《Duality》Book 2 Chapter 13: First Feast (Part 3)


In a practiced manner, all of the servants began walking away from the hall in response to the sound.

At the center of the high table, an elderly man stood up from his chair, on his hand a spoon that he used to tap against a drinking glass. His long white beard reached as low as his chest. “Welcome to both new and returning students. To those who don’t know me yet, my name is Anwill Merrick, the Phoenix Academy’s headmaster. Tonight, on the 26th of Boreary, we celebrate the first feast for the academic year of 7,877 AU.” After the first wave of applause died down, he continued. “First of all, I wish to congratulate those who have assured their participation at the King’s Tourney...”

There was a new wave of applauses as ten students from almost every table rose to their feet. The exceptions were the red table where no one rose to their feet, and the violet one where twenty students, rather than ten, stood up. Notably, almost all of those standing up were nobles.

“...as well as those who will fight for the privilege of competing at the capital of the realm before His Royal Majesty.”

Another six students stood up, once again double that number for the violet table and none for the red one.

Jon looked towards the encyclopedia, namely Nevil, for clarification.

“At the end of the academic year, all students compete for a spot at the King’s Tourney. That’s why no one from our table stood up, because we’re all starting our first year. As for the seventh-year table, it’s tradition to extend the studies of those participating in their last tourney. So they may better prepare.”

Jon nodded in understanding.

Having congratulated the students, the headmaster then addressed the new students. “For those of you enrolling this year, know that the academy has a famous and established history, and so I expect you all to follow the rules. Regarding classes, you shall all receive the timetables tomorrow at the break of dawn. And as for the teachers, these are the men and women who will be responsible for your education this year. Berian Gethin will teach...”


The headmaster then went to introduce each of the almost twenty teachers in charge of the first-year students. Among them was the man and woman from the arena’s entrance. Cedrik and Willow Breckon were their names according to the headmaster’s introduction, and they taught dark and light spells respectively.

Still curious as to why two teachers from the academy were made to assess commoners, Jon once again asked Nevil.

“And from what I heard, they were both involved in some sort of explosion at the alchemy laboratory. No one was hurt, but thousands of crowns in ingredients and equipment were lost. Why the question, though? Have you seen them before?”

Jon nodded. “They were both posted at the arena’s side entrance during the Squire’s Tourney, assessing the participants and checking their qualifications. And they will also both be my teachers, from the look of it.”

“Damn, you’re so lucky,” Deon said. “I wish I had an affinity with the light element too.”

“Why?” Jon asked, already half-expecting that the nobleman’s reasons were far from noble.

Confirming Jon’s suspicions, Deon responded, “What do you mean, ‘why’? Look at her tits. I’ve seen milking cows with smaller udders than those. You make it sound like you didn’t notice.”

“I didn’t.” Jon didn’t even turn to check if Deon spoke the truth. Ogling his teacher was a terrible idea by itself, nevermind the fact that she could kill him with a snap of her fingers.

Ignoring Jon, Deon then asked Nevil, “By the way, what’s her relation to that other teacher by her side? The grumpy-looking one. They have the same last name, so are they married or related?”

Before Nevil could answer, Aeron butted in. “I thought you said you’d only adhere to courtesans from now on.”


“I did, but there’s nothing wrong in some healthy admiring. It’s fine as long as I’m not touching.”

“Impeccable logic,” Bella said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

While Deon was too preoccupied with leering at the teaching staff and downing goblets of wine, the headmaster finally finished the introductions.

“And lastly for the night, an announcement.” The headmaster gestured to his left, towards the motionless old woman. Surprising Jon, she opened both eyes in response. “After 187 years devoting herself to teaching magical theory at our academy, lady Binion is retiring. To assume her place, I’d like to introduce Sir Kerwin Dioman, a former student of our academy who shall now have the honor of teaching at the same institution where he once learned.”

A clean-shaven man dressed in green and yellow silks stood up and greeted the students in a soothing voice. The old woman, on the other hand, closed her eyes and continued to act like a statue.

Finally done with the announcements and introductions, the headmaster declared, “May the feast begin,” and sat back down.

Resembling an army of ants moving in an orderly fashion, hundreds of servants walked back into the hall carrying plates with all sorts of foods. Roasted beef, mutton and pork chops, mashed potatoes, bacon, chicken drumsticks; that was only what Jon could see in his immediate vicinity. In a matter of minutes, every single student had already been served.

Jon planned on continuing studying his book, but his stomach grumbled too loud for him to ignore. So instead, he did as his companions and ate as much as he could in preparation for the start of classes the next day.

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