《Rebirth of the undead》Chapter 2 : Knowledge


A few months passed by and I was beginning to understand what my parents talked. Not that it was really interesting but I could at least comprehend. I learned a few important things.

Firstly I was pretty sure I was on a totally different world right now. The technology of this world was so much more advanced than my previous one, I couldn’t stop myself from been amazed half the time. Luckily I was a baby and it was apparently not a strange behavior.

I had not already confirmed that there was no magic but by the conversation and all I could learn I think that there is not magical means in this world. So I will probably have to be careful, I couldn’t begin to cast spells everywhere I wanted to, not before I was strong enough to defend myself and the people I loved or more precisely my mother. I don’t know why but I couldn’t love my dad, something about him just feel wrong to me but I had not enough relationship to know exactly what was happening. I just knew that my guts told me to be careful and I was careful around him.

Secondly we were pretty poor. Not really poor, we were living well without much problem but we had to be careful not to buy something expensive and couldn’t do whatever we wanted. My father worked a lot but I guess it was not enough because I heard them often argue about that. We lived in a house with two and a half rooms but there was a garden. The humans on this world were pretty strange, delimiting everything everywhere. I couldn’t really understand why our garden was separated by the others but some sort of strange metallic strings. It was not like it was completely transparent… so it was not for privacy or other. I really couldn’t get it. But we had a pretty garden where my mother would often take me when there was no one and we would stay there, enjoying our time.

A lot a noise where often heard but I got used to it over time, even night was not silent. There was always the sounds of what they call cars and trucks or the strange buzz coming from all the different box in the house made of some material I don’t know. I think they called it plastic or caoutchouc but I’m not certain they talked about the same think.

And finally, I was strange for humans. More precisely my eyes. They were completely black, iris and sclera comprised. I looked at me one time in a mirror and I well… I get why it would be disturbing. I had never saw any living being in my previous life with such black eyes. They reminded me more of some unnatural creature of the darkness than anything else. I also had perfect night vision, contrary to my mother and if I’m not wrong, every other human specimen. My hair were a little better but not by a lot. They were completely white, not the like of the albinos, but a more pure white that remind me of the snow and the ice. I liked them pretty much.


And for all these reasons, my mother never took me outside. Well even if I was curious I had no problem to wait for more time. I still had to begin to speak and even to strengthen myself. I had though about what to do about myself and I revised everything I knew and read. So I created a brand new technique for myself. There were a few perk to be an extremely powerful lich with a knowledge complex and a genius mind. I didn’t really know how to name this technique, if technique is even correct to call it… It was a strange mix between cultivation, magic and soul renforcement.

I had previously access to pretty much everything valuable before my death by treachery. I would often trade if I could but I had sometime take some books or knowledge by force, maybe one of the cause of my bad reputation now that I think about it ? Well the past is the past. So the best cultivation technique, the best magics and souls research had been read and memorized by me. I had a perfect memory which is extremely convenient by the way. I had knowledge about alchemy, forging, enchanting and what not. The only bad point is I think the biology. I have a pretty good anatomy knowledge of the human specie and my medical competence are from what I heard pretty high if not heaven-defying in this world because of the cultivator, these maniac battle junkies. But the biology is completely different. I had no access to anything useful or even remotely learnable but I knew that I was far. And the simple fact that the biology was in advance was a proof that I had a least something intéressant to learn and probably more. I couldn’t accept the biology being the unique science like they call it where I knew little to none.

So using all I could I made a mix in between everything and self created something that would able me to become strong again, and far far more stronger than before. I was still not sure if I would be able to become immortal again but I though so. The method was divided three part echoing each others.

The cultivation part which was divided in nine part for now. Each part for a cultivation stage. In this order : Body tempering, Martial artist, Core formation, Nascent soul, Saint order, Mortal shattering, Demi-god creation, God ascending, Primordial being.

Each symbolized something in particular and are divided again specifically. For exemple the body tempering part which I will soon begin to practice was separated in two part, inner part and outer part, and even then it was again divided. I would so have to first temper my blood and body fluid, then my organ, and finally my bone marrow for the inner part. For the outer part, I would have to start with the bones then the muscles and finish with the skin and nails.


The magical part was divided into ten circle. These circle were supposed to be around heart and provide help in the usage of spells. But I though it was not the best usage of it so I incorporated the circles in the heavenly circle used by the cultivation technique. So to say, I made the heavenly circle be the magic circle. I will have more problem advancing within them but the pro gained were so much more powerful. Firstly I would be able to use far more power than a mage at the same circle, sadly I would not be able to use spells of the second circle while I was I the first, but my first circle spells would be unrivaled and probably would be able to contempt with mages of the second circle, maybe even the third. Secondly with each new circle I would create I would be able to use it when cultivating like my own. For exemple I would be able to cultivate eight time faster than anyone else when I would be at the eight circle. The last circle is a bit of an exception, called not the ten circle but the primordial one and is in fact the fusion of the nine circle.

The soul part was not really divided because there was not really any bottleneck while improving so I named them by the soul power they provided, namely : mortal soul, immortal soul, divin soul, primordial soul. The mortal soul was pretty useless, providing only some benefice like the spiritual vision or the ability to see through lies. The immortal soul would able someone to affect the mind and soul of others via illusions, seduction or glamour for exemple. The divin soul would be able to manifest itself in reality but that was pretty much all. And finally the primordial soul was the ability to physically use the soul, be it to attack, kill, or catch something. Note than this as no relation with the aura of an individual.

The soul part of the technique will be use as a link between the mana and the qi, available it to combine. So my qi will be purified by mana and the mana will be purified by qi before semi merging together to be more powerful.

All of this combine would able me to be approximatively three time more powerful than someone of the same level, and each part are training the other two so it’s not like I have to choose between either of them, mostly only focusing on the slower one and all three of them will raise at the same time. And the slower one is probably the cultivation part. Well perhaps not but that will depend on the herb that could be found but the same could be said for the mana circle. The soul part will be the easiest because my soul was strong to begin with, just that my actual body is unable to stock it’s full power so it increase naturally with my growth of power.

Before my death I was at the strongest nine circle mage and could fight evenly with the highest of the god level cultivator. As for primordial being, there was none in the history. It is more of a legend stage than anything else, a stage powerful enough to break the rules of the universe and exactly the one I need if I want to return to that world to take revenge. Did I say that I really have taken my death by treachery really badly ?

I was currently listening to my mother when I suddenly spoke my first words.

— Mama !

I looked into my mother who had her eyes wide and smiled, I saw my mother rush to me and hug me tightly. It was warm, tender. I love hugs.

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