But even if I used all my new strength without care for the damage, I wouldn’t have been able to raise it more than a few centimeters. A bit disappointed, I rapidly scolded myself for my own greed. I had yet to truly cultivate, it was my first time, I was nothing but a baby and yet I wanted to be all powerful already… laughable.

After trying the bed, I went to the small desk in my room and tried the same experience with the chair. This time I succeeded without much problem even if it was a little painful. I was not sure of the weight of either but if I had to estimate it but if I had to I would estimate the chair to be around 3 or 4 kg and the bed around 20. So my strength was around 3 kg in average and I could go up to around 15 ? Maybe ?

I tried some other things like the flexibility of my body or the speed I could hit. Unfortunately, I couldn’t really try my running speed in a small room… Even so, the results were a lot better than I expected them. My body had become so much more flexible, probably had something to do with the fact that I was a female and my speed was already pretty good if I had to say so. Sadly I had not good comparaison for it like I had for my strength.

However I memorized everything I could to use it the next times. I would then be able to sense my inner enhancement without having to physically test everything like this time. I just need around four or five more measure and be done for it. Just enough to finish the Body tempering part.

I was about to begin my magic tests when I heard a door open. I checked the time with the stars, not having a clock in my room yet, I was astonished to see that more than one hour already passed. The following tests would have to wait. I immediately jumped into my bed the more silently I could and try to fall asleep. My mother would come in two hours to wake me up and I didn’t want her to suspect something. I was after all a pretty bad actor, I could lie without much problem but my acting skills were severely lacking, maybe because of a lack of social interactions ? Don’t know…

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